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Sep-02-2011 13:44printcomments


If the Main-Stream Media was all we had to rely on, the First Amendment would quickly become little more than a joke and of little use...

America decline

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - According to an article titled “Bleak jobs report draws fire”, written by Kim Peterson, and Published by MSN today, September 2nd. 2011, the United States had zero job growth for the month of August. The article referred to this revelation as “Stunning News”.

What puzzles me is how anyone could be stunned by this news. For a little over three years, job growth in the United States has been in the toilet. George W. Bush did nothing to help this situation and Barack Obama has worked very hard to be a mirror image of George W. Bush and possibly even to surpass Bush’s ineptness. Bush had his wars for oil to spend hundreds of billions of our tax dollars on and Obama has focused on spending many hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to reward the banks that brought our economy to its knees and run our government behind the scenes.

Now that we are within spitting distance of the 2012 elections, every politician in the country is outraged about the horrible unemployment rate we have lived with for the last 3+ years. Those who have lost their homes and livelihoods will find it a bit more difficult to ignore the fact that these same politicians sat on their butts or spent their time courting re-election campaign contributions rather than working to stimulate job creation.

They are not likely to forget that a trillion dollars was set aside to bail the banks who financed their campaigns out and that those same banks all but froze the money supply and enjoyed higher prolonged foreclosure activity than at any time in our history. Those on Social Security are not likely to forget that this same President and this same Congress stopped the cost of living increase for Social Security recipients earning an average of $11,874.00 per year and then Congress voted themselves a $10,000.00 per year increase.

It amazes me how the Mainstream media can act as if this revelation is stunning. Where have they been for the last three years? Have they missed the fact that College savings accounts had to be spent on survival? Have they missed the fact that more jobs have been off-shored than at any time in the history of our country? Have they missed the fact that this perpetually high unemployment rate has pushed more U.S. citizens onto the Food Stamp rolls than ever before?

Have they missed the fact that more homes have been foreclosed on in the past 3 years than in the preceding 10 years? Have they missed the fact that our politicians have literally spent us into the first credit rating reduction in the history of our country?

What was the Main-Stream media paying attention to when the Politicians of both political parties put on a dog-and-pony show rather than truly work to cut the deficit and now that their bi-partisan plan has been put in place they continue to spend as fast as they did before the cut to our national credit rating? How do you miss these things... especially if your job is to report the news?

The only thing I find stunning about this article is that any intelligent human being could witness what has been going on in this country for the last three years and call the fact that zero net jobs being created in August was stunning news. If nothing makes you appreciate the existence of news outlets like, articles like the one this opinion piece references should.

Do you know what I would find stunning? I would find it stunning if the Mainstream media pushed the current administration to stop the propaganda machine and start providing every taxpayer and citizen with full and truthful reports. I would find it stunning if the Mainstream-Media fought to bring about a fairer tax code where corporations like GE and Exxon Mobile (both of which made hundreds of billions in profit last year) had to pay their fair share of taxes, as neither paid one cent in taxes.

Actually, both ended-up receiving huge government payouts made-up of our tax dollars. I would find it stunning if the Mainstream-Media reported honestly about what is going on in Palestine and on the war crimes perpetrated by Israel. I would find it stunning of the Mainstream Media grew a set and reported on who is really running both political parties in this country and, for that matter, the government.

A push for a serious investigation into the Bilderberg group would be stunning. A push for a complete and honest audit of the Federal Reserve by independent auditors would be stunning.

If the Main-Stream Media was all we had to rely on, the First Amendment would quickly become little more than a joke and of little use... but, that is just my opinion.

Writer Robert Collinsworth is an American who isn't hesitant to talk about the good side of his country, and that is a welcome thing in this day and age. admittedly, is very critical of both American politics, as well as those of other nations that we perceive is being wrong in their motives and actions. At the same time, within these structures we criticize, are many outstanding people who make each day a better place for all those around them. They embody and personify the American spirit that is sometimes fleeting, but always present.

These are some of the things Robert takes into account when writing commentary that is designed reach people, to "get them thinking" in his words, and indeed it does.'s goal is for all people to be on the same page, we appreciate Bob's more conservative approach toward that same goal."

You can write to Bob Collingsworth at this email address:

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Joedy September 3, 2011 5:37 am (Pacific time)

That is not the only joke the Government and the News puts out. Check the unemployed listings! They say unemployment is down this month, but what is really going on is that familys no-long can claim it. They are now fighting for food stamps and other help because there are no jobs!

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