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Oct-19-2010 18:10 ![]() ![]() Announcement: Independent American Progressives Council LaunchesM. Dennis Paul Salem-News.comWe, as a nation, are currently in a situation very similar to that which made progressive thinking and ideals so absolutely necessary.
(WINDSOR, N.H.) - My name is M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. I am a Counselor and Dispute Resolution Specialist (ADR Arbitration, Mediation & Facilitation). I am also a writer for I have been asked by several deeply concerned individuals to commit 2 years of my time in order to resurrect the Progressive Party originally formed in 1912. The United States has not had a genuine progressive party in nearly 70 years. The original Progressive Party came about as the result of a split in the Republican Party. In recent history, the closest we have come to something similar is a group of Democrats calling themselves "progressive". The original Progressive Party championed many ideals such as a National Health Service, Worker's Compensation and Social Insurance. For the time, these were truly progressive concepts. Over the years, we have come to take those programs that were established for granted. In the past year, we have seen the continued effort at establishing a National Health Service turned on its head with a disturbing construct passed into law. This bastardization of a legitimate social right came to us as a result of Democrats refusing to listen to the American people and, instead, rolling over to their corporate backers. The Republicans were simply determined to say "No" to any attempt at providing Americans with universal and affordable health care. Today, as has been the case for many years, the GOP attacks and seeks to undermine those other social programs such as Social Security and Worker's Compensation. In fact, the GOP and many Democrats have undermined most of the safeguards and programs designed to serve and protect the American worker in favor of their corporate backers. The result has been our most recent financial/economic debacle which has caused the loss of millions of jobs, foreclosure of millions of homes, destruction of hard earned retirement savings and an increase in poverty, homelessness and hunger. While blame can be placed on the Republicans for the creation of several illegal wars, it is both the GOP and Democrats who contribute to their continuation and expansion. These illegal wars have brought devastation to millions of innocent individuals and have cost taxpayers trillions of dollars. The only benefactors of these illegal wars are the corporations, who have abandoned American workers and families, and the politicians supported by them. We, as a nation, are currently in a situation very similar to that which made progressive thinking and ideals so absolutely necessary. Historically, both the Democrats and Republicans have been little more than errand boys for the greedy corporations and American workers and families have been lied to and used to their own detriment. The politicians will tell you their work averted a major depression and that the economy is on the upswing. America... this is just one more big lie. It does not take rocket science to see who is and is not benefitting from the "hard" work of the politicians from both parties. If we, as Americans, do not rise fully to this deceit and fraud, the worst is yet to come.
Why I Will Not Help Form Another PartyWhen this group of concerned individuals approached me for my time and effort, my first response was "America does not need another party... What it does need is a consensus recognition of progressive ideals, recognition of the rugged individualism that once set America apart from many other nations, and a means to offer realistic support to those rugged individuals willing to fight their way through the current mess of politics to genuinely take on the existing parties and resist their corporate influences in an effort to truly represent the wants and needs of the American people." The history of political parties in America is one of co-option and corruption. They might offer desirable ideas and ideals in their inception, however, they are very quickly corrupted by the "game" of politics as it has been played for generations. Too, people are easily swayed by talented professionals capable of rallying them around buzz words like "patriotism", "socialism", "communism", "death taxes", "free market", etc. Not knowing what many of these terms truly represent, people respond to the fear implied by their carefully crafted usage and rally to contradictory platforms and the parties promoting them. The most recent example of this is the "Tea Party" which, if examined, is a group of seriously confused individuals doing the leg work for corporations desiring only to further their own greedy designs at the expense of the American worker. Fringe parties have arisen throughout history and while many fail within a few years, some continue to exist with little or no influence on the government. Under a parliamentary system, they might have greater effect. We do not have that form of government in the US. Historically, many fringe candidates have been individuals either representing a fringe party or simply themselves and, sadly, have been individuals living on the fringe of reality. There are, however, many up and coming individuals who are choosing to run for office as "Independents". Some are progressive and some are not. They are simply individuals who are not willing to align themselves with the "values" of the established parties. Labeling oneself "Independent" does not insure against corruption. Once in office, the prevailing culture can quickly absorb an independent and "loosen" his/her values. It is also quite difficult to get support as an Independent. The reason for this is the absence of a mechanism which is set up for the specific purpose of lending support to independents. What I proposed to my friends is a Council of Independents who represent Progressive ideals and establish themselves as a mechanism for realistic support for these independent progressive candidates. The mechanism proposed (and now established) puts into place a number of safeguards designed to protect candidates from corrupting influence insuring that ideals stated in campaign remain intact once in office.
The Concept & My CommitmentThere are literally hundreds of "Progressive" organizations across America representing a wide variety of services and programs and promoting significant "Progressive" legislation. The concept for creation of the Independent American Progressives Council (IAPC) is to gather representation from all willing progressive organizations into a Council for the purpose of establishing a core set of ideals of which all future "Progressive" candidates for political office will be committed. This "core" will be the basis for a commitment of support from the Council. It will not prevent candidates from offering legislation outside the "core". Further, the willing IAPC member organizations will commit to raising capital, through fund-raising at grassroots level, for the IAPC general fund. The general fund will go both to supporting the elected workers of the IAPC and support of approved candidates. Candidates will not run for office as IAPC candidates. As Independent candidates, they may apply for IAPC grants. This is a simple concept for channeling grassroots funding to candidates in all 50 states. It is unrealistic to think that such an effort will generate sufficient funds to fully support the many candidates it is hoped will come forward as Progressives. What is realistic, is that IAPC will generate greater interest in progressive thinkers as candidates, interest in individuals coming forward as progressive candidates, and greater grassroots effort at promoting progressive candidates. With sufficient funding, IAPC will be able to generate media awareness of Progressive ideals in all 50 states, assist candidates in generating media attention for their campaigns and media support for legislation as Progressive candidates assume office. Over time, it is possible that IAPC might create its own publication and other "brand" media outlets. As the Council comes to fruition, it will act as a think tank and develop a concrete approach as to how it will operate. My commitment to formation of the Council will be to initially solicit funds and begin the process of invitation to form the actual Council. Once accomplished, my position will become one of representation to the media and facilitation for the Board. At the end of 2 years, the Board, at its discretion, may offer a contract for continuation in this capacity or terminate my commitment. What Are "Core" Principles?As an organization established to support Independent Progressive Candidates for public office, IAPC needs to employ a set of core principles by which it can establish trust in any individual seeking its support. Throughout US political history, individuals have designated themselves as "Progressive". In many ways, some of these individuals actually represented Progressive ideals and actively sought to pass these ideals through the legislative process. Some self-proclaimed "Progressives" have shown a limited degree of Progressive thinking in a few particular areas while being either status quo or even regressive in other areas. In recent years, particularly after the Twin Towers incident, many so-called progressives (Progressive Democrats) reacted politically, rather than intelligently and independently, by supporting illegal wars. Principle either never truly existed or was lost somehow. Years later, these same "progressives", once the wars became unpopular, back tracked and began to speak out against the war (even though some still voted support for continued funding). Some so-called progressives reacted to the financial crisis by going along with ill-conceived bail outs rather than acting intelligently and independently. Of course, many of them owe a great deal of their campaign finances to the corporations which were bailed out. There are even so-called progressives, such as Anthony Weiner, who actually support an apartheid regime (Israel) and would go so far in that support that they would seek to deny 1st Amendment rights to groups and individuals who speak out against that regime and its multiple abuses and violations of International Law. It is simply not enough that these individuals may have supported a single-payer health system similar to those employed in every industrial nation accept the US (later voting for the corporate friendly mess passed into law). IAPC finds that candidates who are willing to accept and seek funding from corporations who outsource jobs, are subsidized in doing so, are involved in shady and illegal dealings which cause irreparable harm to citizens, are incestuous within federal programs ostensibly established to serve the health and welfare of citizens and a host of other corruptions are not genuinely "progressive". For this reason, IAPC sets a standard, its core principles, that it expects will meet the approval of , and adherence by, candidates seeking support from IAPC. Being core principles, it is expected that all the listed criteria will be accepted.. not just one here and another there. Independent Progressive candidates may well adhere to more principles than warranted by IAPC and that is most laudable. To obtain recognition and support from IAPC, however, they cannot adhere to less. In fact, one condition of support from IAPC is that a candidate receiving any form of support from IAPC must sign an agreement which clearly provides, should they veer from the core principles at any time during their campaigns or during elected office, they become liable for return of all support granted and are black listed in all future campaigns. In this way, IAPC attempts to hold candidates to the highest standards insuring that the public gets the best possible representation. Why Help Us With Membership-Support-Donations and by Volunteering Your Time and EffortI cannot stress enough the importance of acting, and acting now, to address the current crisis in American politics. In spite of claims to the contrary by our President of "Hope" & "Change", America is now embroiled in 3 wars-- Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our government just failed in a coup attempt in South America and is posturing more military and clandestine operations there and in numerous other countries around the globe. Our government is supporting an apartheid regime subjecting Palestinians to daily abuse, death and destruction. Our President believes it is his right to order assassination of American citizens without charge, trial or conviction. While Americans are losing jobs, their homes and retirements, a result of decades of pandering to corporations and their rabid greed, our President and Representatives from both parties are telling us that handing more control and resources to the corporations will solve these crises. As these legislative gifts to corporations are effected, the corporations continue their pillage of our nation and demand still more from us. Rather than putting an end to unpaid wars that have no bearing on the defense of our nation, the government escalates them and they, the politicians, and their corporate bosses increase their wealth and diminish our already weak grasp on survival. Their answer to the costs is not to pull money from their own pockets but to take away our survival nets and hand them over to the corporations. Their response to an overwhelming desire of Americans to have universal single-payer health care is to hand more business to the insurance industry responsible for the health care debacle. Their response to the corruption of Wall St and the devastation it caused to our economy is to feed them more of our money and attempt to justify it with meaningless regulations. At a time when the average flesh and blood citizen can't get a fair shake, a corrupt Supreme Court declares that brick and mortar corporations are citizens with privileges and benefits untouchable by you and me. And as the brick and mortar of this nation's infrastructure ages and crumbles, our representatives order duct tape and chewing gum to "rebuild and repair". A major corporation dumps millions of gallons of both oil and corrosive contaminants in the gulf and lies about the amounts, the damages and the decades of loss, both economic and health wise. I am barely touching the surface of the catastrophe we and our children face. And while one party blames the other, the truth is both are responsible... and demonstrably so. The greed, avarice and corruption of the major corporations and their Democrat & Republican minions has spilled over to Europe, not as a trickle but a flood. In Europe, the people (workers like you and me) are rising up in anger, striking, rioting, demanding arrests and removal of corrupt and complicit politicians. In America, we convince ourselves that changing parties from Democrat to Republican or Republican to Democrat is the answer and will put an end to all these ills. Some of us have bought into the notion that a new group, the Tea Party, holds the key even though the facts are clear the Tea Party, predominantly Republican, is a manifestation of think tanks from the very corporations now raping the nation. In Europe, citizens actually have greater access to real news and have a far greater grasp on reality than here in corporate owned and controlled TV, radio, and print land. The dissension now rising in Europe is from workers attempting to protect rights they have fought for and gained. The banks, corporations and G7, G8 and G20 have mandated that those rights be taken away. In the US, we have yet to obtain many of those rights. While Progressives, in the US, fight to gain those rights, the GOP and Tea Party fight to insure we never get them. The Democrats simply devise ways to make us think we are getting rights afforded to those of other countries while padding their pockets by selling us out through the back door. A fully complicit media, in the US, does its very best to report lies as facts and facts as lies. The vast majority of Americans are still not aware of how media obtains the stories they report. It is a fact that most of the news is packaged by the parties interested in manipulating what we see, think and feel. The media simply reprints what it is handed and passes it off as genuine reporting. When an organization or individual blows the whistle on the lies and coverups filling our media, the government responds to protect the guilty... not the people. But we have an option, America! Some individuals refuse to be bought. Refuse to be controlled by parties, by corporations, by think tanks, by media... These individuals need our support. We need to promote them from the grass roots.. urge them to surface on our behalf... give them the chance to rest our government and our nation from the hands of career criminals. IAPC is the beginning of a true political revolution. It is genuinely our last hope in using the system we have to affect real change. The Democrats, Republicans and Tea Party are all leading us to corporate dictatorship. That day is coming sooner than one might think. It is not unrealistic to state that should we, as a nation, fail to act... and quickly... physical revolution will become our only option. In fact, more and more individuals with whom we speak are beginning to believe physical revolution is our only viable present option. IAPC hopes to prove them wrong. Again, I stress, time is running short! IAPC has, as its sole purpose, the support of a truly grass roots resistance to the complete take over of this Nation by corporations. To do so, we have to eliminate the thinking that there is any possibility of accomplishing this goal through working with any of the corporate controlled parties. Eisenhower warned America of the dangers from the marriage of corporations and the military... and we slept while the corporations succeeded. It is now virtually impossible for a President, selected by the corporations financing both major parties and the Tea Party, to stand up to the military . Only a true citizen rebellion can accomplish this and it will take a massive movement and commitment from the grass roots to educate the masses, finance and support Independent Progressives for all offices, and hold them to their commitment to the people. IAPC is neither a Socialist nor a Communist program. We fully expect to be called such by those who will fear our efforts. Our commitment is to promote what we already have in such a way that it progressively benefits 100% of Americans... not the 2% currently benefiting while the remaining 98% scramble. Our support and supporters are, regardless of any affiliations, viewed as individual commitments to our efforts. We do not accept financial support from any group, organization, lobby or other entity which, in any way, seeks to move us, in any direction, away from our stated purpose. To get this movement off the ground... and as quickly as possible... IAPC needs your commitment, your grass roots volunteerism and your donations. To find out more, volunteer, form your own chapter, donate, support or contribute your own insights, thoughts and ideals please visit us at or write to ![]() He is the Creator of Thought Addiction programs (Lectures Seminars & Workshops) (Intensive 21 day Addiction Recovery Programs designed for Artists, Actors, Musicians & Industry Leaders) residing in New Hampshire (US). (The Website for M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. is currently under reconstruction) Contact: 1-603-478-1544 Articles for October 18, 2010 | Articles for October 19, 2010 | Articles for October 20, 2010 | ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html Quick Links
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All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Dan Kanna October 24, 2010 8:09 pm (Pacific time)
Editor: Thank you. I have posted on web sites before where they cut replies that defend a certain point of view. Looks like Salem News is above that kind of trickery, Thank you for being impartial, and please accept my apology.
Editor: Thanks Dan, we do our best.
Dan Kanna October 23, 2010 5:57 am (Pacific time)
Funny, you guys stacked the deck and not allowed my replies. Guess y'all can't handle a rational argument.
Editor: These comments are approved by hand, and sometimes a few hours pass in between approvals. Try not to be too hasty in jumping to conclusions; that would be my advice.
M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. October 22, 2010 12:45 am (Pacific time)
The following article (URL) presents a bit of updated background on a story about the NH "Free Stater" circus and its planned NH takeover. It is very disingenuous of the "Free Staters" to claim no knowledge of the Koch family, Koch Industries, or the works of the Koch Foundation and its many offshoots. Numerous exposes and articles have been published widely regarding the business interests of the Koch brothers and their "stealth" supports to the Libertarians, Tea Parties and "Free State" program (several in just the past week or so). Pam Martens, also from NH, has been following this story for some time. The infamous "Anonymous" typically follows behind claiming Pam's works have been demolished by facts, however, no facts are ever provided with regard to disproving what she has actually written. As with "Anonymous", below, the words and context of the author's writing are grossly distorted and attacked with inane references in attempts to counter the distortions falsely claimed attributable to the author challenged. "Anonymous, most typically, fails in either reading or comprehending the author's genuine content and consistently winds up appearing absurd. Were I in Dan's shoes, I would be seriously concerned that my supporters/defenders present themselves as "Anonymous" "Joke?" (Apparently the two are actually just one anonymous joke). "More Tentacles Surface at Rightwing Front Group The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity By PAM MARTENS
Dan Kanna October 21, 2010 6:08 pm (Pacific time)
Dennis, you need to form a coherent argument; all the way from the start of your reply to the "feet voting" is plagued with contradictory catch phrases. Please clean that up and get back to me. The States do not impose tariffs as you suggest the U.S. Constitution reserves that power to the Federal government. You suggest that people having the ability to move from one state to another would cause immigration barriers on more progressive states; would this be to keep people in or out of the progressive states? I don't see the burdens and pains of the power shift, the Federal government would be stripped back to its constitutional role of foreign policy, the states would handle domestic policy, people would have freedom to choose from a diverse selection of 50 states all existing programs would continue "as is" for at least one state election cycle, any changes would likely be gradual. Your progressive group could find a state which according to your polling data there are plenty to choose from, create your ideal society and I'm sure people would be drawn to it like a magnet. If you are claiming the major difference between a Democracy and a Republic isn't the constitution then go ahead, enlighten me, what is it? Why is it so important for you to have your social programs at the Federal level and deny others the choice? We can save the Sharia conversation for another thread; it's just a distraction from the state/federal issue here.
JOKE? October 21, 2010 2:00 pm (Pacific time)
To answer your question about SHARIA, FSP is not recommendinng MORE laws, but less. Sharia is about like what the Sorosites want -- total control over our money, and our lives. NO comparison..
Anonymous October 21, 2010 1:58 pm (Pacific time)
KOCH? Are you serious? The writer of this article is under the one-world socialist government utopian manipulation of public enemy #1 George Soros. Koch (who most of us have never heard of before) has nothing to do with Dan's piece, which is well written and documented. But Soros is leading the charge for one world gov't and has bought the Dem party, the media and indeed the WH did the failed 'stimulus' so as to redistribute the wealth just as Soros wants.. Not to mention the collusion with PES, and other euro-socialist plutocratic schemers. Talk about mindless communist puppets!!!!!!!!!!!!
M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. October 21, 2010 12:49 am (Pacific time)
Dan... A closer, and less purposely narrow and avoidant, look at state histories prior to federal interventions answers your challenge. A look at State budgets and the intricacies of supporting State infrastructures further exposes the problems with your proposal. States would again be burdened with having to impose massive tariffs, as if the present are not overwhelming for some states (particularly those geographically challenged). With the current state of corporate outsourcing of industry, the states would be challenged to find supportable employment. Left to corporations to fill the void, we would revert to sweatshops as there would be no enticement for corporations to return jobs otherwise. Poor farms would re-emerge, mental health services would be far worse than the present. And more... The idea you propose, of feet voting, would necessarily create greater burden, and likely prompt state immigration barriers, on more seemingly progressive states, once again returning population centers into chaos. The burdens and pains of the deconstruction in your proposal would very likely promote state conflict, intensified state corruption, as if there is not already enough, and state failure. I certainly agree that the powers of the fed are misdirected in so many ways. The Constitution is a very flawed document and its flaws become more apparent with modernization and growth as well as the corruption of those intended to interpret it. The amendments you cite are now, and have been for some time, a part of that flawed Constitution. Based on so many varied, and in some instances valid yet still questionable, interpretations, it is not possible for anyone to hold it up and say that it is "this" and "not that". IAPC believes that while the Parties waste our time playing word games and focusing on issues that are, in actuality, easily resolved through education rather than obfuscation (what the parties do best), Independent Progressives can promote clarity on a new direction for Federal involvement in governing. I do feel it is worth re-mentioning that Americans, in large numbers, see validity in a social democratic structure... and that your statement of a constitution being a major difference between a democracy and a republic is factually incorrect. Do you still believe that Islam is such a great threat to our liberties? That was not made very clear in your article. I wonder what your position might be should a mass movement of Muslims, rather than "Free Staters" decide to inhabit, say, NH and legislate Sharia?
Dan Kanna October 20, 2010 7:30 pm (Pacific time)
Dennis. Go ahead and enlighten me as to why a constitutionally limited Federal government causes all the things you are claiming. My proposal is to take all unconstitutional federal laws and programs and transfer them "As is" to the States where they belong. I fail to see how your arguments hold water.
M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. October 19, 2010 10:11 pm (Pacific time)
Dan.. A rather selective interpretation of history that ignores many of the arguments regarding states laws which actually prompted changes in the state versus federal powers. Your conclusions are basically the same offered by the Koch directed think tanks that consider only the value of such deconstruction to the corporations. Your proposition is wholly unrealistic and would inspire extreme poverty and deprivation for the vast majority of Americans. A very recent polling of Americans indicated they would actually prefer to live under the concept of a social democracy such as exists in Sweden. Not without its problems, especially in light of the assault by euro banks, such a government (which, contrary to your assertions, is constitutionally based)is far more appealing than a return to the chaos and confusion of the yesteryear you propose.
Dan Kanna October 19, 2010 7:18 pm (Pacific time)
If you want to know what went wrong with our republic; find the answer here:
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