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Oct-18-2009 18:36printcomments

Group Asks Americans to Hold Cheney/Bush Accountable For 9/11 Attacks

They say appropriate action to bring Cheney/Bush to justice is overdue.

President George W. Bush put Vice-President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush put Vice-President Dick Cheney

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - President George W. Bush put Vice-President Dick Cheney in charge on 9/11 by Executive Order months in advance of the tragic event that claimed thousands of American lives.

Cheney put our NORAD air defenses on stand down over the target areas at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center Towers resulting in the orchestrated 9/11 attacks-conspiracy treason and murder.

Send this letter to President Obama and/or AG Holder or edit your own:

The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Re: Hold Cheney/Bush Accountable For 9/11 Attacks

President Obama:

The Attorney General
750 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C 20530

Re: Hold Cheney/Bush Accountable for 9/11 Attacks

Attorney General Holder:

On the morning of 9-11-01 a Military Aide informs the Vice President in the White House Bunker that an unauthorized aircraft is just ten miles out from the Pentagon, and asks, sir, "do the orders (stand down orders) still stand?", and Richard B. Cheney whips his neck around and replies, "of course the order still stand-have you heard anything to the contrary?", and then, in just moments, the Pentagon gets hit, and the World Trade Center Towers also got two hits earlier that morning as well.

Apparently, Cheney's stand down orders insured the success of the 9-11-01 attacks as NOT a single NORAD Interceptor Aircraft was on the scene, and NOT a single defensive missile was launched or shot fired, to defend the Pentagon and the World Trade Center Towers, thereby insuring that the hit on the Pentagon, and the two hits on the World Trade Center Towers, followed by the controlled demolitions at the World Trade Center Tower Buildings 1, 2, and also 7, not hit by an aircraft (all three blown up), could succeed, without delay or hindrance, to their destructive conclusions, in full compliance with Cheney's direct orders.

One George W. Bush put Cheney in charge for 9/11 and never said "anything to the contrary" to countermand Cheney's stand down order that morning.

In view of the above information, kindly take appropriate action to bring Cheney/Bush to justice overdue, by charging, indicting, and prosecuting them both for conspiracy treason and murder in aiding and abetting the 9-11-01 attacks.


1. Secretary of Transportation Norman Minetta (at 1.30 minutes) makes it crystal clear as a bell that Cheney gave the stand down orders for the 9/11 attacks to succeed.

2. Former CIA Clandestine Case Officer Robert David Steele holds Cheney responsible for 9/11 - "Cheney saw an opportunity for what Bush called his "Trifecta", and gave it to him by giving the go-ahead to ISI and Al Qaeda, and ordering up a terrorism exercise that allowed him to send all relevant close-in air defense strip alert craft away from the target areas, and to disable the NORTHCOM normal response to flight path diversion"


Blind copy to whoever:

Vice President Joe Biden

Charles J. Hines
Brooklyn DA

Christine Quinn
Majority Leader NYC Council

Submit TIP to FBI:

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Lucy October 23, 2009 9:57 pm (Pacific time)

Daniel you asked if they found any WMD in Iraq? It appears...(blah blah Bush good blah blah Kerry bad blah blah right wing propaganda blah blah... )

Editor: OK, I think that summarizes your ridiculous and deleted post.  I have clearly stated that people should not try to dupe us by using different names.  You are not welcome here.  This person has used the names Lucy, Rod, Reluctant Hero, CooperJeff Johnson and Mike Strowbridge, proving once again that most of the pro-Neocon propaganda stated in these comments tend to come from a small number of commenters using different names and attempting to represent differnet people.   Republicans have been lying and parading so long they no longer even try to gain ground through legitimate means.  Sad sad sad.  

Daniel October 21, 2009 8:52 pm (Pacific time)

Ano you cant fool us about Dick , I think his actions and record speak quite loudly and negatively about his actions and character . He has less credibility than you , who keeps slithering around with different names never answering questions about all the bias crap you put out there continually ! You indeed learned well about deception from your god Cheney . BTW have they found the WMD yet ?

Anonymous October 21, 2009 6:20 pm (Pacific time)

Here's Cheney's response, and it has a majority following. This is a true patriot in my well informed opinion based on facts: Cheney Accuses Obama of 'Libel' Against CIA Interrogators The Washington Times ^ | Wednesday, October 21, 2009 | Amanda Carpenter Maintaining his stature as one of the most forceful defenders of the Bush Administration's defense policies former Vice President Dick Cheney accused President Obama of committing "libel" against CIA interrorgators on Wednesday. Mr. Cheney’s criticized the Obama White House in a wide-ranging address on foreign policy matters for abandoning commitments to allies in Poland and the Czech Republic in favor of the Russians, sacrificing American intelligence officials to satisfy the political left and "dithering" on taking action in Afghanistan, among other things. The speech, delivered to the Center for Security Policy, comes as the White House considers U.S. Commander of Afghanistan Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s request for an additional 40,000 troops and struggles with the legal consequences of shutting down Guantanamo Bay. On the domestic front, most of political Washington is consumed with massive health care reform plans moving through Congress. SNIP In the speech, Mr. Cheney charged that President Obama has "filled the air with vague and useless platitude" when talking about torture and by calling enhanced interrogation technigques "torture" he has committed “libel” against CIA interrogators whom Mr. Cheney described as “dedicated professionals who acted honorably and well, in our country’s name and in our country’s cause.” Mark my words there will be a significant turn of events happening in congress that will shift power in the executive branch before next summer.

zh October 19, 2009 11:13 pm (Pacific time)

Its interesting that the driver of the taxi struck by the light pole at the pentagon says in documentary "NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT" off camera (but audio taped), "you have to catch the lie when its small". And "very rich people did 9/11".

Joe October 19, 2009 10:18 pm (Pacific time)

To Editor: You missed the point of my question. A real news site would report on a topic, not simply publish whatever is "sent to us and we ran it."

Perhaps a few tips that you must have missed in your Saturday afternoon journalism class at the learning annex:

1) You title the story "Group asks Americans to..." What group? Who are they? Where do they come from? What is their agenda? Why do they believe what they do? Why should I accept their opinion?

2) "They say appropriate action to bring Cheney/Bush to justice is overdue" What is the "appropriate action" they seek and why do they consider it appropriate?

3) A comment on reference 1: "Secretary of Transportation Norman Minetta (at 1.30 minutes) makes it crystal clear..." What is this referring to? Section "1.30 minutes" of what? Who defines what is "crystal clear"?

4) Reference 2 comes from someones blog. How is this considered a valid source? Is it verified in any way?

I think I've read comic strips that were better sourced than this "article."

And for an editor to call someone a "sheep" when that very same editor posts whatever is "sent to us" seems the height of hypocrisy!

Editor: Joe, I field comments all day long.  You're right, this could have been set up much better.  Most of our stories are in a standard news format.  I think if you hang around you won't find this level of frustration in everything we publish.  There were two other stories regarding 9/11 up when this ran, we get a ton of news releases, like you wouldn't believe,   Anyway, your points are well taken, thanks.

Chris Killz Blog October 19, 2009 4:10 pm (Pacific time)

Do your job for once FBI. I hope they know that whoever receives these tips and doesn't follow up on them, they are just as guilty as the scum that carried out the 911 attacks upon its own people. Its totally believable now that the government would allow/do this to its people considering the fact that first responders are dying left and right because the government is denying their medical claims. That's on top of the fact that they lied and told the 911 heros that the air was safe to breathe in the first place. They knew the towers were at least full of asbestos, which is another story. Even the federal reserve notes show the towers falling in sequence on the bills from 5 to 100, when folded a certain way.

Van Jones Supporter October 19, 2009 2:34 pm (Pacific time)

It appears that this website is causing some ripples in the conservative and liberal communities.  I for one admire people who tell it like it is and who get behind sound politics.  There are too many jerks out there supporting racist politics and Rush Limbaugh is a disease.  Anyway, maybe if there were more people like the S-N team in the world, it just might be a better place

Susan Tackitt October 18, 2009 11:02 pm (Pacific time)

The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group The Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden's family and Donald Rumsfeld's inner circle - these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington. The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it's inception as a private equity firm to it's precent status as one of the largest defence contractors in the world.

gp October 19, 2009 5:12 am (Pacific time)

It is evidence of Cheney's power and the corruption of our Senate and Congress that he has not been brought up on treason, war crimes and corruption charges already. I have faith that at some point the world court will but my only fear is that he will croak before he is brought before the tribunal or die in his prison cell like Milosovic.

Joe October 18, 2009 8:27 pm (Pacific time)

This is a joke, right? Is this really a news site? I mean really??

Editor: Joe, this was sent to us and we ran it.  I'm sorry we don't fit your view of what a news site should be, but you can bet that is exactly what we are.  So you believe we should "fall in line" and "fit the mold" and ignore things that make us feel bad?  That is what it amounts to; we could toe the line and we won't do it, we are far more interested in just sharing vital information with people.  Sheep find it hard to be comfortable here, they go to FOX News usually.  Good luck. 

S.LaMarche; October 18, 2009 7:15 pm (Pacific time)

Loose Change 1+2 and Freedom to Facism are must see for those who think 911 was orchaestrate from a cell phone in a cave from Afghanistan. Keep on writing S-N.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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