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Oct-15-2007 12:15printcommentsVideo

Ann Coulter's Jewish Comment Brings Wrath (VIDEO)

The mess Coulter seems to have stepped into may have actually started last month when Presidential Candidate John McCain stated that he would prefer to see a fellow Christian in the White House.

Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ann Coulter is back in the spotlight, this time for telling a Jewish talk show host that Jews need to be "perfected," and that America as a country would be better off if everyone here was Christian. It happened during an interview with Donny Deutsch on CNBC's "The Big Idea".

Deutsch asked his guest what a perfect America would look like, in the eyes of Ann Coulter. She seemed to have a difficult time comprehending the question initially, and the answers she eventually gave are now her latest public image struggle as she ultimately correlated Christianity as being a better religion, for all.

Coulter discussed her visits to "mega churches" where she is invited to speak regularly, explaining to the talk show host that Christians have a "fast track" to God. She implied that those church visits gave her credibility, in spite of her image as a right wing pundit who clearly uses sexuality as part of her presentation.

The mess Coulter seems to have stepped into may have actually started last month when Presidential Candidate John McCain stated that he would prefer to see a fellow Christian in the White House, since the nation was founded on the principles of Christianity.

I have written about Ann Coulter before and let's just say the words were less than flattering. But this incident that has led to her being called an anti-Semite might be out of context. Groups like the Anti-Defamation League were quick to react to Coulter's comments on the CNBC show hosted by Donny Deutsch.

"Ann Coulter may be a political pundit but she clearly knows very little about religious theology and interfaith issues. Coulter's remarks are outrageous, offensive and a throwback to the centuries-old teaching of contempt for Jews and Judaism. The notion that Jews are religiously inferior or imperfect because they do not accept Christian beliefs was the basis for 2,000 years of church-based anti-Semitism."

Deutsch, a Jew himself, didn't pull any punches and seemed genuinely convinced by Coulter's comments that she is both brainless, and a person who hates Jews.

"If Ann Coulter had any brains, she would not say Jews need to be perfected. I'm offended by that personally," Deutsch said, "don’t you see how hateful, how anti-Semitic?"

The Anti-Defamation League says Coulter would be well served with a remedial education in the history of religion.

"Clearly, Ann Coulter needs a wake-up call about the power of words to injure others and fuel hatred. She needs an education, too, about the roots of anti-Semitism and the shared values of Judaism and Christianity."

Ann Coulter may be an embarrassment, and even an idiot, but the odds are good that she is not an anti-Semite. In the same program, she said a perfect America in her eyes would have a Democratic party that looked like Joe Lieberman, who is a Jew.

It is no more fair to misrepresent her statements here than anywhere else. The situation shows once again though, that Coulter is in it for the shock value and not terribly concerned with the impact her often ridiculous assertions have. Deutsch's reaction was perhaps too strong, but it sure sent Coulter backpedaling to save face.

The best thing to do is watch the video and draw your own conclusion. Coulter's words generally send one political side running for cover, but this time she may be the one who is taken out of context.



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ההגדרה של האיסלאם January 13, 2009 3:35 am (Pacific time)

ההגדרה של האיסלאם

האיסלאם, הידועה בשם בזבוז של שפה מלאה של הסדר והחיים Nhia אין התנגדות, והיא לקיים ולהיות נהג לצאת התקוממות וההורים של פשרנות של (את הכללים של דוקטרינות Razali 236).

את משמעותו של המונח כפי דתית, היא דת, בהשראת מוחמד ואת השריעה, אשר סיים את אלוהים שמימי הודעות. את מוחמד, שלום ממנו ליידע את האנשים על זה הדת ואת הוראות ואת הדחייה של עבודת אלילים ועוד הפולחן של אללה. האיסלאם היא ההכרה ואת הגשת את המקום, ואת אספקת המוח ואת הלב על גדלות האלוהים ואת השלמות ואת בזבוז של איחוד הפולחן ואת מרות ואת תמימות של מלכודת על ידי אדירים.

עיקר ההודעה היא כי האיסלאם הוא איחוד של אלוהים ועל הפולחן של תמימות למלכודת של פולחן אלוהים הוא כל דבר אחר.

איסלאם אינו בלעדי של אנשים בלי אנשים, או אנשים ללא מדינה, אבל היא קריאה מקיפה את כל האנושות, כדי להשיג צדק ושוויון לכל בני האדם. האסלאם מבוסס על יצר על בסיס של שוויון בין בני אדם שונים וכן חברי הקהילה המוסלמית לא להבחין בין החלש חזקים, עשירים ועניים, כולל שריף ואת הרע, כפי האיסלאם אינה מבחינה בין עמים שונים של מדינות, ורק אלוהים אדירים עבור Taatha חסידות ועל מחויבות, זהו הפחד של אלוהים הוא יסוד של העבודה שלו זכויות מחויבותה של teachings האיסלאם. אלוהים אדירים, אומר את הקוראן הקדוש

Hebrew to English translation: Definition of Islam Islam, known as a waste of the language of the order והחיים Nhia no resistance, and to comply with and be a driver to get out of the insurgency and intransigence of (the rules of the doctrines Razali 236). The significance of the term as religious, is a religion, inspired by Muhammad and the Sharia, which finished the heavenly God messages. Muhammad, peace out to inform people about this religion and the provisions and the rejection of idolatry and worship of Allah. Islam is the recognition and the filing of the place, and the supply of the brain and the heart of God and the dignity and integrity of the United waste worship and obedience and honesty of a setup by Christ. The main message is that Islam is the union of God and worship of innocence trap of worship God is anything else. Islam is not exclusively of people without people, or people without a country, but is a comprehensive reading all humanity, to achieve justice and equality for all humans. Islam is based on the created on the basis of equality between human beings and various members of the Muslim community did not distinguish between weak and strong, rich and poor, including Sharif and Evil, as Islam does not differentiate between peoples of different countries, and only Jesus Christ Taatha for charity and commitment, it is the fear of God is the foundation of the work of his commitment to the rights of the Teachings of Islam. Jesus Christ, says the holy Koran

Henry Ruark October 17, 2007 7:25 am (Pacific time)

AlEG: Twain signed that way for promotional purposes. That's same motivation so many, especially within the writing profession, so rightly see in Coulter et al --fill in names as you may choose. What sells and brings you the bucks is what you produce, if you are a Coulter. But others are motivated by much more than monetary gain, as we see here in Comments every day.

Al E Gateur October 16, 2007 5:43 pm (Pacific time)

i think it was Mark Twain who wrote something about the amount of killing in the name of the prince of peace... but then he was too cowardly to use his real name...

Grey October 16, 2007 8:21 am (Pacific time)

Jerry Springer of religion? Well, I've been called worse and Jerry is pretty well off financially. I guess it's better than bigotry and sophormoric rhetoric best suited to teenage pimple worship than true dissent. Jesus said it? Is that Jesus the "Jewish Carpenter" I see on bumper stickers, or Jesus the Illegal Immigrant you have cleaning your house? I truly don't mind being challenged, but next time make your debate real and educated. At least then someone might actually take your side.

daniel October 16, 2007 3:08 am (Pacific time)

This guy is the Jerry Springer of religion. Jesus said it best: Jews are the spawn of Satan

Grey October 15, 2007 8:00 pm (Pacific time)

There must be a balance of ideas/people on each side of the teeter-totter, there-by keeping the ying-yang balance needed to level the issues. Once a side tips too far to one side the people suffer and demand change. The Revolution, the Civil War, the Crusades are extreme examples of a need to keep that balance. No one person is completly right nor completly wrong on issues such as religion. The varied viewpoints lend a bit a spice and life that can either educate or endorse. I believe the average Joe has the ability to view, digest and form his own opinion. Ann Coulter has just shown what place she has on that venerable playgroung toy, and given enough momentum, will be bucked off at the right time. I am conservative to a fault, but I enjoy the ability to look critically at her statements and place them in their context, all-be-it my interpretation, and continue to walk down the sidewalk with out worry. Her's is not the first voice to rock the issues and I'm positive wont be the last. The deciding point to me is; do we want to keep her in the position she has....or....the Devil you know, right?

Neal Feldman October 15, 2007 7:06 pm (Pacific time)

Ron - you have got to be kidding. Her books are pablum for the extreme right without a legitimate aspect to them on any level. What she tries to fob off as 'research' is nothing but the most vapd sophistry to propel her selfserving hatemongering extremism. You are free of course to believe what you like but to call Coulter a scholar is to invite ridicule. LOL. Ah well...

Neal Feldman October 15, 2007 7:00 pm (Pacific time)

JB - ah yes the undeniable truths as blathered by you. Not surprising you are a Coulter defender as you seem to operate on the same level. Ah well...

Ron October 15, 2007 6:25 pm (Pacific time)

Ann's understanding of real Christianity is lacking. Her use of hyperbole and grandiose statements are self promoting for sure. But if you read her books objectively, you will find strong basis and objective analysis for most of her views as written. Godless is an excellently written book and does a great job in explaining the current state of affairs in the US and the world. I do not pay much attention to her "off the cuff" comments, but I am impressed with her scholarly approach to issues of great importance.

Adam Hrebeniuk October 15, 2007 6:22 pm (Pacific time)

I am a Jew (bloodline), my father was born in, and my entire family were carted Nazi Camps, five survived. I am also a Christian. The reporters and those on this blog, are the twits and idots. You do not know the history of religion to which you speak. I am a completed Jew, as Jesus taught, he is The Messiah, the completion of the Jewish faith, and the I AM. Furthermore, it is the Christian right that has unparralled advocacy for the Jews. The liberal left would rather see the Jewish Nation fall. Most Jews living in Israel knows that their their strongest allies are Christian Evangelicals. So, as blind continues to lead the blind, as in any anti-defamation of anything, people responding on this blog and many others, flail about in their self-righteousness. Ann Coulter is correct in her Christian theology that Jesus was the fulfilment of the Messiah--at least he beleived that. It's time to get our history straight! I am so tired of ignorant people who have never experienced anything close to the tragedy and heartache my own father saw first hand. You guys are ridiculous.

Janice October 15, 2007 5:35 pm (Pacific time)

Let's get something straight here. Ann Coulter is NOT a Christian. Truly religious people have love in their hearts, rather than the hatred she's always hawking. I'll give a few examples: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." This says a lot about Coulter's hatred. She advocates killing and wants to forcibly convert people to her religion. "God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'" Ann has no regard for the health of our planet, thus, she has no regard for our health, or that of our children, or their children. "I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote." Ann hates women enough to want to see them become second class citizens again, yet likes the idea that they would still have the ability to harm or kill someone. "Don't pray. Learn to use guns." I've never heard a religious person advocate that prayer is useless, or that knowing how to use guns is more important than knowing the Ten Commandments, one of which happens to be : Thou shalt not kill. "I have to say I'm all for public flogging." A bit different than "turn the other cheek", no? Calling John Edwards a "fag." Bearing false witness. I could go on and on quoting the hateful things she says here as proof that she is not really a Christian, but I don't really think I need to. In the article above it says: "she said a perfect America in her eyes would have a Democratic party that looked like Joe Lieberman, who is a Jew." But Lieberman is a hardline Zionist war-mongerer and a GOP lapdog. That is what Coulter likes about him, and why she wants all Democrats to be just like him.

KMS October 15, 2007 4:48 pm (Pacific time)

This simply Christian theology. She is right. Every time you see a preacher on Larry King, he is asked, "Does everyone go to hell except you guys?" and they try to wiggle out of it. She didn't.

JB October 15, 2007 4:31 pm (Pacific time)

You are right Feldman, you are just a twit.

Ray October 15, 2007 4:15 pm (Pacific time)

I must say, that I was shocked by her statements. That Jews need to be "perfected". I would like to think she is just stupid. I understand what she was saying, but she didn't say it well and her backtracking only made her sound worse. It does beg the question what would an Ann Coulter world look like. No Jews, No personal Freedom, Sounds alot like Iran. This makes me so mad.

Patricia Brown October 15, 2007 3:34 pm (Pacific time)

I think all religion is flawed, none of them capture the entire picture. Just another ignorant thinker. I vote for evolution!

Mark October 15, 2007 3:32 pm (Pacific time)

It's called entertainment. I beleive in understanding through education.

Mayer Goldberg October 15, 2007 3:02 pm (Pacific time)

I'm a Jew and I don't see anything offensive about Coulter's remarks. Her views are precisely what Christians believe; No Christian with a once of Christian theology in their brain could say otherwise. On the other hand, Coulter is most certainly inviting others to join in with what she considers to be a better way to have a relationship with God. As a Jew I can choose to decline her invitation, but I cannot deny the kindness implied by it -- the fact that she's really wishing for me the best she can hope for anyone, herself included. There is nothing hateful or antisemitic about her comments.

Neal Feldman October 15, 2007 2:55 pm (Pacific time)

Jerry - funny thing is Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all part of the same religious tree... offshoots from the same branches. I find it so amusing when folks paint Islamics as some alien different kind of beast when they are just the same. And remember of the first conflicts between christianity and islam (crusades) it was the christians who initiated the hostilities. Religion is a creation of man to excuse the most inhumane of actions conceivable. Anyone basing a position on religion should never forget that fact. Ah well...

Neal Feldman October 15, 2007 2:52 pm (Pacific time)

JB - are you aware of the definition of vapid, hatemongering or twit? If you think any apply to mr or what I said here earlier I woud have to surmise that you do not. Everything I said re: Ann Coulter is 100% accurate, factual and true. No hatemongering, just the truth. If you can show otherwiise please be my guest. otherwise... Ah well...

JB October 15, 2007 2:24 pm (Pacific time)

Neal Feldman is also a "vapid hatemongering twit" to say that about another human being.

Jerry October 15, 2007 2:24 pm (Pacific time)

I detest the woman but she does have a right to say whatever she wants, even if her words are horrible. I'm just wondering why there hasn't been an outpouring of emotion whenever anyone compares other religions unfavorably to Christianity? Is Christianity and Judaism the only two religions that are above reproach?

Bob Morris October 15, 2007 2:02 pm (Pacific time)

Who is Ann Coulter anyway and why does what she says matter? Is she anything more than Britney Spears who writes and gives speeches? If you look at most of the comments, they are people just like her. I thank God for making me a Jew.

Neal Feldman October 15, 2007 1:28 pm (Pacific time)

Ann Coulter is a vapid hatemongering twit without even a thinly veiled comprehension of anything she is talking about. The sophistry and grossly flawed critical thinking she displays as well as a profound ignorance is what makes her so ludicrous. She is good at one thing - being offensive in ways that are red meat to right wing wingnut ideologues and little else. Ah well...

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