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Oct-09-2006 10:56printcomments

Bush Calls North Korea Nuclear Test a Global Threat

President Bush reacted to North Korea's nuclear test with strong words, but the nation is not putting up mushroom clouds, and an examination of history illuminates North Korea's fear of the U.S. as a nuclear power and threat.

North Korea
North Korea

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - I don't know if I consider myself fortunate to have once witnesses a sub critical nuclear test. There is a certain feeling that goes with this type of work, as I learned one day while reporting news for the Las Vegas NBC station.

In reality nobody actually "witnesses" a sub critical nuclear test because "sub critical" means that the action is happening hundreds of feet below the ground and the effects do not manifest at the top.

The sub critical test I was present for was held at the Nevada Test Site, the broad expanse of Nevada desert that also contains the government's top-secret site at Groom Lake or "Area-51." This test in early 1997 was the first since 1985, when a nuclear test ban treat was enacted.

Sub critical testing may take place out of site, but officials in Nevada have learned that testing nukes underground can lead to the radioactive contamination of water tables in places like nearby Beatty.

President Bush made a statement about North Korea's announcement of an upcoming nuclear test last night, after the government of North Korea proclaimed to the world that it had conducted a nuclear test. and has more in the works. Bush says they're working to confirm North Korea's claim.

"Nonetheless, such a claim itself constitutes a threat to international peace and security. The United States condemns this provocative act. Once again North Korea has defied the will of the international community, and the international community will respond."

I don't know how many people remember what relations were like with North Korea before Bush took office and quickly called North Korea into the light as an "evil" nation.

In truth, relations with the Communist country were at an all time high point, and talks were continuing under President Clinton.

Now, with U.S. troops stretched tightly along the various battle fronts in the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and tired, Bush calls the actions of North Korea unacceptable and he claims they deserve an immediate response by the United Nations Security Council.

"The North Korean regime remains one of the world's leading proliferator of missile technology, including transfers to Iran and Syria. The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by North Korea to states or non-state entities would be considered a grave threat to the United States, and we would hold North Korea fully accountable of the consequences of such action."

Young people of today might not be in touch with the term "cold war" but millions of us who lived and even served during those years remember them well. These were years of massive nuclear build-up and fears of a world war between the Soviet Union and China, and the western powers like the United States and England, were constant.

Bush says the United States remains committed to diplomacy, but will continue to protect national interests. "I reaffirmed to our allies in the region, including South Korea and Japan, that the United States will meet the full range of our deterrent and security commitments."

North Korea has been at war with the United States technically, since the Korean War in the early 1950's. Experts say that the Communist nation of 23 million people has constantly feared a takeover by the U.S. As an unprovoked war in Iraq continues to draw American resources, energies and lives, the U.S. president gives signs that other wars, even on the Korean Peninsula, are possible.

Kim Il-sung was the founder of North Korea who died in 1994. The Communist leader emerged from the Korean War determined to equal the power of the United States. He also knew that Gen. Douglas MacArthur had asked for nuclear weapons to used against his country.

Bush says North Korea's threats will not lead to a brighter future for the North Korean people, "nor weaken the resolve of the United States and our allies to achieve the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Today's claim by North Korea serves only to raise tensions, while depriving the North Korean people of the increased prosperity and better relations with the world offered by the implementation of the joint statement of the six-party talks. The oppressed and impoverished people of North Korea deserve that brighter future."

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Albert Marnell October 11, 2006 10:19 am (Pacific time)

Korea is a spit in the bucket. I am more worried about our inner cities and events like Katrina and the hundreds of thousands of people that die in this counry every year because of medical neglect and lack of proper health care.

The Truthmeister October 11, 2006 10:18 am (Pacific time)

No Brad, you are wrong. You are swallowing FOX pills, I'm sure. North Korea may be a rotten place but that is BS about Iraq, you have to take it apart and you're not doing it. Don't make yourself believe every line you're fed, Bush wanted a war and now the country has one. One thing's for sure, he didn't have to be involved in the combat personally, Bush is not a man, so it wouldn't have been a good idea anyway.

Brad October 11, 2006 10:07 am (Pacific time)

North Korea has a communist government that oppresses it's inhabitants because that's how the leaders operate. They want total control at the cost of lives no matter how many. They are power mad and it is horrible for the people. Just like the horror under Saddam Hussein, it's the same thing. What is happening in Iraq now is everyone is leaving because of the violence by their own people. It was just as bad before the war but it was hidden. 10,000 people a month disappeared in the 2 years before our intervention. Those missing people have been found in mass graves and used as test subjects for mostly biological, and some chemical weapons. The label "WMD" was correct because the process was in place to produce the WMD's. The fact that actual large quantities of the materials were not found, doesn't mean there were no large scale threats (LST's). Ask yourself, 'Is it possible that LSTs exisisted in SOME form?' Because had Sarin or XCT or other concentrated toxin made it through the airport security into our nations capitol, we would at this very moment be in the concentraion camps and dead.

Albert Marnell October 10, 2006 8:23 pm (Pacific time)

As I expected, this Tuesday night, I just heard that this nuke test was either a dud or did not even happen. Do you see how lies and rumors are used to influence your mind. The minute I heard it I knew it was not what it appeared to be. The information was given out by ABC news and I have a feeling they know more then they are saying. STOP WATCHING T.V. (99% or it). The only program that made sense to me at a friends house was the original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Now that is news!

Anonymous October 10, 2006 8:03 pm (Pacific time)

Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million will require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's people. The American Stonehenge's reference to establishing a world court foreshadows the current move to create an International Criminal Court and a world government. What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on (1) Dramatically reducing the population of the world.

Brad October 10, 2006 8:01 pm (Pacific time)

I don't trust N-Korea to handle the Bomb!

Anonymous October 10, 2006 7:09 pm (Pacific time)

Re; Jack Serna Fact: George Walker Bush is Skull and Bones

MUST SEE October 10, 2006 6:59 pm (Pacific time) and Satan

The Truth October 10, 2006 6:28 pm (Pacific time)

Regardless of the justifications for the use of America's WMDs the fact remains, only one country has been a leader in developing, manufacturing, selling and using the weapons. That country is the U.S.A.

Worried about Korea? October 10, 2006 6:27 pm (Pacific time)

My Arse!...We then used the ultimate weapon. Not once, but twice to completely destroy two Japanese cities. Indiscriminately killing the elderly, women and children. The result was the end of a long horrible war and the saving of at least as many lives as were lost in those fleeting seconds in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The use of the nuclear bomb is still debated, condemned and justified to this day. The result was the same as Dresden but at much lower cost, one plane, one bomb. One city destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people killed in seconds.

Worried about them? October 10, 2006 6:27 pm (Pacific time)

We've(TheUSofA) destroyed entire cities before, first Dresden in Germany in a firebombing raid in February of 1945. Over a series of three nights hundreds of British and American bombers dropped phosphorus incendiary bombs creating a fire storm that destroyed a large portion of the city, killing an estimated 30,000 civilians.

Johnny Gumba October 10, 2006 6:18 pm (Pacific time)

Fact: The only country to fear with the nukes is the US....they were the first to use them to destroy millions of innocents...they'll do it again under the directives of the Zionist Statesmen. The world shgould be very afraid of the's a loose canon.

Dr. D October 10, 2006 6:11 pm (Pacific time)

Bush listed with the rest of the 'Bonesmen' How could ANYBODY trust Bush....unless they too were bonesmen...but even then?

Joey Illuminati October 10, 2006 5:13 pm (Pacific time)

Bush is NOT to be trusted...he IS 'SKULL AND BONES'google it if you give a damn about where your life is headed under his reich!

Albert Marnell October 10, 2006 12:03 pm (Pacific time)

Brad, The Axis of Evil is the Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300, British Roundtable, Club of Rome, the western banking families like the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Warburgs etc. Do not believe what you read in the papers or on television. Did you ever see Citizen Kane? Charles Foster Kane tells his first wife that the public will think what he tells them to think. He is the media mogul in the 1941 Orson Wells Film. Our media is controlled by about 6 or 7 billionaries....this includes magazines, television, newspapers and other forms of public mind control. You are too trusting of a soul. Anyone with media or business experience, knows how things work. Simple..Global Bankers first, large multinationals second, the super rich third (usually they are one in the same), politicians fourth, we are somewhere a few notches below child molestors. We are nothing but disposable pulp...peasants and serfs in a high tech age of bullshot.

Brad October 10, 2006 11:03 am (Pacific time)

N-Korea is part of the axis of evil and this proves it. Just because they seemingly were not before only shows how they hid their evil. This is proof.

Albert Marnell October 10, 2006 5:54 am (Pacific time)

Corrections: Committee of 300, but probably the 300 Club too. Correction: This country produces so much bullshot in such volume that you can't see the sun for the smell.

Albert Marnell October 10, 2006 5:35 am (Pacific time)

Thank you Joey Illuminati, I am finally getting some help. You are the Illuminated one. Very few know the real issues and enemies. People focus on Monica and now the Page Boy junk. Meanwhile, most people are so lazy that they do not research Global Organizations that rule the world and are not theory. The Trilateral Commission is located at 345 E. 46th Street, New York, New York 10017. The Council on Foreign Relations, The Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New York, New York 10021, I have the old phone numbers but they must have changed them or are being pestered by people. These are some of the places where the global elite network (not necessarily in person) to decide what is best for themselves under the guise of what is best for you. I think that the internet is making them more secretive. Their phone numbers used to work easily. Whatever they tell you they do (if they tell you anything) don't believe a F-ing word of it. Even if you get the phone numbers they will not give you anymore than a recording of some other B.S. The names are euphemisms to throw you. The people that are connected make Bush look like a Page Boy. He is just a surface puppet. I hear that Cheney has alot of his money in tax free municipal bond funds and alot in European bonds. He must be betting against the dollar. This country is full of horseshot. Red, White and Blue Horseshot. If you visit the websites of these orgs, they are going to present themselves like some sort of academic altruistic protectors of balance in the world. Balance their personal checkbooks if more like it. F-em!

Joey Illuminati October 9, 2006 11:12 pm (Pacific time)

Fact: Bush is with Skull and Bones. Google it sometime.

joey Illuminati October 9, 2006 10:36 pm (Pacific time)

Remember: Our own W.M.D.'s are fully functional and always ready to deploy. Our constitution and bill of rights is shot full of holes...G.W.E.N. Towers and concentration camps are fully staffed, fully functional and ready to deal with those who rebel against the Zionist Agenda of The New World Order...Prison Planet...will make Hitler seem like an alter boy...

Johnny Gumba October 9, 2006 10:31 pm (Pacific time)

Bush is a threat to the entire world.

Joey Illuminati October 9, 2006 10:30 pm (Pacific time)

Bush is a puppet for the 300 club and the likes of them...Otherwise he may as well be strung out on coke because he is usless aside from extremely careless and destructful both to self and everyone he could take with him. This man is an advocate of the evil axis. HIS ideology rivals with his world dominereing collegues.

Albert Marnell October 9, 2006 8:45 pm (Pacific time)

I love the timing of the release of this information, right before the elections. Could it possibly be another bunch of sheet put out by another one of our bullshit government agencies. I have to agree with George Carlin. Everything about this country is no better or worse than any other. This country produces so much bullshot in such volume you can see the sun for the smell.

jack serna October 9, 2006 2:53 pm (Pacific time)

please stick with reporting. just the facts please

jazz October 9, 2006 1:53 pm (Pacific time)

i agree with brighter future for korea.. but bush do not get involed for our sake.

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