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Oct-03-2006 23:01 ![]() ![]() Secretary of State Says Saxton Ad Spreads Inaccuracies About Non-Citizens Your Vote 2006Unverified “facts” quoted in ad contradict reality Secretary of State Bill Bradbury said.
(SALEM) - New television and radio ads from the Ron Saxton for Governor campaign are spreading false and unverified claims about non-citizens voting in Oregon. The records of the state Elections Division prove that this is an almost non-existent problem in Oregon. “I looked at the past 15 years of general elections. Of the over 10 million votes cast in Oregon since 1991, only 10 people have met criteria that would warrant an investigation into their citizenship. Of those 10, only two were prosecuted,” said Secretary of State Bill Bradbury. “This ad is spreading inaccuracies and voters need to be aware of that.” Non-citizens who attempted to vote would be committing a class C felony, a crime that would lead to their deportation. Every complaint that is filed with the Secretary of State’s office about non-citizens voting is investigated to the fullest extent, and the Secretary encourages anyone who is aware of non-citizens attempting to vote to contact the Elections Division so that such investigations can continue. Articles for October 2, 2006 | Articles for October 3, 2006 | Articles for October 4, 2006 | googlec507860f6901db00.html![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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Elton October 7, 2006 2:02 pm (Pacific time)
Dr. H you have last word. I care about space too, and it's not that important to me.
Henry Ruark October 7, 2006 12:22 pm (Pacific time)
Elton: No gain in adding pain to dead horse...but you DID write this: "My point is there is no flaw where there is no motive to the flaw." How can that be "rational" -- when it refuses reality demonstrated while seeking to make motive the ONLY criterion necessary for evaluation ? Preserve space-here: send yr emailer to Tim for relay to me and we can continue dialog --IF that's what you really are seeking.
Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 11:03 pm (Pacific time)
Elton: Obfuscation simply proves where your techniques come from. Did you furnish refutation for "see with own eyes" re Portland-record ? Not that I've found here, yet. Are you aware of STAND endorsement stating Saxton is "disingenuous" at best ? See upcoming Op Ed for rationality re that STAND stand...and then let's see YOUR rational response.
Elton October 6, 2006 9:15 pm (Pacific time)
Dr. Hank, you cut me with that comment. I expected more from you of all people, than that. No mention of the damage Saxton has done with the illegal voter comment but you "just know" it ain't good. And then you ask about MY rationality? Heck Hank. I guess I have aptly discerned what was "see with own eyes". My concern is that you didn't. And won't.
Elton October 6, 2006 9:00 pm (Pacific time)
I find it hard to believe that the best the republicans can find is as bad as you constantly without taking a breath, say he is. Is Saxton better than Mannix? I don't know, but it is a good question don't you think? Certaninly either is better than Kulongoski who has a long list of accomplishments but not as many as either of them.
Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 6:13 pm (Pacific time)
Elton et al: I deplore two-shot approach, but truth is I was laughing so hard I forgot to ask how you can recognize rationality when you so deep in distorted denials. When you gonna sign your stuff with full ID ? Until then that's denial demonstrated
Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 6:06 pm (Pacific time)
Elton: Oh ? How do you know so aptly what Saxton is saying ? Others are hearing whatever fits the group he is with...mirroring what staff, students, parents, patrons and taxpayers tell about his Portland School Board days. As chairman he did NOT know about $400,000 being spent to beautify top-d0g offices ? For men he found, recruited, got approved...and then paid off in "golden parachutes" costing over $1 million, to get them out of sight ? Take off those blinders, bub...and take the ear-plug out of that left ear, too. Your Right one is working all too well...(You can check any of that in OREGONIAN files by the way, despite his distorted use of OREG-quotes in his ads.)
Elton October 6, 2006 2:04 pm (Pacific time)
OK Hank, I can't pry it out of you so I will tell you. Saxton is saying illegals won't sway vote his way. That's all. But you have to keep demonizing the opposition rather than let rationality reign.
Henry Ruark October 6, 2006 10:11 am (Pacific time)
Elton et al: Allathis is connected-event, which is definition for politics, in case you were still in doubt. SO suggest you see weekend Op Ed upcoming soon...and don't miss OREGONIAN lead-story re public record for each today, either.
Henry Ruark October 5, 2006 11:56 pm (Pacific time)
Elton et al: Then there's "belly-button", too, protruding or otherwise. Been signing my own stuff for decades now, E.; when you gonna start ? Nothing here to be afraid of, especially if one cites observable, testable fact.
Elton October 5, 2006 11:07 pm (Pacific time)
Again with the demonization. Sounds like a long way round to say you don't know. Well if you want to pin something on someone at least identify what it is. How can anyone get behind you on this or anything else when all you want to do is force the issue down our throats? I dunno Hank, you must be more "one of them" than a journalist.
Henry Ruark October 5, 2006 7:37 pm (Pacific time)
Elton: There is circular reasoning, and then there is also spiral reasoning...for which there is no possible answer until it bores right back into its perpetrator. A lie is a --you guessed it; and this candidate is already PLEDGED to an outside manipulative group. The negative campaign is run by outside money and influence. Will you settle for that, as an Oregonian ?
Elton October 5, 2006 7:00 pm (Pacific time)
Well, of course no character flaw is better than some character flaw. My point is there is no flaw where there is no motive to the flaw. He made a comment that could in no way be of help to him over his opposition. Put another way; Kulongoski could have said they same thing and it would have amounted to nothing because it deserves no attention. Liar is the big word here and it's put against this nothing event. If it meant he would have something to gain then that would be different. But just to make a comment that some people disagree with and then just happen to be able to get a Bill B. to support them... Jackpot. Whoopi, Hank.
Henry Ruark October 5, 2006 6:26 pm (Pacific time)
Elton: If candidate lies to gain office, he will probably lie to retain office, too. Do you wish top-guy in Oregon State government to exhibit that character-flaw ? "See also" story just breaking about conflict-of-interest in Saxton law practice; and STAND FOR CHILDREN endorsement giving him direct-lie on his education-funding statements.
Elton October 5, 2006 10:11 am (Pacific time)
I still don't get how this misinformation if really is misinformatin would be of help to Saxton. It just looks like a mole hill that some want to pretend is a mountain. Again, it's the same tactic of demonizing a person instead of opposing them legitimately with solid ideas.
Anonymous October 4, 2006 7:08 pm (Pacific time)
It's so disheartening, that even now, with all the ethics violations and discussion about campaign contribution oversight, STILL candidates are out and out lying. How can they sleep at night? Is deceit a mandatory component in the politician makeup? I think when someone is found to be LYING, maleciously, they should be disqualified from the race. That'd put a bee in their bonnet for sure! Hey...what a unique idea...consequences...
Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 3:16 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Line is there, and if crossed can be Court-punished. Sizemore is parallel situation in some ways, not necessarily perfect-pattern but can serve as rational deterrent as intended by Bradbury. Here's latest on Sizemore, decision today: "This case is about a calculated course of criminal conduct perpetrated for the express purpose of crippling, and even destroying, defendants' political opponents," the court said of the conduct of Sizemore's organizations. Sound familiar ? Wonder what legal test might be tendered for trying out candidate's first-shot statement re ALL State workers ? Rational leader does NOT insult his troops while opening door...
Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 2:43 pm (Pacific time)
Hey, Curmudge ! Thanks for help, need allicanget with some of this, cut much shorter if they would only read-first. Re anything I write, never do so without deep documentation, learned long ago at United Press, where Hank Minott could scream louder even than my Signal Corps Colonel...
Curmudgeon October 4, 2006 2:02 pm (Pacific time)
Would you please explain how "Teddy K lets DMV hand out driver licenses to illegals?" Is there an Oregon law that prohibits issuing a license to a non-citizen? If there is, it's not the governor's responsibility to enforce it any more than it's his responsibility to enforce the speeding laws. That's why we have police. If there isn't such a law, neither the governor nor anyone else has the authority to refuse to issue a license to a non-citizen. And since the governor has no authority to make law, your criticism should be aimed at our fine legislators who don't have the backbone to pass one. As far as the subject of this article is concerned, I think the SOS is doing precisely what he should be doing. I believe a very good solution to the perceived problem that illegals are voting is a law that requires EVERYONE to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote, and requiring everyone to re-register to vote every few years. Driver's licenses must be renewed every eight years. Why not voter registration?
Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 1:47 pm (Pacific time)
Steve: Only proper target for your questions is Bradbury himself. Why not write and ask ? He has official records --how else report in detail to press, mouth-watering to catch State official in the act of lying to the public. They know how to read that stuff as well as he does, and will surely do so if demanded by their assignment. IF you can bring this one off, you better reporter than any I know...but until you can, better not suggest such action by legally-elected State top amounts to dereliction of sworn duty, which in some cases is legally a felony...dunno about Oregon but that's so in other states. You therefore sound a bit much unless you have facts; I assume you do NOT have authority from some public agency. Don't you agree ? It's simple: Put up or shut up.
Steve October 4, 2006 12:06 pm (Pacific time)
How does the SOS office even have a clue how many illegals are voting. Sleepy Teddy K lets DMV hand out driver licenses to illegals like candy to kids at Halloween. Then all these illegals can go get voter cards. Illegals have NO NO No No right to anything in the US/Oregon. If they were refused services and licenses and stuff, they would go home.
Henry Ruark October 4, 2006 10:18 am (Pacific time)
Elton: Come out from first-name hidey-hole and ID-self, then we can evaluate what you state. Bradbury doing what we elected him to do, via his Oath-required responsibilities. Candidate is PLEDGED to Norquist et Cie cabal in defiance of first-allegiance to whole-State commonweal. "See also" conflict-of-interest story on OREGONIAN Metro page today.
Elton October 4, 2006 10:03 am (Pacific time)
We read the article and still don't know if it's more or less than 10 complaints and still don't know if more or less than 2 were procecuted. We only know Bill is making sure every citizen knows about the spreading inaccuracies. Gee maybe Bills talking about Kulongouski spreading eagle or something. Real dangerous. Be afraid be very afraid.
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