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Nov-21-2012 12:17 ![]() ![]() Embarrassing Post-Election ReactionsMSgt Steve Maynor, Jr., USMC Salem-News.comIt is okay for people to disagree with the President on policy issues, but it is not okay for people to keep trying to discredit the man as a legitimate American.
(TAMPA, FL) - Thankfully the election of 2012 is finally over. Not only did President Obama win the popular vote, but he also won the Electoral College by a significant margin. To the surprise of the online conspiracy theorists living in fantasyland, the earth did not fall off its axis, and the sun and moon continued to function as regularly scheduled. The President won despite the scare tactics employed by most conservatives on talk radio and the not so fair and balanced coverage by a particular cable news channel. The fear mongering and billions of dollars in negative campaign ads were not enough to convince the majority of Americans to vote for the other candidate. History will prove that the election of 2012 was a repudiation of the radical conservative agenda. Excuses, ExcusesThe embarrassing post-election reactions from some people who chose not to vote for the President are not surprising by any stretch of the imagination. We saw a level of ugliness after the 2008 election and those same hate filled people feel even more embolden to do and say the foulest things about the President of the United States. It is okay for people to disagree with the President on policy issues, but it is not okay for people to keep trying to discredit the man as a legitimate American, or categorize him as a socialist, communist, Muslim who hates the country. The excuses for why the other candidate loss or why the President won have already began to be nauseating. The post-election comedy show commenced shortly after it was obvious that President Obama had enough electoral votes to secure his second term in office. It is laughable to see and hear conservative prognosticators twisting and turning poll numbers, continually trying to figure out how in the world the man they have so much disdain for could be re-elected. The GOP is blaming the loss on the liberal media, African Americans, Hispanics, young people, single women, homosexuals, voter fraud, and free stuff. It is everybody’s fault but the guy who lost the election. The GOP can continue to make excuses for their loss and ignore the fact that their idiotic and reckless policies are the reason people did not vote for their candidate. Rational thinking people did not buy into the conservative narrative of doom and gloom politics. More than Just the EconomyThe other candidate and his advisors could not possibly expect to win by just telling people how bad of a job his opponent has done and how bad the economy is without offering any plausible solutions. The one question he was never able to answer during the entire campaign was “how?” For instance, how was he going to create 12 million jobs, but in the same breath say that government does not create jobs? The answer certainly is not more tax breaks for the “job creators” because we have seen over the last twelve or so years how that theory has worked for us. The trickle never has and never will make it down from the top. As it turned out, the economy was not the only issues Americans cared about. When a person takes hard lined, unpopular stances on so many social issues, how could expect the same people he demonized throughout the election to vote for him? Voters did not know where he stood on so many issues because his position seemed to change with the direction of the blowing wind. Maybe it was those secretly recorded 47% percent remarks to a group of wealthy campaign donors. Maybe it was his willingness to defund PBS and Planned Parenthood, but no mention of cutting off foreign aid to countries we consider to be our “allies.” Maybe it was his open stance against abortion rights for women and wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade. Maybe it was his desire to preserve tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans while middle-class and poor Americans pay a higher tax rate than he does. Maybe it was his bullish/war-mongering stance in foreign relation matters, but when the opportunity to defend the country presented itself, he avoided the draft while other Americans were thrown in prison for doing the same. Maybe it was his suggestion that students should just borrow money from their parents to go to college. Maybe it was his immigration reform strategy that encouraged illegal immigrants to self-deport back to their native countries. To throw gasoline on an already burning campaign, conservative candidates all over the country were offering their uninformed and unpopular opinions on abortion rights, recklessly throwing around allegations of socialism and class warfare, and continuing these wild conspiracy theories about the legitimacy of the President’s birth certificate and college transcripts. Traditional America?One of talking points in the post election coverage that keeps coming up in among the conservative talkers has something to do with Traditional America. The demographic shift taking place in America in which Caucasian men are losing control and power of the electorate is happening right in front of our eyes. This fact scares the hell out of the establishment. Take a moment and analyze whom these sentiments are coming from. It is no surprise what kind of America they want to see. “Take our country back” or “Traditional America,” has nothing to do with smaller government or American values. They are talking about taking us back to a traditional America when Caucasians were perceived to be superior to all other ethnicities. The traditional America when African Americans had to sit on the back of the bus. The traditional America when African American men were hung from trees and castrated for looking at Caucasian women. The traditional America when Civil Rights activists were killed for trying to help citizens register to vote in the South. The traditional America when people of different ethnicities were forced to drink from separate water fountains because of the color of their skin. The traditional America when students were forced to attend separate, but “equal” schools. No thank you!This so called traditional American may have been good for some, but the same cannot be said for all Americans. Going back to those days is not going to happen and we all need to persist that America keeps marching forward. Whether people want to deal with it or not, those events are in the fiber of American history. The dog whistle and covert terminology being recklessly thrown around by politicians and media personalities should not be overlooked. What Free Stuff? One of the most insulting things I have heard in the post-election coverage is the notion that people voted for President Obama because they want free stuff. Really, free stuff? Where is this free stuff and when should those of us who voted for the President expect to receive these items in the mail? Seniors, veterans, and disabled Americans who receive benefits do not want free stuff regardless of what the talking heads in the conservative media want you to believe. Free stuff is what slave owners and their descendants received as a result of never paying a cent to the slaves who built the very foundation of this nation. Think about it. Rich people are the beneficiaries of more free stuff than they have room to receive. They collect handouts in the form of tax loopholes and off shore money shelters that middle-class and poor people do not receive. The CEOs of large American companies choose to send jobs overseas, or lay off thousands of workers at a time in spite of making record profits over the last couple of years. These people care about making as much money as they can, while paying their employees as little as possible, period Greed is the only rational explanation for their actions. The only free stuff people wanted from this election was the right to vote without standing in line for eight hours, or without being harassed, intimidated, and threatened by some watch group challenging the legitimacy of their vote. Secession InsanityThe secession advocates and revolution promoters are just as disgusting as the people behind the birther movement. The country would be a better place minus the individuals who are acting like young children who throw temper tantrums when they cannot have their way. Do not tell us in one voice that you love this country more than I do and then in the same voice say you are going to leave when your candidate loses an election. This secession insanity is not just whining; it is illogical, unpatriotic, anti-American, ahistorical, and willfully ignorant. Originally published by Steve Maynor Jr. on November 21, 2012 via First published here: _____________________________________________
"Steve 'Stu' Maynor Jr., USMC is an active duty Marine. You can learn more about Steve Maynor Jr. by visiting 'Stu' Maynor says he does his best to approach each topic with an open mind and from a sarcastic/funny, yet common sense point of view. "My writing style is independent, thoughtful, energetic, motivating and sometimes rebellious to traditional writing standards. Throughout my articles you will find that I discuss issues with a simplistic, yet understandable opinion that I hope you will enjoy and appreciate." One of his favorite sayings, is "Plan Ahead, It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built the Ark!" The writings of Steve 'Stu' Maynor Jr., USMC, are a valuable addition to" Steve "Stu" Maynor Jr. "Plan Ahead, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark"
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Darcy McNaught November 28, 2012 8:04 am (Pacific time)
Stu I believe the so-called Traditional Americans are coming around, especially in the arts, and providing President Obama a more measured level of respect. God Bless them for their clear and cogent praise as this linked picture demonstrates:
Kevin November 26, 2012 9:28 am (Pacific time)
Who was it in the Whitehouse who said America should "Be leading from behind?" Stu, contrary to your analysis, where you have discounted at least half of the country, sometimes the only way to avoid trouble is to get off the road that's heading straight for it. In my opinion, and from a multitude of video-taped street interviews across America, voters simply did not take the time to seriously look and evaluate Obama's record, nor inquired as to his future goals and how his past policies demonstrate that he knows what he's doing. The U.S. Senate, democrat-controlled, has not put forth a budget, as required by law, for nearly four years. The House has put forth a budget every year. Obama put forth a budget and it did not get one vote from either party, not one. The Senate has set aside all House bills that addressed the economy, and many of these bills passed on a bi-partisan basis. What you will see is more of the same, and more and more executive orders, simply ignoring the "People's House." We are heading towards some serious trouble, and like 1994 and 2010, the election of 2014 will be a sea change of similar nature in my opinion. If we still have a Republic then. I am a farmer/rancher, we are still making a living, but we are going to reduce our productivity by at least 50% because we have no idea how to set up a business plan for the future, a significant need in my business, because of the lack of any leadership from the Whitehouse. We need to know what are tax rates will be before we can set up a plan. We have many moving parts and if we miss a planting time, then it will take at least one more year before we can start anew. The longer it takes then we may abandon farming altogether on a commercial level. This is happening all over the country since Obama took office. Many jobs are coming to an end on December 1st. America's food productivity, their prices, and availability, are going to be quite a shock come next summer. You already saw how the current leadership handled the storm think that same government can produce and distribute the food you need to survive? Water, sewer, electricity, transportation? Go talk to some Sandy homeless if you are not sure how to answer that question. As far as jobs being dissolved, including more and more of our product needs going overseas for production, yes, it is primarily because of taxes and fees/regulations, and the big one: labor costs. Someone tell you otherwise, ask for their background in business and how many jobs they created. Just look at the migration of employers leaving California for Arizona and Texas for a quicktime appraisal on what far left economic policies promulgate. This is reality people, not some wishin' and hopin' by partisan amateurs.
Anonymous November 25, 2012 6:00 pm (Pacific time)
Stu on average non-union school students score far and above public school students. Unions threaten to go on strike when administrators want to test teacher competence. Unions are money laundering operations for the Democrat Party. This is 2012.. We've evolved. UNIONS GO AWAY. I heard yesterday that the PA Turnpike Commission has requested the legislature’s permission to automate all toll plazas. Motorists would be rewarded for using EZ Pass by paying lower tolls, while those without EZ Pass would have their license plate photographed and a bill mailed to their home, with a service fee added. The toll takers on the Turnpike are unionized, and eliminating those jobs would result in an estimated annual savings of $20 million, plus. We are broke people, time to have a new plan. There are safeguards in place to protect employees and thousands of lawyers who will pursue court remedys for abuse by employers. Plus the employees have more of their paycheck to keep. Talk to the teachers who chose not to continue in the union in Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker made them believers, and now this state is the only one 100% funded for retirement pers benefits. Unions have got to give back in these poor economic times, but they are not. The democrats want their slush funding political donations, so down the drain we go.
Kevin November 25, 2012 11:05 am (Pacific time)
Sometimes the only way to avoid trouble is to get off the road that's heading straight for it. In my opinion the Obama voters simply did not take the time to seriously look and evaluate his record, nor inquire as to his future goals and how his past policies demonstrate that he knows what he's doing. It's kind of like" "Step right up, three throws for a buck and win that stuffed animal for your loved one." Well, you feel lucky? Huh? Well do you? The U.S. Senate has not put forth a budget, as required by law, for nearly four years. They have set aside all House bills that addressed the economy, and many of these bills passed on a bi-partisan basis. What you will see is more of the same, and more and more executive orders, simply ignoring the "People's House." We are heading towards some serious trouble, and like 1994 and 2010, the election of 2014 will be a sea change of similar nature in my opinion. If we still have a Republic then. I am a 5th generation farmer/rancher, we are still making a living, but we are going to reduce our productivity by at least 50% because we have no idea how to set up a business plan for the future, a significant need in my business, because of the lack of any leadership from the Whitehouse. Many jobs are coming to an end on December 1st. America's food productivity, their prices, and availability, are going to be quite a shock come next summer. You already saw how the current leadership handled the storm think that same government can produce and distribute the food you need to survive? Water, sewer, electricity, transportation? Go talk to some Sandy homeless if you are not sure how to answer that question. As far as jobs being dissolved, including more and more of our product needs going overseas for production, yes, it is primarily because of taxes and fees/regulations, and the big one: labor costs. Someone tell you otherwise, ask for their background in business and how many jobs they created. Just look at the migration of employers leaving California for Arizona and Texas for a quicktime appraisal on what far left economic policies promulgate. This is reality people, not some wishin' and hopin' by partisan amateurs.
Stu Maynor November 24, 2012 8:52 pm (Pacific time)
The article was about the level of disrespect for the POTUS, not about how horrible the GOP is (even though they are!) The GOP agenda in all of the Republican controlled states will continually be rejected by the people and they will be voted out of office in the mid-term elections. Taxes and fees are not driving jobs overseas, GREED is driving jobs overseas. 12+ years of Bush tax breaks and the jobs keep going elsewhere and CEOs keep getting multi-million dollar bonuses while their employees fight for the scraps. The trickle down philosophy does not and never will work. And by the way, you too are the beneficiary of union activism. Weekends, 40 hours work week, etc..
Anonymous November 23, 2012 1:08 pm (Pacific time)
Msgt. Maynor, so if the Republicans are essentially finished, (and how many times have I heard that since Nixon resigned?!),how come, considering to most citizens, all politics are local, Republicans control the majority of state governorships and their legislatures? And the House of Representatives? Pretty confident that Republicans will become more conservative in the future, for that is the only way we can improve the economy nd get people working. The feds intrusions with taxes and fees are driving jobs overseas. Keep your eye on hispanic Sen.-Elect Cruz from Texas, a Harvard educated lawyer and Tea Party official. By the way have you ever seen a business improve when it became "unionized?" You all have a nice holiday weekend.
Anonymous November 22, 2012 11:06 pm (Pacific time)
I am done here being censored..Interesting, salem-news puts down israel and other places for censoring the truth, but do it themselves..bye all
I cn go now, I will let salem-news continue fibbing until their own demise. I tried, but now find salem-news is not about the truth but building a website. typical.
censor on salem-news, you rare no different than israel.
Editor: What are you talking about? I take a break for the US holiday and return to read this? I have no idea where you are coming from or what your point is, I don't even know you, no name? Yeah take off and don't worry about us, there is plenty of media to choose from and you probably don't deserve to be one of our readers anyway.
Calvin Frye November 22, 2012 7:01 pm (Pacific time)
Nice article. I could not have said it better myself. Thank you MSgt. Semper Fi!!!
Anonymous November 22, 2012 12:26 pm (Pacific time)
this author has been so brainwashed by the military ...
Editor: Get the hell out of here with your worthless diatribe Stephen.
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