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Nov-18-2011 16:10printcommentsVideo

You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie

The Fantasy of “Who, What and Even Why” of Nuke Lies.

nucler danger
Courtesy: treehugger.com

(CINCINNATI) - The “news,” such as it is anymore, tells us that “war is around the corner.”  According to “the news,” a deceptively reworded report from the IAEA says that Iran is “considering thinking about preparing for a program that may be used to develop nuclear weapons.”  The report itself is hogwash, misrepresented, unsupported and influenced by the same pattern of bribery and influence that led the US to invade Iraq, a war crime that has led to an American president facing a possible death penalty at the hands of an international court.

Almost nothing said about nuclear power, nuclear weapons, depleted uranium or any related subject is true. Some of it is classified but the best reason, to keep secrets “secret” is not so much the reason. I have spoken with a ranking co-worker of the top security advisor for former President George “W” Bush. This individual personally witnessed America’s top nuclear weapons secrets passed to an Israeli embassy “spook” at a cocktail party.

Witnessing this, among others, was the then Secretary of State and the head of the National Security Council. A high ranking FBI informant, extremely high ranking, was present and it is very very likely that this exchange was recorded on audio and perhaps video.

An audio recording of such a thing might not be valuable if it weren’t for the fact of what was said:

“Here, take this stack of papers, it’s every really good nuclear secret America has. Isn’t it funny how I can do such thing right here in the open and nobody cares?”

This isn’t exact, not exactly “word for word” but very close. Later we found out why he said it. He had the full knowledge and cooperation of the Attorney General who ordered the FBI crew, sitting outside in one of those vans, to bury 3 years of evidence. We understand that Israel wasn’t the “end user” of the information but only an intermediary.

The end user was the government of China.

Some other poor fool was blamed. Predictable.

This isn’t all of it, I am just setting the tone here, showing how little real respect and concern the American government has for its nuclear arsenal, its nuclear secrets and how trading weapons, trading prohibited technology and, as we have learned more and more of lately, using “black technologies” has been one of the biggest stories of our time, a story not told, no matter how much evidence is available. Evidence…so much you could drown in it.

Were the only proof to be Richard Dolan’s presentation, riveting in itself, some could have doubts:

For there to be lies, there has to also be a “truth” than simply isn’t “true.” Years ago, historians became “revisionists” when documents started being declassified that said the things in our news or what was taught in our schools was, not just false but outlandishly so.

Telling college professors that the books they wrote and they classes they had taught for years had been totally wrong didn’t go far. Politics wins out, lies win out.

Then, at least some of it, came down to TV. Thousands of hours of shows tell us that their “secret history” is totally different than the old one. Problem there is that, though often the shows are right, sometimes the “new history” is even crazier than the old one, simply made up. So when the “Nude Archaeologist,” a former member of the Israeli army, shows you a box in a warehouse in Tel Aviv that he says has Christ’s bones in it, is it because it is true or because it is really his job to discredit Christianity or Islam?

Those stories telling us the early Christians were all liars and thieves or that every famous American was a “Nazi,” meaning Henry Ford, the Bush family, Edison, Lindbergh, the list can go on forever, believing them makes us all seem so clever but are the stories true? One short line here to demonstrate my point:

Books have been written saying the Bush family financed Hitler. Tons of proof is given, line after line of reference. Look it up yourself. Here’s the problem with that. Prescott Bush, grandfather of our most recent Bush president, did work for a bank. That bank did lend money to Germany. What none of the books say, however, is that bank was a subsidiary of a bank owned by the Rothschild family, the most powerful Jewish banking consortium in history.

They leave that out by simply saying he worked for “Brown Brother, Harriman/City of London.”

Why the lie? How can we hold our version of history together when we learn Jewish money put Hitler in office? We can’t even begin to guess what the real truth is, perhaps if we did, we might find out why, in many countries, people who question history actually are sent to prison.

How does this apply to nuclear weapons?  What do we think we know?

  • Atom bombs are almost impossible to build, they take science that requires years of experiments
  • All nuclear weapons explode with huge mushroom clouds
  • All nuclear weapons give off radiation that lasts for thousands of years
  • There are no “lost” or “misplaced” nukes and the last time someone was killed by a nuclear explosion was at Nagasaki in 1945


The big issue today is the potential for war in the Middle East and two countries and their “nuclear arsenals,” Israel and Iran.


Israel can’t “legally” have nuclear weapons.  If they did, they would have to be subject to UN sanctions and the US would be forced to invade and take them away.  So, the deal is, Israel says they don’t have them, then they “wink” and say they have hundreds of them and say they can blow up anyone they want.  Last week they “announced” that they were now capable of attacking the United States with nuclear weapons.

But you say they are our ally?  Certainly you have heard hundreds of politicians swear their dying loyalty to Israel.  Do they mean it?  Not a chance, they get thousands, even millions in bribe money from key “Israeli elements” and pass on billions in foreign aid to Israel.  The whole thing is actually bribery.  Congress doesn’t care about Israel, hell, they don’t even care about America.  Tell me I am wrong, please.  Anyone?

The key to proving Israel has nuclear weapons is a man name Modechai Vanunu.  Eileen Fleming of Veterans Today writes about Vanunu.

The other issue is our “friendship” with Israel.  At the G20 conference a few days ago, French President Sarkozy “let the cat out of the bag.”  France, America and “others” don’t like Israel all that much, not just the 107 nations that want Israel thrown out of the UN, but her “14″ friends.

We suspect, just “suspect,” mind you, that Israel might be a bit angry at President Obama.  There is some evidence that they are angry at him, first of all, he got rid of Gaddafi, their secret “best friend” next to Mubarak of Egypt, and has been saying nasty things about them behind their back, nasty to Israel things, things some of us consider “pro-American.”  For this we suspect an “incident” was staged.”  We have reason to believe that Israel has threatened to assassinate President Obama, good reason.

The trail of Israel’s illegal nukes and their desire to be the only one in the “neighborhood” with them has raised some questions.  President Kennedy demanded Israel dismantle its nuclear program in 1963 and died, rather conveniently, soon afterward.  Vanunu, as we know, spent nearly 2 decades in solidarity confinement for whistleblowing.

Another “fact” is that, though Israel claims and “unclaims” it has hundreds of nuclear weapons, the only possible source of the fissionable material would have required tons of weapons grade enriched uranium and plutonium to have been stolen from the United States and other nations.

This, having a nation whose possession of nuclear weapons is, not only very illegal reason for them to be subject to both sanctions and forcible seizure to demand an attack on Iran based on unfounded suspicions, just as Israel had manipulated with Iraq under Bush (the lesser) is insanity in its purest form.


Until 2003, Iran had sought nuclear weapons.  Iran then dismantled its military program and opened for full inspection.  Numerous reports such as the recent National Intelligence Estimate from 2007 that stated, categorically, that Iran had no nuclear weapons program.  From Foreign Policy:

The U.S. intelligence community has completed and is circulating a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran’s nuclear weapons program that walks back the conclusion of the 2007 NIE, which stated that Iran had halted work on its covert nuclear weapons program.

Intelligence officials briefed executive branch policymakers on the revised NIE last week. The document is being shared with members of Congress and their staff this week, an administration official and several Capitol Hill sources told The Cable. This is in advance of an early March meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors, where there may be another resolution on Iran’s nuclear program, the official said.

The 2007 NIE was attacked in public due to its conclusion: “We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.” The new estimate might not directly contradict that judgment, Hill sources report, but could say that while the intelligence community has not determined that Iran has made the strategic decision to build a nuclear weapon, it is working on the components of such a device.

What is made clear is that there is pressure on the CIA and other agencies to falsify a report based on wishes of the Israel lobby, AIPAC, that will be used to blackmail President Obama into attacking Iran much as President Bush attacked Iraq, an action now generally accepted as a “war crime.”

In fact, there is increasing evidence that the 1991 attack on Iraq by the Senior President Bush was a war crime as well, as stated before congress by Representative Ron Paul. 

The real surprise came recently when Mike Harris broke the story of Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons from the Ukraine in 2003, a real “game changer” in the balance of power in the Middle East, one that makes everything we have been told, not only false, but exposes secret protocols between Israel and Iran that make the news we are hearing little more than a fictional backdrop.

A follow-up from Veterans Today last week:

Two weeks ago, while investigating the secret protocols reportedly between Israel and Iran, we were told of Iran’s nuclear weapons.  This information came from dissidents in their own military who told us they bought weapons from the Ukraine.

SS19 – Being Transported

We then went to the Ukraine, top level intelligence officials, who were more than willing to blame the old government, who told us that the Ukraine sold Iran 6 nuclear weapons.

A week later we asked them more and they explained the weapons were part of an SS19, a Soviet ICBM with 6 thermonuclear weapons of 550 kiloton capacity but the missile was unserviced.

We then asked the CIA, or whatever idiot was tasked with lying to Veterans Today, they change that off on a biweekly basis, who confirmed the story about the SS19 missile.

We had confirmed from the Ukraine that the purchase was done in latter 2002 or early 2003. We were told, 2 days ago, that it was authorized by the Russian government, which is, in itself, a big secret.


So, where do the lies start and how do they apply?

If Iran has had nukes for a decade, bought, perhaps embarrassingly, instead of crated by “science,” the whole thing, as Mike Harris describes, is a charade. I think this part is a “slam dunk.”

Another “whopper” is the “peek-a-boo” Israel/Nuke issue. They have them, they are illegal, their aid should be stopped, the US should stop vetoing sanctions against Israel and the US should blow up the Dimona facility where we know for sure that illegal nuclear weapons are made and send in troops and seize the rest of them. This is our legal obligation.

Then there is the trail that Dimitri Khalezov has led us on, the former Russian government nuclear security officer. Here is an interview done on the Kevin Barrett show:

  Jeff Prager explains it best:

Jeff Prager – 911 Dust (2011)

Prager’s job, one he does well, is to totally discard mom’s version of Santa and the Easter Bunny, otherwise known as the 9/11 Commission Report.

Once we enter the world of Prager, one where enormous amounts of energy, thousands of times beyond any known plane crashes or burning office chairs, we get close to that “slippery slope” that says something we don’t know must exist.

Of course it does. As of a year ago, 880,000 Americans had top secret security clearances. Anyone working for the public who keeps secrets from the public or lies to the public betrays the public. Anyone who believes we keep secrets for “national security” when nuclear plans are handed out at cocktail parties…


A couple of years ago, when Wikipedia began being edited and re-edited daily, I began to depend less and less on it as a source of reliable information. It was still a thousand times bigger than any encyclopedia, even any library we know of, but, on specific subjects, particularly where Israel was involved, editing lies into Wikipedia became official national policy for “that certain country” and hundreds were trained and assigned to that task.

However, nuclear science is a very different story.  Scientists seem to be a pack of “blabbermouths” who enjoy explaining how everything works, even if they manage to put extremely sensitive material on the internet.

One recent news story told of how a Russian scientist, working in Iran, was helping them in the vast project of developing designs for primitive nuclear weapons.

The first nuclear weapon dropped on Japan, known as “Little Boy,” was a “gun type” nuke.  To make this you need uranium 235, a piece of pipe, some gun powder, a kitchen timer, a 9 volt battery and the ability to drop it from a plane or run away really fast. No plutonium is needed, you don’t have to use “implosion” nor do you need any background in math or physics or engineering. I can advise you of this: don’t drop it.

The "Basement Nuke"

For anyone who has a big chunk of uranium 235, the rest of the thing can be built in 2 hours and costs under $300.

What does this mean? It means people who talk about primitive nuclear weapons, like the one from Hiroshima or the ones that Israel and South Africa built (referenced in the addendum twice) or like North Korea bought from Israel (a big secret, don’t tell anyone) as requiring special scientists are “full of it.”

We don’t use this type of nuke anymore because it is dangerous, it has no safety aspects. “Nuclear artillery,” a holdover from the Cold War, still works like this and works quite well, thank you very much.

The technology to build this kind of thing existed, not in 1945, that was when we made enough uranium to make it work. We knew how as early as 1915. It was that, back then, we had already blown up prettymuch everything already and nuclear weapons weren’t needed. However, even then the Germans had started a program to separate Uranium 235 at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, another big secret you aren’t allowed to tell anyone.


If you watched the Richard Dolan video, watched and believed it, you have reason to think the US government has spent huge amounts of money to make things that are, by the standards of accepted public knowledge, utterly impossible.

I am saying, you saw one of those things on 9/11 when hundreds of thousands of tons of steel and hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete disappeared before your very eyes at the hands of two airplanes that couldn’t have destroyed a small trailer park.

To make nuclear “things” that aren’t huge bombs, but “things” that can make rockets go between planets or even stars involves serious science, not “Hiroshima” science.  It involves things like “antimatter” and “antihydrogen” and tiny burst of energy that might be tiny, very tiny or might be used to create things that explode.

There have been, for many years, types of nuclear weapons that are unimaginable in capability, size or performance.  Some can blow up huge areas, some put out massive radiation, enough to kill all live on earth, like in the movies, “On the Beach” and “Dr. Strangelove” or “neutron bombs” that only kill living things but leave everything clean and neat as though nothing, or almost nothing, happened.

This barely touches on it.

The information below is public, otherwise I would never include it.  I think it is dangerous but I also think lying is dangerous too, perhaps even worse.

What we used to call “nuclear weapons” were big things, powered by fission, old fashioned nuclear bombs that set off fusion reactions which could make really big bombs, almost without limit.

Then we found evidence that really tiny nuclear bombs, too small to make sense, were being used, bombs that had to use “fusion/fusion” technology, not “fission/fusion” technology.  We found them several places, New York, ground zero but it was in Iraq where we proved they were used, slam dunk:

When fully enriched, weapons grade uranium 235 was found in human samples from Iraq, in areas where “large conventional weapons” were supposedly used, we had proof that 4th and 5th generation “fusion/fusion” weapons weren’t just capable, they existed.

Moreover, we also proved that the US government was willing to use them on people and lie about their use.

If they used them in Iraq in 2003, then using them in New York in 2001 wasn’t just a conspiracy theory, it became a logical conclusion. It wasn’t the only possible answer but it became the most likely answer. We knew it wasn’t planes or hijackers with magic flying ability or special steel that turned to dust when someone snapped their fingers.

We had an answer because we had proof, we had history and all we had to do is “backtrack.”

What we can prove is true for 2003 we can reasonably assume is true for 2001.

It wasn’t just that you could hide a nuclear explosion with no mushroom cloud but that there was no limit to how small it could be. Could nukes be used for removing tree stumps some day?

Then, as we followed the science, what people were willing to tell us, nuclear propulsion, bombs with almost no radiation, bombs that could be used to blow up a single house and we reasonably assume that there is much more we are not being told, so very much more, so much science fiction and conspiracy theory, not just “false flag” terrorism, but so many other things we won’t speak of here become so very possible.






















Special thanks to Veterans Today



Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link: VeteransToday.com.

He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer from his war experiences and he is empathetic to the plight of today's veterans also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to feature Gordon's timely and critical reports on Salem-News.com, a news organization staffed by a number of veterans, particularly former U.S. Marines. You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address: Gpduf@aol.com

End Israel's Unwarranted Murder of Kids

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