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Nov-17-2007 16:31 ![]() ![]() Anti-Immigration Order Condemned by Farm Workers and Oregon Nursery GroupSalem-News.comThey challenge to the governor and legislative leaders to work alongside them to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
(SALEM, Ore.) - The Oregon Association of Nurseries (OAN) and Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United (PCUN) issued a strong response in opposition to Governor Kulongoski's executive order that would dramatically restrict license requirements for the state's agricultural workforce. "Creating a national, universal identification system through the driver's license program is fundamentally flawed," said John Aguirre, Executive Director of the Oregon Association of Nurseries. "The governor's order creates more problems than it solves. We have to make sure our work force can get to work." One major concern is the new requirement for DMV to verify social security numbers for every person who applies for or renews a license. The current online verification system is so flawed that the state of Illinois banned all businesses from utilizing the system to conduct I-9 checks for new employees. During a morning briefing with the governor's staff Friday, the OAN and PCUN issued a challenge to the governor and legislative leaders to work alongside them to pass comprehensive immigration reform that addresses the needs of labor-intensive businesses that depend on foreign workers. "Our growers share major concerns around the availability of labor. It is essential that this governor demonstrate leadership in securing a legal, willing workforce for these businesses that are essential to Oregon's economy," said Aguirre. Story continues below
"The executive order signed today endangers the public safety of all Oregonians and jeopardizes the economic viability of Oregon's agriculture community" Ramon Ramirez, President of PCUN. "If Congress had acted responsibly and passed comprehensive immigration reform, this policy would not have the negative impact it does today on the health and vitality of Oregon's farm worker community." Articles for November 16, 2007 | Articles for November 17, 2007 | Articles for November 18, 2007 | ![]() ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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Mabel January 10, 2008 1:20 pm (Pacific time)
Get a life, without those "illegals" you would have no food on your table, clean restaurants and hotels to visit - or you would be paying $10 for a tomato - give it up we need them as much as they need us
Jefferson November 21, 2007 10:55 am (Pacific time)
So Henry, you have a problem with polls like those from Rasmussen that measure "the will of the people?" Deal with it, the majority, the vast majority, simply see your opinion on this alien invader situation as not credible, but you certainly have the right to disagree. Being on the wrong side of issues is a pattern that you appear to be peerless in Henry.
Neal Feldman November 20, 2007 12:25 pm (Pacific time)
Sue - Where by such tortured path through my comment do you arrive at your straw man? I do not support there being any illegals here and I support any employer found to employ illegals being fined at least $100,00 per illegal employed. My position has not changed in this for the length of the recent debates on this subject so I am curious where you get that I support what you presented. Care to elaborate? Ah well...
Henry Ruark November 20, 2007 11:01 am (Pacific time)
jerryc: Yr comments reasonable till that ongoing propagandized myth re welfare scammers. Ongoing longtime journalistic studies long ago showed that to be neocon lying propaganda originating in the Reagan era. ID-self to editor and I'll send you PDF covering this point, for self-correction of demeaning usage from too-easy acceptance of neocon deceit.
Henry Ruark November 20, 2007 9:29 am (Pacific time)
Friend Jeff: Yrs re "will of the people" falls flat and finally redounds on yr own credibilities, when one looks with own eyes on what "conservative"-backed two-Bush regime has rammed down public throats in thirty years. But this is no time for you et al to allow realities to shape political feelings, since to do so is to surrender any possibilities of public acceptance and approval. When one eats that weed of winsome appeal wound tightly within the so-called "conservative" doctrines, one surrenders reasonable/rational political responsibilities.
Sue November 20, 2007 8:40 am (Pacific time)
Neal, it sounds like, in your mind, it is ok for the employer to hire illegals as long as they don't let them drive to work. Should they keep them locked up too since they have worn out their welcome? In my opinion, you can't have it both ways. If you don't want them here, you cannot condone their employment. Would you feel the same way if it was a white illegal from Canada? Just curious.
rjerryc November 20, 2007 6:55 am (Pacific time)
Just read all the comments and it becomes apparent that the average citizen is fed up with all the whining about the poor illegals that don't belong here. Sometimes i think the only real way to deal with these losers is to declare open season on their illegal a***s. The nursery and farm unions fight for the illegals since they are cheap help that does not complain about below minimum wages and crappy working conditions. They love the cheap labor so they can keep their bank accounts full and overflowing. As to prosecuting the employers, it should not be simple dollar amounts of fines - toss these jackasses in jail for a while. The fines paid out do not even begin to equal the excessive profits these people receive from having a work force of illegals. They cry about no citizens wanting these low-pay menial jobs. Well, wouldn't these jobs be just the thing to give to all the welfare scammers to make them pay their own way through life? I would like to see the immigration issue and the welfare issue combined and solve two problems at once.
Jefferson November 19, 2007 11:56 am (Pacific time)
Doug: Both (and others) North Carolina and Tennesee issued driver's licenses to illegals and all it did was create a national market for fake ID (which Oregon is known for right now!). It did nothing to reduce accidents nor uninsured drivers. Remember the saying "garbage in, garbage out?" Well the illegals essentially provide false documents so they remain unknown and generally when they provide an insurance policy to get their vehicle or whatever registered, they will cancel the policy. It appears that are present governor, a lame duck, is simply issuing this order to DMV (wait for the fake coming) to provide cover for the legislative democrats so they don't have to take a position. According to national polls, e.g. , Rasmussen and others, nearly 80% of Americans do not want licenses issued to illegals. Recall what happened recently in New york, and how Sen. Clinton kept fudging on the issue until I imagine enough of her focus groups told her what position to take (for now!) Simply put Doug, the will of the people has been spoken and woe to the politican(s) who go against it, though we certainly need a more balanced Oregon legislature so hopefully enough demo's will do the wrong thing and try to slip one by the people, like Measure 50.
Neal Feldman November 19, 2007 11:25 am (Pacific time)
Doug - oh the poor 'hardworking' criminals. How dare we arrest those hardworking bankrobbers etc, right? All they are doing is feeding their families after all, right?
Immigrants that are legal can get licenses. Illegals should not even be here. And they would not get the "Hey Im an Illegal" license or have insurance either anyway.
No one is 'stigmatizing' immigrants as criminals. Illegals ARE criminals. The only ones stigmatizing legal immigrants are the likes of La Raza who try and blur the lines and consider legal and illegals the same. They are not the same. Legal immigrants are fine, illegals are criminals.
And the illegals would stop driving to work if the employers are no longer hiring them because they get a $100,000 fine for each illegal they hire.
I see no reason to give special rights to illegals.
Ah well...
Doug November 19, 2007 9:32 am (Pacific time)
All the governor is doing is punishing hard working immigrant families and creating a danger for Oregonians on the roads. So how does the Governor think by stigmatizing immigrants as criminals or terrorists and making our roads unsafe is going to result in a solution to fraud or whatever his intent? All his irresponsible executive order is going to do is make our roads filled with unlicensed drivers. After all, like people are really going to stop driving themselves to work, the grocery store or the doctor.
Skipper Osborne November 18, 2007 11:34 am (Pacific time)
For Governor Kulongoski to require DMV to verify ones social security number in order to get an Oregon Drivers License; is as "Oregonian" as "Apple-Pie" is to "American." When I was in the United States Air Force, just before getting out of basic training; I remember my drill seargeant saying, "service identification numbers were not going to be the norm and that the military was going to switch to Social Security numbers as identification": that was in 1969 folks! As an American citizen, and a civil rights advocate, if I have to show my social security card for identification or for what ever reason, quite frankly "I don't give a damn." It is the people that are illegal, corporations who are trying to get "slave labor," and those who stole someone's social security card/number are the ones who do not like what Governor Kulongoski is doing. I agree with all the afore comments.
Neal Feldman November 18, 2007 12:16 am (Pacific time)
If they want to make sure their workforce can get to work here is an idea: Hire a workforce not made up of ILLEGALS. Maybe carpool your illegals to your worksite. But to promote the rights (other than basic human rights illegals have NO rights in the US) of illegals over the rights of citizens and those here legally as well as above the rule of law is insanity. As I said at the time of the ridiculously belligerent 2005 marches these fools do not realize what kind of backlash they are in for. And for all their whining now this is just the tip of the iceberg of the backlash... they ain't seen nothing yet. This nation will be slamming the doors on every possible opportunity and benefit that illegals have been enjoying and removing every ability for them to stay or reason for them to come illegally. If they want to get in line with the rst of the legal immigrants no problem. But if they are here illegally they are unwanted and they should leave. Illegals have officially worn out their welcome and used up what tacit looking the other way folks had been willing to cut them with their belligerence in 2005 and since. They shot themselves in the foot with their overreaching and it is their ony reaping the whirlwind they have sown with their wind. I do not shed a single tear for any trial or tribulation they have heaped upon THEMSELVES as the consequences of THEIR choices and THEIR actions. Ah well...
Anonymous November 18, 2007 12:05 am (Pacific time)
If Mexicans want jobs, healthcare, aid to dependent children and baby sitting services they should direct their demands to and challange their OWN GOVERNMENT in Mexico. Oregonians are fed up with their whining and have had their fill of being a sanctuary state for illegal aliens. And that's not to mention the crime that comes along with hispanic gangs, drug activity and identity fraud. In addition,many illegal aliens are not happy doing farmwork anymore and are taking jobs away from American workers in construction and other areas. Many American citizens now cannot get jobs because they are NOT bilingual. It has become an environment of reverse discrimination in Oregon and public officials will no longer be elected if they continue to cater to illegals. Oregon's large illegal population has become a detriment to it's citizens. I won't even address the security issues pertaining to this subject. Suffice to say that I KNOW there are people of middle eastern decent posing as hispanic in Marion county. I know arabic when I hear it. I had Saudi Arabian roommate for a year in college, so these "fake hispanics" are not fooling me. PCUN can peddle it's employment problems in Mexico.
unknown November 17, 2007 6:32 pm (Pacific time)
If they would hire legal immigrants or American Citizens, they should not have a problem to get your people to work. These companies should be prosecuted for giving these people a job. It's the first step of enforcing the law, if you like it or not, Oregonians are tired of the sab stories involving illegals.
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