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Nov-01-2009 18:33 ![]() ![]() Op Ed: Reason-Assaulted
By Henry Clay Ruark for Salem-News
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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Democracy demands consensus supported by the majority. Without consensus, support surely and certainly slips away, sooner or later.
Consensus is the overwhelming consequence of the “conversation at the heart of democracy,” as John Dewey, famous American educator/philosopher, has declared. ANY such “essential conversation” must depend on rational, reasonable, factual sources.
ANYthing less leads on inexorably, inevitably to further futilities and desperate economic disasters. Yet recent months and years--some contend even the last three decades-- have produced painful and potent evidence that irrational, often irrelevant, and always distorted --even politically perverted-- public discussion is rapidly eroding the very essentials of democratic agreement.
Consensus reflecting a true public opinion is now “a sometime thing”, daily becoming much more difficult to achieve in the growing absence of rationality and reason in any dialog.
It is as if everything we’ve ever learned about governance, education, how we truly learn, and the lengthy demands of change-process itself --painfully demonstrated over several past centuries !! had never, ever occurred. Further solid evidence surfaces nearly every day on the Internet, perverting and sabotaging what that new channel can bring towards perfecting much broader public understandings, leading to stronger and more pragmatic actual policy formation and actions.
It is all too easy to find ostensible “studies” or “special reports” bearing easy-evidence of compilation (read perpetration) of falsely-summarized and/or otherwise constituted materials --built openly and obviously to persuade via distortion and perversion. Even such awkward cliches as ostensibly-obvious “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic” has been summarily invoked,revealing more about its promulgators than truly intended.
Not only does easy-arithmetic expose such falsity but also awkward language and lack of solid, reliable documentation by recognized-trustworthy sources, substituting instead such extremely radical --even revolutionary-- resources as this: “ANTI-TAX! ANTI-BIG(ger) GOVERNMENT! PROMARKET MIRACLE!” (Compiled from actual links)
Nowhere has that damaging consequence --most obvious via Internet-- become more apparent than in every political channel pointing up precisely the issues, problems, solutions --and demands-for-action-- on which now hang the major and minor multiplexed shaping circumstances desperately changing the American way of life Appalling as it will probably be, sample any ongoing “debate” at any level of governance from local to national --with our House and Senate in D.C. among the most persistent of perpetrating institutions. One longtime-favorite potent-ploy (found very persistently on Internet!) is the always open-ended charge that an unidentified, undocumentable and indescribable, elite-and-monied crowd of conspirators has, subtly and deeply undercover, finally snatched worldwide sovereignity, for its own malign and monstrous purposes.
No nation, race, or group is ever named but the implications for racism are still communicated. Sometimes even the Vatican is laid/on --side by side with past deeply-hated governance formats. “Communistic” is no longer in vogue, but both “Socialistic” and “Fascistic” forms are commonly contrived into some unclear impact/overall as if ever-present, formidable, threatening and fatal if allowed.
No group, individual or even partial-governing cabal has ever put forth any potent action or otherwise demonstrated that such wondrous organization and its highly complex and demanding components has ever been put together or even partially-achieved --for which the obvious necessities are truly unbelievable and impossible. Yet the charge is instantaneously applied, usually without any discernible motivation nor model nor matter of- fact demonstration.
Not a single obviously-essential component has ever been publicly proven, put inexorably on public record, and widely accepted across such public channels. A second striking fact --discernible by the absolute silence encountered in public recognition surely to be expected-- has become highly apparent. Senator Byrd emphasized that eerie instance openly on th Senate floor, recognizing frightening Senate silence on any debate as war with Iraq was allowed to begin.
This dangerous irrational general-distortion of democracy began as “political principle”: Demanding victory over any opposition, at any cost to democratic protocol, pattern or even parliamentary procedure. (NOW become “pernicious”.) (See details of Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison et al in pre-and post-1776 actions --clearly predecessor for what has clearly become intolerable due to complex changes in our world --often unknown to those who remain UNinformed and those deeply MISinformed by multiple transfusions of “information”; and astutely ignored by the Malign few operating for their own purposes.)
Set forth is some detail by several famed-and honored early political leaders, comples and rapidly changing worldwide circumstances, coupled with new technologies for rapid new formats for “persuasive” communication, have created --perhaps irreversibly-- extremely difficult situations we must now face today.
These changes have often included vicious violation of the truly-essential democratic founding-concept demanding action “for the commonweal” -- obviously, often violently, opposing “the commonweal” with political-gain --and obliterating positive consequences of that ideal approach protecting, preserving and extending “the commonweal:”
BUT unfortunately this entire exercise in futility of further furious developments, perhaps universal and also inevitable via Internet allowed to fester and decay, instead of provide the perfection demanded for full, honest, open, reliable, accurate and insightful citizen participation for which it could serve us well, does leave us with one ringing cry from a profound source. Remember Pogo?: “We has met the enemy... and he is us!”
-------------------------- Reader’s Note: The Op Ed format is difficult and dangerous to negotiate for complex subjects; it must be short enough to have sudden-and-strong impact, and lacks the room for display and documentation one enjoys in the essay format. For S-N, we chose to allow full-play for concept and conclusion, concentrating on the meaning (s) and implications of the “informed opinion” thus offered, while leaving sources unstated. You want quotes-and-links to authoritative sources? They’ll be forthcoming as demanded and fully recorded for easy access when not directly cited. Each major point in this pattern of Op Ed is potently supported by statement, factual summary, precise quotation and full academic documentation -- NOT included here for space (and attention!) reasons, A completely accessible record of evry source is available on request to Editor, with full ID and working phone. Most Op Eds in this new series will have from 30 t0 50 such basic references, from past experience, writer’s files, personal reference library and Internet sources. The new series is known here as “Smoke Signals from Seaside” since each is designed to deal with one specific smoking-gun and/or issue-fire high in current public interest. Your cogent compatible comments are sought -- after due cogitation on your part-- after due cogitation on your part, as further extension of the share-and learn principle we intend to preserve, protect and extend here.
At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bango, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.
Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for tenyears.
He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Henry Ruark November 3, 2009 4:11 pm (Pacific time)
paStephen: Internet is man's creation, now proving worth via wildly diverse development due to massive new needs across entire world for open channel. "Censor" is bad word;suggest develop, guide, manage and control --all demanded for each and every such situation man has ever created, surely including ostensibly "free market" and Constitutional liberties and freedoms under continuing supervision via both Congress and Supremes,given choice-by-vote still our right, privilege and sharpest weapon. We created representative government and active governing agencies to carry out what rep/governace gave us. SO look for same sensitive, sensible, secure and surely now-demanded status for the Internet, via FCC wise action to control and compensate for such as found all too frequently across the spectrum in every Internet corner. Without that, we have left only shouting match for whomever can sink the lowest at the greatest rate, and the other end of that same democracy-destroying dilemma that killed off our free press: whomever can spend the most dollars for the deepest-cutting frequency control. moresoon on this whole pattern, and await your response, sir, whatever it may be, and some inkling of your experience, background and the right to speak" conferred only by that kind of situation. Mine on record; see Staff section.
Henry Ruark November 3, 2009 4:01 pm (Pacific time)
J.M. Sir, you seem to have swalled a "Reverse-Truth" pill, or perhaps a similar potion, as profusely peddled proliferously by poisonous and impassioned "others" in D.C., deeply devoted to covering up the comprehensive, factual record left so conspicuously behind by those definitely departed but still to face consequences of neo-con massive failures and dollar-sold interests. Tone/content/contention you set forth showeth such solid stoneheading surely senseless to send any significant signal since your sensitivities are so submerged, no matter the light-intensity developed. Have you tried walking with feet solidly on ceiling, any time today ? Might just work out, given the affect and effect of whatever poisonous substance has so conflicted your perhaps otherwise natural tendency to the real truth, as seen and understood now by millions, with Nov. 4 as proof and far moretocome very soon. Hope that bad taste in your interior goes away but doubt if that possible given the surely screwed-up status there, communicated from the deplorable state "on top".
political atheist stephen November 3, 2009 2:33 pm (Pacific time)
The internet is fine just the way it is. Get rid of pop-ups and virus's maybe and it is the most amazing tool ever. I truly enjoy the diversity, the scams, the truths, and all it brings. Its almost a life form in itself. It has been an amazing tool for me to keep my family healthy and wealthy. People have been getting scammed since the beginning of time, dont blame it on the internet. I do find tho, politically, when a democrat or republican party takes control of washington d.c., they start speaking of censoring the internet. Whoever is in power, wants to keep that power.
Jim Mayes November 3, 2009 1:59 pm (Pacific time)
There is, and has been, an overwhelming consensus since early summer to toss the current healthcare bills attempting to be passed by a distinct minority overseen by a radical cabal. It's very interesting that Al Gore's pick to be VP, Sen. Lieberman, who would have been a heartbeat from the presidency had they gotten away with trying to steal the 2000 election, has gone on record that he will fillibuster current healthcare legislation and will begin campaigning for conservatives in the upcoming 2010 elections. Certainly many of you would see this as very newsworthy, but then, it just shows how a tiny population do not realize that they exist in an irrelevant minority when it comes to the consensus of the American voters. Thus many will simply shoot the messenger, and demonize all sources that provide the evidence of their "sinking Titantic", hoping against all odds that what they intellectually know is not so. The overwhelming majority now realize the 2008 election was based on charisma not substance. It is the latter quality that makes real Americans, American. Get on board before you're left behind people.
Henry Ruark November 3, 2009 9:18 am (Pacific time)
Friend Daniel: Au contraire re "tabloids"; do not confuse content/style with potent possible impact -- mistake many pundits make with lack of close-up view for real "American exceptionalism". Dailies-of-record have taken both full/sheet and tab-form; it is words-perpetrated and clear "private" or "community" purpose differentiation which makes msg count over decades. Greed,high-profit provenance (as in Gannett, Murdoch,et al) beyond reasonable return is real reason for recurring cuts and slashes to satisfy obvious insatiable stock-returns and WStreet bandit-leaders. Which is WHY descent to low-levels (see Op Ed) is one real key demanding remediation to lead into return to reality of press principles demanded for further progress towards democracy. Political leadership, of ALL CONCERNED, should recognize inescapable fact and make sure to "clear up own act" rapidly. Internet channels offer best solution, with enterprising, experimental, dedicated open, honest, democratic approach (as in S-N !) absolutely best future for jrnlsm and democracy. "OF the people,FOR the people and BY the people"--via trly "free"-press and massive new-usage by more-informed and deeply-involved citizenry may be ONLY and LAST-POSSIBLE real democratic answer... Regret long/time further development forced by lack of real understandings,dedication to Founders' principles, still delaying what's crystal-clear given close attention to our current massive display of problems, issues, rotten-spots for which fully-informed and involved citizenry is, as it has always been, the only possible really workable way-to-go --as Founders taught us starting in 1776 !!
Henry Ruark November 2, 2009 6:36 pm (Pacific time)
Do NOT overlook main point: NOT impact-of-Internet, down- played too much in comments, but rather malign-intent of far too much interchange, in every channel. Major magazines, surveyed in past several days, show very definite appreciation of the damaging impacts thus generated, undoing much of the good which honest Internet interchange has been generating until major political confrontations wiped away all such gains. moresoon on quotes, text excerpts, when time allows...
Henry Ruark November 2, 2009 1:59 pm (Pacific time)
Your insights appeciated; but do not confuse major element of tv-viewing with that of active Internet participation. The most weakly-cogitated comment on Internet-delivered content still demands level of participation beyond what new cognitive reseach shows as the unavoidable passivity of the TV-view, especially inducing a devastating level of self-immolation for personal mental process, substituting all too often the malign persuasive power often improperly either or both so-called content of program or similar stuff now weakly disguised as if no longer paid-ad product. Example: Debt reduction ad now running with both Obama and U.S.Capitol deftly inbuilt, as if official-U.S. gov't statement. Problem laid on far out-runs current-continuing "free press" and First Amendment issues, demands very strong action somehow, while emphasizing malign influences already widely felt arising from "political speech" for corporations, defined via huge sums as "corporate campaign contributions" -- built from acknowledged erroneous Supreme Court reporter's action long ago in Railroad Era.
Daniel Johnson November 2, 2009 1:17 pm (Pacific time)
I agree with your current assessment, Ersun. But the night is still young. The internet has been widely used for only a decade or so. Right now it's a democracy, anyone can get on and say anything. I think things are going to settle down over the next 5-10 years. The yahoos and whackos will still have access but they will become increasingly marginalized. A substantial part of the internet will like the tabloid newspapers--appealing to a lower order, but the serious users will know and know among themselves where to go for news and information and who they can trust and rely on for the straight goods.
Ersun Warncke November 2, 2009 11:13 am (Pacific time)
I personally have very mixed feelings about the internet's utility to society. On one hand, it has given a platform to a broad segment of the population on which to express their ideas. On the other hand, the evidence shows that the vast majority of those ideas are confused, irrational, or worse. This does not surprise me. People who live in a confusing and irrational society are likely to form ideas that reflect their environment. I suppose the real question is whether or not the internet can be used to spread truth and reason, or whether it will only reinforce irrationality. My own personal opinion is that the internet has some utility as a communications device, but is far from perfect. As a technology, the internet is not neutral. Its design facilitates a tendency toward centralized control, and homogeneity, while at the same time fueling social disconnection. The upside of the internet is that it is better than television, so if you have to choose between the two, I think it is preferable.
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