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May-23-2016 13:20printcomments

The Sixth Anniversary of the Rwanda People's Party (RPP)

"Violence is simply unacceptable in modern Africa."~ President John V Karuranga, (RPP)
John V Karuranga, President Rwanda People’s Party

(RWANDA) - Fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, today, the Rwanda People’s Party (RPP) celebrates its six-year anniversary. On my own behalf and on behalf my party, the Rwanda People’s Party, (RPP), we take this opportunity to thank those committed and patriotic men and women that have been behind us for the past 6 years, despite the many challenges and the many circumstances that we have continued to operate in.

The RPP supported the removal of presidential term limits, because the party believes, that there is no link between democracy,governance and term limits.

We hold, that African leaders need to be voted out of office like their counterpart in Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. However, the party will continue to demand for political and electoral reform to enable the 2017 presidential elections to be competitive and to give the Rwandan people a range of choices and options when it comes to electing who they want as their public representative.

This is very important for a healthy democracy. Fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, we are committed to the belief that the rule of law and justice for all, this is one of the core values of the RPP. To this extent, the RPP will continue to advocate the rule of law and justice for all.

The rule of law must be felt and observed by Rwandans and foreigners in their homes, on transport, at work, in leisure centres, night clubs, courtrooms, and schools etc. We want a Rwanda that is governed by the rule of law and where individuals would face the wrath of the law should they abuse the laws of the land.

Fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, on the issue of accountability, the RPP will continue to work to ensure that all Rwandans are held accountable before the law and everyone is equal before the law. We would like to empower individuals and let the police do their job without interference from political or other forces. We would like to see the imposition of heavy punishments for anyone who would abuse or defy a police officer’s orders, when on duty.

We will also strive for sweeping reforms that would impose a heavy penalty on any law enforcement officer, civil servant, judiciaries, politicians and executives found to be abusing the public trust. The rule of law equally applies to all Rwandans, visitors, or foreigners living in Rwanda, regardless of their status and origin.

My fellow Rwandans, the RPP calls for the respect of human rights. However, the party will never tolerate human rights to trump on the rule of law and security for Rwandan people. We believe that Human rights cannot exist where there is no rule of law and the protection of individuals’ liberty.

There must be a distinction between what is acceptable and unacceptable in relation to the rule of law and order to protect human rights. Therefore, the rule of law and security of Rwandan citizens, which is the ultimate protection of the Rwandan people must be a non-negotiable issue and must be preserved at whatever cost to defend individual citizen’s Human rights.

The RPP will never compromise on the security of Rwanda and the safety of the Rwandan people in the name of human rights. The RPP would like to dismiss the western hypocrites, self-serving views when it comes to African stability. Europeans prioritizes the security of Europe and its citizens over terror and human rights.

In Europe, they mass over troops and police on the streets, mount road blocks, make arrests without court warrants, take over and disable social media, declare state of emergencies, and allow law enforcement officers the right to shoot to kill, prevent hate and racist speeches, the seizure of the properties of terror suspects and their supporters.

All these are raised, to ensure the continued protection of Europe and its citizen’s rights, yet they are the same western powers that are denouncing African governments when they place the security of African people, over the issue of terror and human rights.

This is simply double standards and prejudicial to Africa.
Africa must reject that.

The RPP is concerned and anxious for the Rwandan community living in Zambia, that was being attacked as a result of xenophobia against foreigners in Zambia. It is the RPP’s strong conviction to encourage all Rwanda refugees to return home if they wish to do so. They should follow the examples of some of the FDLR leaders and civilian refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo that have returned home.

Rwanda is the homeland of all Rwandans, and there is enough space for all its children. The RPP will continue to campaign against all sorts of violence, civil war and terrorism on the continent and beyond. Violence is simply unacceptable in modern Africa.

The party is deeply saddened at the loss of many lives and property lost because of the recent heavy rain and flooding in the northern part of Rwanda. We are also saddened that an innocent woman was unlawful beaten and killed by law enforcement officers at Nyabugogo, Rwanda.

Our prayers are with the family and friends of the victims. We call on the government to apprehend and bring to justice those responsible for the negligence that resulted into in the death of an innocent young woman and to make sure that such events do not recur.

The RPP is satisfied that after its intensive campaign against the ICC and its unfair treatment of African leaders and the Continent, that, many African heads of states have now come to their sense of judgment and shunned this court because it is clearly biased and pursuing a pro-western agenda.

This is a very dramatic success story for Africa and preserving African dignity and its efforts to be treated on an equal basis with other members of the international community. The RPP strongly condemns the ICCs provocative statement that “no African president can stop ICC operations”.

It is unacceptable that African leaders have no power to protest against the injustice wrecked on the Continent by Europeans and to resist this heinous politically motivated court that seeks to humiliate the Continents and its leaders.

The RPP also condemns the irresponsible walkout by western diplomats at the swearing in ceremony of Uganda’s President, Mr. Museveni, in protest against the presence of Sudan’s President at the ceremony.

We believe, the ICC and Western diplomats’ response were appalling, disgusting and disrespectful towards Uganda and Africa. Clearly, their appalling behaviour stripped bare the western diplomat’s arrogance and exposed that they are still living in the colonial past with its condescending attitudes towards Africans and the Continent.

It is crystal clear that the ICC court is purely a tool of Western Imperialists, that seeks to strip Africans naked and raping African dignity. There is no doubt, the ICC is a corrupt body, that is presided over by a “bunch of useless people”, with a bigoted mentality. Indeed, its ideas are rooted in the infamous era of slavery, when the white slavers forced African chieftains, to round up their fellow countrymen and handed them over to the European and American slavers.

Similarly, the ICC court has employed Africans mercenaries, to hunt down their fellow Africans and hand them over to Europeans, without due regards to the continent’s rights and wishes.

It is quite absurd that the Europeans are blaming President Museveni for not acting as a western “Cowboy” to enforce western policies, while at the same time, they are the very same European powers that are working with President Omar al-Bashir, tempting him with a $37 million bribe, if he could stop African refugees from reaching Europe.

This is typical of western double standards, and Africa must say no to this injustice;enough is enough. Africa needs an “Economic Independence” not the heinous ICC.

The RPP wishes to commend Uganda’ true African spirit and those other countries that stood by Kenyan President Mr. Kenyatta and his deputy Mr. Luto, during their darkest days, when they were surrounded by the ICC wolves, that wanted to tear them and Kenya apart.

We also commend the spirit of those countries that defied the western witch hunt to arrest and hand over the Sudan President Mr. Bashir to the ICC white political motivated court, to answer for crimes that European themselves, have committed in Sudan.

At the same time, the RPP is deeply saddened and condemns the brutal events in Darfur, however, we believe the real killers of the 300000 who died in the region and who are responsible for the displacement 1.4million Sudanese in Darfur, are the ones who incited the violence, and then armed local people to kill each other. There is no doubt, not to believe, that it is the Europeans who benefited most from the Continent tragic events such as those in the DRC, CAR, Somalia, Darfur etc.

Like in the DRC, CAR, Somalia, etc., the unrest in Darfur has helped to create long-term employment opportunities and a role, for the NGOs and western companies in Darfur as a result of the conflict. The RPP calls upon the ICC, to drop charges against H.E. President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan. These fabricated and politically motivated charges brought against Sudan for its refusal to handle over its oil reservoirs to western companies. This is unacceptable.

Instead, the international community should support the Sudanese people to address these issues through their local institutions and law courts.

The RPP also intends to campaign against foreign observers who interfere with African democracy. They are welcome to visit and observe, but they have no right or the authority to tell Africans how to vote or to vindicate African elections. If any sovereign nation cannot manage to organise its elections and is unable to determine who is a winner or a loser, then such nation doesn’t deserve to have a place among the world sovereign states.

The elections and post-election violence that has wrecked havoc on our people are rooted in the facts that, western powers impose its will in the form of EU election observers to determine who is the loser or winner in any African elections. Western donors have too much political power and influence over the continent.

The electoral process in Africa has been violated and rigged by the donor countries by exerting diplomatic pressure and influencing on presidential candidates, even before the elections have been held. In most cases, these observers may tend to undermine the will of the people by awarding the elections to the loser (as in the case of Cameroon) and depending on the interest of the observer nations.

African leaders must implement the donor’s agenda, however, harsh and disastrous there may be in their country. To the extent they are willing to surrender the Content’s interest or accept the imposed terms and conditions of the foreign donors and NGOs are what will determine if a presidential candidate loses or wins elections in Africa.

As a result of these shameless EU deeds, African politicians instead; of going to their electorates to ask for their votes, they instead fly to Europe to unreservedly to pledge and swearing their loyalty to Neo-Colonial masters, presenting themselves as the best candidates that will preserve and safeguard western influence, if the election victory is awarded to them.

There is no doubt, under this circumstance, elections in Africa are like a Tender Bid that are awarded and decided upon by the Tender board, in this instance, the western establishment decides the election, and this has nothing to do with democracy or popular sovereignty in Africa. We, therefore, call upon African governments to disregard any unjustified interference and boot out European observers from African elections.

They only seek to destabilise Africa, so as to continue looting Africa minerals and natural resources, with impunity. It is this foreign interference that is the root cause, triggering civil wars, genocides, elections and post-elections violence in Africa.

Fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, our party believes that our nation has trained journalists, but they have failed to live up to the public’s expectations. They appear to be lacking self-esteem or lack confidence to effectively discharge their duties.

Rwanda and the region have had many important events that attracted world leaders, statesmen, and various dignitaries. But still to our surprise no Rwandan or regional journalist has ever interviewed western and African heads of states and dignitaries. Yet, African heads of states have been interviewed on a regular basis by both foreign journalist and interns.

So, why don’t African journalists have a one-to-one interview with the European and American leaders?
Is it because they don’t know the language?
Is this because the western leaders forbid being interviewed by African journalists?
So, why do Rwanda journalists never seem to have the courage to interview President Kagame and other regional leaders?
So, where is the problem?

This must change; the RPP will support Rwandan journalists to dismantle the wall of fears and barriers that cripple their ability to perform their duties effectively, by offering them the chance to be retrained in various areas of expertise.

Fellow Rwanda and Friends of Rwanda, the RPP with deep regret informs Rwandans that it has suspended indefinitely the RPP Scholarship Programme.

This is because that out of the 355 scholarships, only 6 so far have been taken up. We take the opportunity, to express our gratitude to those Universities and governments around the world that had agreed to offer scholarships to Rwandans through the RPP.

At the same time, the RPP wishes to inform all those concerned that the RPP project for the development of a 3-year scheme for visiting western lecturers to Universities, to teach for free in East Africa, is still underway. The stakeholders are still working on the final technical details and details will be advertised once finalised.

The RPP is committed to fight corruption; however, the party also, critically, understands that the war against corruption alone, is undeniable, without eradicating the cause of this corruption, which is its endemic poverty. The RPP believes that the main problem of Africa is its abject poverty, imposed on Africa by Neo-colonialism, that seeks to promote the imperialist agenda, which uses financial aid to enslave Africa.

For the past 63 years of “Flag Independence”, the policies of the neo-colonialists towards the Continent have killed many African children, more than all those killed by Malaria and HIV/IADS, combined. Africa must wake up and demand its “Economic independence” that’s still in the hands of Neo-colonialists.

The “Economic Independence” is not a favour to Africa, rather, it is utterly the Continent’s entitlement.

The RPP believes that Rwanda has never thought to become the Singapore of Africa. Rwanda and Singapore are both independent sovereign states bonded by a desire to succeed on the basis mutual interest. Rwanda therefore, must learn from the global economic success of the Singaporean model and other countries and Rwanda has even the ambition to do even better than those countries. This is a possible reality.

Speaking from my own experience as a member of the Singapore National Chambers of Commerce and Industry since 1989. In the 1970’s Singapore was among the poorest countries, however, the Singapore has turned the tide of poverty and reached where it is flourishing today, through resilience, and sacrifices of the hard-working of Singaporean people.

This is the journey that Rwanda has been embarked on since July 1994. It is not just Singapore alone that has developed quickly and dramatically. Ireland and Sweden were also among the poorest countries in Europe around the 1950’s; today those countries are among the major donors to African countries.

Even though those countries are now among the developed nations, today there are still working harder and harder to maintain and safeguard what they have achieved and seek to continue tripling their achievements in the years to come. Henceforth, there nothing that can stop Rwanda even to do better than them.

RPP does not feel that Rwanda is inferior to those countries that have lifted themselves in poverty. Nevertheless, the RPP believes, that the main problem for Rwandans is a lack of self-confidence, Rwandans never believed in themselves because of our colonial history.

This must change. We must accept the past, but we must refuse never to be slaves of the past. Let us move on with our own future, and let us keep our past in the historical basket. This is the new Rwanda that the RPP strives for.

My fellow Rwandans, like Singapore and Switzerland, which developed itself from nothing, Rwanda doesn’t need to have deposits of gold, silver, uranium, oil and gas, etc., to free itself from the clutches of poverty wreaked on Africa by former western colonial powers. Rwanda already has unused and untapped natural and mineral resources – that is our people.

First, Rwanda needs to educate Rwandan women, transform and empower them from being housekeepers to becoming working, professional and productive women. Women are Rwanda’s oil and gas.

Secondly, to provide equal opportunities to all Rwandan young people by providing them with a balanced education, intellectual property with an emphasis on innovation and allow them to learn and teach, so that they can become innovators and the leaders of tomorrow, and support them throughout this process to maximise their human potential – youth are Rwanda’s Gold and Silver.

Thirdly, to provide and guarantee security to Rwandans and secure Rwanda’s borders with our neighbours- that is Rwanda’s Diamonds and Uranium. No country- can develop itself without security and having secure borders. The RPP will seek to explore and to strengthen Rwanda’s rich Culture, traditions and identity, as a foundation, to build on a platform for social, political, economic fabrics.

No country can sustain itself without its identity. The Rwanda cultural heritage is so important for the survival of its people and national identity.

Fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, the RPP believes that 22 years back Rwanda was liberated militarily from the monstrous and the heinous genocidal regime of Habyarimana. However, the liberation of Rwanda's social, political and economic independence started 22 years back, the day Rwanda was liberated military, and this is ongoing. This is a continuing struggle that will continue to be fought on all fronts of our nation.

It is a struggle for all Rwandans from every walk life, irrespectively of their ages, sex, religion and professionalism and place of birth. Therefore, this is a struggle that must be ring-fenced, while also maintaining Rwanda’s Cultural Identity, to make sure that our homeland is to be truly to be liberated on all fronts.

The RPP will continue to encourage and support Rwanda to rely on its citizens and their potential and within the scope of its limited resources, to effect real meaningful change. This must be Rwanda’s mission, to secure its “Economic Independence” and to defeat corruption.

My fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, let us congratulate the people of Rwanda for successfully organising and hosting the 2016 African Nations Championship, (CHAN), and the World Economic Forum for Africa (WEFA) May 2016.

Rwanda is also hosting the 27th African Union Summit, in July 2016. This is a symbol of the great progress that the country has made and demonstrates Rwanda’s growing profile and role in the international political and economic arena of civilised nations. The RPP welcomes this and hopes there are similar gatherings in the future.

The RPP, however, feels that the current investment effort doesn’t provide job opportunities and training positions for local people. This is because; the investors tend to bring in their own management, technical teams, and skilled labour, since local communities lack the required knowledge skills. This means locals cannot effectively benefit from foreign investment.

The RPP will do all it can, within the party’s powers, to encourage and support the Rwandan business community to access joint venture Capital scheme - Venture Capital tends to enable the local business community to secure their own business while benefiting from free interest rates, on working capital by offering some company shares to the prospective foreign investors.

This will allow local Rwandan community ownership of businesses – while benefiting from the pot of one trillion dollar daily of Venture Capital in the global economy. The RPP will also encourage and support small and medium scale industries on the Turnkey Key basis. This will help Rwandans who wish to set up industries to import capital goods on interest-free long-term credit terms.

It will allow local investors to maintain a considerable level of cash flow to inject elsewhere in the business, thus freeing their balance sheets from further debts. Local investors will also benefit from the free technical training of local staff without extra cost. Cash flow is the lifeline of any healthy business.

In terms of Rwanda’s and Regional development, The RPP party will continue to support all those projects and policies in Rwanda and within EAC that are aimed at benefiting the local people.

In the coming years, the RPP will shift its fight to the demand for true African “Economic Independence” for without the economic independence Africa will remain subject, of all those who believe they have the power and legitimacy to treat Africans as their servants and subjects. Africans and Arabs have suffered the same exploitation.

Arabs die on a daily basis because of their oil and gas resources, while Africans are also, horrendously killed and exploited, because of their abundant minerals and natural resources. The only difference is that the Arabs have been courageous, and actively resisting the neo-colonialists exploitation for decades, which Africans have consented to without protesting.

The RPP will do everything to encourage those who hold Africa in economic slavery to give the continent its "Economic Independence" peacefully. Indeed, it is only the Economic Independence that can help Africa defeat the evils of the epidemic, poverty which is the main architectures of chronic death of hunger and starvation, death of preventable and curable disease, and corruption, illiteracy, wars, genocides and refugees that has become the international image of Africa’s nations.

Europeans selfishly, have sought to come to an agreement with Sudan’s President Mr. Bashir, to persuade him to stop the starving, sick, wounded and traumatised African women and children refugees running from the war-ravaged nations of Africa from coming to Europe for their safety.

Fellow Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda, once again, the RPP is encouraged and overwhelmed by the support given to the party since its inception in May 2010. We wish to thank all those who have supported us. We are looking forward to the future with great hopes as we work for a better Rwanda and Africa.

May almighty God bless you all.

John V Karuranga, President Rwanda People’s Party (RPP)


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Ralph E. Stone May 28, 2016 7:36 am (Pacific time)

This article is a blatant manifesto trying to justify an oppressive regime set to make Paul Kagame president for life in 2017. Rwanda imposes severe restrictions on freedom of expression and association and does not tolerate dissent. Political space is extremely limited and independent civil society and media remain weak. Real or suspected opponents inside and outside the country continue to be targeted. See

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