May-23-2010 18:55
Racism In America? Or Good Versus Evil?
Poetry by Luke Easter
One might even argue America’s past history of racial divide, I see a final battle of good versus evil & you are on which side?
(LOS ANGELES) - Americans frequently dismiss the realities of our existence; our unmistakable footprint on the earth. It is what it is, and there is no way around it.
We are a nation founded in slavery and the ownership of human beings, and regardless of how widespread this problem was in history, throughout the world, the U.S. was the last western nation, to abolish it.
The years following the American Civil War, which in theory freed the slaves, were spent eliminating Native Americans. Yes, they were warring in many cases, but many weren't.
At any rate, extreme measures of cruelty and total disrespect, based once again on racism, were used to fuel a movement against human beings.
But we progressed, right? Many Americans love to talk about how the French dislike yanks, ever wonder why? When the U.S. finally entered WW1, after three relentless, murderous years of destruction, Uncle Sam told the French that we would only enter the war if France implemented racial separation in their armed forces. France was about to lose the war, they had to, but they never forgot.
I'd estimate that less than 2% of Americans know this story, but I'll bet that around 98%, most of whom have never been to Paris, will tell you that the, "French don't like Americans" in the City of Lights, but some of us are treated very well, it is all what you put into the mix, I think it is always that.
Racism In America? Or Good Versus Evil?I know many of you have seen controversy like this before, But, President Obama's speech 09/09/09 reopened the door, Racism like Superman is fast moving in leaps and bounds, And exactly like death and taxes it will forever be around. The majority of Americans are raising a stink & scare, Not about who should or who shouldn’t get health care, Everyone agrees coverage for many is in a state of lack, But don’t let it succeed since President Obama is Black. Cash for clunkers is fine many need dependable rides, Concerning health care, who cares about their lives? Town hall meetings 99% complaining are Caucasian, Is it me or the Temptations, “Just My Imagination?” In one so-called meeting I heard a man shout and complain, “He is not from here, he has no right, Gonzalez is his name,” Ok, to everyone whose ancestors were not here before 1492, Or there’s no pure blood from an Indian tribe neither are you. Once again, racism has reared its ever-present head, There is no amount of aspirin or prayers before bed, Will cause me to wake up and forget what was said, Whites saying on the tube, “I wish Obama was dead.” Bush lied about WMD’s and the Iraq Taliban threat, But the noose was placed around Tiger Wood’s neck, Oh before anyone reading gets out of joint, not so fast, Dickey’s cronies @ Haliburton make billions in cash. Tuesday there will be a message 12 noon,09/08/2010, Strike up the band why don’t you, let the racism begin, Barack plans to speak to students so he’s under attack, Whites are pulling kids from school this guy is Black. This incident has made me so completely stunned, It's 2009 and the year 2010 is not even the right one, Wow! In the 21st century bitterness is so darn bold, Afflictions of racism will never wear out or grow old. North Ridgeville, North Royalton, Strongsville, Parma, “The President of The United States” has bad karma? It means the concept of performance, action or deed, Telling kids work hard, stay in school, there’s no need? The Republicans told members keep kids out of school, A Harvard educated man can’t express the golden rule? Proverbs 13: 20, what happens when walking with a fool? A Black elected leader telling white kids it “ain’t” cool. Same reason corporal punishment is no longer allowed, Whites simply didn’t want Blacks spanking their child, A concerned message from the leader of the free world, Too bad many feel it’s just not for White boys and girls. Don’t get me wrong, not a majority but it sure seems like, Just like there is an energy of Blacks who despise Whites, Hispanics don’t care either way they just want good jobs, Doesn’t matter if it’s working with Leroy or Billy Joe Bob. 09/09/09 Before Obama’s Health Care Speech could get by, On TV S.C. Republican Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, “Lie, you lie,” Afterwards he apologized on CNN not to the President’s face, Even a Rhesus Monkey could see this is definitely about race. Michelle Obama in disbelief just began shaking her head, Racism in the U.S. is more alive than it will ever be dead, What if a Black did that to a White leader? Are you crazy? If they ever found the body it would be pushing up daisies. Relax 1st Lady, rest assured millions are also in a state of disbelief, Your hubby’s election has brought joy but an equal of amount grief, Gladly there is one bright spot about N.C. Rep. Joe Wilson’s attack, Now the whole world can see racial hatred is not a myth, it’s a fact. Joe Wilson made this statement feeling right at home, Because he already knew by no means was he alone, Hey! This crap was about to surface sooner or later, Great! Now we can put faces to the voices of haters. Many in America still feel this kind of response is all right, Even after confessing salvation in the name of Jesus Christ, What gives them the right on the basis of race to condemn? Oh yeah! Past history like they did to the American Indian. This is truly a major political scandal so it’s by no means minor, Just might catapult Joe to the Governor’s chair in South Carolina, Yes sir, this seemingly horrific, scandalous, disrespectful comment, May have him as the front runner for the next Republican President. Ha, not just politics and race but any and everything under the sun, All this under the loving auspicious eyes of the only Begotten One, What the heck in going on and how long before we come together? It’s the demon spirits of Satan making things worse instead of better. BTW, racism will work both ways and this is not a guess, Watch the VMA put down of Taylor Swift by Kanye West, Now Mr. Joe Wilson needs to start shouting “Lie, you lie,” These fools should be smacked in the face by humble pie. Obama had to remind everyone that for President he was elected, Well, the same for Taylor who did not inherit but she was selected, It was the Heavenly Creator who so loving blessed Ms. Taylor Swift, So, no earthly idiot has the right to belittle her precious, talented gift. Is this same guy who put on a recording, “Jesus walks?” Ha, he needs to learn an understand how, “Jesus talks,' As a matter of fact, we should all repent in some speech, Especially words casting us to dwell in the devil’s deep. This is simply a sign of the times before the 2nd coming, you bet, Let us not wait around until it is too late by looking back in regret, The time is now to put aside all bitterness and senseless racial hate, Won’t matter who's the winner or president when it becomes too late. Finally, before the poem ends let’s take it one step farther, Racism’s acknowledge in the Wilson case by Jimmy Carter, It’s not about playing the race card by any group to save face, Fact! This is the world we live in, welcome to the human race. 9/15/09 White male severely beat a Black female, yes he did, Threw her, kicked and punched in front of her 7 year-old kid, Outside Cracker Barrel in a city of Georgia known as Morrow, Shouting racial slurs while beating her, going way past sorrow. Oh, here's another 9/16/2009 on an Illinois school bus, A White kid sits next to a Black so what’s all the fuss? The Black begins to beat him for no reason on his face, Then another Black attacks a second time, all over race? Saddest thing is the White kid did not even try to fight back, And without any provocation on his part now a second attack, What happened next? A third Black student had to step in, If not, just how many more would continue to beat on him? Is there any reason why kids come to school with guns? And this racially motivated incident isn’t the only one, As a parent how would you feel if this were your son? Wouldn’t you want the maximum penalty by law done? I have been told this all started with Wilson’s disrespect, Wrong! Something long before Joe called parental neglect, As teenagers these Black’s should know right from wrong, Many laughed and cheered while the beating was going on. 09/28/2008 As Chicago Police are investigating the beating death, Derrion Albert 16, a Black Honor Roll student, hold your breath, What nationality is responsible for this vicious murderous attack? Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Martians? No, how about other Blacks. Just like in the video of a White kid no less on a public school bus, They’re laughing in the background you even hear some that cuss, Hold on X-President Jimmy Cater you might have made a mistake, Not all these incidents are about race some are just plain old hate. The President, Michelle & Oprah are facing the Olympic committee, In Copenhagen notwithstanding problems in Chicago ain’t that a pity, How can you expect to host other countries with no safety in your city, Our real issues do need more than, “The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.” In New York this month a Black girl was dating a White guy, Several Black teens bashed his head with a huge rock. Why? Shouting profanity as they continued to stomp, beat and kick, Unconscious on the ground does this remind any of Jena 6? Why do you think Whites want their kids in private schools? Law & order, education is priority, there are no jungle rules, A majority of society categorized as Asian, Hispanic, Black, By no means want their children fearful of likewise attacks. 9/21/09 White Philly cop comes to work with his hair in cornrows, So, a Black supervisor says it violates policy and sends him home, But, Black police officers sport this braided hairstyle all the time, It is ok for African Americans yet for Thomas Strain it’s a crime? Membership in the American Nazi Party is getting larger everyday, Their counter part the Black Panther Party increases the same way, Here are just two examples but they certainly do not represent all, While numbers grow for them attendance in church is getting small. 08/10/09 A Councilman from Atwater, California sends racist emails, About assassinating Obama, should he not spend serious time in jail? Gary Frago disrespected elected office making a joke of public trust, Not to mention his attack on Michelle, an example of first class disgust. This knucklehead is an equal opportunity butt-wipe, here's what I mean, Sarah Palin was offered 1 million to pose nude in Playboy Magazine, And derogatory comments were made about illegal immigrants as well, Maybe he'll be sentenced to a Mexican facility with no chance for bail. Keith Bardwell a justice-of-the-peace in New Orleans has drawn criticism, Refusing to marry an interracial couple he has no regrets about his decision, 10/18/09 Hard to apologize knowing you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, It is racist attitudes like this idiots that is making the transition take so long. Something has to be done soon for we are rapidly running out of time, Yeah it seems like only yesterday we had the massacre at Columbine, Hey! We do not have to be worried about the nukes of Korea and Iran, Where as destruction of the U.S.A. is coming from within our own land. Senator Obama’s election was supposedly a bold fresh new start, To bring the country closer together not drive it further/farther apart, Here is a question that at this point simply just has to be mentioned, Would all of this crap be going on if it was President Hillary Clinton? 05/23/10 has this kind of behavior transferred to the dinosaur fossil? Not if you signed up for, “FOX News: Racism 101 and John Stossel” Class is over flowing but there are additional professors for one & all, Should you desire a, “tea party” with your lecture we have Rand Paul. No! It is not Republican to Democrat neither wrong or right, Oh, maybe a pure and simple case of Blacks against Whites? One might even argue America’s past history of racial divide, I see a final battle of good versus evil & you are on which side? By Luke Easter
Luke Easter is a poet who writes about things that are very close to the heart of Another former U.S. Marine, Luke heals the world with an approach that reaches people on a different level, one known for centuries, yet too often forgotten in the one we live in.
We live in a world of social & economic injustice. The main reason for founding America in the first place was to relieve the oppression of the King of England. Patrick Henry said it best, “give me liberty or give me death.” And yet, all too often death seems to be the only way out. Why is there such a high suicide rate especially among teens, in the land of the free & the home of the brave? What makes headlines? Good news? Ha! More depressing stories than anything else. I feel poetry takes an edge off the hurt of bad news while still delivering it but in a, “glitzy” sort of way. Giving a different perspective. Kind of like slap in the face as opposed to a knife in the back. At least with the slap you’ll live to see another day and you will know whom it’s from. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the world but at 59, I just might be here for the end.
Even though it’s still a knife, rhyme poetry helps to dull the blade. And that’s my job. You can write to Luke Easter at:
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Randy January 25, 2012 11:34 am (Pacific time)
I would be the first to agree that slavery was a dark time in the history of America. But to claim the USA was the last nation to abolish slavery is 100% incorrect. In fact slavery exist today in the Northern Islamic nations of Chan Niger and Sadan. In fact If tyou check it out, much of the middle east, including Saudia Arabia endulged in slavery until the 1960'and abolished slavery only because of ridicule from the west. You can hate American history all you want and yes there was wickedness, but dont use lies to fuel it.
[Return to Top]DJ: You need to pick up on your reading skills, Randy. Luke wrote that the U.S. was "the last western nation". Check it out.
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