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May-12-2011 05:38 ![]() ![]() Ninth Circuit Court Says VA, Congress and President Seriously Screwed UpTim King Salem-News.comCourt decision will radically change VA's approach to Veteran's health treatment.
(SALEM, Ore.) - Never in my life have I read words so supportive of veterans.
It is sad and a case of horrible negligence and oversight, but for once, someone in the United States government is putting their foot down, and that 'someone' is the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. We have long been associated with the groups that are bringing the case forward. They are Veterans for Common Sense, of Washington D.C., and Veterans United for Truth Inc., a California non-profit organization, representing their members and a class of all veterans similarly situated. Never has such a judicial tongue lashing sounded on behalf of those willing to wear a uniform and put their life in harm's way for the supposed benefit of their country. A deal is a deal and even though they have been able to deflect responsibility for years, the VA, and the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government have been called onto the carpet. The suit was filed against a number of individuals:
This is our link to the full report: Opinion from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. An interesting sidenote; both the U.S. federal government and the United Nations are now encrypting PDF court documents like the one at the above link, and encoding them so that they absolutely can not be copied. So, a few other journalists (undoubtedly) and I spent some time typing it out by hand. It is somewhat unrelated, but this is the farthest thing from government transparency. The case was argued on 12 August 2009, and submitted in San Francisco, on 14 September 2009. What the Judge relates in the very first paragraph is something we have been talking about consistently for years, particularly our writer Dr. Phil Leveque, who as a physician treated hundreds of combat veterans who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD. All of the text in blockquote is from judge's opinion, unedited and chronological. Before Kozinski, Chief Judge, Hug and Reinhardt, Circuit Judges, this opinion was issued by Judge Reinhardt:
The Charge of the Light Brigade was the British cavalry charge led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces in the Crimean War. It took place during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854. Wikipedia explains that the charge was the result of a miscommunication in such a way that the brigade attempted a much more difficult objective than intended by the overall commander Lord Raglan. The charge was no victory, and it led to very high casualties. Lord Tennyson's lines in "Charge of the Light Brigade," emphasize the valour of the cavalry in carrying out their orders, even "tho' the soldier knew/Some one had blunder'd". It is one thing to make a mistake, and something else entirely to proceed down a path when you know you are wrong, and that is exactly what all of those men named above are guilty of, so it appears. We know that the State Dept. and several other agencies visit every day and we are glad for that, but that tells us that many officials in the power realms do know about this data that is now really hitting the fan. You will note that this judge is royally disturbed by what they have collectively learned about the treatment American veterans face. I have included a number of links below that do not represent all of our stories about veteran suicide, but it is a good selection of them. I wrote about the rate of 1,000 veterans attempting to commit suicide on 21 April 2008. My point is that the information has been out here, and may actually have one of the largest selections of stories about veterans and suicide. It means there are no excuses. Obama and all of his men have utterly failed at taking care of those who served this nation. Veterans who return home from war suffering from psychological maladies are entitled by law to disability benefits to sustain themselves and their families as they regain their health.
This is the very point that Dr. Leveque has been driving home on our pages since 2007, very consistently I may add, and he would know, because he too is a PTSD survivor, having fought the Nazi's as a U.S. Army soldier in the Second World War. In January 2008 he wrote about the disturbing suicide trends: "Vets news, the Oregon Department of Veterans affairs (ODVA) just published its January/February newspaper. I was not comforted by reading their article underlined, Combat, Suicide Related which lays out in grim detail disturbing facts. "The first fact was that suicide is the 11th most frequent cause of death and the rate among returning battle veterans is twice that of the general population. We know that battle veterans and those in battle zones represent only about ten percent of the population. The facts are tragic and staggering. We are losing our best and brightest. "The Oregon Department of Human Services, ODHS, reports that suicides are the leading cause of violent death and veterans though low in numbers, represent 28% of total suicides." He knows more about all of this than any man should. In late 2009 he wrote his time in WWII:
"One can be ordered to perform a real suicide battle mission as simply as one could be ordered to clean his rifle or shave. The command system to underlings is much worse than master to slave. The slave had value. An Infantry private has only superficial value and he is EXPENDABLE just like a rifle cartridge. "Non-infantry Veterans or civilians probably do not understand this. Infantrymen can be classified as walking dead men. Seventy percent of the dead and wounded of WWII were Infantry and I don’t think things have changed much in the last 65 years." That we should have him today to draw attention to these massive problems in the VA, is beyond fortunate; it is a blessing. Perhaps today the good Doctor won't feel like he has been banging his head on the wall all of this time trying to reach people with the most poignant information possible. The judge does not pull his punches assessing the situation that led to this miserable news of 18 American veteran suicides a day.
The matter is so large, perhaps nothing like this has ever really happened before. The common consensus among veterans is that there is not sufficient money to care for veterans, particularly as the number of injured grows and grows from the continuing wars overseas. We hope that is the reason that the officials have balked and drug their feet. But perhaps it is worse than that; some of our reports have highlighted some pretty heartless characters inside the VA's chain of power who incriminate themselves with the worst possible revelations about the treatment of veterans. Again though, as the judges indicate, there are no secrets about all of this. The wars are terrible winnless ventures that claim more and more in the way of life, and they return to a nation where the VA's unofficial motto is, "Deny deny until they die"- it isn't hard to believe. We are presented here with the question of what happens when the political branches fail to act in a manner that is consistent with the constitution. The Constitution affirms that the People have rights that are enforceable against the government. One such right is to be free from unjustified governmental deprivation of property - including the health care and benefits that our laws guarantee veterans upon completion of their service. Absent constitutionally sufficient procedural protections, the promise we make to veterans becomes worthless. When the government harms its veterans by the deprivations at issue here, they are entitled to turn to the court for relief. Indeed, lour Constitution established an independent Judiciary precisely for situations like this, in which a vulnerable group, that is being denied its right by an unresponsive government, has nowhere to else to turn. No more critical example exists than when the government fails to afford its injured or wounded veterans their constitutional rights. Wars, including wars of choice, have many costs. Affording our veterans their constitutional rights is a primary one. It is not every day that such news is announced. I can only imagine how the people at Veterans for Common Sense and Veterans United for Truth feel today after so much effort, so many hours, so much invested. As the Judge goes down the line of problems he is clear with the nation's top officials as to what their role, or lack of one to be more specific, has led to. There comes a time when the political branches have so completely and chronically failed to respect the People's constitutional rights that the courts must be willing to enforce them. We have reached that unfortunate point with respect to veterans who are suffering from the hidden, or not hidden, wounds of war. The VA's unchecked incompetence has gone on long enough; no more veterans should be compelled to agonize or perish while the government fails to perform its obligations. Having chosen to honor and provide for our veterans by guaranteeing them the mental health care and other critical benefits to which they are entitled, the government may not deprive them of that support through unchallengeable and interminable delays. Because the VA continues to deny veterans what they have been promised without affording them the process due to them under the Constitution, our duty is to compel the agency to provide the procedural safeguards that will ensure their rights. When the stakes are so high for so many, we must, with whatever reluctance, fulfill our obligation to take this extraordinary step[2]. It is a new day for American veterans, where the money will come from remains to be seen, but this country's government owes its veterans and it is refreshing to see a branch of our government force the issue. 2011Jan-20-2011: Doctor Suicides Vs. Military Suicides: There is a Connection - Dr. Phil Leveque 2010Dec-04-2010: Women Veteran Suicides: Is this SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)? - Dr. Phil Leveque Oct-26-2010: PTSD Therapy: One Trillion Dollars - Dr. Phil Leveque Sep-14-2009: War Hero Assassinations and War Hero Suicides - Dr. Phillip Leveque Aug-23-2010: PTSD Psychosis: the Army and VA's Miserable Mistreatment: Time Magazine Expose - Dr. Phil Leveque Aug-02-2010: Soldier Suicides: They are Killing my Infantry Buddies - Dr. Phillip Leveque 2009Dec-29-2009: Military Suicides: Soldiers Driven to Desperation Deaths - Dr. Phil Leveque Dec-11-2009: PTSD Hell: It's Like Brainwashing - Dr. Phil Leveque Nov-13-2009: Was Homeland Security Created to Protect Those Who Deceived the U.S.? - Jeff Gates Nov-09-2009 : PTSD: Misinformation & Misunderstandings - Dr. Phil Leveque Sep-01-2009: PTSD Training in the Army - Dr. Phil Leveque Jul-20-2009: PTSD CAN KILL YOU - Dr. Phil Leveque June-30-2010: PTSD, Anti-Depressants, Seroquel & TranquilizersConfessions of a VA Lab Rat - Dr. Phil Leveque June-03-2009: Army Chicken Spit ~ Army Suicides: Who's Running that Show? - Dr. Phil Leveque May-20-2009: Sgt. John Russel: A Reprise - Condemned to the Hell of PTSD - Dr. Phil Leveque May-13-2009: PTSD Vet Hits the Wall: Goes Berserk and Kills Five - Dr. Phil Leveque Apr-19-2009: Army Suicides: The Invisible Elephant in the Pentagon - Dr. Phillip Leveque Feb-12-2009: PTSD Suicides: The Army Can't Explain? - Dr. Phillip Leveque Feb-09-2009: Documentary Will Examine PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Staff Jan-21-2009: PTSD Combat and Suicide: The Price of Battle - Dr. Phil Leveque 2008Sep-03-2009: Veteran Suicide Epidemic: The Shame of America - Dr. Phil Leveque Apr-21-2008: VA Inadvertently Confirms that a Thousand Vets a Month are Attempting Suicide - Tim King May-19-2008: VA Busted Again Over Poor Diagnosis and Mistreatment of PTSD Vets - Tim King Feb-18-2008: PTSD Veterans: Suicide and Murder - Dr. Phillip Leveque Feb-14-2008: Study Indicates More National Guard Vets Commit Suicide - Tim King 2007Oct-03-2007: Reporting System Can Help Prevent Veteran Suicide - Nov-11-2007: Battle Fatigue and Suicide - Dr. Phillip Leveque Sep-17-2007: Suicide Rates Among Oregon Veterans on The Rise -
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Sheryl Cornelius May 12, 2011 1:39 pm (Pacific time)
My husband, Jack, Vietnam vet, 1968, shot and killed himself July 2009, under "care" of VA for 4 months. "The Pills" Zoloft, Sertraline,etc always seem to show up with no monitoring of the patient. Two weeks after "the pills" came in the mail my husband was dead. I filed a Tort Claim Jan 2011 on VAMC in OKC. VA Chief of Mental Health told me she could not tell me Jack's risk of suicide was changed from None to Moderate due to HIPAA. Section 1178 of HIPAA allows exclusions for Public Safety and Patient Safety. But where was the humanity in their thinking? They are governmental drones in human skin. Another dead vet saves money. Military service should be an honor, not a life sentence. My husband's life had plenty of meaning, I intend to see that there is meaning in his death.
Editor: Thank you for visiting and sharing that. Of course we could not agree more. This aspect of the struggle is probably what Doc has written about the most; that is the prescription and over-prescription of deadly drugs, all approved by the FDA of course. Sorry for your loss Sheryl, you are among friends and advocates here.
bob Francis May 12, 2011 7:50 am (Pacific time)
the mental health system in this country is deplorable! the government doesn't have the money now! no money no care
Colli May 12, 2011 6:48 am (Pacific time)
Tim: Thanks for keeping the continuing travesty of justice in the forefront. This ruling is indeed a major step forward for our veterans and those who fight in their behalf. As far as "Transparency" goes, corruption, back-room deals, special interest groups, and the weasels who populate Congress and the White House will see that never happens . . . they simply cannot afford to. Shame on our government for ever turning their back on those who risked so much at the government's request. Colli
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