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May-19-2012 07:20 ![]() ![]() The Intrinsically Defective 'Rwandan Despot Leader-Brand' The Uganda Journalist, Mwenda is Struggling to MarketCharles KM Kambanda, PhD for Salem-News.comSubmitted and edited by: Jennifer Fierberg, MSW; Salem-News.com.
(NEW YORK ) - The Rwandan tyrannical ruler, General Paul Kagame, is known for his excessive and brutal control of the media for his warfare.
The General’s public-relations team and lobbyists must find a Western university to decorate their principal with an honorary doctorate, for as minor a government function as repairing a 25km road. One of General Kagame’s public-relations agents is Andrew Mwenda, a prominent and respected Ugandan journalist. It is well-documented that General Kagame cuts Mwenda’s pay-checks from Rwandan government “classified” expenditures. There are various disturbing phenomena in the Kagame-Mwenda illegal and unethical transaction. First, it defeats all principles of public finance management for an individual journalist like Mr. Mwenda to receive from public coffers huge amount of money under the guise of a ‘classified’ expenditure. Second, it borders insanity for a journalist of Mr. Mwenda’s caliber to justify even the most obvious corrupt, immoral and unethical conduct of General Kagame, including the alleged Hollywood-like decapitating of the General’s critics in Kigali, other parts of the country and some neighboring countries. Mr. Mwenda forgets that General Kagame has often made adoptive admission to these wicked assassinations. Unsubstantiated attack on international human rights organization
In his most recent piece entitled “Rwanda’s Brand Problem”, Mwenda argues that international human rights organizations, some media house and some foreign academics exploits what he calls “Rwanda’s positive brand to build their own.” Mwenda does not address his mind to the international human rights organizations’ concerns over Kagame’s style of government. Most international human rights organizations’ issues with Kagame’s regime include: violation human rights and freedoms, militarizing and personalizing public institutions, suppressing the media, personalizing public finance and other resources. General Kagame is accused of destabilizing society, killing people and stealing the Congo’s natural resources through his proxy warlords. Kagame’s critics accuse him of maintaining a Tutsi minority dominated army, national police, security organs and government. The United Nations Mapping Report accuses General Kagame of war crimes, crimes against humanity and possibly genocide. A French Court has General Kagame’s arrest warrants sealed for war crimes, mass murder, crimes against humanity and terrorism. A Spanish Court issued international arrest warrants for similar crimes committed by the General’s top aides. General Kagame’s Spanish international arrest warrant is pending his exist from presidency. General Kagame’s court case in the US is pending for the same reason.
Mwenda’s fallacious argumentMwenda argues that the international human rights organizations, journalist-defense associations (Reporters without Borders) and sections of the regional and international press are ignorant of what happens in Rwanda because “many of these people have never visited Rwanda or have done so only occasionally”. This argument is invalid. First, Mwenda seeks to limit knowledge to physical space. In this century of advanced information technology, space is no limit to what people can know about places. Secondly, Mwenda appears to think that participant observation is the only data collection method. Third, Mwenda’s argument is faulty because he gives an impression that knowledge about what happens in Rwanda is limited to inhabitants of, or people who live in, Rwanda. Mwenda’s argument, at this level, fails on the basic principles of epistemology, logic, common sense and decency. Andrew Mwenda seeks solace into frantic sophismAs if it would save his flawed arguments, Mwenda argues that “democracy and human rights are abstract issues where conjecture, prejudice and bias tend to work better. Thus, rumors, hearsay, idle gossip or out-of-context accusations can easily mislead an observer”. This argument is disturbing in a number of aspects. First, even the least scientific relativist ought to be aware of the universal human rights and democratic principles. Human rights and democratic principles have gained universal acceptability and application. It appears Mwenda’s confusion strategy to go sophist on this. Second, Mwenda is on record for attacking President Museveni of Uganda for human rights violation, corruption and nepotism among other serious breaches of democratic values. If Mwenda is convinced that human rights and democracy are abstract concepts, why does he accuse Museveni of violating human rights? Are human rights and democracy abstract only when it involves General Kagame? Mwenda on the alleged General Kalama sponsored assassination plots
Mr. Mwenda argues that Gen. Kagame is wrongly accused of assassinating his critics and real or perceived political opponents. Mr. Mwenda opinioned that: “for example, the death of a journalist or an alleged threat to assassinate an opposition politician in exile immediately prompts human rights groups to take on the issue and even without a whit of evidence accuse the Rwanda government of being the perpetrator”. First, Mwenda is probably not aware that a Criminal Court in South African is yet to rule on an attempted murder of General Kayumba Nyamwasa, General Kagame’s former Military Chief. In this case, all evidence point to General Kagame. In any case, prosecution educed a prima facie case against General Kagame’s suicidal security agents. Mr. Mwenda does not seem to know that the United Kingdom Police revealed a secret plan in which Kagame’s suicidal security agents wanted to assassinate some critics of Kagame regime living in UK. The Swedish government recently expelled a Rwandan diplomat for what the Swedish government termed ‘getting involved in spying and harassing some Rwandan refugees in Sweden’. The Green Party Vice President was butchered in a Hollywood-like incident.
When the Green party and the family of the deceased mobilized resources to have the beheaded Green Party Vice President’s body flown to a neutral country for postmortem, General Kagame’s government said that would violate the country’s Sovereignty! The list of broad-day assassination of Kagame’s critics in Rwanda, Congo (DRC) and other countries is inexhaustible. The US envoy to the United Nations, while on official visit in Kagali, told General Kagame that the General’s obstinate violation of human rights and freedoms were making Kagame a liability for all friends of Rwanda. On some occasions, General Kagame is confronted by foreign journalist to explain the suspected insane assassinations of the General’s critics and journalists. General Kagame’s demeanor and the comic responses to inquiries about his critics assassination is, by all standards, adoptive admission. While responding to the concern that he had been behind the attempted murder of his former right hand military boss in South Africa, General Kagame said, “My security or military agents never miss their victims when they shoot.” Isn’t this adoptive admission and admissible evidence by and sober court of law?
Mwenda’s mission impossibleIt is well documented that Mr Mwenda is on Kagame’s payroll for marketing the General’s intrinsically defective ‘brand’. However, Mr. Mwenda folds his circus tent saying that “The Rwandan Government is good in many things. But it is shambolic in public relations. In almost all cases, human rights groups out-punch it, outmaneuver it and out-talk it leaving it bruised”. Mr. Mwenda forgets that lobbyists and public-relations agents do not make miracles. The “brand” they are marketing must be reasonably good. General Kagame’s domestic and international criminal record is beyond repair. It is only natural and prudent that Mr. Mwenda feels frustrated about marketing the ‘Kagame defective brand’, not-withstanding the pay-check this Ugandan journalist receives from the atrocious Rwandan tyrannical ruler. What is disturbing is that Mr. Mwenda does not resign his public-relations job for Kagame even when he knows his job adds no value to Rwanda people’s welfare. The Bill Clinton and Tony Blair mixMr. Mwenda like many of Rwanda’s despot lobbyists constantly argue that the General is a great leader because he is advised by former US President (Bill Clinton) and the British ex-Prime Minister (Tony Blair). The fallacious nature of this argument is disquieting. Whether or not former President Bill Clinton and the British ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair are clean is not the primary concern. However, Mr. Mwenda like other exorbitant public relations agents and lobbyists for General Kagame never bother reminding their audience that the British ex-Prime Minister was also a close friend to former Libyan despot ruler. Is it a coincident that Former US President (Bill Clinton) and the British ex-Prime Minister (Tony Blair) sit on the advisory board of Teneo Holdings which was paid at least $625,000 to do public-relations and financial consulting work for Jon Corzine brokerage that went down the cliff amidst horrible scandals? Is being advised by the former US President and British ex-Prime Minister a guarantee that General Kagame is doing well?
No matter how Mr. Mwenda paints the ‘Rwanda Brand” no amount of coverage can erase the legacy of death that President Kagame will leave to the world. ______________________________________________________
Submitted and edited by: Jennifer Fierberg, MSW; a correspondent, Assistant Editor, and Volunteer Coordinator for NGO News Africa through the volunteer project of the UN. and Salem-News.com. Jennifer is also the media co-coordinator and senior funding executive for The Africa Global Village (www.africaglobalvillage.com)
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Musonera May 18, 2012 10:41 am (Pacific time)
If at least any other person could talk or write not Kambanda a guy with all forged acamic papers. I bate checking Kambanda's kilometric qualifications non is true! A dishonest arrogant fellow!
Bella May 18, 2012 10:48 am (Pacific time)
The Sembabure guy has migrated to the US with all stupidity! It really hurts me when these empty tins ignore the stides the country is making and employ all destrtuctive mechanisms. Jennifer, you will regret after realizing that your love for Rudasigwa was a wastage of time when you get to know the real him
Anonymous May 15, 2012 5:09 am (Pacific time)
"Kagame’s critics accuse him of maintaining a Tutsi minority dominated army, national police, security organs and government." so does that mean that the hutu majority in the military before the genocide was better because to my knowledge they killed us! Again wether Kagame is accused of all that i don't care bbecause the truth my life in Rwanda is more secure than ever. People in UK are being jailed for tweeting and u talk about press freedom n Rwanda... a teenage is commiting mass murders in USA and people say USA is still safer than Rwanda... i laugh at those. And if Mwenda was receiving a paycheck who knows if u're not receiving your own to write this truth is relative and it all depends on where your interests are.
Kirezi May 15, 2012 4:29 am (Pacific time)
Editor what do you mean by multiple names? I thought as an editor you should be looking at ideas and not peoples names,then have you seen any other Kirezi on this forum? and by the way there is no problem if Kireza was there even more than ten times because some people have similar names.Please editor you should be knowledgeable!!!.Mind you Kagame today is strong than ever!! you better stop your cheap propaganda now!!.
Editor: Well excuse me for checking the integrity of the comments, it is something I always do. Sometimes people add one comment after another from the same IP, and that is misrepresentation and I wont have it, you can be mad if you want.
NK May 14, 2012 7:27 pm (Pacific time)
Jennifer, are you jealous of Mwenda getting a paycheck? if so, get your...
Editor: Comments of this nature will not be approved. I can assure you that this is not a matter of jealousy; it is a matter of ethics and crimes against humanity.
Eric May 14, 2012 4:03 am (Pacific time)
Stop you stupid madness about Rwanda and President Kagame,the truth about Rwanda speaks for itself.
Kirezi May 14, 2012 4:00 am (Pacific time)
Please Alex don't waste your time talking to these mad people driven by hate and not reason whenever they talk about Rwanda and H.E President Paul Kagame.However, we should remind these sick people that President Paul Kagame was elected by the majority of Rwandans Twice (2003 and 2010) calling him a despot,tyrannical leader etc confirms how ignorant these so called civilized people can be arrogant in abusing the will of Rwandase.The truth about Rwanda will always prevail, however much lies continue to pour out of stupid lairs like Kambanda and Jennifer who seem to have Permanent Head Disorders.
Editor: Kirezi, why are you putting pro-Rwanda comments down under multiple names? Is Kagame so low on support that people need to double up these days?
Alex May 13, 2012 7:18 am (Pacific time)
Jennifer, did you edit an article written by a dip Phil, phd, dr etc.... ??
Kambanda May 13, 2012 2:22 am (Pacific time)
Stupid man, whether u r PhD holder or not will always be stupid! Out of sort Kambanda! your name remind me of genocidal for Rwanda PM
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