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May-01-2007 13:58 ![]() ![]() Immigration Rally in Salem Draws ThousandsBonnie King Salem-News.comMost of the activists say they are trying to make an impression on the U.S. government that they want a path to citizenship, they want to be legal.
(SALEM) - Demonstrators came out in force under good weather in Salem today, showing the determination of people passionate about immigration issues. They are demanding rights for 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States.
And there were two sides at today's event; a small group of counter protesters gathered on the capitol mall grounds. They carried signs like, "Be legal or be gone" and "Illegals do not have any rights." But they were dwarfed by the thousands that want the United States government to stop breaking up Hispanic families through deportations, especially in accelerated programs like ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement: While the crowd chanted "Si, si puede", which means "Yes, yes we can" the message from many is that immigrants are here to work, they are not criminals.
Most are trying to make an impression on the U.S. government that they want a path to citizenship, they want to be legal. There was a distinct absence of Mexican flags. This is a common sight at previous rallies, but on this day they were all replaced by the stars and stripes, waved by people of all ages and nationalities. Oregon State Police say the highly publicized immigration rally that took place Monday in Salem went exceptionally well. Rally participants and onlookers began arriving around 11:00 AM and was over by 4:00 PM. Monday's crowd was estimated at about 8,000. About 100 police officers from the Salem Police Department, Oregon State Police, Marion County Sheriff' office combined to handle traffic and crowd control to ensure the event went smoothly and peacefully. The event organizers were very helpful in planning the event and ensuring the crowd followed the route and the time line. There were no arrests related to the event. For more information on immigration rights, visit: Articles for April 30, 2007 | Articles for May 1, 2007 | Articles for May 2, 2007 | googlec507860f6901db00.htmlQuick Links
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Q Madp May 22, 2007 1:42 pm (Pacific time)
If you where not there, go to this link to see some of my snapshots:
Tim King May 20, 2007 2:11 am (Pacific time)
Luke, I have covered two of these in the last year or so, but these photos were snapped with a still camera. Tim King-
Luke May 20, 2007 1:18 am (Pacific time)
Were you there that day, running around with a camera on a tripod?
Albert Marnell May 18, 2007 8:01 pm (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, Where have you been? Bush already met with Prime Minister Martin of Canada and Vicente Fox of Mexico over a year ago to do away with all three countries. Most mainstream media did not understand what he was doing. The only person that understood was Lou Dobbs who's career has been threatened recently over some side controversy. It is already done. The U.S. was gone in 1913. That is when the Fed was created and the next year the Great war broke out. See what happens with a Federal Reserve private banking cartel? The U.S. is already gone and people still talk to their dead mother. All of these trade agreements are just euphemisms for The New World Order. It does not matter who votes for who but who counts the votes--Stalin
Rosenberg May 18, 2007 8:21 am (Pacific time)
If congress passes this current immigration bill expect total martial law within 5 years in all urban environments. Remember they cannot even enforce our current immigration laws, so don't expect anything to change. The interlopers already know that. Those of you who have property in the above-referenced area's, property values will drop like a stone. We will soon be India.
Rosenberg May 17, 2007 12:53 pm (Pacific time)
Thanks for your analysis. So I guess I should hold on to my gold and start flipping some of my properties immediately. Have several in Bend, Oregon, that are really skyrocketing in value (purchased in the 1960's), and the capital gains tax isn't too bad, ummm, what to do? Your 4 year degree sure stomps the hell out of my observations and experience. So if the democrats allow some tax cuts to sunset, and then also raise other taxes and fees, what happens then? Inflation or recession? Nothing happens? How about that new (conservative who likes Bush) French President? He wants to see that for all hours people work beyond their normal 35 hour work week, it is untaxed! Ummm, what happens then? Inflation increases, lowers, or nothing happens? A recession around the corner for them? Bush tax cuts hurt our economy or help?
Albert Marnell May 17, 2007 12:21 pm (Pacific time)
Rosy, What do I make of it? Constant lying statistics by government agencies to make themselves look good. A decline in the standard of living, the super-rich dominating the equity markets with buyouts (many are from other countries), outsourcing of jobs, prisons filled, 800 Fema detention centers found, two incomes barely cutting the mustard and a very angry middle class. Those that are retired and are getting their governement checks and are living off of their inheritances are oblivious to others. The housing market is deteriorating in most parts of the country and taxes are not going down. The dollar has lost it's value and in the next 5 years I see depression like chaos and martial law as common as dirt. So the statistics you read are bull. I have an undergraduate degree in banking, finance and investments. I am not hurting but I see what is happening to the country. The stock market right now is a trap and expect a long term secular bear within just a few short years or even months. Go away in May for me and load up on gold when it goes to $525.00 and below. Inflation is out of control and many Americans do not see how the Federal Reserve has stolen the purchasing power of their money by cutting rates to ridiculous levels. Greenspan was the worst Fed puppet ever. Don't quote government statistics because that is one of the things I studied.
Rosenberg May 17, 2007 8:17 am (Pacific time)
Tell me Marnell, what do you make of the current U.S. economy?
Albert Marnell May 16, 2007 6:42 pm (Pacific time)
Rosy, There is more to inflation than supply and demand of goods, services and resources. Wages play a role too.
Rosenberg May 16, 2007 1:53 pm (Pacific time)
Low wages do not keep inflation under control...think!!
Albert Marnell May 16, 2007 11:40 am (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, Site your sources and when I know that there are people on earth like you I feel like I am on LSD. One of my traumas is knowing that there may be two of you out there.
Rosenberg May 16, 2007 10:32 am (Pacific time)
Marnell you take that course on this planet? Various monetary policies and even polarized economic theories dispute your opinion, but then Marnell, you most definitely operate within your own special paradigm. Lonely in there? Did you like do lsd or peyote, or suffer some kind of trauma sometime in your life?
Albert Marnell May 16, 2007 10:16 am (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, Economics 101, low wages help keep prices under control.
Rosenberg May 16, 2007 8:11 am (Pacific time)
Marnell you believe inflation will be eliminated via an open border policy? Wow!
Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 11:58 am (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, I want a total open border policy so that inflation will truly be contained. And I will laugh my ass off when 10,000 latinos take over Tara II. They will be on my side, I have worked with Central and South Americans most of my younger life. I understand and respect do not. CLARO?
Rosenberg May 15, 2007 11:06 am (Pacific time)
I believe Bush should be removed from office immediately. I am a conservative, Bush, as is the rest of his family, are nothing more than self-serving parasites that are causing extreme damage to my country because of his failure to protect our borders and to enforce our domestic laws. It may be too late for us to recover. People like you Marnell, better hope we get control of our borders, because no one will come to your aid, no one.
Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 9:39 am (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, President Bush wants a North American Union. He is your boy, not mine. He tells the public that immigration is out of control but talks out of both sides of his mouth and if you have read recently about his meetings with Vicente Fox of Mexico and the leaders of Canada, he wants no borders and wants one North American Country eventually. So go send Bush a letter telling him of your complaints and get one of those stupid ass form letters back.
Rosenberg May 14, 2007 7:49 am (Pacific time)
Those who embrace an "open border" viewpoint, obviously are either extremely short-sighted on what will eventually happen to America, or they simply hate America and opine for it's destruction.
Albert Marnell May 13, 2007 1:03 pm (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, You are so full of it. You probably use illegals to clean Tara II. Probably anyone that is jackass enough to be associated with you too will do the same if they know they won't get caught.
Rosenberg May 13, 2007 10:55 am (Pacific time)
Good news for Americans who want our laws enforces: May 13, 10:26 AM (ET) By ANABELLE GARAY FARMERS BRANCH, Texas (AP) - Voters in this Dallas suburb became the first in the nation Saturday to prohibit landlords from renting to most illegal immigrants. The ban was approved by a vote of 68 percent to 32 percent in final, unofficial returns. The balloting marked the first public vote on a local government measure to crack down on illegal immigration. "It says especially to Congress that we're tired of the out-of-control illegal immigration problem. That if Congress doesn't do something about it, cities will," said Tim O'Hare, a City Council member who was the ordinance's lead proponent. The ordinance requires apartment managers to verify that renters are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants before leasing to them, with some exceptions.
Albert Marnell May 13, 2007 1:01 am (Pacific time)
chiva- Do not let a few people upset you. I know what it took for my 4 grandparents and mother to come here. Even Hitler acknowledged that the bravest and strongest come to America. I also do not understand people that complain about immigration. When I called ATandT today, I got a call center in India. So the globalist want cheap labor but still want to charge old high American prices. Time will take them down. You know how to survive with nothing as did my family. You will make it.
chiva May 12, 2007 5:23 pm (Pacific time)
we immagrants arent hre just for fun we sufered and risked our lives just 2 cross the border for a better life so dont try 2 be racist
Albert Marnell May 12, 2007 1:47 pm (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, You are the biggest dictator around. Why is it that I only have a problem with you. You like to dominate and control everyone and everything. I grew up in a family where I had to learn not to take crap from anyone, including my parents who I raised.
Rosenberg May 12, 2007 7:35 am (Pacific time)
Yes Marnell I certainly see those diplomatic character traits that you have, they simply exude in your posts.
Albert Marnell May 10, 2007 4:37 pm (Pacific time)
Happy future Birthday Rosenberg. Don't think that it hasn't been fun because it hasn't. Give it time. I am actually a diplomat when it comes to the point.
Rosenberg May 10, 2007 10:34 am (Pacific time)
Actually soon approaching 70 times Marnell.
Juan Pedanto May 10, 2007 8:26 am (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, You have learned nothing from your life of experiences. You have one year of experience repeated about 60 times.
The Editor May 9, 2007 6:38 pm (Pacific time)
Stop trying to write profanity here. We proof each comment before it goes up. Find a better way to express yourself, no profanity allowed.
Rosenberg May 9, 2007 1:05 pm (Pacific time)
Juan I dare say I am fluent (and literate) in both Spanish and Portugese (and other languages). I have traveled extensively around the world during my military years, and as a private contractor. I have seen many changes as the years have rolled by, and also very little change (mainly in Africa and latin areas) during the same time period. The biggest hater's and racist's out there are generally those who call other's hater's and racist's. You no doubt belong to the latter group. In due time, these racist' interlopers will have an appropriate accountibility. In the meantime Juan, compare and contrast the "individual" illegal crime rate with American citizens. Now compare and contrast the crime rates on a racial level, see U.S Justice Department data for an objective database. Also please note that via a Pew Hispanic survey, they found that approximately 80% of all hispanics born in the U.S. do not see themselves as Americans, but as something else. Juan, maybe you are still tabulating the number of toilets per person south of the border, also do the number of lawns. It was you Juan that said we would be cleaning your toilets and mowing your lawns...Juan, are you Albert? Or just some other anti-wes. civ. loser?
Juan Pedanto May 8, 2007 10:26 pm (Pacific time)
Rosenberg, Most Latinos are legal here. They are citizens. They are born here. You must live in a bell jar. Did you know that most of Argentina is Italian blood mixed with other Europeans? Or what about Chile? There is nothing wrong with the native Indian blood of Amercia del Sur but your knowledge of South America, Central America and Spain is not knowledge. You must live in a hick town hidden in the woods. Every latin country is so different. Your ancestors come from poverty, that is why you are here. I only dis you because of your hateful rants and pig-headed and stereotype ideas about Latins and others. Why don't you say to the faces of Spanish people what you think of them? You know what they will do to you and you would deserve it. Join the KKK because that is your mentality.
Rosenberg May 8, 2007 9:09 am (Pacific time)
Juan that may be something that you desire, but it will not happen. The conflict between Americans and those who are here illegally has already been resolved. You will probably not like the outcome Juan, but if you study American history, that study may allow you to make a reasonable extrapolation of what is in store for racist interlopers. Peace and good luck to you Juan. By the way how many toilet's per person south of the U.S. border, and vice versa? You may hate Western Civilization, so why not reject all of what it has promulgated...
Juan Pedanto May 7, 2007 10:59 pm (Pacific time)
That's right Mr. Rosenberg. My children and grandchildren will have yours cleaning my toilets and cutting my lawn.
Judith May 6, 2007 1:10 am (Pacific time)
I think that no one is Illegal. We all want to succeed in this world. We shouldn't be racist with no one. If it wasnt for the mexicans what would stores do or how about the Agricultural work, who does that work? Of course the mexicans work really hard to get paid minimum wage and the agricultural workers get more money than the mexicans. i think without mexicans, the U.S is worth nothing!!!!! We all have the right to have a better future and where ever we want it to be.
Rosenberg May 5, 2007 9:03 am (Pacific time)
Well "student" what happens to all those so-called "rights" when we no longer have people to assure those rights are protected? When people from every corner of the planet are legally free to come here, there will only be those who act out of self-interest, which is starting to happen now. For those of you who hate America, and you know who you are, why then do all these people from around the world come here? The illegal immigration currently in progress, even if it is stopped this very day, will not change what is less than 5 years you will see such urban rioting that only martial law will slow it down...and that's the end of America. Fini!
student May 3, 2007 2:34 pm (Pacific time)
Every body has the same rights no one is illegal.
Rosenberg May 3, 2007 8:50 am (Pacific time)
Juan. What kind of bananas?
B.S. Deductions May 2, 2007 5:01 pm (Pacific time)
Brett-Do you know how many businesses have two sets of books? Do you think that the take out Chinese places give the government the sales tax they charge you or even report the income when you pay cash? How about the local stationary store and so on? Maybe half of them do report enough so that they do not get an audit. I do not blame them for cheating. It is every Americans God appointed duty to cheat like hell on their taxes. It is even in the Bible that it is a sin to pay your taxes if you can avoid it.
Make Love Not War May 2, 2007 4:29 pm (Pacific time)
And it's one, two, three, what are we fighten for? Who knows? Who gives a damn, the next stop is Vietnam.
Juan Pedanto May 2, 2007 4:20 pm (Pacific time)
You stinking Gringos wipe my backside. You have been take our resources for hundred years and create fake war with dictators. We Spanish work hard. Bush wants us here because places like WalMart like it. So your listen to your boss man. Soon you will have to go to America del Sur to pick bananas because we do better work than you here. Pack up your things and get South of the Border pronto. Maybe one of your created dictators will show you how to work down there.
The Great Jane Fondue May 2, 2007 4:08 pm (Pacific time)
Two wrongs do not make a right. Take care of the vets. Also, you have to admit, a handful of G.I.'s deserve to be spit on. Do you think that they are all angels? The government is allowing alot of non-documented people to stay if they enlist. The armed forces is working out all kinds of rule bending to fill the military void. Got a problem...enlist!
Rosenberg May 2, 2007 10:56 am (Pacific time)
To: VetoAmnesty--right on!
Rosenberg May 2, 2007 10:54 am (Pacific time)
Say Matt, I assume that you are an open border guy?
VetoAmnesty May 1, 2007 8:39 pm (Pacific time)
The day millions of illegal immigrants are granted amnesty, they will have immediate access to local doctors. Compare that to war heroes returning who have only two hospitals and a handful of clinics. Granting amnesty promotes breaking the law at any cost to become a citizen. Over the years hundreds of thousands of U.S. Armed Forces have gained naturalization through the legal process. Shortchanging the legal process once again is nothing short of spitting in the face of the G.I.
Brett May 1, 2007 8:23 pm (Pacific time)
Nobody has a problem with mexicans. If you want to come here and work, thats just fine. But when you come here illegally and don't pay taxes. I honestly don't understand what you have to protest about.
Dave May 1, 2007 8:22 pm (Pacific time)
There's 11 million illegals in this country. They use our hospitals and schools, and don't pay taxes. Then they protest because they want more? That honestly makes me sick. This protest hearts their cause. Everyone I've talked to about it is really mad. Mexicans are like a guy that crashes on your couch and doesn't contribute. Then complains when you run out of beer for him to drunk. I'd kick him out..... So yeah......
Matt Johnson May 1, 2007 4:37 pm (Pacific time)
We live in a time of extremes, when people have forgotten that it really is only one world. I took a great amount of grief from Hispanic people growing up in the LA area, and I have come to understand over the years how much we are all alike. Wages have been declining for these people over five years, while everything else goes up. If I was in Mexico and my kids were hungry, I'd head north too. The white community needs to work with people. Above all the best answer is to help bring honest good wages to countries south of our border. Matt Johnson, the Malibu crew live to surf-surf to live
tg May 1, 2007 4:29 pm (Pacific time)
Where the heck was INS????? I dont understand why these people think we owe them...why arent they spending this time and energy to make their own countries better places to live?????
Exdeath64 May 1, 2007 3:00 pm (Pacific time)
if they want to be legal, fill out the paperwork BEFORE you cross the border.
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