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Mar-30-2007 09:36 ![]() ![]() Benton County to be Without Early Morning Sheriff Patrols Beginning SundaySalem-News.comTwo deputies will be assigned to an “on-call” status during the early morning hours and will respond to life threatening incidents.
(CORVALLIS, Ore. ) - Effective April 1st, the Benton County Sheriff’s Office will begin a new patrol schedule that will leave rural Benton County without early morning patrol coverage. With the loss of federal county payments and voter approved tax limitations, the Sheriff’s Office will not have resources or personnel to provide twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week patrol coverage. From 3:00 AM until 7:00 AM, the Sheriff’s Office will not have deputies on patrol. However, two deputies will be assigned to an “on-call” status during the early morning hours and will respond to life threatening incidents. During the 2007-09 biennium budget preparation, Sheriff Diana Simpson made the decision to impose a hiring freeze. “In order to be fiscally responsible, I chose not to go through the expense of hiring new deputies, training them, equipping them and then having to lay them off July 1st,” said Simpson. The new biennium budget provides for 16 patrol deputies including three sergeants; not enough staff for 24/7 coverage, but an ample number for two ten-hour daily shifts. The Benton County Budget Committee begins hearings on the 2007-09 biennium budget April 2nd. The average cost to train and outfit a new deputy is approximately $6,000 plus their salary. Even if more patrol deputies are added today, deputies go through eight to ten months of rigorous training and certification before they are available for solo patrol. “Despite the reduced coverage, the Sheriff’s Office will continue to provide professional, accountable and responsive services within our limited resources,” said Sheriff Simpson. Articles for March 29, 2007 | Articles for March 30, 2007 | Articles for March 31, 2007 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html Support | |
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S. LaMarche; April 7, 2007 6:32 pm (Pacific time)
Alright!.,I confess that I am JAFO!,(just another foreign observer)!, not Mr. Marnell. I will tell you no more other than the wager will be won by me and sent to the "love boxes" going to the troops.,several if you care to give odds Mr. Rosenberg). Beings how I am a prolific keyboarder and observational citizen, I didn't want to enrage the readership with my name appearing too frequently, sort of like not returning from an ambush or patrol on the same trail you used to get there. Thank you S-N, and I hope you don't change the "comment" format, otherwise I may never have met Mr. Rosenberg! Speaking for myself of course, I think there are many levels of moonbats who need more than a sentence to get it across, so to speak., and I am in no means inferring any aspersions on other contributors. Moonbats are O.K. with enough A-1 sauce.
The Editor April 7, 2007 2:34 pm (Pacific time)
ROSENBERG, We know the IP's of all the comment posters and I will tell you for a fact that JAFO is not Albert Marnell. I do not like the direction of the comments, it is not intended to be used for accusations. Eventually we will be forced to implement a system where everyone gives up their info before they can post comments. We also have the ability to disclose multiple identities of posters, we know who is who.
Retired Contractor April 7, 2007 1:14 pm (Pacific time)
Regarding your wager, yeah, Homeland knows...
JAFO; April 6, 2007 10:16 pm (Pacific time)
is it a bet or not? No disclosure forms required, just send me the money!, after I win of course.
Retired Contractor April 6, 2007 11:05 am (Pacific time)
JAFO your syntax is strikingly familiar...
JAFO; April 5, 2007 5:47 pm (Pacific time)
the throw on a crankshaft is counterbalanced. I got ten bucks on Mr. Ruark! Though Mr. Jameson has made some valid points, and I am following story with as unbiased as possible outlook for a lefty, not dyed in the wool democrat or repulican, liberal or conservative. Kate's still recalcitrant.
Retired Contractor April 5, 2007 10:51 am (Pacific time)
JAFO. Possibly you confuse wisdom with something else, e.g. , fatuous mediocrity?
JAFO; April 4, 2007 6:53 pm (Pacific time)
The game's over when Kate Starr sings!,but it did seem Henry's patiance was strained, and Jamisson hasn't ID'd according to Mr.Ruark, but both have made some good points. It seems to be the label of "Conservative" and "Liberal" that get overemphasised in my opinion, but my currency riding on Henry in the wisdom over trickery vein.,as in "old age and trickery will always overcome youth and skill".,meant with excrutiating humor of course!.,it's halftime entertainment!
Retired Contractor April 4, 2007 10:00 am (Pacific time)
HA1 HA! Good one JAFO. From my perspective though, I give the victory to Jameson for it appears he is just responding to HR's ideological courseness. For example, please notice HR's compliment, then backhanded gradeschool-like insult he gives Jameson.
JAFO; April 3, 2007 6:27 pm (Pacific time)
at the half it's;Jamison loses ground in a "MacEnroe" display, while it remains to be seen if the older Mr. Ruark has., "learned how to learn", more later.
Jameson April 3, 2007 11:33 am (Pacific time)
HR. If I did swallow a virus, then I'm okay. Now what are you going to do with the one that you have that has become systemic? Possibly the only way you can truely debate is by insulting those who know your game...getting older and not learning how to learn must be terrible!
Hank Ruark April 2, 2007 3:30 pm (Pacific time)
J: Disclosure: Was in D.C., early days of K-St. Had pleasure of tearing up white env. handed me -- so have some inkling of your bugbear corruption. But Norquist-Abramson far outdid anything-prior; and 21st Century in Oregon can re-make State if Leg. will only allow and act.
Hank Ruark April 2, 2007 3:23 pm (Pacific time)
J: Really appreciate your last, nicely done...please ID-self so we can "engage" directly' I seek to learn and you sound as solid teacher. Meanwhile try injection from Dr. Paul Starr,of Princeton U, in April NEW REPUBLIC -- or do you consider him backslid and/or Far Left ? See also Op Ed Wed., with more from major writer who declares: "The private actors to whom our society has ceded all control over the corporation often strip-mine wealth from less powerful actors, such as their suppliers and workers." Won't hurt a bit and might offset the virus you seem to have swallowed.
Jameson April 2, 2007 2:46 pm (Pacific time)
HR: the definition of "Liberalism" is not a problem, in fact I fully embrace it...but it's meaning has been so distorted and abused by the left it no longer has any meaningful connection/similarity to previous definition(s). Furthermore I really doubt that you have any "new" information for me, though I frequently re-evaluate my positions on a wide variety of assessments. The fact is, the current way the loony left has perverted "Liberalism" leaves me to believe that the democratic party in it's current leadership and direction is doomed. What comes next to fill tha vacuum may even be worse. As you certainly recall HR, JFK ran on a platform of "Less taxes, and more missiles" (I am paraphrasing). So the left is now simply looking at different ways of pursuing an income redistribution, e.g. global warming scams coming big time, ergo, government sanctioned mediocrity is on the horizon. Speaking of mediocrity, no I'm not talking about loony liberals, did you see how Portland is changing the educational requirements for their police? (High school or GED certificate are okay so they can bring in more African-Americans [who make up 1.8% of Oregons population. Sure disses all those who who sacrifice to come in with higher standards, both black and white folks]). They will make the New Orleans police look like a bunch of mensa's in the immediate future. Excellently educated and trained people will no longer apply to become Portland police. Woe to those living in Portland. No HR, the current definition of "Liberalism" in it's current actional form is not very attractive to clear thinking American patriots!The more power they receive (steal!), the more corruption they cause. Take a count HR of all those elected officals who were convicted for corruption in the last 40 years, then break it down by party...big big difference.
Hank Ruark April 2, 2007 10:09 am (Pacific time)
To all: Given intensity of Comments, may find helpful this reference. Dr. Beck's first 3 chapters explain clearly in commonsense simplicity from whence cometh that intensity. Book is classic foundation of cognitive approach to human self-understandings; gift from him after chance contact leading to interview in Chicago. Here's ISBN: 0-8236-0990-1, still available from Internet sources such as Amazon.
Hank Ruark April 2, 2007 7:11 am (Pacific time)
"The proposition that each of us has a right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness remains as good a definition as anyone has ever come up with of liberalism's first principle and America's historic promise." Paul Star; Prof., Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton. (
Hank Ruark April 1, 2007 3:29 pm (Pacific time)
J: Complexity of your distorted, perverted views demands far more space than possible here. Again, ID-self, abandoning yr retreat behind political half-truths, and will happily send you detailed facts from deeply conservative sources as remedial medicines...if you can bring yourself to swallow facts, any longer.
Jameson April 1, 2007 2:01 pm (Pacific time)
Given the chance to do what is right, liberals will consistently choose otherwise. They do so because they adopt a worldview that is based on "what feels good." They follow impulses instead of moral standards. And they seem to cheer for our enemies instead of our allies. Which when you think of it seems to be a defining characteristic of someone who has lost their mind. Look at all the densely populated liberal area's, generally our cities. Now look at the crime rate, the illigitimate birthrate, school dropout rate, etc. , ad nauseum. Then to top it off it is essentially the high tax rate levied on the hardworking conservative middle class, and those who create the jobs that foot the bills for all these loser's. The low tax rate we have now (could be lower!) is what has saved our economy, look at all the bad scenario's in the last nearly six years we have had to deal with, and still we have avoided a major problem. Well the left wants more taxes (sunset the ones in effect now), well money drys up and hello recession. Of note, Clinton's so called good economy had nothing to do with his policies, the money people out there knew as long as the conservatives were in charge, that a stable monetary policy would continue. Wait and see what happens when morons like Pelosi and Reid get some traction...then this local funding re: the above article wouldn't get any ink. Social security and any type of national health program will turn us into a 4th world countrry, then try to migrate to Mexico gringo...
JAFO; April 1, 2007 8:59 am (Pacific time)
it appears the steeple is on fire., smoking in the belfrey?
a Dream; April 1, 2007 3:50 am (Pacific time)
that one day people would be judged by the content of their character and measured by their earned capabilities rather than the political affilliation or religious outlook or ethnic/racial heretage. I personally want information that gets to the heart of the matter, but I confess I voted for Kerry the last election.,and coincidantally I am left handed! I still obtain much useful from this website in spite of ...,occaisional polorization.
Jameson March 31, 2007 11:39 pm (Pacific time)
Ruark you simply preach to choir with all the half-baked liberals on this site, in another venue you would find that clear thinking people would roll you over...figuratively speaking. One thing that sure is apparent after reviewing this website, many of you people just cannot stand the facts and logic that conservatives provide. Enjoy your rhetorical fantasy.
Hank Ruark March 31, 2007 4:04 pm (Pacific time)
Hey, "Ghost" ! Appreciate your kind words; but any thoughtful reader checking my first note will see it has only two indisputable facts: 1. Measure-mentioned will impact Benton Co. if killed. 2. Bush DID threaten veto, and Constitutional crisis DOES impend. Diatribe from J. explodes (OR implodes !) by its own weight of attack. How, please, on content of story-itself ? THAT's point of Comment-format...NOT issues, nor attacks. For any-such, ID to Editor for me --straight-stuff, face-to-face, any time, any issue, any question...leaving room for Commenteers on point.
Hank Ruark March 31, 2007 2:56 pm (Pacific time)
Hey, J !: Go look in mirror, pretend you in store, bar, eatery, wherever...and see if you then wish to repeat precisely what you jus sent. Always good test: Would I say it face.face, in social situation ? If NOT, perhaps wiser to dialog without personalized impacts. FYI my best friend at I.U. was named Sampow Varangoon, from Thailand' my best h.s. buddy was fullblood Penobscot Indian; my United Press mentor in Boston was "of color". SO what ! We all human and should so treat each other, right ??
Jameson March 31, 2007 2:24 pm (Pacific time)
Well there "ghost ...", perfect moniker for the verbiage you spewed forth. Thanks for making my point as per the educational system failing when it's under liberal control. I could care less about Bush, or the other people you mentioned. But how about Clinton over in Russia in 1968 protesting our warriors then? Oh yeah, that's different. Anyway re: my earlier point: Look at the Test Scores! I spent some time testing K-12 students over several decades, their teacher's hated me because I so easily exposed them for what they where/are. Incompetent boobs. Mediocrity has become the norm, and the demonizing of those who challenge these idiots , well, there you are "Ghost". Free speech is not a concept you really get is it? P.S. I am African-American, but I prefer to be called simply an "American". I believe you might dislike whites? Is that why you use the term "white-bread dough-boys? How tragic!
Hank Ruark March 31, 2007 2:22 pm (Pacific time)
J-Son, Ghost: Hey, guys, strong points but lay off attack...demo dialog sticks to issues. Re content-here, we call it as we see it after study. Any can disagree; just bring source and documentation when you come on. BUT dialog does the job when it causes each to cogitate, even enough for "hit-backs" ! Salaam aleakum AND "Peace Be Unto YOU (Both) !"
Ghost of Che Guevara March 31, 2007 1:06 pm (Pacific time)
Who in the hell do you think you are Jameson? Quit lying and reversing the facts of life. Democrats may have their faults, liberals care about little people, you should appreciate that since your lying little brain is so damned incapable of seeing fact from fiction. The friggin' tax money is being spent on a war that is bush's little pet project claiming the lives of my brothers. Liberals want to feed people, they want fairness for people who are different. They care less about white bread dough boys like you than little children of color. They always will too, and you just compound their feelings with your blathering falsehoods and everybody knows it. The right wing movement based on false religious values is about to go flush and the real men are approaching the table. Bush is a wussy who ducked his role in Vietnam, Cheney had five draft deferments, Rumsfeld isn't even worth insulting because history speaks louder than my rant. Don't turn into such a liar just because Hank Ruark makes intelligent statements that your black heart doesn't understand. remember, burial cloaks have no pockets, there is no use in people being greedy pigs. Get a life before it's too late, trust me I know!
Jameson March 31, 2007 12:21 pm (Pacific time)
Excuse me Hank Ruark why do you always attack Bush when it's usually the liberals that cause funding problems by directing my hard earned tax money to some entitlement program? Gee, be responsible with your assessments. Liberals always blame others, you never look for meaningful solutions. So much of our tax money is going down ratholes. Our educational system continues to spiral downward (look at the test scores, going back to 1960 to the present. It's clear that public education is failing our citizens, statewide and nationally) , but we sure can direct a lot of our revenue to these unions who are the ones who control our democratic politicans. Except the governor who is on a short leash held by the child rapist Goldschmidt. Ask the governor if he will go under oath and say he knew nothing of the multiple felonies Goldschmidt was involved in? You know, rewind the "statute of limitation's" clock. Hey he was an officer of the court(still is), he wouldn't have a problem with that inquiry, right?!
Hogie March 31, 2007 10:36 am (Pacific time)
Buy a gun. Better yet, buy two big guns..
Marco March 31, 2007 8:29 am (Pacific time)
We can all give thanks to the environmentalists for this problem.
Raymond Gilden March 31, 2007 7:49 am (Pacific time)
To those people who don't want to pay taxes, and get government out of their lives, this is what they get.
Pawari March 30, 2007 5:57 pm (Pacific time)
Oh good! Now I know when to time my burglaries. Gracias! (Does April 1 have anything to do with this story?)
Hank Ruark March 30, 2007 10:16 am (Pacific time)
Funding involved to prevent this disastrous situation is the measure President Bush has already stated he may veto. Thus we may face true and desperate Constitutional crisis forced by our initiation and participation in Iraq attack -- an issue that surely is open to loyal dissent in any democracy.
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