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Mar-09-2011 23:03printcomments

Tiger Woods- Before & After

There is no quick fix" -Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods photo courtesy:

(CLEVELAND) - Media sources are reporting Tiger Woods' lifestyle changes this week. The Chicago Tribune quoted Woods saying, "I have a family," after this morning's practice round at the TPC Blue Monster.

"I'm divorced. If you've been divorced with kids, then you would understand."

The Tribune's Jeff Shain writes how Woods has only played nine competitive rounds entering this week's WGC-Cadillac Championship — not atypical for recent years, but contradictory to what he has been saying since starting work with swing coach Sean Foley.

Many recall Woods' dropping the idea of fixing his own swing, instead taking on a new teacher, number three since he went pro in 1996.

Tiger Woods warned everyone who would listen last August in regard to his swing: "there is no quick fix."

In their article, the New York Times says he was telling the truth.

A unique poetic presentation; Tiger Woods & The Lynching Noose and 'Tiger Woods' His Eagle Has Landed Due To Sex & Buddha?

Tiger Woods & The Lynching Noose

What an ugly uproar about the noose around Tiger’s neck,
Growing tighter every single day because he chooses to forget,
A story over 2000 years old about a man and the world He forgave,
Whether you believe it or not it’s only by His sacrifice we are saved.

Am I trying to compare Tiger to Jesus? That would be absurd,
Why is everyone so upset by the saying of the 'lynching' word?
Then again, maybe it is not the word rather it’s the entire phrase,
The only way to keep it going is by talking about it day after day.

Exactly what in the world makes this particular Tiger so great?
The racism he has encountered filling his heart and mind with hate?
That would be impossible growing up with Jack Nickalus on his wall,
Certainly not the
way he so gently strokes a short putt on the golf ball.

No, this animal is ferocious because he knows exactly when to attack,
The perfect time to strike and the proper time to relax and hold back,
Worlds number 1, again and again the undisputed player of the year,
What makes this Tiger rise above everyone else is that he has no fear.

Eagles that fly high above don’t spend time on the ground with birds,
So, why should he come down to earth and defend himself over words?
Sure, it was an unfortunate mistake but since Eldrick wants to move on,
Who has the right to make less than five seconds last so very, very long?

If Woods was the kind of person to hold a grudge and harbor pain,
The golfing world or anyone for that matter would not know his name,
Many a promising career has been stifled looking for others to blame,
Here’s another thought, what if Jesus spoke and a thousand angles came?

Slavery is supposedly over but in most minds it can’t be that easy to mend,
For everything that has a beginning there is a middle followed by the end,
OK, Kelly Tilghman said it, she apologized, and this incident is over when?
The exact moment Tiger accepted her responsibility saying, “She’s a friend,”

Spousal & child abuse, drunk drivers, sexual slavery, genocide in Kenya is unjust,
The war Americans should not be in, drug addiction, gas prices, much to discuss,
Unscrupulous politicians and other leaders behind closed doors we cannot trust,
Some automobile makers selling cars then after three years on the road they rust.

It’s not the first incident between this Black vs. White and certainly not the last,
However, no person or race will experience forward progress living in the past,
Yes, it’s true that when you do not know history, greater the chance for a repeat,
But, when harboring malice in your heart revenge becomes bitter not sweet.

A family man now with a lot more on his mind like a wife and baby girl,
If the child had been born a boy there’s no doubt his name would be Earl,
There are many other concerns, how about the failure of public education?
Especially in inner city neighborhoods, what about that racial intimidation?

A tiger in the woods smells blood and begins searching for his prey,
A Tiger named Woods senses blood and knows victory is a bird away,
A tiger in the woods encircles his domain knowing that his meal isn’t far,
A Tiger named Woods knows the fight is over cause he’s 20 under par.

A tiger in the woods needs to catch and eat per day 40lbs. of raw meat,
A Tiger named Woods gets full consuming an eagle or two for his treat,
What do these two animals have in common besides the Tiger name?
How about both of them priestly sit atop of their individual food chain.

A tiger on the loose in San Francisco killed one with two on the way,
A Tiger at the Buick Open will maul an entire field in the game he plays,
I wonder what’s the difference between these two, an animal and the man?
Well, one likes to romp in the jungle while the other likes to play in sand.

Not just tigers but all animals beset with unique and incredible features,
Jealousy will always follow gifted talents of the rarest, purest creatures,
Oh yeah, "Here's what I would have done had I been caught in that spot,"
Did you ever stop to think that's exactly why Tiger is and you are not?

Just look what happened at the February 2008 Desert Classic in Dubai,
Start of the final round from being the leader Tiger was five shots shy,
Of course at the end of the tournament day when all was said and done,
He had erased the deficit to win the championship by the stroke of one.

Apparently, not many people know the history of the famous Tiger Woods,
Question? Just how many golf courses did he practice on deep in the hood?
Wait just one minute because it’s time to mention one very important thing,
Did we or did we not just celebrate a holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King?

How do you think the greatest African American Hero might respond to this?
Eloquent words of wisdom or by returning hatred with the raising of his fist?
The bad news is that it’s 2008 and sadly racial indifferences will never change,
Good news is neither will the exceptional talent by which Tiger plays the game.

By Luke Easter

'Tiger Woods' His Eagle Has Landed Due To Sex & Buddha?

Amazingly the Eagle has unofficially landed on Wednesday 12/02/2009,
An accident early Thanksgiving Day clipped Tiger’s wings in his prime,
What is it that brought down this bird flying above the stars set on high?
Well, lets just say that even in a Cadillac SUV, Eagles should not drive.

The only thing that could even remotely make this mortal an average guy,
No one alive is immune from everyday sins and transgressions here’s why,
The higher you climb the more jealously seals your coffin with a rusty nail,
And his human persona was undermined by an indiscretionary voice mail.

There’s more to this incident but exactly what is the bottom line going to be?
Great as Mr. Woods is he’s no different away from his fame as you and me,
The evil one is equally as busy on millionaires as he is on dollars and cents,
That is right! Whether you own a mansion on in an apartment you owe rent.

Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsk and the “dress” Eldrick did obviously forget,
The President of the most powerful country had to face the nation in regret,
If only Eve hadn’t eaten the apple there might not have been over 300 text,
Doing what none in the world could do he put a noose around his own neck.

Somewhere there is a phrase about, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,”
Being a Stanford grad and past history you would think he was forewarned,
Soon the walls began to crumble, the story leaks, when the end approaches,
Alleged lovers and all the tabloids begin to appear like an army of roaches.

There will be many twists, takes, turns to this incident, here is yet another,
Tiger was estranged from his father Earl for fooling around on his mother,
Okay! Please remember to be careful when you dig a pit for someone else.
Why? Because more often than not you just might fall in that ditch yourself.

Mark 8: 36, 'What shall it profit to gain the whole world and lose your soul?”
It’s very unfortunate that there’ll be many first hand who will come to know,
So, if you think it is all about money, your title or prestige better think again,
And start with the love of GOD, your family, the church and faithful friends.

Lust has nothing to do with love, just selfishness, control and mucho greed,
I do not want you to have Elin sweetie because I only want you to have me,
But! Now that the cat’s out of the bag I simply have to sell my story honey,
After all sugar it was never really about you it was always about your money.

As these women do talk shows and the covers of Star and People Magazine,
Every strand of hair in place, perfect make-up and teeth professionally clean,
With hankies sobbing, “we’re good girls, not home wreckers” oh yes you are,
And if life was scored like the game of golf you’d all be 2,000+ years over par.

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger the most recognized face on this earth or any other planet,
It’s tame next to the Super Bowl breast of the 2nd most famous Jackson, Janet,
Endorsements have catapulted you to the stratosphere where there is higher loft,
And now you know what all humans know, that there is more to life than golf.

Governors Eliot Spitzer, Mark Stanford and now Mr. Eldrick Tiger Woods,
Romans 7: 18 reminds us, “inside the flesh dwells nothing that’s good,”
King Solomon’s greatest riches or even Samson’s strength or power,
Yeah! Not some mighty foe but their own sins would destroy & devour.

This is not to condemn through unrighteousness by dropping anyone’s name,
No matter the position there’s a good chance to get caught playing this game,
Tiger’s loss of million dollar sponsors, everybody is so curious and concerned,
Till we began to fear what God’s wrath may be there’s still more to be learned.

Also, many questions arise about his family whether or not Elin gets a divorce,
Not to be rude but like everything else this is putting the cart before the horse,
This sponsor, those commercials, the yacht, real estate & jet, all want to know,
Al Sharpton wanted him to have affairs with Black girls but nada about his soul.

Al called Tiger a racist because in his harem he had no African American honey’s,
The, 'good' reverend felt they too should sell their stories in exchange for money,
Eldrick fell from grace, among the stars, through clouds, to walk with ordinary men,
And all the, “man of God” could think of, let Black women profit from adulterous sin.

Al also said Tiger should be like Black hero’s Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King,
Why? Well, when they had affairs it was with their own race. That was a good thing?
Hey Tiger, maybe the first thing you should do is find a circle of God fearing friends,
Otherwise, your Eagle that has landed might never take off for another flight again.

When there is no fear of God or eternity in hell this it what anyone should do,
If you have an affair let it be with someone who has as much to loose as you,
Yeah, neither should they mind weeping, wailing, always grinding their teeth,
Now answer this question, 'Is anything really worth this kind of forever grief?'

12/11/2009 This Eagle flying Tiger has decided to take a much needed rest,
Not for the world of golf but for this endangered spices right now it will be best,
Yet, without the bible’s knowledge and wisdom again he just might fail the test,
This Tiger as all must understand, on earth we are only God’s temporary guest.

The entire sports world, family, friends, all of his fans, are somewhat perplexed,
At the end of 12/2009 there is talk of Tiger being treated for an addiction to sex,
Ok, should whatever therapy, counseling and reasoning sessions fail what next?
He needs to get it right the first time, training in the knowledge of scripture text.

Oh! By the way, there is no need to waste any money because the gift is free,
James 1: 5, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, given to all liberally,”
1: 6, “But ask in faith, not wavering, unlike the sea, driven by wind and tossed,”
Many have spent thousands yet without the word of God still you are still lost.

02/19/2010 Tiger had his first news conference and now I realize,
This infidelity, deceit, selfishness, manipulating attitude okay why?
He wants to get back to Buddhism the religious roots of his belief,
Well heck, it’s no wonder there is so much embarrassment & grief.

Anyone who breaks the very first Commandment of God is pure insanity,
So, Mr. Eldrick Tiger Woods needs to turn to true worship, “Christianity,”
Paying homage to a creature instead of Creator caused it in the first place,
2nd Chronicles 7: 14, forgivness & healing only comes seeking God’s face.

Tiger made the ultimate slice putting the cart before the horse,
Resulting in the loss of family, respect, sponsors, this divorce,
Judging from Tiger’s play he is no more than a cub on course,
And it shall stay that way until he repents with honest remorse.

God has blessed you to be the greatest golfer the world has ever known,
And you repay the Father with prayer under the guise of Buddha’s dome?
Hey! Better wake-up because very soon your life will be over and done,
As kingdom entrance into the narrow gate is small as a par 4 hole in one.

By Luke Easter

Luke Easter is a poet who writes about things that are very close to the heart of Another former U.S. Marine, Luke heals the world with an approach that reaches people on a different level, one known for centuries, yet too often forgotten in the one we live in.

We live in a world of social & economic injustice. The main reason for founding America in the first place was to relieve the oppression of the King of England. Patrick Henry said it best, “give me liberty or give me death.” And yet, all too often death seems to be the only way out. Why is there such a high suicide rate especially among teens, in the land of the free & the home of the brave? What makes headlines? Good news? Ha! More depressing stories than anything else. I feel poetry takes an edge off the hurt of bad news while still delivering it but in a, “glitzy” sort of way. Giving a different perspective. Kind of like slap in the face as opposed to a knife in the back. At least with the slap you’ll live to see another day and you will know whom it’s from. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the world but at 59, I just might be here for the end.

Even though it’s still a knife, rhyme poetry helps to dull the blade. And that’s my job. You can write to Luke Easter at:

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