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Mar-06-2010 06:10 ![]() ![]() Biker Club Members Keep Salem Home From Going Up in SmokeStory by Tim King Video by Mike Kondash for Salem-News.comBikers alert the family and battle flames until firefighters arrived
(SALEM, Ore.) - Local motorcyclists from the Free Soul and Gypsy Joker motorcycle clubs gathering for pizza in Salem Friday night, didn't know that they would end up saving a family from a house fire. And they definitely didn't expect to be the ones who would actually man the fire hose and evacuate the family. Even with small explosions taking place, these biker firefighters held their ground. Mike Kondash recorded incredible video, as the vehicle fire spread to the home itself. But the constant flow of water was making a difference. Another small explosion, soon a police officer arrived on the scene. The resident didn't know what started the fire. He explained that he had just arrived home, and had no idea the vehicle had somehow started to burn. The resident thanked the bikers for being there to help his family at such a critical time. The fire kept burning for several minutes, but by this point, the house fire itself was out. Mike Murdoch, one of the bikers directing water on the fire, said it had definitely gotten to the house and roof, but it appeared to mostly be out before fire crews arrived on the scene. Salem is known for having a lightning fast fire department, but these bikers, located close to the fire, were responsible for keeping the fire from spreading rapidly to the wooden structure. The Gypsy Joker and Free Soul Club members are also responsible for alerting the family to the fact that their home was on fire in the first place. Then Salem Fire rolled up with multiple units, and prepared to put a final end to this blaze. The house was charred, firefighters used axes to open the structure up in an effort to find hot spots. The club members were two houses away when, according to Mike Kondash, they smelled smoke that at first made him think of a bonfire, then suddenly they were all running to the house, where the SUV was burning, so they could help a family avoid tragedy. Both police and media typically brand motorcycle clubs as rivals. These club members from both the Free Souls and the Gypsy Joker clubs demonstrated that biker unity is present. This builds political solidarity, and it can even help put out fires. Jerry Smith and Mark Kondash were among the bikers who helped evacuate the residents and battle the fire that happened at a residence in the 3500 block of Hawthorne Ave NE around 10:30 p.m. Friday. _________________________________________
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Butch Ryan June 18, 2015 12:21 pm (Pacific time)
This don't surprise me a bit since I know some of the fine men of both clubs. Right on men; great job.
Danielle April 11, 2015 10:01 pm (Pacific time)
They are a club. Not a gang. So proud of all those men. Awesome job GJMC and FSMC! Amazing story!
Retired LE December 15, 2010 6:36 pm (Pacific time)
Excuse me while I puke....
So members of a KNOWN criminal organization do something good and the media is falling all over themselves sucking up and patting them on the back.
What's next, giving them the key to the city?
Tim King: Right back at ya'. Your 'laws' are an endless stream of restrictions meant to suppress your 'perceived' enemies when you wouldn't know a killer from a saint half the time. Cops are on the take in every state in this nation, and you justify and excuse your own illegal behavior every chance you get. I know that crimes have been committed by club members and I know every single LE agency in the nation has members who break the law and that is ten times worse in my book because cops do it under the color of their badge and club members at least come right out and let you know who they are. If you hadn't had an impaired life you might be able to see things differently. And I do think there are plenty of good cops in this world, and they have to suffer alongside those who are not, and that is sad. Cops need far more scrutiny. .
Lynn Roberts October 27, 2010 9:13 pm (Pacific time)
As for "Jane Goodwind" who states that we should "Ask a cop they will tell you the following..." Why the hell would anyone ask a cop anything? If you look at cops sideways anymore, you'll get tased or slapped or arrested. Especially if you're not a sheeple. How many of these local cops belong to LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)? Cops are supposed to be public servants, and as a servant, I wouldn't ask a cop anything, but I would issue one proclamation: "YOU'RE FIRED!" I hope more and more people will continue to realize the danger these police pose to the Republic and work for self-governance. We don't need "police" to stay safe, we can protect ourselves and each other. No need for treasonous traitors, ignoring the Constitution and living off taxpayer money so they don't have to get a real job.
Lynn Roberts October 27, 2010 9:01 pm (Pacific time)
Two hero groups emerge here: 1. the motorcycle club; and 2. this news service. Big hug to each and every one of those brave bikers who saw danger and took fast action - putting their own lives on the line. True Americans, one and all. Thanks also to the Salem News! 5 major corporations own 99% of the media in the US. That's why we heard absolutely nothing on mainstream media about the rally last weekend (Oct. 23) organized by Phil Berg to get Obama to show his birth certificate. Salem News provides stories that tell the real truth. Not the police-military-globalist position, but the real truth. Like here - I know this story didn't make it to mainstream media. Nor will you ever see those so-called mainstream media "journalists" reporting truthfully about the V.A. treatment of vets or the failed drug war or the usefulness of cannabis. But Salem News has the same guts and heart for REAL America that these bikers have. I'd never ever call the police for help. See the thousands of police brutality videos - roid-heads in darth vader suits tasering handicapped; arresting people who use cannabis; profiling and spying and creating East German-style database of biker clubs (while they're raising $$ for a community home for sick people's families). Anymore it's obvious that the oath taken by so-called police is nothing but a joke. They're hired guns for the globalists, set on furthering globlist agenda for united states of America, destroying our sovereignty and creating a total police state where you're a bad guy (potential terrorist) if you belong to one of the "groups" under suspicion - Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin supporters, veterans, BIKERS, constitution-believing freemen, 2nd amendment supporters. Thank you again, Salem News and these biker club members. You're doing the real work to help the Republic stay afloat. I salute you all. /s/ Lynn Roberts, US Navy veteran, lawyer-turned-writer, freewoman-on-the-land working to restore the Free Republic. P.S. ??? What is a "one percenter"?? Thank you!
Scott Truth September 2, 2010 12:25 am (Pacific time)
You publish "CRAP EATING DOG", but cant show other opinions. Very enlightening. Thank you for giveing credit where credit is due. Only with you.
Editor: I have published 'crap' in a story title before Scott, that isn't extremely unusual. Sorry it frustrates you that the stereotypical POV isn't in keeping. You guys shut people down constantly and simply arrest them if they don't comply, you have to understand that I have a major overall goal with all of this and anyone including yourself would like the end game, so try not to see it so harshly.
Rage July 19, 2010 4:39 am (Pacific time)
Wow! First I would like to say how very wonderful it is to see some positive news reagarding any motorcycle club. I would tend to be a bit biased and think it especially cool that it would happen to be the Free Souls and the Jokers! My hat goes off to them! Dear Jane, Really? You are unbelievable! You would dare tear a person down after they have stepped up and whoa...wait a minute...put themself in harms way for someone...possibly saved a life? What is the matter with you? Those brave men are good men and did what they did unselfishly. It is not like they stopped and took a show of hands. Maybe you should stop slandering people on the internet and use it to do some research instead. Tim King is correct in what he says about the law creating the problems between the clubs and this can be read about in articles in your safe little room behind your locked door. Tim King, Thank you for filtering and giving credit where credit is due. I really enjoyed this article and am going to share it on some very active sites. It is a nice feeling to be able to look people in the eye isn't it.
DEAN PARCHEM March 23, 2010 6:21 pm (Pacific time)
Right on GYPSY JOKERS and FREE SOULS!! TRUE HERO'S!! As for the incompetent idiot Jane Goodwinds comment.. These are organized clubs, not worthless punk gangs.. Hopefully I or any other biker will NOT stop to save you from the CRAP EATING DOG!!
M. Wolford-son of "FS Gene" March 23, 2010 11:14 am (Pacific time)
Great job Free Souls and Gypsy Jokers, all of us down here are very proud of you, and not just for a heads up either!(video) For potentially saving their home and their lives. It's great to see the clubs uniting together as they always have for the common good of the people and cities they live in. When was the last time you heard of the local police, state or fed's raising money for the needy families of the city they live in, or for a local family that has fallen on hard times cause some one past away, and for local charities "EVERY YEAR!" not just when there is an election coming up! You won't, and if you do, it will "Only" be for a on duty or former officer! "Not" a local citizen of no relation to them! "Biker"/Motorcycle Clubs all over America have been doing this for their communities for as long as I can remember. They raise money to for families to eat or pay bills in the short term, they raise awareness within the community and bring aid and support for the families to get the necessities they need and a place to stay or whatever they need so they can keep going on with there lives. At least we didn't take an "OATH" and swore to protect the communities we live in just to end up being on the local news (that's if they let the community know that one of "Their Officers" did wrong!) for breaking the law themselves. Where in the hell did, "YOUR INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" go to in America! When they show up they end up judging us for how we look, or what we are wearing, we are treated and judged as "Criminal's First" and not for who we are as citizens of the community. LandR M. Wolford and Family
liljohn Misfitsmc March 19, 2010 11:06 am (Pacific time)
Good to hear that the news can report the good in clubs great job Gypsy jokers mc and Free souls mc and great respect to all the clubs in oregon.
FSMC nathan/aka gascan March 16, 2010 5:51 pm (Pacific time)
hey guys, great job just the kind of publicity we all need. keep up the good work. love and respect to all
Mongols MC Oregon March 14, 2010 11:16 am (Pacific time)
Great job Gypsy Jokers and Free Souls, and great job Salem-News for reporting a real story. Please keep up the good work. Much Love and Respect to all involved. Mongols MC Oregon
Scott Truth March 10, 2010 11:12 pm (Pacific time)
Fair news is all news. By filtering you are taking away all those rights that the vets provided us. Share it all let everyone have a voice. Thats proper news coverage, unbiased.
Tim King: You really aren't following me. Give up a dream job at a TV station in the 23rd market, launch a Web news organization, give your heart and soul to it for almost six years, go to two wars, spend seven days a week up writing and editing until three or four in the morning. Gather a team of over 40 fantastic writers, make and maintain the relationships, build trust, gain sources, and then after you get done with all that, come back and re-read the comment. Just because we allow people to comment doesn't give them an unbridled sounding board. Even in just basic decency, it is stated that comments should be on topic. Be glad for what we let you do. Sorry, case closed.
Scott Truth March 10, 2010 10:49 pm (Pacific time)
Tim King, for some reason it seems you are a little biased. I am sure there are more negative posts about this article, are you filtering something?
Tim King: Filtering? Am I controlling the content that is published on Yes. I always do, kind of a needless question isn't it? I love you guys who come to a site like this and talk about 'free speech' as if your life was dedicated to this, instead of all of those that actually are. I had one person say the GJ Club was no good because of what some guys did in '68. I think the Army and police in the USA did some pretty horrendous things back in '68, I wonder if that same individual judges all soldiers and cops over those events? Might as well. I am not going to publish that, because people are trying to hijack our news Website to publish views that have absolutely nothing to do with these guys having their act together enough to put out a fire and more than potentially save the family. Do I want this used as a launching pad for frustrated cops who think these guys are bad? Hell no. I have owned Harleys and I have belonged to clubs. Last time I checked in America, neither are illegal. But a lot of cops out there want to restrict and curtail the rights of bikers and the rest of us, and I don't like that very much.
CoCoCountySteve March 9, 2010 5:25 pm (Pacific time)
Real men, real americans...we should all be proud of there bravery
Kathlene March 9, 2010 9:15 am (Pacific time)
Reading about this story on Biker News .net .... this is great!It's about time a MC gets reconized for good, not evil!
JM March 8, 2010 6:25 pm (Pacific time)
Hey, action over fiction, these are the kind of neighbors we need! Great save.
Sue R. March 8, 2010 10:47 am (Pacific time)
Great article! It goes to show that even though the police can't figure out bikers are decent people at least some of you in the media can.
Jane Goodwind March 8, 2010 2:04 pm (Pacific time)
To the family...I am glad you are all safe. To the supporters of GANGS in Salem - Ask a cop they will tell you the following..... The Free Souls Motorcycle Club is a one-percenter motorcycle gang. Hardy Myers lists it as one of the "big five" motorcycle gangs in Oregon, alongside the Vagos, Brother Speed, Gypsy Jokers and the Outsiders.. don't forget about the Mongols or the fact that XXXXX are moving in....A gang is a gang no matter how you look at it. Gathering for Pizza...that is funny..
Tim King: Book clubs, chess clubs, motorcycle clubs, what club are you part of? I despise your comment, and I laugh at it. I have and always will portray 1% clubs in a positive light when they do good things since nobody else does. You want to talk about MC clubs not getting along? How about the creepy narco idiots that you send out to create rifts and problems between these clubs, that would not otherwise exist. Creepy federal undercover liars who do not have my country's best interests at heart. These bikers are almost all veterans, many are war veterans, are you? I don't even think you are a woman, I think you are sitting there at your desk at the local cop shop using computers for personal venting. I expect this crap, don't get me wrong, but I know far more that you wish I did about the overall picture. I met the Gypsy Joker MC Club when they were doing a Christmas Toy run. I did this story because they saved a house from really lighting up. But you are of the class of people who look down your noses at anyone who doesn't put on the sheep suit. Well pal, there are a growing number of people who don't look or dress like you but they are as all-American as it gets. So look at them with fear as you do, I treat people well across the board and as a result get to know all people from all walks of life. See, I caught the part above about how you are insinuating that another club is coming to Oregon, so what? Are you the undercover ass that is trying to cause friction between these clubs? I have some real spicy stuff about how our veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan are getting criminally profiled now over the antics of federal investigators. I think I will have to write about that. If I see you around I think I won't stand downwind..
Lee Wayne FSMC March 8, 2010 11:36 am (Pacific time)
We're PROUD of ALL the Fellas. Love from the South Coast
MrFixit March 8, 2010 6:35 am (Pacific time)
Bikers are people too. Way to go!!!
Coastal Motorcycle Enthusiast March 8, 2010 6:12 am (Pacific time)
I am very happy to see that people are seeing that bikers and their clubs are NOT dirtbags. Thanks guys.
Batts March 7, 2010 6:51 pm (Pacific time)
Righ On Guys, a little more excitement for a evening out...sure it feels good....go ahead and one will tell.....mike ...congrats nice to see evryone hanging out...might be a message in it....
Daniel March 7, 2010 1:25 pm (Pacific time)
Good job guys !
les lowen March 7, 2010 8:08 am (Pacific time)
nice to see some good press for a change. Good job brothers.
Tim King: Les, you have been a friend of for years, we always appreciate hearing from you!
Mike H. March 6, 2010 4:52 pm (Pacific time)
Very cool, great job Free Soul Gypsies!
sheila wright March 6, 2010 12:35 pm (Pacific time)
Angels are a blessing in disguise arent they? These men just demonstrated how selfless they can be when it comes to saving a human life!! I feel more safer with them in society than most the people in it!! If I were a man I would probably be riding right next to them proudly...
Josh A. March 6, 2010 6:27 am (Pacific time)
Yes it's true folks. In Salem our bikers are more than likely to help you with your grocery's instead of rob a liquor store. Just don't start a barfight with them.
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