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Jun-20-2010 22:47 ![]() ![]() Colonialism, the Gift That Keeps on GivingEddie Zawaski Salem-News.comIn today’s world, the extraction of resources is carried out by corporations owned by an investor class that knows no national boundaries nor is accountable for any liability as a result of their company’s actions.
(PATAGONIA, Argentina) - Britain is preparing to defend once again its colonial interest in the Malvinas Islands in the South Atlantic. According to the UK’s Telegraph, since February, “Royal Navy ships have already been put on standby to protect commercial shipping heading to the region” in anticipation of conflict with Argentina over offshore oil drilling. Despite Argentina’s public position that renewed “war is excluded from our horizon,” the British press has asserted that the economic phase of the war has already begun as “HSBC and Barclays are thought to be on a list of companies that could be hit in revenge for the exploration.” Even since renewed drilling began and oil was found in May, Argentina has held fast to the position that the sovereignty of the islands and the right to undersea resources is a colonial issue to be resolved by negotiation, not military force. The stakes are high. According to Peter Glover in the Energy Tribune, “The economic yield to Britain from corporation taxes and royalties from the fields to the north of the Falklands alone could well be over $145 billion.” For Britain, this would appear to be a payback for the loss of the lives of 259 of its servicemen in the 1982 war that evicted the Argentine military from the islands. For Argentina, British oil exploitation of South Atlantic waters would be a painful reminder of centuries of colonial exploitation of South America by England, Spain, Portugal and others. In today’s world, the extraction of resources is carried out by corporations owned by an investor class that knows no national boundaries nor is accountable for any liability as a result of their company’s actions. The investors in Rockhopper Exploration PLC, the company that struck oil in the Malvinas in May, have seen share values soar on their drilling investment so far, but are understandably nervous about future profits in the wake of any negative news about their investment. Should Argentina ultimately prevail in pressing its claim that the Malvinas are a colony, share prices would most certainly drop. Argentina and the OAS assert that the Malvinas are a colony while the United Kingdom calls the Falklands (Malvinas) a dependent territory of the UK. Since Margaret Thatcher’s war in 1982 clouded the issue of sovereignty with it’s use of force, it would be a good idea to look at the historical evidence for who has the right to these isles. Before the mid-eighteenth century, there were a number of competing names and claims on the islands from Spanish, English, Dutch, French and even Turkish explorers. In 1764, France established the first settlement on the Iles Malouines, as they were then called, but relinquished their claim and colony to Spain two years later. In 1767, Britain established a colony at the western end of the archipelago which lasted only until they were expelled by Spain in 1770. Britain did, however, manage to salvage its colony in 1771 by means of a treaty with Spain that mandated co-sovereignty between Britain and Spain. Niether colony survived long. The British left in 1774 and Spain withdrew in 1811. Both powers left behind only plaques to commemorate their claims. In 1820, the flag of Argentina (then known as the United Provinces of the Rio Plata) was raised at the deserted French settlement at Port Louis. Since all that had belonged to the old Spanish Viceroyalty of the Rio Plata now belonged to Argentina, the Argentines felt firm in their claim when they set up their own colony there in 1828. When Charles Darwin landed in the Islands in February of 1833, he was surprised to learn that Britain had just weeks earlier sent a warship to the islands to reassert its old claim. The remaining Argentine colonists were adopted and a boatload of new colonists from Buenos Aires turned back by the Royal Navy. From then on, Britain held on, establishing a naval base and refueling station for ship traffic heading around Cape Horn. Argentina’s historic claims on the Malvinas were dealt a severe blow by the failed military expedition in 1982. The forces sent by the llegitimate military government of Leopoldi Galeteri were no match for Margaret Thatcher’s boys. Galeteri had hoped to prop up his crumbling dictatorship with his military solution to Argentine anti-colonial sentiment. Britain’s quick victory in the war proved the death knell for militarism and military intereference in politics in Argentina, but did not extinguish legal claims or popular sentiment against colonialism. The current administration in Buenos Aires has made pressing Argentina’s claim by diplomacy a top priority, but London has preferred to consider it a closed issue, settled in 1833 and again in 1982 by military force. For Britain there is a lot more at stake today in the South Atlantic than there was in 1982. Then, Margaret Thatcher, facing sagging popularity and possible collapse of her government was able to use war with Argentina to propel herself to the top of the political polls and cement her hold on power. Today, the issue for Britain is oil and all the money that it brings both to the British treasury and to all the shareholders in Britian’s oil related corporations. In the wake of BP’s ongoing Gulf of Mexico disaster, oil investment money needs somewhere to go. As BP’s shares and credit crumble, investors will flock to more promising and hopefully more stable companies. Rockhopper, the first company to succeed in twelve years of drilling in the island’s waters, would seem to be that promise. It’s shares have skyrocketed since the announcement of their first successful well in early May of this year. Having capped that initial well for now, Rockhopper has embarked on an ambitious campaign to raise funds for a second proven well before competing companies can find their own pool of riches beneath the sea. With the British Geographical Society estimating the area’s reserves at 60 million barrels, the equivalent of Britain’s North Sea reserves, there is a lot for investors to be happy about. The only fly in their ointment is the faint possibility of Argentina reasserting its sovereignty over the Malvinas. Should, by some miracle, Argentina get Britain to agree to discuss the issue of sovereignty, the results would be disastrous for the global investment community and probably mixed for the islands’ population. With either sole or joint sovereignty over the Malvinas and its resources, Argentina would most likely apply its current policies toward development of national resources. Taxes and royalties would most certainly flow to Buenos Aires and restrictions would be placed on the who, when and where of future development. The islanders would have to look at the experience of other colonists and immigrants to Argentina to predict how they would fare under Argentine sovereignty. Their “expressed, democratic remain British” need not be denied. The Welsh colonists who came to southern Chubut Province in 1865 have thrived, maintaining their culture, independence and even Welsh language until today. Separated from the mainland by 300 miles of open sea, it is highly unlikely that the islanders will be speaking anything but English in the next century. As a permanent resident of Argentina myself, I know that Argentina has the option to grant to foreign nationals a permanent residency status with all the rights and privileges that we normally associate with citizenship. Whether or not British citizenship would be retained and passed on to heirs would be up to the UK government to decide. Distribution of oil royalties to islanders would look a bit different as the custom in Argentina is to redistribute export profits back to the provinces where they originated. In oil-rich Chubut and Santa Cruz provinces abaundant public works and a higher standard of living make local residents much more comfortable than the average Argentine. All the “what-ifs” are just hot air as long as no one wants to talk. Hillary Clinton offered that new negotiations with Britain would be a good idea, but England is not interested . The only remaining conjecture is, what if Argentina should decide again to fight? The possibility of another Argentine invasion is nil, nada. Since the end of the dictatorship in 1983, the military here has been cut down to practically nothing. Argentina spends less than one per cent of its GDP on military expenditures and has no financial resources or public support for rearmament. Nonetheless, the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and probably the government that succeeds hers, will continue to try to talk. For Argentines, the issue is colonial usurpation of territory and extraction of its resources. It is the long and tragic history of South America that the governments of Argentina and other Mercosur countries are trying to reverse. Whether it was silver from the mines of Peru flowing to fill Spanish coffers or cheap Patagonian wool supplying English mills, northerners have had the habit of taking the resources and the profit and leaving barren mines and desertfied pastures behind. That’s the way colonialism works and Argentina will probably continue trying to negotiate away this last vestige of it in the Southern Hemisphere. In my previous story on the Malvinas dispute there were several inaccuracies that some of the commenters were kind enough to correct. Rockhopper’s sea lion well is not in 3,000 meters of water, rather it is nearly 3000 meters from the top of the well to the pool of oil which it taps. This well would appear to be far safer than BP’s infamous deepwater horizon well and safer still at this point as it is currently capped awaiting a deal to pump and distribute the oil at a later date. As far as the ownership of Rockhopper is concerned, some commenters set me straight on that; it is not BP who is financing and profiting from this enterprise, but a community of international investors from the UK, the USA, Australia and Europe. Many of the investor comments were thoughtful, informative, polite and quite helpful in writing this piece. The threatening and insulting comments less helpful. Eddie Zawaski's previous article: June-18-2010: BP and Falklands Oil Row - Eddie Zawaski Response article by's Dexter Phoenix: Jun-20-2010: Oil and the Falklands - Dexter Phoenix Eddie Zawaski is a contributing writer based in Patagonia, Argentina. Articles for June 19, 2010 | Articles for June 20, 2010 | Articles for June 21, 2010 | Support ![]() ![]() Quick Links
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Accuracy July 5, 2010 1:18 pm (Pacific time)
I fail to see how any Argentinian from the colonising stock of the bloodthirsty Spanish conquistadors has any right to be throwing 'pirates' and 'barbarians' around at others. That's a joke. No, no one likes Britain, nobody ever did because we were a small island that could defend herself and bully the rest of you. You don't like us until the time you either need us or you need our benefits system. Lol. Your footballers don't complain too much about their UK wages either, which is why they leave Argentina. Go Falklands! Go Britain! Go Rockhopper! Do us proud!
Oil_Baron July 5, 2010 1:17 pm (Pacific time)
Change the picture of the "Union Flag" as it is actually called - The flag you have on show is very very old and unused. The "Union Jack" is actually a flag used on the prow of a Royal Naval Vessel. 2 mistakes on one small subject - yet again very poor research.
galva July 3, 2010 12:46 pm (Pacific time)
Hello my friends! Sorry but what's britain?...this piece of land called britain has not anything. Killed a lot of children working in the coal mines,etc...really no words. They are all barbarians. They have the heritage of the saxons, angles, franks, vikings and so on...all pirates...britain has big corruption. Nobody around the world likes britain. Malvinas are argentinian and will be!!! See you my friends!!!
Unhappy Brit June 24, 2010 4:24 pm (Pacific time)
The picture caption says "Like so many others, the British 'Union Jack' is synonymous with pursuit and conquest."
Odd as that comment is, the picture is not of the "British Union Jack".
It might be 'a' Union Jack, but the flag you're showing hasn't been used since 1801.
Fundamental mistake. Which goes to show how little effort goes into writing some of these pieces. How about some editorial control?
Editor: That was my mistake, not the writer's. I think you understand what the point is.
johnym June 23, 2010 4:22 am (Pacific time)
Well most north Americans despise South Americans, i'm not too fond of them myself. Its a well known fact that curruption is rife throughout South America, especially Argentina. Thats why foreign companies dont like doing business or setting up operations in Argentina, oil compaies included. The government has a habbit of taking over profitable companies, making them state owned. As for comparing the UK with Argentina for corruption, economy etc well all i can say to that is LOL.
Vic June 22, 2010 7:24 am (Pacific time)
Correction: 323 Argentines were killed when the Gen. Belgrano was torpedoed, not nearly 1000 as I claimed.
Vic June 22, 2010 7:19 am (Pacific time)
I always thought Thatcher was the perfect British spokesperson...arrogant,incredibly ugly, self-righteous and bloodthirsty.
Vic June 22, 2010 7:10 am (Pacific time)
Remember the General Belgrano ! I remember the gloating headlines of British rags that day when nearly 1000 Argentine teenagers and young men were drowned. Britain will kill anyone in any quantity to hang on to what remains of her "empire". And I love the comment by Edward "Argentina is a basket case of a country - a failed economy, utterly corrupt, fiscally incompetent and with very chance of improvement in this century." Substitute Britain for Argentina and it will be much more accurate. Face it, you pasty-faced Brits...Americans despise you and see your "arse"-kissing little "country" as a bad joke. Too bad Americans cannot seem to learn from history, as we are following in your bloody, racist footsteps.
johnym June 21, 2010 2:06 pm (Pacific time)
Argentina has NO claim to the Falkland Islands, end of story. You tried and you failed in 1982, kicked out and humilitaed, deal with it. It wasnt Margaret Thatcher's war it was Argentina's illegal invasion of a foreign territory, a territory which Argentina NEVER has and NEVER will have a legitimate claim to. With people like you in Argentina who would blame the Falklanders for wanting NOTHING to do with your country. 60 Billion barrels of oil have secured the future of the Falklands, a rich, prosperous and very British one at that.
Edward Chislehurst June 21, 2010 8:11 am (Pacific time)
Argentina is a basket case of a country - a failed economy, utterly corrupt and fiscally incompetent. Stop trying to take attention away from your own internal problems and sort your complete abortion of a Government.
Edward Chislehurst June 21, 2010 8:09 am (Pacific time)
Argentina is a basket case of a country - a failed economy, utterly corrupt, fiscally incompetent and with very chance of improvement in this century. In fact there is a strong case for Argentina to be returned to its First Nations peoples as the past, current and likely future regimes can offer little improvement. Stop trying to take attention away from your own internal problems and sort your abortion of a Government.
gp June 21, 2010 5:54 am (Pacific time)
Dang, there sure are a lot of Tories out there!
A Rockhopper shareholder June 21, 2010 3:47 am (Pacific time)
"..Rockhopper, the first company to succeed in twelve years of drilling in the island’s waters, would seem to be that promise. It’s shares have skyrocketed since the announcement of their first successful well in early May of this year." Well you got that bit right. Shame the rest is complete rubbish. Argentina started the last war by their unprovoked attack on the Falklands Islanders. After Britain liberated the Islands from the invaders we offered a treaty whereby resources could be shared to everyone's mutual benefit. Argentina tore up that agreement in 2007. Big mistake - huge!
Lewis Arnold June 21, 2010 3:04 am (Pacific time)
Eddie, you talk nothing but shite about a subject you apparently no nothing about!!
Bob Hodges June 21, 2010 2:30 am (Pacific time)
When the current generation of Falklands Born Grandparents were sitting on the knee of their own Falklands born Grandparents - where were Grandparents of many of the Argentinians who currently scream about 'their' Malvinas? The answer is most likely to be Southern Italy or another European country. If the Falkland Islanders every wish to become Argentinian citizens, they will do so with the blessing of everyone in Britain. If the they wish to remain British, the same applies.
Simon Taylor June 21, 2010 12:52 am (Pacific time)
"The islanders would have to look at the experience of other colonists and immigrants to Argentina to predict how they would fare under Argentine sovereignty. " The have looked. They have decided. They want nothing to do with Argentina and it's corrupt regimes. End of story.
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