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Jun-18-2010 21:47printcomments

BP and Falklands Oil Row

When the Sea Lion well blows, BP will tell all, as they did after deepwater horizon, that it wasn’t their well...

Falkland's Oil Row
Falkland's Oil Row Photo:

(PATAGONIA, Argentina) - If you haven’t heard enough of BP executives proclaiming innocence over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, get ready for act two. The people who brought you tarry beaches and oil-soaked pelicans are all set to do the same to pristine rocky coasts and unsuspecting penguins in the South Atlantic. The only difference when the Sea Lion well blows off the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands, is that there will be no capping and no clean-up. BP will still pin the blame on “contractors”, and do whatever it can to walk away with as much salvaged oil as it can muster.

Maybe BP will be lucky and the new oil wells down south won’t blow, but the prevailing public opinion down here in the southern cone of South America is that we are next in line for another environmental disaster. This one will be less troublesome for BP, as their legal connection to the well is murkier and there is no powerful governmental authority on shore to insist that they pay for their mistakes.

The Sea Lion well off the coast of the Malvinas came into operation recently despite a current long-standing dispute between Argentina and Great Britain over the right to tap into the hydrocarbon resources in the Malvinas basin. Britain won the Falklands War in 1982, kicking out the Argentine military that had occupied the islands, but the issue of sovereignty and mineral rights has remained unresolved. Since the war, both the United Nations and the Organization of American States have said that the 2,000 British citizens who occupy the islands are colonists and that the Malvinas is a colonial territory. Further, both countries who have claims on the territory must negotiate issues of sovereignty and mineral rights before any activity like increasing the colony or extracting its oil can take place. Since the two combatants resumed diplomatic relations in 1992, Britain has refused to discuss these issues, preferring to rely on war rather than diplomacy as the solution to the problem. This is very convenient for BP as wells have since been drilled in the Malvinas offshore waters with the permission only of Her Majesty’s Government.

When the Sea Lion well blows, BP will tell all, as they did after Deepwater Horizon, that it wasn’t their well. It belongs to Rockhopper. Rockhopper, they will say, is an independent drilling enterprise run and owned by Falklanders, a completely local enterprise. But wait. A check of Rockhopper’s senior management and board of directors shows that all are currently residents of England and, guess what?, former BP employees. The fact that Rockhopper sells the oil it currently extracts to BP for distribution is just accidental and implies no responsibility on the part of BP for any damage that Rockhopper might incur.

In corporate parlance, Rockhopper is a shell company. Just like the old shell game they are named after, such companies are made to look independent in order to avoid any liability for the mother company. Down here, there will be no Barack Obama to look under the shell, and find BP and hold them responsible. No doubt this shell is so well-constructed to protect BP. The probability of accident and future liability may be even greater in the Malvinas than it is in the Gulf of Mexico.

The sea lion well and Rockhopper’s future wells are in waters that reach a depth of 3,000 meters (10,000 feet). This is twice as deep as Deepwater Horizon, and thus more than twice as hazardous. Should one of these wells blow, there will be no attempt to cap it, nor will there be much of any attempt to clean up the oil when it comes up to coat the beaches and the rockhopper penguins after which the shell company was named. It almost makes a person wonder if this whole enterprise isn’t just some sort of macabre joke played on us by the big corporate strategists. After all, sea lions do eat rockhoppers. When it happens, it won’t be a joke.

Argentines on shore are helpless to do anything about BP’s latest reckless adventure in their off shore waters. Neither BP nor the British Government are willing to stop or talk about the issue of drilling in the Malvinas. The big corporation’s right to do do what it wants wherever its needed resources happen to be is backed up by the military power of Great Britain. Argentines can now only sit and wait until the day when the Malvinas return to them in the form of tar balls on the beaches of Patagonia.

Argentina, for its part, has been somewhat more responsible on the issue of offshore oil drilling than the folks at BP. The presence of oil in the basin that covers the 500 kilometer (300 mile) stretch between the islands and the mainland has been known for a long time. The Argentine national oil company has been forbidden to drill these waters due to the dangers of deepwater drilling and the need of the Argentine government to preserve the resource for the future. It’s too bad for the penguins that Argentina lost the war. BP came out the only winner.

What about the colonists? What will happen to them when their beloved island paradise is coated in a sea of crude petroleum? The fishing and seal and sea lion hunting that supports most of these 2,000 souls will be nothing more than a bitter memory. Such a small number of people can be pensioned off and flown back to Britain, leaving the islands and the mess along with them at the disposition of Argentina. Surely, BP will do that for them. It’s the least they can do.

Eddie Zawaski is a contributing writer based in Patagonia, Argentina.

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Jon December 29, 2010 10:06 am (Pacific time)

What a very biased article - shame on this newspaper for not taking it down or modifying it - perhaps this "newspaper" should state it is an opinion piece to put it into context and allow someone to write an opposing view?

Such a piece already exists: Oil and the Falklands - Dexter Phoenix  

Argentinian July 28, 2010 4:16 pm (Pacific time)

The south coast of south America is one of the cleanest places in the planet. Whales, penguins, orcas, sea lions, have leave there for ages. But I'm sure the end is near, only one error like the one BritishPetroleum made, will destroy everything.

gp July 12, 2010 5:00 am (Pacific time)

Steve, One word, greed!

lol July 12, 2010 4:59 am (Pacific time)

The first Rockhopper well came up dry and was capped according to a story in today's news. The 800% profit of the stock fell by nearly 50%. If the greedy mofos who invested in offshore drilling all die in the poor farm it will be a miracle because it looks like BP's big gusher could just kill the planet and there will be no old age for nobody.

Steve July 9, 2010 8:52 am (Pacific time)

One word - "Americans"!

Alf July 5, 2010 9:14 am (Pacific time)

This article is telling the truth. England is in a hurry, and needs money. No matter if it is Britsh Petroleoum, Rockhopper or what ever it is , they need money for the empire and if they leave your beaches full of oil they don't care. You know why? Because they live in London not in MIAMI!!!!

David Browne July 1, 2010 7:00 am (Pacific time)

Clearly through self determination the Falklands Islanders are a country despite reliance on the UK. Argentina pathetic army went to war with the UK and was whopped running back to Argentina with its tail between its legs. What a waste of human life! Argentina will continue to suffer the consequences of that bad decision and with NEVER get their hands on the Falklands Islands. What a pathetic and useless article this is... If you want to be a professional journalist please, stop being so bias for a country that was 100% the reason for the loss of life on the islands. Get a life. Argentina is a mess, this will only make it worse. Argentina used to be a fantastic nation with industrial might. What happened there? Decades of poor decisions and wasted resources by idiotic governments. What a waste!

Alex Vargas June 24, 2010 9:56 am (Pacific time)

Malavinas is not a nation it's an Argentine island of less then 2000 odd native Argentine. wasn't the debt a fix up between IMF and corrupt politicians ? I think in spanish we call it deuda oseosa and ilegal, this is why they got .30 on the dollar.

gp June 21, 2010 6:23 am (Pacific time)

Hey Mr. Messi, I know you are really one of those portly red faced British gentlemen who love to scale the mountains in the heat of the day and eat too much steak at night. Our national hero would kick Messi off the team if he said such a thing. Really.

Falkland_Islander June 21, 2010 1:29 pm (Pacific time)

I was born, raised and currently live in the Falklands. I work for FIG and I am fully aware of the oil industry and its governance. I am struggling to find any facts that are correct. The UK government have nothing to do with the Falklands oil industry, the Oil Acreage Licenses were issues by the Falkland Islands Government. BP have nothing to do with the Oil industry. Shell is not a shell company. Why should UK discuss sovereignty over the Falklands? It will all be on Argentina's terms, which will ignore the wishes of the Islanders. This article just highlights the mindset of Argentina, which is based on myths and lies. Just shows what we islanders have to deal with. Remove this article as it is embarrassing and only encourages the Argentines to keep believing the lies.

Messi June 20, 2010 10:56 am (Pacific time)

I feel sorry for the author of this article, it is embarassing as an argentine to have to read this dribble. We have no rights to the Malvinas, its simply pathetic that somebody can make a story up like this and expect people to believe it. Why can't we just admit its British land occupied by British people.

WazBlue June 20, 2010 12:10 am (Pacific time)

Interesting story. And I use the term 'story' quite literally.....

lol June 19, 2010 10:44 pm (Pacific time)

Here is what the stock holders are really screaming about in their assault on Mr. Z.  They freaked out because they are afraid of losing their investment and sent out an alert so that they could attack in mass.  Easy to find by a google search of Rockhopper shareholder blog.Below an article from the Telegraph UK.    the  Website of the Telegraph Media Group with breaking news, sport, business, latest UK and world news. Content from the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers and video from Telegraph TV.   Rockhopper raises Falklands oil cash Rockhopper Exploration has raised almost £50m in a share placing to help fund further exploration in the Falkland Islands.    Published: 5:30AM BST 09 Jun 2010  Last month, the explorer became the first company to strike oil off the islands, provoking outrage from Argentina, which contests Britain's ownership of the Falklands.  Rockhopper, whose shares rose 3¾ to 294p, said it is mulling a move from AIM to a full listing on the London Stock Exchange. More than 17m shares were placed at 280p each, raising £48.5m.   Related Articles      *       Rexam shares fall on news of fund-raising     *       Petrofac will benefit from oil industry investment     *       Bowleven has £100m fund-raising in pipeline     *       MPs' expenses: Cash secrets of the politicians who keep it in the family     *       Tullow Oil on track for Ghana production     *       FTSE100 rally: fund and share tips from the experts, part II  Its shares recently went through a period of volatility, dropping sharply on June 2 despite the earlier good drilling results.  "It's mostly hedge funds taking profit before the final results are in," said one investor in Falklands oil exploration.  Rival explorers Desire Petroleum and Falkland Oil & Gas are also about to start drilling campaigns in the region.

Tom June 19, 2010 4:29 pm (Pacific time)

Your article has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. You guys clearly have zero clue whatsoever. What this highlights is the danger of the internet when people are able to spread gross misinformation in a format that purports to be fact. But I guess that given the shockingly low quality of the journalism and the comments already generated by this article already that it will rightly be tomorrows chip wrappers. Ps. the record for worst offshore loss of life in a rig disaster was Oxy's (a US firm) Piper Alpha explosion in the North Sea where 167 rig workers lost their lives and caused c.$2bn (in '87/88) in clean up costs. Do us a favour, next time you think about writing an article on a subject you know nothing about, don't bother.

Andy June 20, 2010 11:20 pm (Pacific time)

Editor wrote.... Editor: First, note that your comments are being approved, so you are being allowed to make a point; all of these comments are approved by living people, it is as easy to hit delete as approve. My initial reaction to this was intense, as the accusations are severe, but I went back over the piece and, for example, the depth of this well according to published data, is exactly what Eddie said it was, or very close. Here is one of the allegations: " 4) Sea Lion is in about 600-800' of water, not 3,000m." Yet according to Results of data analysis Well 14/10-2 on the Sea Lion prospect (“Sea Lion” or “the Sea Lion well”) was drilled to a depth of 2,744 metres during April and May 2010. So I hope those reading this do some digging themselves, and I was advised that this story would launch a small storm. I can tell you that the writer is a highly educated former professor and a resident of the potentially affected area. This is not an individual who has written data that is inaccurate. With respect Grumpy, I am still going over this and I appreciate your time. I think you'll find that the depth of the well and the depth of the water are two completely different things. Whilst I think most of the responses are inappropriate, most of this article is completely incorrect and is the cause of the hysteria demonstrated. It is not a credible piece of journalism. Shareholders of Rockhopper have every right to be annoyed as this sort of story could affect the share price. This would be like someone building something nasty in your street and sending the value of your home down. You wouldn't be very happy either considering you'd probably still have a mortgage!

joetheplumber June 20, 2010 6:50 pm (Pacific time)

Mr zawaski.. this is one of "the" most inaccurate bits of so called journalism I have ever had the misfortune to read,I suggest you reaquaint yourself with the "internet search" button,and find out some facts.

Robert Wine June 20, 2010 5:27 pm (Pacific time)

This is completely untrue. BP has no interests at all in the Falklands. BP Press Office.

Mr C W June 20, 2010 3:20 pm (Pacific time)

I thought for a moment I was reading Viz. BTW you'll find that it is common knowledge that Lord Lucan and Elvis Presley are in fact the individuals behind the drilling for oil in the Falkland Islands.

D Connearn June 20, 2010 1:02 pm (Pacific time)

An article absolutely drowning in inaccuracies,outright lies and blatant nationalism. It is embarrassing to read and would be laughable if the subject were not so serious. I would prepare your publications coffers for impending lawsuits from all sides.

To the editor June 20, 2010 12:19 pm (Pacific time)

There is no link between BP and the compnaies drilling in the Falklands. The Argentine government has blocked any Argentine taking part. Howeverplease feel free to Google Pan American Energy please feel free to publish your findings about Connections between BP and Argentina.

Nic Laws June 20, 2010 12:11 pm (Pacific time)

As someone who has followed developments in the Falklands on a daily basis for 12 months, I can confirm that this article is full of serious errors.

7Kiwi June 20, 2010 12:03 pm (Pacific time)

Oh for crying out louad, get some facts straight. Sea Lion sites in about 600-800' of water. That is the depth of water. Beleow the water is the sea-bed, they drilled ~2,744m into the sea bed. The water in the North Falkland Basin is not 3,000m deep. It ragnes from 200-500m approx. The South Falkland Basin is in deeper water, up to 3,000m or deeper. This is the area covered by the Borders and Southern acreage. This has nothing to do with Rockhopper, and even less to do with BP. Many of the management of BOR are ex-BHP. BHP is the operator of the Falkland Oil and Gas acreage in the South Falkland Basin. BP is drilling with Repsol and others in the Malvinas Basin to the west of the BOR acreage - with the consent of the Argies.

PM Griffiths June 20, 2010 11:40 am (Pacific time)

editor, you stated that the writer is writing about where he originates from. He is from Argentina then. It seems that as he is in a position to be able to broadcast these 'Public Opinions' he is trying to drum up enough bad press hoping to get backing from the American people in a time where their trust in oil companies are low. It is more realistic to think that the writer is still angry with the way that the British defended their territories from the invasion by the Argentines. Is the writer angry the way the british defended their land? or the way the Argentines retreated at the first sign of defeat? It's obvious there is a gripe but is using your newspaper the correct channel to express his views. There is very little factual evidence in this article and this is emphasised in the way that you keep referring to the one fact that that is there regarding the depth of the basin. As the editor, i would consider if the writer has grossly misused you newspaper, thus damaging its reputation in order to get support against the british government and the companies drilling in the falklands basins. Un less of course you too are Argentine and you have the same agenda. regards, PM

Oil expert June 20, 2010 11:37 am (Pacific time)

What a bloody joke. This guy is a complete joke and a complete ignorant. It's funny the methods some would use to get back at Britain and its oil exploration. Lets hope Ernest is also successful and we can rub it in the Argies face. What a joke, incredible

Ali Kroshavi (Iran) June 20, 2010 11:31 am (Pacific time)

This article should be retracted and an apology written to the people of the UK and the Falklands. Took me 2 minutes to find the correct facts on the internet. Terrible!!!

inoutinout June 20, 2010 11:16 am (Pacific time)

Shut up you tart.

David June 20, 2010 11:15 am (Pacific time)

What a load of rubbish. far fetched Americans again!!!

Investor June 20, 2010 10:39 am (Pacific time)

"The fact that Rockhopper sells the oil it currently extracts to BP for distribution is just accidental and implies no responsibility on the part of BP for any damage that Rockhopper might incur." You need a SLAP. They haven't even begun extraction yet, yet alone sold the oil. Dispicable journalism and should be reported to the Bank of England and regulators too as a deliberate market manipulation attempt. You are a disgrace to your publisher.

sweetjudy21 June 20, 2010 10:36 am (Pacific time)

ha ha ! Even the Daily Star is more factual than this !

nds1 June 20, 2010 8:52 am (Pacific time)

Unbelievable how such an inaccurate article with so many incorrect statements could be published. This 'story' needs to removed/corrected along with any copies referenced on other sites (such as

Allan June 20, 2010 7:05 am (Pacific time)

A bit of editing help for the editor: Tagline: Sensationalism and intent to misguide Paragraph 1: Pure fantasy Paragraph 2: one lie (BP), and if the local prevailing public opinion is that there's a pending environmental disaster - they might think about their own wells right off their own coast? Paragraph 3: Lie: sea lion is not in operation; Lie: UN says the islands are occupied by colonists? - do some easy research; Lie: Britain offerred to discuss mineral rights and Argies withdrew in 2007; Fantasy: convenient for BP? It's just as convenient for Arnold Schwarzennegger who also has nothing to do with it. Paragraph 4: Lie and Misguidance: BP has taken full responsibility for the DH Rig disaster - even though it was owned and operated by a US company - plus no BP link to Falklands; Falsehood: Rockhopper is not a drilling enteprise and is not owned by Falklanders (although some hold shares, as do I); Lie: The "FACT" that rockhopper sells the oil??? They're an exploration company not a producer. Paragraph 5: Lie: Rockhopper is not a shell; The rest of this paragraph is conjecture based around pure fantasy. Paragraph 6: Lie: if you drill a well in a mud puddle to a depth of 5000m, that doesn't make it a deep-water well - the waters in the NFB are relatively shallow; Lie: Twice as deep as The DH well? Actually, the DH well was in water almost 3 times as Deep as Sea Lion; Pure childeshness: Should one of these wells blow, there will be no attempt to cap it??? Of course not - the international community would say "screw the penguins" - what a moronic comment. Paragraph 7: Totally made up - author on drugs Paragraph 8: More of the same - just fabrication and fantasy I am surprised if you, as the editor, would really want to associate your name with this. Personally, I don't think there are enough stupid people in this world for this story to have much of an impact so I'm not so worried in that respect - your final decision on what to do about this article will show us all what kind of professional you are though - so it will be interesting nonetheless.

Cmon the Rock June 20, 2010 6:50 am (Pacific time)

What utter drivel!

Uncle Sam June 20, 2010 6:26 am (Pacific time)

Gee guys thanks a lot. It's hard enough these days for Americans to be taken seriously in the rest of the world, that is in those parts of the rest of the world that don't already hate the US. Publishing ridiculous factually incorrect anti-brit articles like this doesn't help at all, it just confirms the stereotype of Americans as ignorant red-necks. How about showing a bit of 'balance' or at least accuracy in your reporting huh?

NotReg June 20, 2010 6:05 am (Pacific time)

What on earth is the point of this article ? I don't think there is one key fact that is correct. As has been said before, the Anglo-American company BP are not drilling off the Falkland Islands. There is no such place as the Malvinas. That is official, under UN charter. The Sea Lion well has not come into opperation, recently or ever. It is an exploritory well and has been capped pending further testing. It is not classed as a deep water well and as such bears no comparison to the Deep Water Horizon, operated by Transocean. Rockhopper is not a Shell company, it is independant. Britan did not prefer war over diplomatic options. The Falklands were invaded by Argentina in 1982, an act of aggression on their part. Argentina tore up a deal which offered to share in the oil off the Falklands in 2007. An act of diplomacy offered by the UK. It's not a case of the British not wanting to talk on the matter. The talking has been done and the Falklands have the right to self determination under UN charter and have chosen to remain under British sovereignty. The discussions are over. I could go on but so far I make that 8 major factual errors before I stopped counting. Any advances on 8 anyone ? Editor - Please tell us, what was the purpose of this work of fiction ? It is no exageration to say that this has to be the most factually incorrect article ever written. Do you have another article in your archives about a Lancaster Bomber being found on the moon by any chance.

Vic June 20, 2010 5:58 am (Pacific time)

I think what turns people against the Brits is the same thing that turns people against the US and Israel...unbridled arrogance and the belief that the world belongs to them. In the case of the UK, it seems more absurd however, as the "British Empire" is history, yet you all still tally-ho around with your mummified "queen" and all your pomp, disregarding the fact that aside from a few stolen properties like the Malvinas, the "empire" consists of half a dirty cold little island. And dexter, I am not anti-Brit, but your articles bragging about how the UK is saving the world are an old punch-drunk ex-prize fighter rambling on about how he was the champion "back in the day". I would have a lot of respect for the UK if they would stop kissing the USs ass and maybe try to get over their "little man" complex where they have to strut around and pretend that they even matter in the world anymore. And why are the Malvinas part of Britain? They are nowhere close to Britain...kind of like Hawaii and the US.

Bob Hodges June 20, 2010 4:48 am (Pacific time)

The Sean Lion Well is in roughly the same water depth as most of the UK North Sea where thousands of well have been drilled to hight safety standards (i.e not Dick Cheney deregulated). The last blow out was in the 1980s on an AMERICAN owned rig called the Piper Alpha resulting in the deaths of nearly 200 mostly Scottish men. The closest wells to the Falkands that are analogous to theGOM's Macondo disaster as being drilled off the Coast of Brazil with their Government's hearty approval. I am also offended by the suggestion that Falkland Islanders 'hunt seals and sea lions' - this is rubbish akin to saying that all Texans are Cowboys or everyone in San Francisco wears a flower in their hair. As for Self determination. When today's Falkands born grandparents were sitting on their own Falklands born granparents' knee - their typical Argeninian rabble-rouser's own granparents were still living in Italy. Sort it out Salem news.

Felix Lucius June 20, 2010 4:31 am (Pacific time)

I have read and re read this article and I am still aghast that it has been published. To address but a few of the inaccuracies: The Rockhopper well has been capped (impossible to "blow") pending further testing much later on. The wells that have been spudded, drilled and capped thus far belong to two companies (DESIRE and ROCKHOPPER) and they are both independant companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and perfectly viable financially. Neither have anything to do with British Petroleum. The Directors may have been previously employed by them, but that is irrelevant. The depths suggested by the author are pure fantasy and further prove his lack of factual research. The depths of the Sea Lion well are but a fraction of those in the Gulf of Mexico. This article serves to further disrupt the "special" relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. I suspect that the auther has ulterior motives and he is attempting to either, De-Ramp the share price (sp) forcing the sp down or more likely intends to cause friction between the UK, Argentina and the US. I would suggest that this newspaper prints a retraction and apology to the residents of both the Falkland Islands and the United Kingdom. I would also like to point out that the United States has had a very poor record in terms of comensating countries when corporate disasters have taken pleace. Research BHOPAL, UNION CARBIDE where over 8000 (known) people were killed as a direct result. Note to Editor - with due defference to you Sir, I respectfull suggest that articles such as this are consigned to the nearest "recycle bin". This author has done much harm to you.

Cadfael June 20, 2010 2:26 am (Pacific time)

Editor, have a look at under the heading Oil Spills and Disasters for ACCURATE information. What is it you say over there? what goes around comes around!

Daniel June 20, 2010 2:12 am (Pacific time)

This article simply serves to highlight the sheer ignorance of the author and the argnetine viewpoint. If this is representative of the majority of Argentines it would appear that they really do not understand the first thing about the Falklands and the current drilling campaign. Before I read this article I thought that the Argentines were passionate about the Falklands. It now seems that they are only interested to try and get the better of the UK who they clearly resent. In summary the newspaper, the author, the editor and argentina come off much worse than BP, Rockhopper or the UK do. This is because the article is so poorly researched and that the agenda for writing it is so ridiculously transparent. Thank you for helping the UK retain the moral high ground on this issue.

Cadfael June 20, 2010 1:47 am (Pacific time)

What incredible CRAP!!! I've read the whole sorry saga twice along with the comments, and I'm still laughing so hard I cant stop!! Next thing we know that F@ckwit will be trying to tell us that Argentina won two rugby matches against Scotland!!! Just for you gp, rugby is a MAN'S game, something the overpayed brains-in-feet footballers dont have the cojones for!!

Gimme the facts June 20, 2010 1:42 am (Pacific time)

"When the Sea Lion well blows, BP will tell all, as they did after deepwater horizon, that it wasn’t their well..." If the now capped, non producing, exploration well drilled at Sealion by Rockhopper Petroleum, were to 'Blow' (impossible it's capped) BP would be quite right to tell the world that it ' wasn't their well' It isn't, it has nothing to do with them. Your author can't even get his opening line right. But wait a minute, he's from Argentina? Aah, it all makes sense.

Frank Kerr June 20, 2010 1:04 am (Pacific time)

Shame on you sir nonsense and anti british please make the effort to be factual.

Glenn June 20, 2010 12:41 am (Pacific time)

Never have a I read such inacurracies in an article before!!! The more I read through the story the more ridiculous it became. Awfull journalism!

WazBlue June 20, 2010 12:11 am (Pacific time)

Interesting story. And I use the term 'story' quite literally.......

Brollman June 19, 2010 11:35 pm (Pacific time)

"What I said was that the wells are being drilled in waters as deep as 3000 meters" It says quite clearly in your article that the sea lion well in in waters that reaches depths of 3000m, but the sealion well is not in waters that deep so this is inaccurate and needs to be corrected.

HWR June 19, 2010 11:15 pm (Pacific time)

Bearing in mind the majority of Americans can't read, have no idea about the location of the Falkland Islands or care about the rest of the world, I don't think that this article from a filthy provincial rag will have much global impact. I seem to remember that the federal government had problems finding Kosovo, and thought that the IRA was a good thing. The fact that the author is writing this drivel for such a publication in 'Hicksville' shows the quality of his work.

gp June 19, 2010 11:00 pm (Pacific time)

-and this article too-- these investors must be terrified! Think of it if they couldn't drill baby drill, all that investment money down the rat hole.

gp June 19, 2010 10:53 pm (Pacific time)

Read Peter Glover's article from the 14th which backs up Eddie's story. The wells have been drilled and Great Britain stands to make billions in tax revenues. Shell and Bp are mentioned too. :

Bear June 19, 2010 10:24 pm (Pacific time)

can i have a job as a journalist please, i have absolutly no experience and cant do any research but i have a very good imagination and can lie my bollocks off, seems you employ people with these qualifications already so i should fit in ok! lol. What an absolute crock of shi..... so far from the truth it is quite ammusing actually, we have a similar news paper at home in the UK called the Daily Sport, it runs headlines like " London bus found on the moon" You guys are funny! C`mon the Rock © Fezza355

lol June 19, 2010 10:10 pm (Pacific time)

When the sniveling shareholders get an alert on the Rockhopper Shareholders blog, they all copy the talking points and forward ho like good little soldiers of fortune.

Sandy June 19, 2010 9:10 am (Pacific time)

Clearly the author of this article has not done even a few minutes of basic research. BP are not drilling any of the wells off the Falkland Islands; they are being drilled by a number of small independent British oil and gas exploration companies. I might also like to add there is no such place as the Malvinas- the islands re internationally recoginised as the Falkland Islands, a dependent overseas terriotiry of the United Kingdom. This author is clearly pursuing an anti-British agenda with regards to the sovereignty of he Islands. Never forget that the islands have been a British dependent territory since before Argentina was even created as a nation. It would be like Mexico laying claim to Hawaii as it is closer to them than to the USA. It would seem our friends and allies across the pond have not one ounce of loyalty to their friends but will cozy up to any nation for political advantage. I have lost a great deal of respect for the USA due to their political opportunism. A poor article and if I were part of the legal team of BP or one of e other oil companies who are actually drilling in the Falkland Islands I would be takig action against your for misrepresentation or libel.

c peers June 19, 2010 8:56 am (Pacific time)

Yet another Ant Brit article - I'm surprised we aren't having a war. Where is the special relationship between USA and UK now. Your reporter here has numerous facts wrong regarding Rockhopper.

Antonio June 19, 2010 8:26 am (Pacific time)

Entirely inaccurate article.

Happyguts June 19, 2010 8:17 am (Pacific time)

What a load of rubbish . Not one truth in this article

Fiona June 19, 2010 7:22 am (Pacific time)

What on earth are you talking about? Rockhopper has nothing to do with BP or Shell, never mind the other fabrications in this article. Are you unwell?

Rockhopper Investor June 19, 2010 6:53 am (Pacific time)

I have never read such diatribe in my life. BP do not own Rockhopper. They have nothing whatsoever to do with Rockhopper. The Falkland Islands are British and it is the wish of the Falkland Islanders to remain so. If There is any oil disaster during drilling in the Falklands it will be dealt with in the proper fashion. No oil from Sealion has been produced, the well has been capped. The rig being used comes from Britain, it does not belong to Transocean, an American company. The operators are British not American. Safety standards are Rockhoppers greatest priority. I do not know where your journalist got his research from for this article but it is clearly wrong and it should have been chekced out by your newspaper. Shame on you.

John Gilmour June 19, 2010 6:11 am (Pacific time)

please in the intrests of good journalism, gather the correct details, and check that they are factual, which clearly this article is not! in fact its a layer of inacuracies at the least and lies at best

Campbell Rankin June 19, 2010 5:50 am (Pacific time)

Eddie Zawaski, Your grasp of the details and facts I regret to tell you, fall short of godd journalism. 1) BP are not drilling in the Falkland basin. 2) The United Nations conclusion was that The Right of Self Determination of the inhabitants of the Falklnad Islands is supreme. There has NEVER been a sustainable Argentinian population that has not been imposed by force, EVER - so Argentina's claim can only be based on the geographical proximity of the islands. After all Argentinians were once Spanish colonists until they decided on self determination and created Argentina. Their claim then was based on the fact that they inhabited the land and wanted to rule themselves. I don't hear Argentinians saying give the land back to the indigenous Patagonians? Of course not, because Argentina is trying to become an Imperial/Colonial power, laying claim to the Falklands against the will of the inhabitants. The Falkland Islanders do not want to be ruled by Argentina and have been there for 134 years!!

Dexter June 19, 2010 8:52 pm (Pacific time)

GP QUOTE: “Looks like the old man got under the skin of some BP shareholders who think that they can recoup some of their lost stock dividends by suing can't bleed a turnip you foolish Brits. Now go change your nappy":

You are out of your depth on your usual anti-British comments on this one..finally “GP”! I think you need a nice bungee jump off the nearest derrick, from the highest platform of a rig, to clear your obviously clouded, predigest mentality towards the British.

The British, as well as Americans who are residing in Great Britain do think that this is anti-British.. in which it is!!! they have every right to think this way (I wonder where Vic is? ;))

Most of these people are not share holders, they are just sick and tired of people with comments like yours GP. I think it's great to finally see some force put down about anti- british stories (it certainly saves me from replying on anti-british comments on my stories on here lol).

Also no discredit to the Editor Tim (my boss), their has been a growing negative view about the british, that always seem to revert constantly back to the colonizing days, it is getting a bit “passe” if you ask me... as if America’s crap does not stink as well from the past!. So it is good to see something like this happen, even though my poor Editor is probably pulling his hair out right now!.

The point is this writer has got it wrong, and like I said before, I WILL be forwarding my story on to the Editor to have it published. I just hope you lot will protect my back afterwards, and not leave me to the American wolves, that will be biting at my ankles with shear Veracity and gust, like they have been starved and prodded with red hot pokers in a cage for a whole year..

Editor: Dexter, the one thing is that many of the similar email comments are specifically from Rockhopper shareholders, or so they say.  I will show them to you when we get together.  For the record, nobody is anti-British!  You can't help where you were born brother!  (just kidding mate, look forward to your article and we'll keep the wolves muzzled!)     

Eddie Zawaski June 19, 2010 7:35 pm (Pacific time)

Regarding the depth of the well: One of the commenters said sea lion is at a depth of 600-800 meters and another said 300. They are both better informed than I. I, however, never gave the specific depth of the well. What I said was that the wells are being drilled in waters as deep as 3000 meters. This is information about the basin in which exploration is taking place and as drilling activity continues, there is a great likelihood that 3000 meter wells will be drilled.

lol June 19, 2010 7:23 pm (Pacific time)

Those poor rich people are so upset about the fall of their stocks, such a pity. Not one is ashamed to have made money this way. I am laughing out loud at their hard lesson. Instant karma's gona getcha!

gp June 19, 2010 7:01 pm (Pacific time)

Oops, just occurred to me, those lawyers of yours must have pleanty of spare time right now for Frivolous Lawsuits. Wring 'em up pronto.

gp June 19, 2010 6:58 pm (Pacific time)

Looks like the old man got under the skin of some BP shareholders who think that they can recoup some of their lost stock dividends by suing can't bleed a turnip you foolish Brits. Now go change your nappy.

johnym June 19, 2010 5:09 pm (Pacific time)

As an American living in Britain im totally stunned and ashamed that this article was actually published, anti british propaganda if ever i saw it. Full of inaccuracies, half truths and down right lies, written by a bias Argentine it was to be expected really.

Danny June 19, 2010 4:45 pm (Pacific time)

Editor - Just to clarify the WATER depth above Sealion is around 200-500m whereas water depth in the GoM is ~5000m. The 2,744m you quoted is total well depth including subsea drilling. Compare this to the 10,683 m well depth in the GoM and its clear there is a massive difference. Please see link for map: NOTE: RKH are in the Northern basin where the water depth is ~500m. As for the article itself...well I'm sad to say it's ill-informed nonsense :-|

Andrew Roberts June 19, 2010 4:42 pm (Pacific time)

Editor, I notice you printed this:

"I think our writer got something out that people didn't want to see get out, and he based it on what public opinion is, and we can not be sued for that, think about it."

No, your writer has made a gross error in stating that BP own Rockhopper exploration and that it is a shell company. In fact I do. Or a part of it, as a shareholder. As do many other private investors from the US and UK. I know who the major shareholders are, don't you? Try searching the internet. It's very easy.

You know this is wrong and I am sure you are now panicking. Do the right thing a print an immediate retraction and apology.

If not, please realise that BP probably makes more money for the USA in one hour than Salem News turns over in a year, and I'm sure they won't hesitate to use a tiny fraction of this to sue the ass off your small town rag for libel. I hope you enjoy stacking shelves, as that's about the best you've got to look forward to after approving this literary trash.

Editor: I think you are the one getting nervous. 

Matt Johnson June 19, 2010 4:35 pm (Pacific time)

So is this about a bunch of British stock holders getting nervous? Rats fleeing the ship?

Andrew Roberts June 19, 2010 4:28 pm (Pacific time)

Just for your information... you were incorrect when you wrote: _________________________ Sea Lion is in about 600-800' of water, not 3,000m." Yet according to Results of data analysis Well 14/10-2 on the Sea Lion prospect (“Sea Lion” or “the Sea Lion well”) was drilled to a depth of 2,744 ______________________________ Actually, the total depth of the well is 2744 metres... the oil isn't on the surface of the sea bed! The 2744 figure INCLUDES THE DEPTH THAT WAS DRILLED. The water in that part of the Atlantic is nowhere near as deep as the GOM. (Or many other reserves that US companies are currently drilling). I would seriously advise you to retract this article, followed swiftly by an apology to BP, before you are closed down and will never work in journalism again. I suggest you get your facts straigh before defaming a company that has made the USA BILLIONS of dollars in revenue and country (UK) that has, for some reason, stood by your country while you invade other countries illegally. Get a grip Salem News. The law you are breaking is called libel and it involves writing defamatory and FALSE statements about another party. If you can provide evidence that BP holds an interest in Rockhopper, or any of the other companies drilling int he British Falkland Islands, then I'm sure the financial world would love to hear abou it. Until then, I repeat my suggestion that you retract this piece of schoolboy journalism.

Andy June 19, 2010 4:23 pm (Pacific time)

"The sea lion well and Rockhopper’s future wells are in waters that reach a depth of 3,000 meters (10,000 feet)." Now to the editor. This statment is false. Link to Which is an excellent article all with FACTS. Here is an extract, "In the North Falkland Basin, the waters are relatively shallow, giving a drilling depth of 1,500ft (500m) or less. " Now I hope you don't shrug this aisde because it's from the bbc. You got to dig below the surface to find oil!

Simon Taylor June 19, 2010 3:58 pm (Pacific time)

One further point your writer omits. He claims that Britain 'prefers to rely on war' than diplomacy. In fact, after the war, Britain and Argentina drew up an agreement allowing both countries to benefit from mineral exploration in the area. Argentina unilaterally withdrew from this agreement in 2007.

Simon Taylor June 19, 2010 3:38 pm (Pacific time)

If your intention in publishing this story was to create controversy - congratulations. However Journalism should at least be based on a sliver of fact - the article is sadly lacking in this area. To give you some Facts: The Falkland Islands are a self governing democracy who chose to consider themselves British and elect to remain a British Dependant Territory. Argentina has no legitimate claim. Their right to self determination is protected by international law and UN Resolution. The companies currently exploring for Oil (no one is producing) are in no way related to BP. The sea depths in the north Falkland basin wells are a few hundred meters. Your writer confuses total drilling depth (i.e. depth under the sea bed) with water depth. No oil is being produced or sold to anyone, these are exploration wells not production wells. in 1982 Argentina carried out a military invasion of the Falkland Islands in an attmpt to seize control of the population and their assets. This resulted in war with Britain and the eventual loss of 257 British and 649 Argentinian servicemen along with 3 falkland islanders. It is a disgrace to the memory of these people that you publish such innacurate and misleading information and I hope you are truly ashamed.

JB June 19, 2010 3:32 pm (Pacific time)

Interesting article, but regarding the depth of water where the sea lion well is located is inaccurate. You quote an article in your reply to another message which is accurate but you are misunderstanding the depth of the well with the depth of water. You have to drill down some way for any oil, its not just under the surface!

special relationship? June 19, 2010 2:57 pm (Pacific time)

I am amazed this article is still hosted on your homepage, any form of basic research at all would show the massive inaccuracy in the so called 'news'. I am very saddened at the deep horizon incident, but would have thought better of our American friends (if we can still use that term). Twice the depth - innacurate yes it was drilled beneath the sea speed to nearly 3000 metres but is in shallow water (i.e not deep!) and thus in the highly unlikley event oif an incident substantially easier to contain... Owned by BP - NO Selling Oil to BP - NO Producing Oil - NO (not yet) Malvinas - NO, ask the islanders Load of rubbish - YES Taking advice - YES I for one am proud of our falkland islanders, and to suggest we went to war over oil in '82 is insulting, we went to war to liberate our countrymen and woman who had been invaded by an unwanted military action. I would hope you would do the same for your country, or am I wrong?

David Samples June 19, 2010 2:53 pm (Pacific time)

The economy has been plagued with extremely high unemployment for over a year. There has been a relentless stream of bad economic news: closures of companies like Saturn and Mercury, the continued drain on the economy from the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the crushing burden from 20 million illegal aliens. If we deported these 20 million illegals at the first sign of trouble in 2007, there might have been a chance the economy would recover, but as usual the two party system won’t do anything to fix the most serious problems facing us. The United States of America is now headed for a full-blown Depression, and it’s getting closer by the month. A recent news article reports: “The number of people filing new claims for jobless benefits jumped last week …another sign that the pace of layoffs has not slowed. Initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 472,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. It was the highest level in a month and overshadowed a report that showed consumer prices remain essentially flat. The rise in jobless claims highlighted concerns about the economic rebound — especially after a report earlier this week said home construction plunged in May after government tax credits expired.” Employment always goes up in the summer due to seasonal tourist-related jobs. Amusement parks, zoos and other outdoor venues need to staff up to deal with a flood of people. A lot of these summer jobs are part time employment for high school and college students, but they need work like everyone else. The unemployment figures should be down in the summer and up in the winter due to this seasonal factor, but it seems like unemployment just keeps climbing from one high to another high. Obama’s army of census workers artificially pumped up the employment numbers for a few months, but that only delayed the inevitable. Many big cities and states have refused to lay off people as they should have when the economy first went south and tax revenue plunged. This reluctance to lay off government workers has helped artificially delay even worse times, but the end result is that cities and states will start to go bankrupt. There is already talk about New York state plunging into bankruptcy, which will no doubt soon be followed by California. Once the state and city lay offs begin to kick in, the financial dominoes will start falling again. The gigantic oil spill in the gulf is an unforeseen financial catastrophe that will ruin the fishing and tourist industry all along the gulf. Our economy is going from bad to worse and it’s going there fast.

Peter Brown June 19, 2010 2:45 pm (Pacific time)

A laughable article, rooted in fantasy not fact. This man clearly has an agenda, but he is actually lying in this article. I wouldn't be surprised if Rockhopper take this guy to the cleaners. It's not deep water and BP are not involved here at all for a start.

goldie June 19, 2010 2:36 pm (Pacific time)

I hope you got some good lawyers because bp certainly will and seen as this has been forwarded on to them your going to get sued for slander so I suggest you withdraw this article with a full apology this is blatant anti-British propoganda, you should be ashamed , Britain has more of a claim to the United states than Argentina has to the falklands, Argentina didn't even exist when Britain first settled on the falklands, get a grip, and get a lawyer BP is paying for a disaster they didn't even cause, unlike a certain American firm in India a few years ago who did cause the diaster and cost 25,000 lives and payed pretty much pennies in compensation you Americans should be ashamed of yourself, your a bunch of drama queens who think you own the world, your no better than nazi Germany

ddd June 19, 2010 2:22 pm (Pacific time)

I don't think that the more emotive comments are appropriate but I do think your readers would benefit from a review of the history of the Falklands. They could then make their own minds up about sovereignty.

BP's ownership is about 40% American; 40% British and about 20% Rest of World. It dropped the 'British' description when British ownership dropped below 50% - around twenty years ago.

Under U.K. Stock Exchange AIM rules any ownership above 3% is notifiable. If BP do own more than 3% they would be in breach of British law and subject to prosecution. As a shareholder in Rockhopper I would be grateful if you would submit any evidence of BP ownership to the London Stock Exchange. We could then consider an action.

Rockhopper and other Falkland Island oil explorers have submitted Environmental Impact assessments to the Flakland Island Govrnment prior to startig work. These are a matter of public record.

If the 2,900 Falkland Island people vote to shift allegiance to Argentina, the British government will relinquish sovereignty. It's future is very much in the hands of the ability of Argentina to persuade the islanders that it is in their interests to do so. At the moment, however, democracy has spoken.


Editor: Thank you.

Grumpy June 19, 2010 2:05 pm (Pacific time)

Editor, with respect, I suggest if you don't want to see 'public paranoia' you stop printing libelous articles. Seriously, this could get you in a whole slew of trubs. I am serious. What you are printing is factually badly researched, one-sided and inaccurate. It doesn't matter how much you want to side with so-called 'Argentine sentiment' the article is littered with gross lies. BP have nothing to do with the Falkland Islands and the UN has NOT demanded anything from the islanders, whom the writer calls 'colonists' even though generations of them have been there longer than your family will have been in America probably. If you are going to accept this kind of article you should be prepared to accept a balanced counter-argument. People are not 'bullying' you for the sake of it, they're mad because this article is out and outs lies and we cannnot all be wrong about that. The companies concerned have been contacted as has higher authorities simply because what has been written about all concerned is not only false but slanderously false.

Editor: First, note that your comments are being approved, so you are being allowed to make a point; all of these comments are approved by living people, it is as easy to hit delete as approve.  My initial reaction to this was intense, as the accusations are severe, but I went back over the piece and, for example, the depth of this well according to published data, is exactly what Eddie said it was, or very close.

 Here is one of the allegations: " 4) Sea Lion is in about 600-800' of water, not 3,000m."

Yet according to

Results of data analysis

Well 14/10-2 on the Sea Lion prospect (“Sea Lion” or “the Sea Lion well”) was drilled to a depth of 2,744 metres during April and May 2010.

So I hope those reading this do some digging themselves, and I was advised that this story would launch a small storm.  I can tell you that the writer is a highly educated  former professor and a resident of the potentially affected area.  This is not an individual who has written data that is inaccurate.  With respect Grumpy, I am still going over this and I appreciate your time.     


Drew Peacock June 19, 2010 1:55 pm (Pacific time)

What a fanny you are. Editor my arse. You slept with an editor you clown.

Editor: This moron has used multiple names to add crappy comments today, I guess the ranks of  BP supporters aren't as vast as they seem.  Is it drew, or susan, or James Prior?  Is it multiple personality disorder?  Working form the same British Petro office?

Anonymous June 19, 2010 1:47 pm (Pacific time)

The world is too small for the powerful to sneak around anymore and hide their lies, but like Israel, BP seems to be getting away with it, they should all be in jail. The crime of this spill is that it was called a spill, it was preventable and should never have been drilled. So, how many of you are going out and get on your bicycle or walk or are you going to struggle to get your fat ass into the car to run to 7-11 for some chips. Think about that every time you get into the car, you are the cause of the dead pelicans if you continue to drive a car...period.You asked BP to drill that well.

Editor June 19, 2010 1:35 pm (Pacific time)

What part of this are all of you missing:

"the prevailing public opinion down here in the southern cone of South America is that we are next in line for another environmental disaster. This one will be less troublesome for BP, as their legal connection to the well is murkier and there is no powerful governmental authority on shore to insist that they pay for their mistakes."

The writer is making a statement about prevailing public opinion, and I think the pro-BP set, almost all of whom have written email or a complaint here with the story, are exhibiting radical levels of paranoia.  

From what I get from this, there are existing reasons to suspect that BP has a relationship here, what about the past employment factor?

Here in the US they do the same thing to us; a class example is the old US Marine Corps base at El Toro in Southern California. It is a toxic waste zone and a contractor came in thinking they would make it into an upper scale housing track. That company, Lennar Homes, has a history of building homes on closed down, toxic military bases, and the current law allows the liability to be pinned on the smaller contractors, after two years Lennar is clear of litigation.  All those of you threatening us and telling us how you ratted us off to BP, good!   We need all the publicity we can get, rant and rave about it a little more.  There is such a disgusting history of British Colonialization, how about the Balfour Declaration?  Are you famililar?  Do you think England has a good track record here?  And to those who accuse us of being out of line because British troops are fighting in Afghanistan; what is that all about?  I fail to see the connection between being Tony Blair being drug down the hole by George W. Bush, and this article.

I stated in several emails that if corrections need to be made they will, but the threats make me want to just leave it alone.  Insults never get anyone very far.  I think our writer got something out that people didn't want to see get out, and he based it on what public opinion is, and we can not be sued for that, think about it.


Dexter June 19, 2010 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

Quote: "Britain has refused to discuss these issues, preferring to rely on war rather than diplomacy as the solution to the problem"... What a load of CRAP!. Your one sided bias comment has my blood boil. It is your new president that is stiring up another potential war, just so she can hide her economical disasters back at home, just like the last president did at the falklands war. It seems like I will have to write another story again , to re-educate some of you on the TRUTH to this whole matter!.

Laughable shite June 19, 2010 1:12 pm (Pacific time)

Eddie Zawaski what a journalist! No signs of lies or made up bollocks at all, bravo.

Bollocks June 19, 2010 1:06 pm (Pacific time)

What a complete load of spunk. LIES LIES LIES.

kfcs9 June 19, 2010 1:06 pm (Pacific time)

This surely has to be a wind up? This guy can't be serious lol. He has clearly left his pc unattended during lunch and his colleagues are playing a sick joke. No one can be this stupid!! can they??

James Prior June 19, 2010 12:51 pm (Pacific time)

LMAO. Comlete and utter tripe

Matt Johnson June 19, 2010 12:49 pm (Pacific time)

What an eye opener, I had never considered what the British interest in the Falklands was really about.

Poo Man Surfer June 19, 2010 12:47 pm (Pacific time)

An article so inaccurate it's painfull. Although I couldn't imagine why the islanders don't want to be part of Argentina, given it's history of fascism and throwing their citizens out of airplanes. lol. Eddie, I hope this isn't your day job!

kevin June 19, 2010 12:46 pm (Pacific time)

Did you do any research at all when you wrote this article? Seems to me that you just thought - 'Hmmmm, I don't like the fact that the falkland islands belong to the UK and I don't also like BP' and then made up a story that links those two topics.

James Prior June 19, 2010 12:45 pm (Pacific time)

What a lot of rubbish. You are not a journalist and have just made up that whole story. "The Sea Lion well off the coast of the Malvinas came into operation recently". Erm, not it hasn't. Oil has been discovered, but nothing is in operation. "When the Sea Lion well blows". When is it going to blow? What evidence is there of this? "The fact that Rockhopper sells the oil it currently extracts to BP for distribution". No oil is being extracted. That is a complete lie. "This is twice as deep as Deepwater Horizon, and thus more than twice as hazardous". No it doesn't. Please explain how being twice as deep makes it twice as hazardous. "Should one of these wells blow". Earlier in the article you said "when it blows". Make up your mind please. "The Argentine national oil company has been forbidden to drill these waters due to the dangers of deepwater drilling and the need of the Argentine government to preserve the resource for the future". Erm, Respol anyone. The oil is British and I for one look forward to making lots of money from it. Get it right up ye ya dawber

kevin June 19, 2010 12:44 pm (Pacific time)

Did you do any research at all when you wrote this article? Seems to me that you just thought - 'Hmmmm, I don't like the fact that the falkland islands belong to the UK and I don't also like BP' and then made up a story that links those two topics.

Andy June 19, 2010 12:42 pm (Pacific time)

I really hope the American's Reading this aren't as stupid as the journalist who penned this piece. With less than 5 minutes worth of Internet research you'll see that this is littered with mistake after mistake. Perhaps some of the $20 billion fund extracted from BP could be used for the victims of Bhopal?

7Kiwi June 19, 2010 11:47 am (Pacific time)

This article is a pack of lies: 1) Sea Lion is not going "to blow" 2) It is currently producing no hydrocarbons 3) There are in fact probably more links between RKH management and Shell than BP if you look carefully. 4) Sea Lion is in about 600-800' of water, not 3,000m. 5) In fact BP is in consortium with Repsol to drill in Argentine waters soon; and is there with Argentine permission, so is unlikely to get involved in the Falklands drilling campaigns. The author is obviously a muppet.

A smith June 19, 2010 11:45 am (Pacific time)

Excellent journalism. As with all excellent journalism there is not an ounce of truth in the content! Well done.

C Staveley June 19, 2010 11:34 am (Pacific time)

This article is utter rubbish and full of errors. BP has no relation to RKH or DES or any other FI oil company. Furthermore the comments regarding the War are despicable. It's a shame the war of independence wasn't won by the british as you Americans are clearly to stupid to be allowed to think for yourselves.

Dr Eddie Isa-Wanker June 19, 2010 11:24 am (Pacific time)

Bhopal or Piper Alpha anyone?

Rackit Back June 19, 2010 11:10 am (Pacific time)

What a load of utter bulls hit. - This article is not only so full of made-up falsities, but also absolutely stinking of racist anti-British propaganda. Maybe Mr Eddie Zawaski is a psuodonym for Micky Mouse? Don't forget who your allies are???

Alex Vargas June 19, 2010 10:45 am (Pacific time)

This is the real reason Jorge Taiana the Argentine minister was sidetracked stonewalled and finally resigned over, The true is that money can will more then a country, we live in a world where a corporation profits is more important then the life of millions of working class citizens, My conclution is that what we persive as constitutional rights where writen only for the capitalists who pisses on the workers.

Allan June 19, 2010 10:43 am (Pacific time)

This whole story is not only fabricated - but fabricated with reference to "facts" that are completely false. Do you not employ an editor?

michael day June 19, 2010 10:31 am (Pacific time)

BP are not connected with the current drilling in the Falkland Islands. Your article is both factually incorrect and inflammatory. They are the Falkland Islands, not Malvinas. Your use of the Argentine name is akin to a British newspaper stating that California, New Mexico and Alaska are parts of Mexico and Russia. As a serviceman who has fought with the British Forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan I am disheartened with your attitude and fear that wider anti-British sentiment in your country will lead to Britain withdrawing military support from Afghanistan. This will lead the US to isolation. You need to figure out who your friends are.

John Bell June 19, 2010 10:28 am (Pacific time)

Total Propaganda Rubbish! Argentina needs to stop there bullying, threatening, and scaremongering tactics towards the Falkland islanders. Maybe, then a peaceful solution could be found to suit everyone.

Norman Skipsey June 19, 2010 10:25 am (Pacific time)

I have never read such baseless rubbish in all my life! Get a job sir

Ben June 19, 2010 10:24 am (Pacific time)

The number of laughable inaccuracies in this article is astounding. Congratulations on writing the largest amount of drivel I ever had the misfortune to read.

mart June 19, 2010 10:22 am (Pacific time)

what a load of bollocks, lol. a very imaginaTIVE STORY.

Richard June 19, 2010 10:02 am (Pacific time)

Seriously, is there any thing in this article which is factually correct? I'll answer that, there isn't. What it is is a load of anti-British bullshit. Luckily I suspect the total readership of your rag is 5. And Americans wonder why the world hates them?

Journalistic Critique June 19, 2010 10:00 am (Pacific time)

I have just had the misfortune to read the article by Mr Zawaski. I am deeply concerned that some of your readers may actually believe some of it be true, which quite clearly it is not as BP have NO INVOLVEMENT in the current Oil Exploration activities you mention. Please get your facts right so that you can in future publish correct information to your reader(s) ?

Frank Haines June 19, 2010 9:56 am (Pacific time)

Your newspapers strapline says you serve Oregon and teh Northwest with news. Eddie Zawaski's article on Rockhopper's drilling in the Falklands is speculation, not news. Of the facts that are in there, the key one is wrong. BP have no connection with Rockhopper and no interests in Falkland waters.

AMex June 19, 2010 9:49 am (Pacific time)

Anti British rubbish/propaganda. I'll inform journalist - Better of checking google for well informed articles.

Simon Hill June 19, 2010 9:45 am (Pacific time)

Please sir, remove your inaccurate representation of the situation in the Fawkland Islands. BP has no, I repeat, no interest in the Fawkland islands. Furthermore, Rockhopper Exploration is a public limited company with no links to any large oil company. Your assertions about the Fawklands are also misleading, the inhabitants of the Fawkland islands choose to be British, democratically.

Al June 19, 2010 9:21 am (Pacific time)

Sir , This is the most inacurate piece of journalism I have ever read! The current campaign has absolutely nothing to do with shell or BP and the water depths in the North Falkland Basin are a mere 500 metres! I could go on and on about further inaccuracies but will leave it there for now!

ian hunt June 19, 2010 9:17 am (Pacific time)

I read with amazed interest your above piece on oil exploration in the Southern Atlantic. The Sovereignty of those Islands is indeed a matter of dispute between the UK and Argentina, however your article fails to mention that although the islands are a dependency of the UK, they are governed by a democratically elected government elected by the inhabitants of the islands. The inhabitants of the Islands would have the right to either cede from the UK, or become a dependency of Argentina, if they democratically elected to do so. It is the government of the Falkland Islands that granted the exploration licences to the exploration companies. I suppose it is true to say that the Islands are a Colony, however, if you consider the democratic nature of the Islands Government then the word “colony” does not accurately reflect their status. The US was, of course, a Colony in the past and the white settlers won the right to independence from the UK, however this was, and remains, with little regard to the indigenous population (and there has never been an indigenous population in the Falklands). To call Rockhopper a shell company (and imply its ownership is in the hands of BP) is factually false. Rockhopper is a listed company with many private investors both in the UK, Germany (and no doubt) the US. BP is not listed among its major shareholders. Furthermore the article states that Rockhopper sells oil to BP. Rockhopper doesn’t sell any oil to anyone, it is an exploration company and has no production sites. North Falkland Basin wells are in no way considered deep water drilling. Research on the web will confirm that the maximum depth of the basin is 2000 meters and the Sealion well was drilled in less than 200 meters of water. To suggest that it is twice the depth of the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico is patently untrue. There is drilling in the South Falklands basin which is considered deep water although Rockhopper has no interest in these prospects and neither do BP. The companies envolved in the South are BHP Billiton, Boarders and Southern and Falkland Oil and Gas. None of these have any affiliation with BP. What worries me is the apparent ease that a “journalist” can use your publication which does not just give an opinion, but quote blatant mistruths, or even lies. Surely there is some form of editorial overview to ensure the probity of your publication?

Davie June 19, 2010 8:50 am (Pacific time)

Oh my God, I can't believe that the editors of this newspaper would let such a ridiculously inaccurate piece of work get to press. Even ignoring the overtly biased tone, there were so many false statements in report that I doubt whether the author has done any research on this subject at all. Practically every piece of information in this story is wrong. Surely, the editors or sub-editors must have at least checked the basic facts of this story before agreeing to run it.

Sea Quester June 19, 2010 8:45 am (Pacific time)

What an utter pile of shite...get your facts right before posting an aricle full of lies!

James June 19, 2010 8:32 am (Pacific time)

Rockhopper(RKH), Desire(DES), Falklands Oil and Gas(FOGL), Arcadia, Argos, And Borders and Southern are all publicly owned and publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange. This artical is rubbish, just do a web search for either of them to confirm in less than 5 minuites!

Ian Ross June 19, 2010 8:24 am (Pacific time)

This must be the most inaccurate story I've ever read on Salem News. Come on guys at least some one or two of the facts correct. BP aren't involved in the Falklands drilling. There is no oil extracted there yet. It's a shallow drill not deepwater like the BP one. Why would it fail? There are thousands of wells in the sea, we've only recently had one failure. That doesn't mean they all fail! Nonsense.

Falklands Paul June 19, 2010 8:07 am (Pacific time)

This article contains 63 errors.

Richard Bowen June 19, 2010 8:06 am (Pacific time)

BP have absolutely no interests in the Falkland Islands oil exploration programme. Fact. What a 2nd rate publication yours is and what a second rate reporter you have. Get your facts right before publishing such drivel. Its heart breaking to read such utter tosh regarding colonialism when our boys are dying each day in Afghanistan serving US interests. You should be ashamed!!

Lilbaz June 19, 2010 7:55 am (Pacific time)

Can you stop calling them the Malvinas. They are the Falklands as for Argentina wanting them back tough. Would America speak to Mexico if Mexico said California was there's? No.

The Falkland Islands (pronounced /ˈfɔːlklənd/; Spanish: Islas Malvinas)[4] are an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean, located about 300 miles (260 nmi; 480 km) from the coast of mainland South America, 700 miles (610 nmi; 1,100 km)[5] from mainland Antarctica, and 3,800 miles (3,300 nmi; 6,100 km)[6] from Africa.

Editor: I think i it is clear that both names are used.  

mancman June 19, 2010 7:52 am (Pacific time)

This story is so biased and with so many inacuracies i dont know where to begin!

Laundryman June 19, 2010 7:51 am (Pacific time)

Laughable, one sided guff. Argentine propaganda at its worst. Cynically jumping on the brit bashing bandwagon to again raise the nonsense Argentine claims on the Falkland Islands. Broken record stuff this. Certainly not good journalism, it even puts Fox news to shame.

Graham Petrie - UK June 19, 2010 7:42 am (Pacific time)

What an utterly ridiculous piece of journalism. 10% fact and 90% rubbish. Do some proper research before writing this nonsense!

Eduardo June 19, 2010 7:42 am (Pacific time)

(shakes head at north american ignorance)

AM June 19, 2010 7:36 am (Pacific time)

Reading this article made me understand why you are writing for Salem rather than WSJ or NYT... Because you suck at journalism and even worse at research! LOL!

caroline stephenson June 19, 2010 7:25 am (Pacific time)

I am shocked by the lies in this story. Rockhopper exploration is an independant stock market (AIM) listed company in UK and has no link with BP. It has an excellent safety record and values this record. To claim otherwise on either count invites litigation. The Falkland Islands are British as defined by the Lisbon Treaty. The Falkland Islanders see themselves as British and wish to remain British. Any question over their ownership is only in the imagination of the Argentines. I would suggest this article is withdrawn and appropriate apologies are made.

Rockhopper share holder June 19, 2010 6:58 am (Pacific time)

what a absoloute load of made up rubbish with nothing correct at all. 'Shell company' and ' BP ' owned!!! Never heard so much rubbish published, un believable, sounds like sour grapes, hahahahaha, LOADS OF OIL, and OURS!!! hahahaaaaaaaa.

Casio Vram June 19, 2010 6:45 am (Pacific time)

This story is a joke, right? It is so full of mistakes, errors and blatent lies it must be a spoof. Is a serious news organization? Or just another blog full of deranged rants?

Unhappy Brit June 19, 2010 6:41 am (Pacific time)

This article is one of the worst pieces of journalism I've ever had the misfortune to waste my time reading. It is to be hoped that your readers are better informed than your 'journalist'.

Ant June 19, 2010 6:32 am (Pacific time)

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry having read this story. The sheer number of factual inaccuracies astounds me. The lack of understanding of the political situation in the Falkland Islands astonishes me. To suggest that that Rockhopper is a BP shell company by virtue of the fact that its directors live in England and once worked for BP is staggering in its audacity. Finally the overarching anti-British tone and suggestion of British warmongering is shameful at a time when British soldiers are dying alongside US servicemen and women in the Middle East. I hope the readers of Salem-News exhibit greater intelligence than the writer and are able to see this article for what it is.

Andrew Roberts June 19, 2010 6:30 am (Pacific time)

This is a criminally inaccurate piece that clearly has not been properly researched. I would suggest you have a quick check as to who are the major shareholders in Rockhopper, then very quickly retract the article before legions of lawyers from a variety of sources come knocking on your door. This article is a disgrace... it is no small wonder that the average American never leaves US soil... with writing as inaccurate as this, they must be terrified of the outside world.

EJW June 19, 2010 6:09 am (Pacific time)

Complaint submitted about this article. This is libelous.

Editor: Good, get everyone's attention that you can, remember the dash;   

ddd June 19, 2010 5:58 am (Pacific time)

Possibly the most inaccurate article on oil and the Falklands I have ever read.

Ben June 19, 2010 5:49 am (Pacific time)

I doubt this will be posted. The amount of inaccuracies in this article is astounding. This is either very bad journalism or a anti-british nationalistic artil cle. The UN has never refered to the islanders as colonists. The negotiation on soverignty indicated that the the best interests of the islanders is paramount and the Islanders rights to self-determination is paramount in th UN charter. The UN has confimred this as would the ICJ is Argentina ever took the matter for interantional arbitration (which they have refused to do as they have no legal basis to do so). The oil driling rights were provided by the democratically elected government of the Falkland Islands and not the UK government. Since when has the UK relied on War? Lest we forget it was Argentina (under the rule of a murderous regime) that invaded the Falklands. The UK taught them a lesson and within 48hrs of the UK victory the Junta was overthrown and Argentina became a democracy. RKH has nothing to do with BP and any such accusation is potentially libleous and punishable under US law. In conclusion this article is blantatly an anti-Britiah article full on gross innacuracies and to put it bluntly a number of lies. This is a shame considering this is a US publication that is attaccking the democratic rights of the Falkland Island citizens as well as attacking the country that has supported the US in Iraq and Afganistan. The disaster in the gGulf is very sad but BP is commited to clean up. THis is more than can be said for Union Carbide which was responsilbe for the deaths of thousands of Indian citizens and ongoing Brith Defects in Bophal. Still no clean up paid for by the US and no compensation! Before looking for the splinter in another persons eye then consider the plank of wood in your own.

mon the brits June 19, 2010 5:44 am (Pacific time)

what a rubbish report. biased and untrue for most of it

Jason Dawson June 19, 2010 5:34 am (Pacific time)

Knock off the Anti British stance your Country has taken. It was an accident. Much like Union Carbide in India did not mean it to happen. You have now made a lot of British people anti American. And not many liked you before that. And remember our troops are being killed fightling an American war.

Falklandsselfdetermined June 19, 2010 5:03 am (Pacific time)

the person who wrote this article has a very biased view on this issue! drilling licences were issued by the falklands goverment. falklands population has been there for many generations since 1833 and choose to be brittish for their own protection. argentina's invasion on the islanders in 1982 showed no compasion for the population then. even with thier more diplomatic society today they still fail to show compassion for the local population of the islands by ignoring them completley. talking to britain directly, who themselves cannot negotiate on the issue because they do not have the right to decide for the islanders as they are protected by the UN due to their self determination. This claim Argentina is making is just as ridiculous as it would be if britain was to claim sovereignty over america or spain over Argentina,Brazil etc, etc.

gp June 19, 2010 4:59 am (Pacific time)

Falklands is the Imperialist Brits name for the Islas Malvinas, in the interests of truth it would be nice if the Falklands name was shelved. Malvinas... every city in Argentina has an Islas Malvinas street. Argentines do not take this matter lightly. Coach Maradona hopes to repeat his smashing victory over Britain in the World Cup. The good guys wear the celeste and white suits with yellow sox.

anonymous June 19, 2010 4:51 am (Pacific time)

The world is too small for the powerful to sneak around anymore and hide their lies, but like Israel, BP seems to be getting away with it, they should all be in jail. The crime of this spill is that it was called a spill, it was preventable and should never have been drilled. So, how many of you are going out and get on your bicycle or walk or are you going to struggle to get your fat ass into the car to run to 7-11 for some chips. Think about that every time you get into the car, you are the cause of the dead pelicans if you continue to drive a car...period.You asked BP to drill that well.

David Baker, Arizona June 19, 2010 3:00 am (Pacific time)

Can't honestly have read such a biased article against Britain with such a neglect for the facts. BP won't be drilling, so how can they be at fault at all? Also Brazil has given rights to BP for oil, wouldn't that be more suitable to run an article on? Why do you call them the Malvinas, nobody knows them as that, Argentina should respect the self-determination of those that live there, and it was never colonial as there was no indigenous people living there. Argentina announced they are starting their own drilling and oil program within their own waters, surely this going against what they said about britain and they should stop because of a possible environmental disaster? From my point of view looks like a government under fire is bringing up the falklands claim as a distraction... No recent mention of sovereignty until oil is discovered... Also the british government have nothing to do with the granting of oil, only the falklands government.

Harryhosk June 19, 2010 2:13 am (Pacific time)

To say this story is made up slander is to put it mildly. Comments like "(Rockhopper's management) are all currently residents of England" Like that is bad thing is it? 60 million people may take issue with that generalisation. And saying that they are all former BP employees, is quite simply a lie; because they are not. Just because you think it, doesn't make stuff true. If you really want to write about the possibility of an ecological disaster due to America's greed for oil, then look no further than the American company Exxon, who caused "one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters ever to occur in history" up in Alaska and then spent years fighting supreme court rulings on compensation - which is exactly what BP will do. PS BP is not British Petroleum it's a merger of the American Oil Company(AMOCO) and British Petroleum. Some of their board members are Americans (eg Bob Dudley). Do some research the next time you want to spout garbage.

Paul June 19, 2010 1:41 am (Pacific time)

BP is not drilling for oil in the south atlantic - DOH The British Government does not control oil licenses around the Falklands, the Falkland Islands Govt does - DOH Some of the Falkland Island "colonists" families have lived on the Islands for 8 generations, saying they should go home is like telling Texans or Californians they are a colonists and should go home - DOH The reason Argentina hasn't sunk wells in the Atlantic is noone will finance it because of Argentine govt history of theft of public property, they have just stolen $30bn of private savings - DOH

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