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Jun-16-2012 00:19printcomments

Connecting the Political Dots

I believe President Obama has learned his lessons and deserves to serve a second term as the Secular leader of America as well as the world.

Connect the dots

(PASO ROBLES, CA) - The GOP pretends to be the Party of God (Jesus) to be more precise. It’s leadership is an offshoot of the Puritan Sect of Christianity whose basic beliefs, coincide nicely with their base.

The base consists of persons who received their religious beliefs as family hand-me-downs who received them from their elders, etc., as far back as memory allows; beliefs that have never been questioned making it the perfect fit for Evangelists who derived their fundamentalist beliefs in much the same manner from persons of Puritan persuasion. Evangelists pastors who preach their Gospel to amenable believers have sometimes evolved into powerful preachers of Mega-Churches.

Areas most susceptible to fundamentalist belief in Jesus as God and the Bible as the definitive Word of God are rural or isolated areas, but metropolitan areas to which people have moved and where God-talk is spoken also support Protestant churches offering substance for the soul and a place to mingle and share with others matters of familiar and general interest. I, for lack of understanding, learned the hard way that most such households begin meals by saying grace.

Catholics and Mormons are other and different, and therefore suspect by these pure Protestant types who won their religious freedom from Catholicism in the 18th century and whose simplified services are more to their liking; they also trust in the Bible which often is used as a family historical record of births, deaths and other meaningful moments in time.

Mormonism was created from the ground up beginning in the 1830s, and is based on the Book of Mormon which differs materially from the Bible, except for its belief in Jesus as Christ.. Mormonism was designed for and is intended to favor its own people ahead of all others. It has a much looser devotional than Catholic or Protestant services, because it has no organized priesthood; every member plays a role. Because any member may be called upon at any time to speak before a congregation, it pays always to be prepared, an idea that reinforces Mormon concepts. Training of male-members to become missionaries starts as early as Age 18-20 to prepare them for two-year missions anywhere they may be sent by the LDS. The benefit to their education is great, as they become fluent in the language of the country in which they serve.

Members are expected to tithe 10% of what they earn each year to the support of the church . Mitt Romney is a bishop in the Church of LDS, to which he tithes millions of dollars a year. On the other hand, the LDS provides for members who fall on hard times via material sustenance and personal counseling. As a bishop of the LDS, Mitt Romney is also a counselor whose advice is always given in support of the Church. If he is not elected President this year, he has the LDS to fall back on where elevation to the rank of saint is a distinct possibility, unless the Republican Holy See’s views and tactics he’s following now should suffice to prevent it.

The fire in Romney’s belly, and his lies are inconsistent with LDS values.

Mitt Romney is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party going into the Convention, but he was not always the favored candidate, and if he should test the Holy See beyond its endurance, who knows what might occur? Since becoming the presumptive nominee, Mitt has toed the Evangelical line with obvious vigor. The LDS and Evangelists are not mutually compatible. Both seek to rule the world someday, and each is striving for its goal in its own way, but it appears Evangelists have the upper hand in the battle where the end justifies the means, at least for the moment.

So, where does that leave us? Republicans want to rob democrats of their ability to vote by insisting every voter have a photo ID, and time is running out, The apparent object is to eliminate voters from Democratic ranks as one method to defeat Barack Obama. Is this any way to run a country? Mitt Romney seems to think so. Which begs another question: does the LDS affirm his conduct as suitable to their teachings, or is it favoring Mitt Romney’s run for President as being in the best interest of the LDS, and if so, to what end?

Clearly, Karl Rove and the Party of God will do anything to defeat Barack Obama, even if it means using Mitt Romney, who seems equally willing to do his part. It has taken years for The Holy See to achieve this level of dominance; where members will do its bidding obediently, even to the extent of preventing Congress from passing legislation until after the election in the hope of snatching the Presidency from Barack Obama. Leaders take their cue from the See, and members from their floor leaders. Members have absented themselves to avoid voting on legislation and then accuses Democrats of being the villains. How serious the See is about Mitt Romney and the LDS remains to be seen, for politics makes for strange bed fellows, which is truer now than ever before.

Barack Obama seems the most honest and sincere choice, all things considered, but having said that, I feel it only proper to reflect on his pre-election and Presidential performance. Not just Americans, but the whole world took him at his word during the campaign. Winners must live with their heritance of course, but Barack apparently was persuaded that he had a duty to follow Bush’s agenda, and instead of fulfilling his promises. he stumbled over his lack of conviction while compromising as best he could with the Bush Holy See, the Body of which is greater than the messenger.

Now he faces Mitt Romney who seems determined to pick up where Geo. W. Bush left off. The Holy See is the enemy here, not Mitt Romney, the mesenger.!

Geo. Bush discovered late in his Presidency that he had been used by those he trusted when, as a born again Christian of Evangelical persuasion, he placed utmost faith in the See and its faithful, until Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and he realized that “Jesus in His heaven” is no guarantee that “all is right with the world.” Bush learned the truth the hard way, and has not been the same man since. So, we ask, to whose dots was Obama connecting in spite of his good intentions, keeping in mind the goal of the Republican Party and the Holy See is to make us a Theocracy?

I believe President Obama has learned his lessons and deserves to serve a second term as the Secular leader of America as well as the world.

Kenneth G. Ramey,'s Religion and Philosophy Writer, confronts the hard issues of politics and religion from a logical point of view that combines interesting insight with history into the truth, or lack thereof, that underlies the strengths and weaknesses of the Religious Right’s determination to use American politics for its own misguided, or selfish, interest. It’s rare for a writer to balance his writing between religious values and the secular guarantees of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with the knowledge that Ken possesses, and to do it so effectively.

Ken was born in Minnesota but was raised in California since 1932. He is the youngest of four boys raised by his mother alone during the dark years of the Great Depression. He Graduated from SFSU in the 1970s when in his mid-forties, majoring in Spanish North American History, and added three years of post-graduate study, much of it in Philosophy and Religion. We live at a critical time in history and believe Ken's views represent the view of many who are tired of the commercialism and false interpretations about religion today. Watch for Ken's articles on religion, philosophy, politics and history. View articles written by Kenneth G. Ramey You can email Ken at:



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amandablack June 16, 2012 1:03 am (Pacific time)

The best system of goverment should be a strict division between state and church, as it was meant to be. Leave religious ideologies to the individual of their choice. Religion in politics is the root of all evil!!!

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