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Jun-05-2008 11:49printcomments

Wyden Calls for Review of Rumsfeld Pre-War Congressional Testimony

Phase II Intelligence Report Indicates Administration Made Misleading Statements to Congress.

(WASHINGTON, D.C. ) - Working to ensure public accountability for the administration’s rush into the Iraq War, US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, called today for a review of Congressional testimony by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in light of new information in a report just released by the Intelligence Committee.

“This is stunning,” said Wyden. “The Secretary of Defense, testifying before Congress about whether or not ground forces would be strategically necessary in a war against Iraq, said that the Executive Branch ‘knew’ something that it did not know.”

Continued Wyden, “I do not think that this is a matter that Congress can afford to ignore and I hope that the Armed Services Committee will take a serious look at Secretary Rumsfeld’s statements.”

The full report is available on the Committee website at:

The text of Senator Wyden’s statement is below:

“I think one of the most glaring examples is detailed on pages 47 and 48 of our report. This is a statement that I think my friend Chairman Levin will want to review.

“In testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee in October 2002, then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s testified that of the WMD facilities that he knew about, many were not vulnerable to airstrikes because they were “underground and deeply buried.” We found that this statement was not supported by the intelligence that was available at the time.

“Many analysts suspected that Saddam had deeply-buried WMD facilities, but no intelligence agency claimed to know their location, and no intelligence agency even expressed certainty that they existed.

“Barely two months after Rumsfeld gave this apparently inaccurate testimony to the Armed Services Committee, the National Intelligence Council prepared a report on this topic, in response to a specific request from Rumsfeld himself. This report said that “all of the military and regime-associated [underground facilities] that we have identified thus far are vulnerable to conventional, precision-guided, penetrating munitions because they are not deeply buried.”

“This is stunning: the Secretary of Defense, testifying before Congress about whether or not ground forces would be strategically necessary in a war against Iraq, said that the Executive Branch “knew” something that it did not know.

“The intelligence available at the time made this clear, and two months later a report prepared specifically for Secretary Rumsfeld directly contradicted what he told the Committee. As far as I know, neither Rumsfeld nor anyone else from his office made any attempt to contact the Committee and correct the public record, and the result was that Congress and the American people were misled on a question of the utmost importance. I do not think that this is a matter that Congress can afford to ignore and I hope that the Armed Services Committee will take a serious look at Secretary Rumsfeld’s statements.”

Source: Ron Wyden press release

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Henry Ruark June 9, 2008 4:58 pm (Pacific time)

JB: Old editorial habit, never broken, "to-read/and/re-read" brings me back to yours written: "I have found that those who have learned history as the science that it is, understand just how foolhardy it is not to understand what history is actually telling us." IF you so d... sure what "history is actually telling us", surely you are willing to publicly state your educated professional qualifications to make such a sweeping statement as that ? If you can justify, then why are you not in D.C., or N.Y, advising and guiding our leadership ? Will you agree they need precisely that "information" ? If so, and you actually DO have it, why not share it here in summary --as in Op Ed, with ID and both responsibility and accountability on record -- THEN head for inevitable media picnic in both cities-named ? They (both the leaders and the press corps) love to meet guys like you, so d...ed sure of what they think they know --as I found out, several times, when I made early-youth uninformed statements in somewhat similar areas..!!. Be sure to share with us here before you take off for D.C. and N.Y. --suggest D.C. first since situation there has now reached totally intolerable level, don't you agree ? Or does what you say you know reassure you about the Bush I and Bush II policies and actions, much less actor-in-chief Reagan ?

Henry Ruark June 8, 2008 2:14 pm (Pacific time)

JB et al: NO WAY to read your latest except "we own the world --and we can bomb the h... out of anyone who does not bend-over and assume-the-position." IF I'm in error, deny and defy your last statements by confirming you are "intensely" against any use of armed-force to "settle this issue". If NOT you must then be ready to deny any possible gain by negotiation, with due regard to the very history you lean against for support, by overlooking some parts which may well motivate some of the very behaviours about which you then complain...not all that unusual for those so motivated by nationalism only. OR do you insist on using only those parts which fit your statements ? Your graveyards puts you primarily into common cause with all those radical nationalists, of every nation, who prefer to aim-and-fire rather than talk, listen, and just possibly learn what and how is demanded to preserve, protect and provide progress for all. What they seek, many in the world now feel, is not peace but something akin to very "intense" other emotions. When it comes to "bodies via bullets, or peace by some other provision", most of us prefer that every possible other means be used first and continuously, for a very long time --since we feel so heavily that dark cloud up there under those orbiting bombing planes, with some of them, you can bet, already carrying "The Big One" What more likely, since we own so many, and fund the Pentagon with more moola and muscle that all other nations combined spend for military might ?. What proof can you give us that's NOT happening, right now ? Given your close connection to such reputable sources as demanded by such public statement, that should be no problem for you. On historical precedent, it is surely a possibility, if not a probability, both that the bombers are orbiting and that they carry "that one", too. Of course you can now begin attack-at-once re "patriotism" --mine OR yours--which will then maketh for some very "intense" dialog; suggest you ID self to Editor Tim, and thus reassure and relieve many others, in due deference here.\ OR you could of course do an Op Ed, or even a series of them, if you really feel so "intensely" and must relieve that very frustrating need...

JB June 8, 2008 9:06 am (Pacific time)

Communication with Iran has been ongoing for decades. Still they are threatening to wipe out Israel, which may promulgate military action on their part anytime. Iran has been providing arms and training that have been killing Americans, and their development of wmd's is not public record, but all these years of talks by different presidential administrations have not been enough to change their bellicosity. So someone think Obama will provide some magical verbiage to change their warlike manner? Graveyards have been filled for centuries because of this naive way of thinking. Walk softly but carry a big stick. I have found that those who have learned history as the science that it is, understand just how foolhardy it is not to understand what history is actually telling us.

Henry Ruark June 7, 2008 6:49 pm (Pacific time)

JB et al: Further analysis of your last shows still deeper bias, prejudice, call it what you will. You imply there is nothing to be gained from smaller negotiations --yet anyone's life experience will teach that often, if you talk right at the right time, you cut off or can compromise on what will otherwise become "significant" and then possibly even "belligerent:. Conversation, esp. between holders of That Big One or reaching for it, surely always better --and safer !!-- than confrontation, esp. if the latter cometh from one who has already kicked chair out from under elected leader. SO, commonsense seems to say to all that any form of dialog is prefererable to any size or format of formidable weaponry. IF you seek out full history here you may work way into a fuller understanding. IF you wish direct contact for more data, dialog or anything decent, ID self to Editor Tim; I'm always willing to learn, from anyone who CAN teach me with bigger, fatter, more formidable fact, but fancy doth nothing for me or most others here.

Henry Ruark June 7, 2008 1:20 pm (Pacific time)

JB et al: Yours re Obama's "naivete" seems to reflect your own re what history shows indelibly. It is not "an article of faith" that U.S. action vs Iran's earliest move toward democracy did occur--as CIA upset. Yours may well be example of basic misunderstanding based on unrecognized personal background or lack of basics, I think. Op Ed from you illuminating in depth what you meant might clarify and help us all to learn -there's a useful point buried here, perhaps. If you wish continuance here, in deference to all, go to Editor Tim with ID and we can explore further and perhaps learn from each other.

JB June 7, 2008 8:39 am (Pacific time)

Senator Wyden will be going over old ground which is a waste of our resources, but what's new. Both parties seem peerless to each other when it comes to investigating previous investigations. It always is who is in power that decides these sorties, but I am concearned about future policies as stated by our current crop of candidates. For example, what is implicit in Obama’s reference to “tiny” threats is that they are sufficiently insignificant that negotiations alone can resolve them. Indeed, he has gone even further, arguing that the lack of negotiations with Iran caused the threats: “And the fact that we have not talked to them means that they have been developing nuclear weapons, funding Hamas, funding Hezbollah.” This is perhaps the most breathtakingly naive statement of all, implying as it does that it is actually U.S. policy that motivates Iran rather than Iran’s own perceived ambitions and interests. That would be news to the mullahs in Tehran, not to mention the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah. It is an article of faith for Obama, and many others in the U.S. and abroad, that it is the United States that is mostly responsible for the world’s ills.

Henry Ruark June 6, 2008 6:40 pm (Pacific time)

Vic et al: Didn't touch list-of-ID items, Friend Vic, since put them all down to satirical touch...nicely done, too. BUT "anon" or single-name doth avoid major part of any conversation --to know the other mouth and its many telling components missing here unless added-later --say, on third or so comment in thread. (Body language is latest research area for cognitive scientists, by the way...impossible here.) By then, may make real difference when responsibility, accountability, checkability --as for "see with own eyes" and evaluate "with own mind"-- is at stake. That is why I emphasize, underline, add to, never forget to mention that key situation in this "honest, open, demo-type dialog" --since that's what makes it fit that pattern. SO forgive when I intensify too much --that too cometh from those years you mention re relationship with free speech --learned the hard way in newspapers, magazines, other channels where name and full professional ID is always first demand for any consideration at all for space, time, attention --and Comments. Anything I can share comes from that same overall experience, too, of course...

Henry Ruark June 6, 2008 6:30 pm (Pacific time)

Vic et al: Friend Vic, you misreading me, perhaps mine own fault for too-honest/realism. I meant NO suppression, only to emphasize need for care in comment here. Your rap-on-knuckle really appreciated, and herewith openly acknowledged; and I'm glad (partially-bald) old head was not in your sights. Never apologize for any degree of "intensity", major motivator for this effort; but surely ready to learn when I commit faux-pas OR come across on wrong frequency. Misunderstanding is root of most evils in dialog, and this is prime example, thanks for your opportunity to explain. "Diatribe" differs from responsible dissent, and I place yours in the latter category, as past notes will show. That's main strength of true "free press"open, honest, demo-type dialog, as in S-N. "Sincere" and "honest" --and I know both open to cynical evaluation by many --par for the course in this assignment.

Henry Ruark June 6, 2008 6:18 pm (Pacific time)

"Anon" et al: Easy to see why you hide behind tree, without any substantiation for your rant. Some of your points might stand up with solid source statement, but biased injection from political preference kills any credibility you may otherwise enjoy. Re "stunned", agree with Wyden re that powerful word, when applied to sworn testimony to Congress via then-leader within admin. SO "we knew", but now it is on public record via published Congressional statement, which surely presages further action simply by that fact. BOTH Israelians and P-ians have died to no good end; this kind of rant does little to bring on bigger, stronger pressures for rational, reasonable settlement, perhaps via UN action since U.S. so committed to continuing chaos in the Middle East.

Vic June 6, 2008 5:59 pm (Pacific time)

Right on, anonymous....even though your point of view is irrelevant because you did not state your name, maiden name(if married female),date of conception, corresponding date of birth and country/city of birth .....And Henry...who are you to tell someone else that their opinion is a waste of time here?? You are the last person in the world that I would expect to hear that kind of intolerant statement from. Seems to me youve spent most of your life upholding and the idea of a truly free press.A lot of my opinions are hardly the majority view...I suppose should stop posting my diatribes..and just post those view points that will make the majority of people feel good and nod their heads in agreement...:)

Anonymous June 6, 2008 4:49 pm (Pacific time)

He is stunned??? dear God!! Half the world knew bush was lieing. please read this link, and then ask yourself "Wyden is stunned?" Why isnt Ron Paul stunned??? Again...why is it that it is only Ron Paul that is not stunned? Because he pays attention maybe? So, why did obama, hillary, and mcsame all vote to continue this illegal war? It was illegal as far as the U.N. and it was illegal as far as our constitution? He is stunned? He broke the law too by letting this happen and supporting it!! Ron Paul was the only one that saw this coming and obeyed the law. I will write Ron Paul on my ballot. Abdul: you should support Ron Paul.. I do, and I wont go as far a wiping people off the map, but I do think the zionist use the U.S. to fight their wars, and wont sacrifice their precious children to do it. The zionists have more lobbyists than all other combined. I am a christian, and believe in the bible, but the bible NEVER said to supply israel money for nukes and to fight their wars for them. The U.N chastized Israel for what they are doing to the palestinians..the zionists told the U. N. to go to heck. How many Israelis have died? maybe one or two? how many palestinian children and mothers have died...tens of thousands? 90% of our elected representatives should be on trial for war crimes.

Henry Ruark June 6, 2008 2:41 pm (Pacific time)

AF-Abdul: Your nationalistic-biased "patriotism" fully appreciated but hardly relevant here to the nail-down/lying testimony to Congress theme of Wyden story, nor to what U.S. could or should do re either Iraq or Israel. IF you have further personal attack on Sen. Wyden or policy-tirade on U.S. foreign policies,I suggest you send it to the paper you quote, Mofaz. There it might reach an audience worth your feelings. Here it is simply waste of time-space for the large majority of our readers, highly frustrated by our own domestic difficulties. Your participation richly appreciated.

AF June 6, 2008 11:06 am (Pacific time)

Senator Wyden going to make public comments on the below threat, that if carried out against my brothers and sisters will kill thousands? Of course not, he wants to distract while my people die! According to the newspaper report, Mofaz — a former chief of staff and defense minister — has concluded that international sanctions haven’t curbed Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. "If Iran continues its nuclear arms program — we will attack it,” the newspaper quoted Mofaz as saying. "The sanctions aren’t effective. There will be no choice but to attack Iran to halt the Iranian nuclear program.” There is a precedent for Israeli military action: In 1981, Israeli planes destroyed an unfinished Iraqi reactor."

Henry Ruark June 6, 2008 8:34 am (Pacific time)

Vic: Mine unclear, Vic; thanks. Your key phrase is: "I cannot accept that everything we have said is invalid or lacks credibility because we dont use our full names." Agree, absolutely; but then when point or "fact" or other component is challenged, do believe you and I, and many others, agree the commenteer has responsibility to confirm via detailing and documenting original or furnishing additional credible source. That's my point, drawn from responsibility of by-line sig by anyone responsible and accountable, long demanded in all public-channel usage, for good reason confirmed by decades of experience. Easiest cover-and-escape for irresponsible, unaccountable and therefore worth-less comment is easy-hiding status by use of contrived name; then refusal of source and/or other backup for "see with own eyes" and evaluate with own mind, which is demanded for any worthwhile public-channel dialog. Many channels demand sign-in and full ID prior to any usage, including Letters in most dailies --carefully then censored by so-called "Editorial Boards", set up to guarantee full-control for ownership. Gannett notorious for this particular ploy. Thanks for yours forcing me to detail reasons-why here; that is further proof, I think you will agree, to what honest open demo-dialog can, should and --these rough days for honest dialog especially !!-- MUST do. Original comment always commendable for participation alone -but then needs further foundation, when challenged, for further credibilities. Mine own always open to precisely that challenge, and to documentation in depth and detail, which is why I so often offer ID-to-Editor, in full deference to others here, but demanded as professional.

Vic Pittman June 6, 2008 6:54 am (Pacific time)

Henry..a lot of people use single names, including myself. Then there are the ones who use a nickname..and I am sure there are a lot of people who use a name, but it really isnt theirs. I cannot accept that everything we have said is invalid or lacks credibility beause we dont use our full names. That being said, I also believe that if you believe in something strongly enough to comment on it, you should be willing to put your name on the comment.

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 8:18 pm (Pacific time)

Abdul et al: We know you not, A., except by single-name, no background, thus no basis for credibility for your challenging statements. SO furnish solid-source documentation, or if you choose ID-self to Editor for direct contact, with exchange of full information. Here we seek facts for open, honest, democratic dialog, leading to informed decision built on testable data. Your participation richly appreciated; but credibility demands more than charges and single-name, here.

Joe June 5, 2008 6:50 pm (Pacific time)

I love how it's always the fault of nameless CIA analysts and such instead of the people who, according to McClellan's book and most other accounts, knew it was bad and sold us on it anyhow. Unlike what that nut Abdul above me says, of course we should support our ally Israel. But that doesn't mean that the only thing we can do to stay safe is to invade everyone!

Abdul June 5, 2008 5:59 pm (Pacific time)

Vic I am heartened to see some people have been paying attention. The real distraction is investigating people who are out of office or about to leave office. They are and will be out of power, so look at those in power. Israel got us into Iraq, they pull the strings and believe me they don't want you talking about Wyden or any jew in power. Maxine Waters went on record recently that she was going to take over the oil companies. This was during a congressional hearing approx. 2 weeks ago. Investigate her and her husband and the Jamaica corruption connection. Do not let this Wyden political witch hunt distract you.

Vic June 5, 2008 3:36 pm (Pacific time)

Right on Henry... !!

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 3:25 pm (Pacific time)

E-H et al: Thank you for those surely now-resonant words from Maxine Walters. Never saw them in any MSM report, anywheres, with bulging file on this situation over the years. What must be done is simply the act of pervasive cleaning (in this case, sterilization, too, is demanded) for which the Founders firmly provided. FOr further solid proof of what they intended, see that historic book (1973 !) by Arthur Schelesinger: "The Imperial Presidency" --now more "resonant" than ever, too...!!

Ellison Horne June 5, 2008 3:02 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you Mr. Wyden. I truly hope we see much more of this kind of action in the coming days. Never, ever let anyone tell you it's too late for impeachment proceedings while this current administration is in office. That's like telling us it's too late to be an American. Since Scott McClellan's book was published, and now this Senate report, more and more people are coming forward and demanding action. This is the power of "we the people". President Bush and his White House Neo-Con-men (who signed the Project for the New American Century manifesto for world domination at all cost) should be put on trial before the public for the atrocities they have caused. And Speaker Nancy Pelosi should be investigated for aiding them, saying the issue of the Iraq War is “off the table”, and as she states in a recent letter to me, “I believe impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney will distract us from our mission…”. Well, to Ms. Pelosi and all those who are relentlessly enabling this epic tragedy of senseless death, shattered lives, broken families, mind-numbing abuses of our hard-earned tax dollars, savage corporate exploitation; I say, JUSTICE IS NO DISTRACTION! There is no justice without impeachment! Millions upon millions worldwide protested in the streets, pleading for the U.S. not to invade Iraq. Remember? And regarding Mr. Conyers, if he prays, I hope he asks for the strength to come forward and finish what he had so thoroughly and courageously begun on impeachment proceedings. The time has come to stand with his allies in the Congressional Black Caucus who made passionate presentations on the eve of the U.S. led invasion on Iraq. I shall forever remember that night in 2003—those powerful words of Rep. Maxine Waters. You have not seen these words because the press never reported this historic event. Ms. Waters: “Mr. President, you cannot substitute a preemptive strike on Saddam Hussein for finding the terrorists. We want the terrorists to be found…. We want to secure the homeland. We are worried that you have been diverted, that you are about to do this preemptive strike without the documentation…. Yes, every country should be able to defend itself, but we are in no danger from Iraq. As a matter of fact, that is probably one of the weakest points on the globe for us to attack. We are not threatened by Saddam Hussein…. What we see and we are witnessing is the mismanagement of America. Someone today criticized Senator Daschle because he talked about the diplomatic disaster. Mr. President, it is a diplomatic disaster. We are watching before our very eyes the mismanagement of our beloved country. Our schools are falling apart. You said you wished to leave no child behind, but, Mr. President, you have not funded assistance to education that will have our children in the best possible situations where they can learn. Our health care system has fallen apart. In my city, in my county we are closing healthcare clinics. We are closing hospitals…. Mr. President, you are not able to tell us what this war is going to cost and what the cleanup, what the revitalization, the reconstruction of Iraq is going to cost. The American people need to know where our dollars are going. The American people need to understand the cost of this war and why…. Mr. President, we must raise these questions. We must raise these questions because we are patriots. We are folks who love this country. We are folks who have stood by this country no matter what, and we will continue to stand by this country. We will continue to stand by our soldiers. But, Mr. President, you are going to have to account for the leadership that you are giving, and I say to you and all those who are advising you, be it Wolfowitz, be it Secretary of State Colin Powell, be it Condoleezza Rice, be it Karl Rove, or any of those in the inner circle, you are going to be held responsible for what takes place in this world, what takes place with this preemptive strike, what takes place with our soldiers and our families….” Indeed, justice is no distraction! Speaker Pelosi, Rep. Conyers, "IT’S IMPEACHMENT TIME, STUPID!" Ellison Horne

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 2:54 pm (Pacific time)

Vic et al: Your strong position both understood and appreciated. Happens I do believe that frustration, even if seemingly inevitable among those of us who DO understand and appreciate both freedom and much of "the system", simply allows further deterioration and denigration. We MUST grit-teeth, clench hands (and lips, too !) and then "keep right on keepin'on" as my old Dad taught me, in Maine, years ago -- he was accountant who left Baltimore SUN, Mencken's daily, where he had been award-winning investigative reporter, due to then-low wage for family-man to be. He regretted decision the rest of his days,too... SO clench fists, Vic, and rejoin people's forces to make sure we DO get remediation rather than continued run-around. There ain't any other way !!

Vic June 5, 2008 2:36 pm (Pacific time)

This is good....we should also review why Ron Wyden is consistently among the top ten recipients of AIPAC member donations. I guess us Oregon hillbillies dont pay him enough to be Senator, so he has to go hat in hand to a foreign country. Interesting how even Obama's first speech after winning the party nomination was to AIPAC !! Not to the VFW, not to the Democratic party , not to the NRA...but to the Israeli lobby !!!Any politician who panders to or takes money from a foreign interest should be immediately removed from office...I dont care if the country in question is Israel, Switzerland or New Zealand. After hearing McCain and Obama pledging OUR unconditional support for Israel at any cost...I dont think I am going to even vote. I just dont think it matters.

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 2:29 pm (Pacific time)

To all: On "see with own eyes", evaluate with own mind principle on which we work at S-N, here's latest factual report: Senate Hits Bush, Cheney on Iraq Intel By Jason Leopold June 5, 2008 "President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney knowingly lied to Congress and the public about the threat that Iraq posed to the United States in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion, according to a long-awaited report from the Senate Intelligence Committee. "Separately, a second report said former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld set up an intelligence office within the Defense Department known as the Office of Special Plans "without the knowledge of the Intelligence Community or the State Department" to promote alleged links between Iraq and al-Qaeda and cooked intelligence about Iraq's weapons cache. "The Office of Special Plans was headed by Douglas Feith, former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and a chief architect of the Iraq War. “Before taking the country to war, this administration owed it to the American people to give them a 100 percent accurate picture of the threat we faced. Unfortunately, our Committee has concluded that the administration made significant claims that were not supported by the intelligence,” said committee chairman, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV, D-West Virginia. "The Senate report is the first document to state that Bush and Cheney knowingly made false allegations about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator who was overthrown in April 2003 and executed in December 2006. “There is no question we all relied on flawed intelligence. "But there is a fundamental difference between relying on incorrect intelligence and deliberately painting a picture to the American people that you know is not fully accurate," Rockefeller said in a statement. "The Senate report confirms British intelligence assertions that surfaced in a document widely known as the Downing Street Memo that the facts against the threat posed by Iraq were being “fixed” around the Bush administration's desire to invade Iraq." --------- You read about the Downing St. Memo here months ago, with other damning facts leading to the inevitable, now well demonstrated, need for what the Constitution arms Congress to do about such crimes.

Henry Ruark June 5, 2008 1:56 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Be NOT distracted by irrelevant "comments" re fate of Israel or healthcare issue. Fact here is nailed-down flat lie by Rumsfeld, to build acceptance of WMD myth and thus necessity for "wasting war" via preemptive attack where, we now know, none was needed nor could be justified. Sympathy for lady with med problems uncovered or whatever - I have some of mine own in same situation. Re Israel comment, obviously from opponent of that deeply embattled state, with issue open for dialog but surely not helped by such open hostility. Concentrate, cogitate and then consolidate actions with others to wipe away now --and perhaps for decades-- the same kind of distorting, perverting actions at Presidential level to which Wyden's statement adds still more factual data. That's the real issue here, and you allow distration at your own already advanced peril. We have Constitutional remedy at the ready, if and when Congressional hampering and denials finally fail to prevent wit, wisdom, will of the people to prevail.

Hospital Patient June 5, 2008 12:13 pm (Pacific time)

The below action really happened. Sen. Wyden how about getting priorities in order? People can you imagine what a national healthcare plan supervised by the government would do? (Think Social Security and Medicare for example. You veterans think about your healthcare problems). It would cost us taxpayers an incredible amount of money, which would continually go up, while the quality of care would go down. Socialism does not work. SALEM, Oregon, June 4, 2008 ( - Lung cancer patient, Barbara Wagner, was recently notified that her oncologist-prescribed medication that would slow the growth of cancer would not be covered by the Oregon Health Plan; the plan, however, she was informed, would cover doctor-assisted suicide should she wish to kill herself. THE GOP WOULD BE FOOLS NOT TO USE THIS INCIDENT IN THEIR POLITICAL ADDS. I am a lifelong democrat, but anyone supporting a national healthcare program will not get my vote. I would like to know who the decision maker is that denied this person the drug that would save her life. Then we can march around their home residence 24/7, until the cows come home.

Abdul Farqua June 5, 2008 11:59 am (Pacific time)

Witchunt! Ask Sen. Wyden if we should cut Israel loose to potentially save American lives. This draft-dodger would avoid answering that question. His so-called support of Veterans is his way of distracting the very real factual situation that American jews simply are too good to serve in the military, let the gentiles die! Just look at the numbers, jews in the military and as combat casualties is statistically nil. It's the same thing no matter what country they reside in! They get us into wars, sit back and watch us die. Wipe Israel off the map, now!! Get all their foreign agents and remove them.

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