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Jun-03-2012 22:12printcommentsVideo

Transit of Venus

The story of how man measured the sun, from the Ancient Greeks up to the Transit of Venus in 1769.

Rex Ziak
Rex Ziak

(NASELLE, WA) - This is the story of how man discovered how to use that rarest of alignments in our solar system to measure the distance between the earth and the sun.

In this lecture you will learn about the remarkable Tycho Brahe....the lucky genius Johannes Kepler...

the phenomenal Jeremiah Horrocks

....and others who combined their brilliance to create mathematical magic in space.

This is the entire story of the Transit of Venus...

told like never before.

Hope you enjoy!

Visit Rex Ziak's Website: Rex is a professional public speaker. Rex is also a Mark O. Hatfield Distinguished Historian this year.

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amanda leduc June 5, 2012 10:31 pm (Pacific time)

wish there was a place we could post our pics...

Editor: Send them to me via email Amanda we should be able to do that.

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