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Jul-30-2010 09:40 ![]() ![]() ![]() Arizona Citizens Mobilize in Demonstration Over Perceived 'Hate Law'Tim King Salem-News.comAs if Arizona isn't already hot enough.
(PHOENIX / SALEM ) - Crowds gathered by the hundreds yesterday in this desert city; many were taken into custody and the police and deputies had their hands full to say the least. Jailers in Phoenix, Arizona had to call for backup in the afternoon as angry demonstrators beat on a metal door at a downtown jail. 32 people were arrested at that site alone, among protests taking place all over Phoenix. Crowds opposing what they call, "Arizona's Hate Law" chanted in unison that they will not, "Live in Fear", with most activists directing their rage at a man hated by so many, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He's known for making men wear pink underwear in custody and forcing inmates to live in tent cities under scalding hot conditions. Arpaio is currently in the spotlight over massive immigration sweeps, something until now, only performed by federal authorities, specifically trained to work in immigration. A media source in Arizona told Salem-News this week, that both print and television media in Arizona are sold out, lock stock and barrel; bound to the advertising interests that drive news content, or a lack of it to be more specific. At the same time these biased tactics steer public attention away from critical issues that media sponsors want to see ignored. So far they are having success with it, but as the entire nation and world considers Arizona and its highly controversial law and sheriff, the shell wears thin. Here is raw footage posted to YouTube by our friends at Russian TV English: *****************************************
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George Young August 2, 2010 4:55 pm (Pacific time)
Regarding the below story, where's all the protestors, the calls for boycotts, and the other gripes that Arizona has been undergoing for quite some time now? "Virginia AG: Police Can Ask for Immigration Status. ARLINGTON, Va. - Virginia's top prosecutor has made a bold statement in the debate over immigration. He says police investigating criminal cases can ask the people they stop about their immigration status...ARLINGTON, Va. - Virginia's top prosecutor has made a bold statement in the debate over immigration. He says police investigating criminal cases can ask the people they stop about their immigration status...In the opinion, issued Friday, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli ruled: "Virginia law enforcement officers have the authority to make the same inquiries as those contemplated by the new Arizona law." The same above law is in effect in many other states also, including Rhode Island. They call the court system in Virginia the "Rocket Docket", so this will be decided by the Supreme Court probably before the (9th Circuit of Appeals reviews the injunction by Arizona federal Judge Bolton. I will be surprised if you see any large scale boycotts or protests here, and I imagine many of you know why.
Ersun Warncke July 31, 2010 11:43 am (Pacific time)
Anon, you raise the most crucial issue, which is the 100% agreement between both parties on certain "fundamental" issues, almost all of which are defined by big money spenders who donate equally to both parties (a matter of open public record). Doug, I know you are a sensible practical person, and so I take the "send 'em home" argument seriously coming from you. The key difficulty, in light of what Anon has raised, is that the "send 'em home" route is an impossible false option, only raised to distract from the collusion between politicians on all sides in creating what is essentially a system of slave labor. The undeniable truth is that most undocumented immigrants here are working, and working a lot, which makes a lot of money for the employers who can use their "illegal" status to deny them rights, pay them unacceptably low wages, and prevent them from taking any legal actions under employment law, such as wage & hour claims, workers comp claims, etc, that U.S. citizens are entitled to. It is precisely the "illegal" status that is the point of leverage used to drive down wages, and thus makes these workers more desirable than U.S. citizens as employees. The solution to this is harsh punitive fines against any employer caught employing undocumented workers, which would negate the economic benefits for employers I have mentioned above. "Send 'em home" only exacerbates the problem, because it costs more taxpayer money, and does nothing to stop them coming back. In the end, this makes these workers even more vulnerable to economic coercion, and thus makes their labor even cheaper, the direct opposite of the desired effect. Instead of asking random people on the street for their papers, if you really want a solution, you need to be asking construction foreman for their papers. That happens to be a perfectly legal and constitutional policy. For an example of "send 'em home" in action: see "Capitalism: a Love Story" in which Michale Moore clearly documents the INS running selective raids on a meat packing plant, where they arrest and deport a fixed number of illegals each week (clearing them with the plant operator first) so that they can make their numbers and not interfere with the plant's operations, all based on illegal labor. That is the sad reality of the "enforcement" coming from the INS, which is rightly condemned, but if you want to solve this problem you have to go after the root, and stop chopping down the weeds on the surface. As to Arizona in particular, that government is one of the most corrupt in the nation, and some big players (development, finance, and drug types) are making major profits off illegal labor. Any law they put out is total b.s. because they are the ones creating the problem. Probably some have a direct profit hand in facilitating illegal immigration as well, so the more people they move back to Mexico, the more profit they make bringing them back.
Hank Ruark July 30, 2010 8:54 pm (Pacific time)
Ben et al:
Happy to find reasonable ID-in-use for you.
Re content analysis as laid out,no apologies,sir, since we've suffered far too much from same already at S-N.
Re facts shared via brother -call, not one major content showed in known reliable notes from that area, an indicator built into c/a here. Example: Any mass move state-to-state as mentioned usually draws both print and video coverage.
None-seen to my checkout.
Re decision by majority of voters, you wrote: "...violent protests will just harden the resolve of the majority of voters dealing with this very important issue."
That's simple further demonstration of personal view, far from "informed and documented" opinion, which is what we try to deal in here.
It is supremacy too often now allowed for feeling over fact which is the working basis for propaganda, another component of c/a, sir.
That is also historic and fundamental way to defeat the slow progress of truth vs the rapid flight of feeling, intentionally expressed for private purposes. (Yes, still another component of c/a !)
IF classic citations and reference to working texts -- widely used in all areas of intense study of these phenomena of communications-- will help, ID-self to Tim with working phone and I'll shoot you book/list used for some decades re propaganda and its components.
No fee --simple further S-N public service in completion of our assumed mission here.
Douglas Benson August 1, 2010 12:30 pm (Pacific time)
Ersun I would like to see both making it a crime for employers to hire them and ship them home . Here is one of the biggest problems, when they steal a real persons ID you can call immigration all day and they check out fine same goes for employers .They can say I did what was required . Then the real person can get stuck with taxes ,bad credit ect . I spoke to a lady that wanted to buy a home and found out she had three houses all reposessed and good luck getting that resolved anytime soon . I worked in southern Cal and I know they can get back in one to two days over and over . If you lived at the crossing you would see illegals wandering about waiting for thier ride or border patrol whichever comes first . So lets say we go for amnesty .Should they recieve social services ? Should we spend our resources teaching them in spanish? Wouldnt that encourage more to come for the free ride with no responsiblility to learn english ect.? I went to traffic court with my son a few years ago and when asked when they would get thier lic. they say they cant because they are illegal .Why isnt immigration called to haul them away? Why dont our social service agencies investigate clear cases of ID theft ect. ? When they say I bought this social sec. # yesterday .Thats ID theft ,fraud ect. so where are the police ? If I tried that I would be going straight to prison . Before you say it ,ignorance is no excuse . Im sure they would just let me go if I said I didnt know NOT. I think you hit the real nail on the head about why many of us are fed up and want to see hard line action . The INS is getting paid tons of money to do nothing .Even when they catch them they waste our money incarcerating them in sub-human conditions that wouldnt be tolerated for citizens .Take months even years to deport them only to have them come right back . Secure the border? That sounds good but what can keep them out can also keep us in . I am very concerned about what we are seeing happen with having to basically have goverment permission to travel . This fundemental constitutional right has been taken and everyone seems not to notice . The two edged sword I guess .Anywho back to the grind Im out .Peace
Ben July 31, 2010 6:43 pm (Pacific time)
As I posted previously, violent protesters and those who insult us will just harden our resolve for seeing a no-nonsense immigration policy to reflect the laws currently on the books. What is more American than baseball? So the below act (linked to youtube), and others like it, just don't help the protesters. "Men Run Onto Citi Field With Mexican Flags. Updated: Saturday, 31 Jul 2010, 5:42 PM EDT NEW YORK - Two men carrying Mexican flags in protest of Arizona's immigration law ran into the outfield during the seventh inning of the New York Mets' game against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Friday night at Citi Field. The men were apprehended by security fairly quickly without much incident... snip... As the trespassers were taken from the field people in the stands started chanting "USA, USA." "
Ersun Warncke July 31, 2010 11:44 am (Pacific time)
Anon, you raise the most crucial issue, which is the 100% agreement between both parties on certain "fundamental" issues, almost all of which are defined by big money spenders who donate equally to both parties (a matter of open public record). Doug, I know you are a sensible practical person, and so I take the "send 'em home" argument seriously coming from you. The key difficulty, in light of what Anon has raised, is that the "send 'em home" route is an impossible false option, only raised to distract from the collusion between politicians on all sides in creating what is essentially a system of slave labor. The undeniable truth is that most undocumented immigrants here are working, and working a lot, which makes a lot of money for the employers who can use their "illegal" status to deny them rights, pay them unacceptably low wages, and prevent them from taking any legal actions under employment law, such as wage and hour claims, workers comp claims, etc, that U.S. citizens are entitled to. It is precisely the "illegal" status that is the point of leverage used to drive down wages, and thus makes these workers more desirable than U.S. citizens as employees. The solution to this is harsh punitive fines against any employer caught employing undocumented workers, which would negate the economic benefits for employers I have mentioned above. "Send 'em home" only exacerbates the problem, because it costs more taxpayer money, and does nothing to stop them coming back. In the end, this makes these workers even more vulnerable to economic coercion, and thus makes their labor even cheaper, the direct opposite of the desired effect. Instead of asking random people on the street for their papers, if you really want a solution, you need to be asking construction foreman for their papers. That happens to be a perfectly legal and constitutional policy. For an example of "send 'em home" in action: see "Capitalism: a Love Story" in which Michale Moore clearly documents the INS running selective raids on a meat packing plant, where they arrest and deport a fixed number of illegals each week (clearing them with the plant operator first) so that they can make their numbers and not interfere with the plant's operations, all based on illegal labor. That is the sad reality of the "enforcement" coming from the INS, which is rightly condemned, but if you want to solve this problem you have to go after the root, and stop chopping down the weeds on the surface. As to Arizona in particular, that government is one of the most corrupt in the nation, and some big players (development, finance, and drug types) are making major profits off illegal labor. Any law they put out is total b.s. because they are the ones creating the problem. Probably some have a direct profit hand in facilitating illegal immigration as well, so the more people they move back to Mexico, the more profit they make bringing them back.
Douglas Benson July 31, 2010 6:55 am (Pacific time)
Like it or not .The majority of the working class want the feds to do thier job and send these invaders back where they came from . But once again our goverment says ,so what we work for the big business cats and they want cheap labor ect. Social services want them so they can cry for more money . The politicians want thier vote [how do they get to vote work ect unless they are identity thieves ] Our schools are a joke with one day of english and one day of spanish .I and many others want the goverment to round them up and send them home NOW ,no amnesty ,no hardship bull just a one way ticket home. I work in an industry that is on the front line of this issue .They ruin our wages and take our jobs and Im sick of it .
Anonymous July 30, 2010 8:05 pm (Pacific time)
Its interesting watching people blame the republicans when it was clinton who used the social security surplus to balance the deficit and that he was the king of outsourcing our jobs. He also repealed regulatory acts that let the banks run havoc, and bush took advantage of what clinton did and we were robbed blind. Reagan? repealed the glass steagle act, which gave the federal reserve bank printing money power, which helped the next democrat president, who then made legislation to help the next republican..when are people going to wake up to this left/right hoax and fraud? This is not a football game, and you stick with your team no matter what, this is our friggin lives!! This entire mess about illegal immigration could have been easily fixed decades ago by implementing a better visa system. The elite, who control both democrats and republicans dont want a visa system. They want the NAU, and a world government! And believe me, world government is not the bad word here, its the people who are implementing it, and they are not nice people. Look around, July was the worst not only for american soldiers being killed, but the suicide rate of soldiers are skyrocketing. Bridges and streets are collapsing, 2 millions jobs a month are being lost, our education system is nothing but indoctrinaton centers, the police/sheriffs are being federalized, foreign troops on U.S. soil making check stops on our streets! ..I have studied the hitler regime, and I tell ya, what is happening here and now, in the U.S. is a carbon copy of what happened then. The elite use the same tricks over and over. Sorry for the rant, but this is real, and if you cant see it, you best start looking harder.
Ben July 30, 2010 5:01 pm (Pacific time)
Well I'm sure not a paid shill. My below post was simply an opinion on my part, reinforced by an on location assessment by a trained professional, my brother. It's unfortunate that our goverment has dropped the immigration ball for so many years now, but since it's been going on for literally decades, then it's obvious all polical parties and their leaders who have been in power that are responsible. I recently saw more televised coverage of the protests in Phoenix, and I saw several Mexican flags, even some signs with Che' Chuevera, not exactly a way to show loyalty to one's adopted country, or from people who want to be part of AMERICA. The final say on what is constitutional will come from the U.S. Supreme Court, not one lone federal judge, but in the meantime, violent protests will just harden the resolve of the majority of voters dealing with this very important issue.
Editor: I will state that at this time, Ben is only showing up under one name and IP, two entries so far, thanks.
Vic July 30, 2010 4:05 pm (Pacific time)
I will support immigration restrictions when companies like Westinghouse, GM, GE, ATandT,et al are banned from outsourcing manufacturing and customer service jobs to China, Mexico, India and other foreign countries. There is nothing wrong with a protectionist economy and I think that America should indeed look out for its workforce. Under Mexican law, foreigners can work in Mexico, but cannot take a job that a Mexican citizen is ready, willing and capable of doing. What is wrong with that? Almost everything down here is "Hecho en Mexico" is hard to find an imported product, and if you do, it is much more expensive than the Mexican made equivalent. I think this is a situation where the US could learn a thing or two from Mexico.
Hank Ruark July 30, 2010 3:00 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Re Ben-challenge via phone no., that's only one of some eight discrepancies content analysis discloses in his... Others reserved for further use, with report later to Tim showing entire contents of conclusions and how reached. Don;t get to do this much anymore...learned at I.U. on special coursework taught by "four men from VA", totatlly otherwise UN-ID'd...
Hank Ruark July 30, 2010 2:19 pm (Pacific time)
Ben: Yours typical of hogwash from paid-shill, provided by those willing to defy the open and clear Constitutional language delegating control of our soverieignity --our land--to the national government. To claim "investigation by the Feds" for those-jailed in protest (with dissent well protected Constitutionally) is to add impossible innuendo to smear-shaped "description" of ostensible incomers from other places... I.e., elementary content analysis makes this one highly doubtful and deeply prejudices in any actual detail. Please note no mention-made of futile $2.5/BILLION fence built ONLY 1/3rd border-length as a result of similar fear-generating erroneous analysis laid on lavishly by those whose private-gain is supported by further stupidity when rational, reasonable and legal Constitutional response is now demanded, after decades of decay on policy by GOP to permit easy influx of cheap labor to satisfy GOPster corporate supporters.
Ben July 30, 2010 10:59 am (Pacific time)
This is actually working in favor of those who want to see our immigration laws enforced as they have been written for many years now. My brother lives in Phoenix and was telling me how he and other law enforcement counted how over 30 buses from California rolled in with protestors. Evidently when not carrying their "boycott Arizona" signs they are in the air-conditioned businesses spending their money. Also the hotel/motel industry is having a very up year, as though the economy is doing great, and that there is no adverse impact from a boycott. There is another little fact people should know and that is there is over 1,000 illegal aliens in jail in Maricopa County just for violent felonies. Phoenix is also is a major kiddnapping location on a global level. So when you see that the jails there treat prisoners as criminals, what's the problem. They have been investigated by the Feds after complaint after complaint, and yet nothing has been foud to be cruel and inhumane. Expect this to spread to different states during 2011, and watch as the protests wane, for even our most open-border politicians will realize that the time is now for solving this problem, and it's already written law on how to do it.
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