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Jul-27-2010 04:38printcommentsVideo Asks Viewers for Support and a few reasons why viewer support is more than meaningful, it is crucial to our existence.
Images from the video included with this article

(SALEM, Ore.) - exists after six years because it has a good mission, and a lot of drive. The site's founders left established mainstream media careers to start the nation's first independent Internet news group in 2004.

They have given everything possible to meet the demands of daily news for over half a decade and they need your help to continue. Appreciate that this site exists because of sheer devotion to the truth, which does not make a news group popular with those who control the purse strings of society.

Please take four minutes of your time and watch the video produced by to explain our urgent need for funding. Please add to the list of agencies that you support and do what you can, if you can.

In the video we review several of the areas that your support helps maintain; this includes coverage in places like Darfur, Mexico and Haiti, and also our regular coverage of Veterans issues like the contamination of military bases with deadly toxic waste-the importance of that can not be overstated.

Obstacles that have impacted advertising but at the same time driven viewership, include consistent coverage of medical marijuana with Dr. Phil Leveque and Bonnie King, and our endless examination of the conflict between the people of Palestine and Israel.

Military affairs and history are other strong points of, with emphasis on Agent Orange contamination affecting American Veterans and Vietnamese citizens, and Marine Corps history. also pays very close attention to government corruption and we are in the middle of an expose revealing unexpected levels of racism within the Oregon Corrections Department.

Viewer support is strongly needed and appreciated. Statistically, is seeing an average of 60,000 of our stories are opened every 24 hours. We have a real chance but we are struggling; and have too large of a mission to not keep moving forward. Thank you for your consideration.

Watch the video and then visit this page if you can help: Support

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Bill August 11, 2010 11:53 am (Pacific time)

This is gettin more fun by the day..... tim and crew keep falling right into the pile of dung I leave, and of course eventually they won't post my comments so that they don't have to respond.
memo: "maroon" - taken from the word "Moron" mispronounced famously in Warner Brothers cartoons featuring Bugs Bunny, as in "what a maroon". This is comedy of which left leaners never get the joke.
Bill Church (or not)
ps: Great investigative journalism, you figured it right out! LOL!

Tim King: Bill, I can go for days with you, I always appreciate a little sideline entertainment.  Again, I do not think you are Bill Church, and drop that whole thing if you plan to keep commenting because nobody deserves to be misrepresented here and we won't have any part of it.  I think you just misspelled 'moron' earlier and are trying to cover yourself, seems to be a pattern of the reckless people calling the shots in the place.  But it isn't Ore-tucky Bull, it is Oregon.  Most people here are not like you, they are OK.  I always look at the OCA vote from many years ago, it reveals a great deal of the personality of this state.  Half the people are decent, and half are a bunch of hateful rednecks who abhor fairness unless it applies to them, and they deplore our efforts to fight racism, which will never abate, not as long as time continues.  You see we carry the responsibility of many who came before us.  If you read our staff and had the potential to grasp real meaning, you would be damned impressed.  But everyone is not a humanitarian and that seems quite obvious here.  Your role in life is simply unimportant; no person in their right mind would disagree with the facts surrounding the Coleman case.  And even though you are bashing us here, we know where this began.  You should grow a pair and admit who you are, or are you such a loser that the possibility simply doesn't exist?  Time will tell, I am always here.   

Bill August 10, 2010 8:25 pm (Pacific time)

Yes it's me: Bill Church of the Statesman Journal. Yep ya caught me. Dang it.
hee hee what a maroon. Hey please Timmy, lose the 70's haircut will ya?

Editor: At this point we seriously doubt this is Bill Church, but we have no way to really tell, and we don't care too much either, but I assume the guy is better than this, but who knows?  And by the way, calling me a 'maroon', do you really believe I am a runaway slave from the West Indies, Central America, South America, and North America, one of whom formed independent settlements together, but perished from the face of the earth?  Thanks for the compliment.   

Scott LaMarche; August 10, 2010 7:27 pm (Pacific time)

"fluff"? bill, you are a sick puppy and ought to keep getting your facts from the national enquirer. Keep on drinking your kool aid and don't think about why the world is so f*cked up. There is also fox entertainment channel where they are continually seeking more viewers, you are wasting your time here. How bout a cheap used SUV?,or a new dishwasher on credit?Also I hear there is actually a "clown college" in Florida you can enroll in to make it official. Your opinion and mine too are..,worthless unless we can make this place a better one.,so co to clown school or change your tune by actually reading the stories S-N prints. Thank you very much and see you in hell.

Bill August 9, 2010 1:56 pm (Pacific time)

How about you work and sell ads like the rest of the media? I know that requires HARD work not just fluff reporting. Give it a try, and if you don't succeed, then stop begging for money, it's embarrassing.

Tim King: Didn't your mom give you a last name Bill?  Or are you just scared to write it down, that's probably it.  You are obviously not a bright fellow and I can't change that, but let me try to explain it.

We publish truth, that makes us unpopular with government.  We are constantly reporting the hard facts about genocide, racism, oppression in Palestine, the wars overseas, crooked government officials, we broke the story about MCAS El Toro in Irvine being an environmental waste zone and sent a multi billion dollar plan to build homes on the base down in flames.  We have 64 writers in 14 countries and they constantly update our readers with critical information; like our coverage of the Mavi Marmara incident off Gaza, we were practically live. 

So Bill, back in 'the day' Bon and I were the people zipping around in the Corvette with the top off, or rolling on scene in my KATU News truck, but we have traded all of that in to run this news group that, by the way, had over 130k unique visitors yesterday, and in the process we have given up everything we have to run this- spare the media equipment.  Every day new writers contact us, this week we ran the story on genocide in Sri Lanka and that was a really tragic story.  Also this week we ran the article about the Chinese missile that can sink a US carrier from 900 miles away.  Fluff?  It is one thing to be a little baby of a man pounding your fists, but you make really stupid accusations and prove that you probably aren't smart or honest enough to walk in a straight line.   Probably a criminal from one of our 'fluff' reports.  I laugh in your face Bill, as I thank the many people who are contributing to keep us alive and in place.  Talk is cheap and you prove it.   

Turk August 3, 2010 3:21 pm (Pacific time)

i think your heart is right but i can see why nobody doest advertise ? Too mch medicle marajauna. too much israel complain . you scare everybody away.opinin definately ok but where is salem news. just my opinon. good luck.

Editor: Turk, we are about truth and we believe it will really catch on as a concept over time.  If Israel stopped trying to destroy an entire culture we would talk about other things.  If people weren't rotting behind bars and / or dying because they are unable to keep food down, something marijuana greatly aids, we would not be worried about that.  But there are enough 'news' agencies willing to play the game, it raises the importance of what we are doing.  Thank you for noting that our heart is in the right place, we appreciate that. 

Amanda August 1, 2010 8:08 pm (Pacific time)

Yes, keep on reporting, and don't be afraid of a possible sleeze bag lurking to do harm on my account

Ralph E. Stone August 1, 2010 7:14 am (Pacific time)

Tim and Bonnie: My check is in the mail so you can continue your great work.

Tim King: Ralph, we owe all of you who are helping such a debt of gratitude.  Thank you so much for keeping this alive, and for your words of encouragement and wisdom.  Thanks so much to all of you.

Hank Ruark July 30, 2010 1:50 pm (Pacific time)

At 92,now only Coasting (!), I've perpetrated some 600 Op Eds for Tim in S-N. Never once has there been any attempt to hamper, change or control sometimes radical expression. Any edit has been softpencil with integrity and clarity added,professional care highly appreciated. "Open, honest, democratic dialog" as "the heart of our democracy" is badly needed, John Dewey, famed educator and philosopher, stated long ago. For your own interests, do your part to make sure that it remains available here.

Osotan; July 30, 2010 10:48 am (Pacific time)

the checks in the mail. This news site does make a difference and excuses are like....,well suffice to say there are too many of them already., so send what you can people and keep reading the investigators side of the story. Keep on S-N.,you already know what to do.Semper Fi!

Vic July 29, 2010 4:03 pm (Pacific time)

I didnt think we had any American money,(we live in Mexico) but I did find some Sacagawea dollar coins that I had forgotten about and am mailing them up there tomorrow. Think about it people, S-N is a priceless asset not just to Salem, but to the world...this is a force for good in a corrupt and essentially evil world. I would urge each of you to take a few minutes and send will be doing something good for Salem, Oregon, America and the world. I really believe this. Maybe individually, we can only spare a couple of bucks, but there are a lot of us readers, so a couple bucks can make a difference. Dont use not being able to send a lot as an excuse...I only have $4 to send, but I am sending it..I know that Tim and Bonnie and the rest of the staff put their all into this and consequently do without a lot because their time and money is going into S-N...God Bless them, and all of us who care about is time to do what we can to keep this force for good rolling smoothly along. Dont just think about it, do it..!!! You will feel good about it!

Todd Knight July 28, 2010 7:28 am (Pacific time)

Keep up the good work, folks...anyone who understands the difference between "reporters" and "Investigative Journalists" knows that is truly one of the best NEWS sources available in North America today.

April July 29, 2010 9:59 pm (Pacific time)

I just sent $20. It's not much but hopefully you can add it to other donations. Come on folks! Help save Salem-news. The truth must prevail!!

Roger von Bütow July 29, 2010 6:22 pm (Pacific time)

I just used Pay Pal to donate $100 that I don't really have (had)....I challenge the other writers like myself to do the same by whatever means (legal) possible to do so too. No, we don't get paid for our hours of writing our columns, but we DO get to reach the larger audience we seek, to address broader issues that might inspire, might even trigger grass roots commitment to whatever burning concerns affect our readership in their part of the world. We're like teachers: Underpaid but firm believers in the educational power of words.

JB Fisque July 27, 2010 6:14 pm (Pacific time)

Julie I'm with you, help support this important site everyone!

Julie Ray July 27, 2010 4:58 pm (Pacific time)

I admire your work and the struggle to keep going. Like a lot of your readers I am also having trouble financially. is the first place my expendable funds will go though, please don't give up on this new way of doing news.

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