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Salem-News.com (Mar-14-2013 12:25)

Free Dental Care at YWCA Salem

YWCA Salem and Medical Teams International offer free dental care, Mobile dental care unit provides no-cost dental services for low-income adults.

(SALEM) - Salem YWCA On Monday, Mar. 18 from 8:00 a.m. until Noon, YWCA Salem will host the “dental van” developed by Medical Teams International at the YWCA office, 1255 Broadway St NE (corner of Broadway and Market Streets).

Dental van professionals give uninsured, low-income adults much needed dental services.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-24-2012 17:35)

Israeli Forces Storm Al Aqsa Plaza in Violent Clashes with Worshippers

Tens of thousands in Palestine and around the world abhor the actions by the extremists.

(JERUSALEM / SALEM) - al-Aqsa Mosque Violent clashes took place Friday between Palestinian worshippers, Jewish settlers and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) troops who stormed the ancient al Aqsa Mosque plazas just after the noon prayers.

The ongoing threat by extremist Jewish groups to "take" the al Aqsa Mosque has caused a reverberation around the globe.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-22-2012 23:15)

UN `Deplores` Israeli Approval of More Settlements in West Bank

Land taken without permission is being seen for what it is: wrong.

(WEST BANK, Occupied Palestine) - illegal Israeli settlements The top United Nations envoy for the Middle East peace process today described as “deplorable” Israel’s announcement that is has given approval to a large number of new settlement units deep inside the occupied Palestinian territory.

“The Secretary-General reiterated the United Nations’ well known position that settlement activity is illegal, contrary to Israel’s obligations under the Road Map [to peace] and will not be recognized by the international community.”

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Salem-News.com (Feb-10-2012 14:33)

Truth with Transparency Reveals Hidden Agendas

Ken O'Keefe's Trade Not Aid Mission for Palestine was derailed by once-allies in the fight for equality and freedom. Now they are known as the hijackers.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe I picked up most of my stolen property from the police yesterday, 3 months of having nearly all of my hard drives, my phone, my camera, reams of paperwork, what is the result?

Nothing but the disruption of the Trade Not Aid Mission and a bit more fuel to slander me. And that is the point really, to disrupt anything meaningful for Palestine.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2012 12:44)

It is Time for Voters To Listen to Friedman

Friedman is no dummy. He is fully aware that Newt Gingrich would be a disaster for Israel if he makes it to the White House.

(CHICAGO) - Tom Friedman Before the South Carolina primary, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson gave $5 million dollars to an independent PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.

That worked so well that a second $5 million dollar gift was soon on its way to that same pro-Gingrich PAC, Winning Our Future, keeping the former House Speaker in a tight two man race with Mitt Romney.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-28-2011 18:58)

This Is The Right Moment for Churches To Pay Attention to Israel`s Occupation

The Palestinian narrative in the modern era emphasizes the Nakba (catastrophe), the ethnic cleansing that led to Israel’s establishment. That narrative has been denied a part in American discussions of the Middle East.

(CHICAGO) - Woman in Palestine In his book Kairos for Palestine, Rifat Odeh Kassis deals with a topic that is as fresh as the destruction of a Palestinian home by Israeli-driven, US-built bulldozers, and as ancient as the use of the term kairos, derived from an ancient Greek word which refers to a specific moment in time.

Why does this wanton destruction of private Palestinian homes continue unabated?

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Salem-News.com (Dec-28-2011 15:06)

Plight of Palestinian families in exile-Diaspora

Visiting a village that was overtaken by occupational Jewish forces 63 years ago.

(LONDON Press TV) - Palestinian child during the Jewish militia and invasion of civilian towns in 1948. Since 1948, millions of Palestinians have been forced into exile from their own lands.

In this series we seek to find out what happened to the refugees of the 1948 and how their families are coping with six decades in exile. In this episode, Lauren Booth meets Zidane family from north Gala Ley village.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-28-2011 14:18)

Israeli navy attacks international observers, injures Palestinian, on monitoring boat in Gaza waters

"Their intentions were to do something very bad," said international observer Daniela Riva. "Coming so close to us was very dangerous, and they obviously knew that."

(GAZA CITY) - Israel boat attacks Gaza fisherman At 10:55 am, an Israeli naval warship attacked the international observers and Palestinian captain of the Civil Peace Service Gaza (CPSGAZA) boat Oliva, injuring its captain in an apparent attempt to capsize it.

The two international observers, both Italian citizens, are available for media questions or interviews.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-27-2011 20:09)

American Presidents: Romancing A Stone

An American past in an Israeli future for an ever present and brutal occupation

(LONDON) - Obama and the Israeli henchman Happy Christmas Mr President or may I call you Barack this Yule Tide?

As you know “Christmas is the day that holds all time together” (Alexander Smith) certainly as you rustle through your Christmas stocking and wrestle with your conscience perhaps to find as you dig deep in both and past ‘hegemonic imperatives’ an olive twig or a so-called ‘peace process’? Perhaps not.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-27-2011 16:58)

Gaza - Three years ago today

Most people have stopped thinking about what happened in Gaza then—or what’s happening there today. But, I know that the children of Gaza are still very much on your mind and in your heart.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Israel killed more than 300 children during 'Operation Cast Lead' Three years ago today people around the world watched in horror as bombs began falling on Gaza.

I was in Egypt with our Gaza Projects Director Dr. Mona El-Farra. We were scrambling to purchase emergency supplies and get them into Gaza. Eventually, we were able to deliver more than six tons of food, medicine, and medical equipment—including an ambulance and wheelchairs—thanks to the generosity of people like you.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
