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Jul-24-2011 13:09printcomments

COMIXIO RELIGIONIS: Circumcision NOT Jerusalemic

It is appalling that a systematic wallowing in human – not to mention animal –  blood has marked the history of religions in every quarter of the globe.  Joseph Campbell.[1] 

Anti-circuimcision sign

(MONTEREY, Calif) -    Spirituality is; Theology explains; Religion practices.  Theological and historic arguments for, and religious practices of, routine circumcision is a fallacy.  Circumcision was brought into Jerusalem’s three religions through Comixio Religionis: the mixing of religions.

      Sorting through circumcision’s maze clouded by smoke and mirrors requires multi-disciplinary effort.  This includes biblical use of totemic language and myth-working.  Totemic language guides true and alternate meaning to messages conveyed.[2]  Myth-working is a combination of compressing history[3] with a doorway into our inner selves.


Ezra’s Warning – Intermarriage
Moses – Hathor/Horus Worship
Joshua – Baal-Berith Worship
Abraham – Isis/Horus Worship
Solomon – Ezra’s Warning Exampled
Dinah – Myth-working Dynamics

Jewish circumcision, though transiently performed, was never obligatory prior to 500 BCE.[4]

Judaism’s historical compression through myth-working requires understanding as if looking outside one’s cultural reference.[5]  Egypt was multi-cultural.  Power shifts connected to Dynastic changes.

Hebrew’s were part of the Hyskos that came to power as the Egyptian Fifteenth Dynasty ruling about 125 years before expulsion.  They were considered foreigners and Asiatics associating them to Mesopotamia.  Linguistics links them to Amorites south of Midian.  Their evolved religion opposed Egyptian religion.  They moved away from their human sanguine Ugartic Sumerian origin with the Mistress of the Two Trees.[6]

Lilith was a minor Ugartic goddess who attacked the genitals and children as well as a storm goddess.  Lilith, in Gilgamesh, was the wind spirit in Inanna’s (Ishtar) serpent guarded tree.[7]  Later Talmudists connected her to being Adam’s first wife.[8]

Joseph’s Hebrew movement may coincide with the Hyskos migration out of Canaan.  Moses’ Exodus may coincide with Egypt’s revolt against, and driving out the Hyskos.

There are three instances of Circumcision’s Comixio Religionis into Judaism.  Ezra’s Warning regarding intermarriage is striking with Moses and Solomon, inferred with Joshua and Abraham.

Ezra’s Warning

Ezra’s intermarriage warning concerns adopting foreign religious practice.  Importance in the second verse is the word again.

Ezra 9:b1, The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites.

Ezra 9:14, Shall we again break your commands and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices?


Mythic compression includes history of social movements becoming epics of a hero.  Moods and motivations give direction including inferences told.  Hyskos rule of Egypt allows Moses being a prince.  Egypt and Midian traded.  Zipporah’s father, Jethro, was a Midian priest thus dedicated to Hathor worship.

Zipporah’s name is totemic for bird and associated with the owl goddess.[9]  Her name as a small bird includes the sparrow.[10]  Sparrows brought bad omens.  The Bible’s screech owl is Lilith.[11]  Her offspring, the Lilum, are the Creatures of the Night.

Zipporah touching Moses’ feet with his son’s foreskin is a euphemism.  The true meaning is that she touched Moses’ penis with his son’s foreskin.[12] 

Exodus 4:24-26, (Moses Returns to Egypt) at a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him.  But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it.  “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me.” So the Lord let him alone.  (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.)


Joshua re-instituted circumcision in Canaan after Moses died.  (Joshua 8: 30-35).  Moses did not circumcise, his wife through her religion did.  Each Canaanite community had their local Baal god. The Baal’s Great Mother Goddess Ashertoth-Ashera associated with Ishtar in Lilith worship.[13]  Baal-Berith was worshipped in the area.  Baal-Berith literally means Lord of the Covenant.[14]


The Garden of Eden myth eliminates Mesopotamian human sacrifice to Ishtar[15] where Abraham in Genesis 15:7 began from the Babylonian city Ur of the Chaldeans.[16]  Abram’s, later to become Abraham, lineage comes from the Indo-European migration into the Holy Land and available on-line through the National Geographic Genome Project

The area in northern India was the seat of Zoroastrianism who developed thought of good and evil from which the Devil is derived.  In Mesopotamia the earlier aspect of the Devil was known as the male Behemoth who roamed the earth.  His feminine counterpart was the Leviathan serpent ruler of the seas.  Their third apparition was the Ziz bird of the heavens.[17]

The Babylonian annual Sacrifice of the King to glorify[18] and fertilize the Great Mother goddess Ishtar is the Christian reference to Jesus’s sacrifice and also a part of the Heracles myth when a slave to Omphale, who in the end spared Heracles.[19]

The human excuse of blaming others, or a spiritual entity, for their behavior is deducible in Job 2:4 where circumcision may be seen as the Devil’s  Satanic partial human sacrifice replacing historical full human sacrifice.

Job 2:4a, (Job’s Second Test) “Skin for skin!” Satan replied.  “A man will give all he has for his own life.

As Midians worshipped Hathor, Egyptians worshipped Isis.  Both these Great Mother goddesses had the moon-god son Horus.  Sarai’s handmaiden Hagar was Egyptian (Genesis 16:1) and their son Ishmael was circumcised at the puberty age thirteen (Genesis 17:25) according to Egyptian custom.

The original covenant with God was animal, instead of human sacrifice. (Genesis 15).  Abraham’s circumcision myth-working (Genesis 17) was introduced after the return from Babylon.  This is when the new priesthood declared circumcision mandatory.[20]


Ezra’s Warning includes Solomon’s failure that aided downfall from perversions introduced by his foreign wives.  Solomon in his later years built temples to pagan deities and worshipped these deities with his wives (1 Kings 11:1-40).

Jeroboam, first king of Israel’s ten tribes after separating from Solomon, made two Golden Calves after Solomon died.  Jeroboam stated the Golden Calves were the gods who delivered Israel out of Egypt.  One was set up in Bethel, the other in Dan (1 Kings 12:25-33).  Hathor worship included Golden Calf rituals.[21]

Myth-working expands over time carrying increased self-glorifications to those attached.  The earliest found document of the Bible is The Book of J.  In in that text only the perpetrator is circumcised.[22]  Eventuation is that all men were circumcised (Genesis 34:24).

Islam – Cultural Dynamics
Christianity – Institutional Dynamics

Circumcision came to Islam long after Mohammad died.  Cultural appropriation occurred through close association with Jewish communities.  It came during the apogee of their culture leading mathematics and the sciences.[23]

The Qur’an is full of statements stating Allah’s creation was made perfect and this includes mankind.  Circumcision in any form to any sex must then be considered anathema.

Important is inclusion of the feminine half of Allah with the word - We. This is consistent with Genesis 1:26 with use of the words - us and our - for Jewish and Christian theology.[24]

Qur’an 95:4, (The Fig) Certainly We created man in the best make.


The improper religious mantle for routine circumcision has passed into the medicine of English speaking countries.[25]  Dr. Herbert Hutchinson of England held the belief that Jews could not get syphilis because they were circumcised.[26]  A rumor was spread that Queen Victoria thought she was a descendant of the lost tribes of Israel and instituted circumcision in the royal family.  Yet, the rumor is not documented to ever have been denied.  And, now it is said that Princess Diana broke the cycle of abuse.

In the United States circumcision was advocated by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg of the Seventh Day Adventist Church headed by Ellen White in the 1800’s.[27]  This procedure was added to his clinic as an aid to stop fornication along with cold baths and enemas for cleansing.

In the early 1950’s Catholic hospitals run by nuns who abandoned the old precepts[28] aggressively introduced  routine non-therapeutic circumcision where there is no pathology, a violation of the Catholic Catechism.[29]


Circumcision is not from the God of Abraham unless it is admitted that the God of Abraham is the two moon-gods Horus, and possibly all Baal variants especially Baal-Berith.  Further understanding is essential from psychoanalysis.

The child experiences the socialized apocalyptic event.[30]

His life is the ceaseless repetition of gestures initiated by others.  Mircea Eliade.[31]

[1] Campbell, Joseph, The Mythic Image, Princeton University Press, 1990, p. 430.

[2] Matteoli, Richard L. The Totemic Analogy in Bible Symbolism, Nemean Press, 2009.  A Mandated Report to the social body.

[3] Eliade, Mircea, The Myth of the Eternal Return, Princeton University Press, 1954, p. 44.

[4] Glick, Leonard, Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 286n6.

[5] Levi-Strauss, Claude, Myth and Meaning: Cracking the Code of Culture, Schoken Books, 1995, pp. 34-43.

[6] Redford, Donald B., Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times, Princeton University Press, pp. 98-122.

[7] Kramer, Samuel Noah, The Sumerians: Their History, Culture and Character, The University of Chicago Press, 1971, pp. 198-205.

[8] Collier, Ada Longworthy, Lilith: The Legend of the First Woman, D. Lothrop and Company, 1885, p. 5.

[9] Graves, Robert, The White Goddess, The Noonday Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997, p. 220.

[10] Brand C, Draper D, England A, Gen. Eds., Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Holman Reference, 1995, p.1712.

[11] Graves, Robert, The Greek Myths, Penguin Books, 1992, 55.1, p. 190.

[12] Glick, Leonard, Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 23.

[13] Sjoo, Monica & Mor, Barbara, The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the religion of the Earth, Harper San Francisco, 1991, pp. 276-277.

[14] Brand C, Draper D, England A, Gen. Eds., Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Holman Reference, 1995, p. 125, 153.

[15] National Geographic Society, Everyday Life in Ancient Times: Highlights of the Beginnings of Western Civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome, 1966.

[16] Brand C, Draper D, England A, Gen. Eds., Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Holman Reference, 1995, p. 1640-1642.

[17] Cooper, JC, Dictionary of Symbolic & Mythological Animals, Thorsons, 1995, pp. 24, 151-152, and271.

[18] Matteoli, Richard L., The Munchausen Complex: Socialization of Violence and Abuse, Nemean Press, 2009. A Mandated Report to the social body.

[19] Graves, Robert, The Greek Myths, Complete Edition, Penguin, 1992, pp. 524-529.

[20] Glick, Leonard, Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 286n6.

[21] Schaalje, Jacqueline, Timna, Archeology in Israel, The Jewish Magazine, October, 2005.

[22] Bloom H, trans. David Rosenberg, The Book of J, Vintage Press, 1991.

[23] Abu-Sahleih, Dr. Sami Aldeeb, Male & Female Circumcision Among Jews, Christians & Muslims, Shangri-La, 2001.

[24] Shakir, M. H., Trans., The Qur’an, Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Inc., 1995, p. 416.

[25] Mendelshon, Robert, Confessions of a Medical Heretic, McGraw Hill, 1990, 1992, pp. 58-59.

[26] Hutchinson, Herbert, On the Influence of circumcision in preventing syphilis, Medical Times and Gazette, NS Vol. II, December 1855, pp. 542-543.

[27] Kellogg, John Harvey, Treatment for Self-Abuse and Its Effects, Plain Facts for Old and Young, P. Segar & Co., Burlington, Iowa, 1888.

[28]McNamara, Jo Ann, Sisters in Arms: Catholic Nuns Through Two Millennia, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996, pp. 600-606.

[29]Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph 2297.

[30] Matteoli, Richard L., Comixio Religionis: Socialization of Violence and Abuse, Nemean Press, 2008.  To date unpublished for distribution.  A Mandated Report to the social body.

[31] Eliade, Mircea, The Myth of the Eternal Return, Princeton University Press, 1954, p. 5.


Dr. Matteoli graduated from St. Mary's College of California in 1967 and Creighton University in 1971. He is retired from the US Navy where he spent most of his career attached to the United States Marine Corps.

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A Jewish Male Opposing Circumcision August 16, 2011 4:37 pm (Pacific time)

An excellent article.

Also check out:
Israeli Linguist Vadim Cherny: How Judaic is the Circumcision?

Jews who believe that circumcision should be against the law.

fempatriot July 24, 2011 3:23 pm (Pacific time)

I think there's a simple explanation for circumcision. Three thousand years ago men took trophies in battle--sometimes a severed human head, sometimes a penis...we don't know what all they considered taking when accounting for those they had killed. (Native Americans took scalps; the Celts took heads. The larger items could become very cumbersome and smelly.) Someone came up with the "bright" idea of taking the foreskin--it was circular, could be put on a belt, didn't weigh much, and was proof that one had gotten very close to another human male. Hebrews circumcised their male babies to prevent this form of trophy taking, plus they may also have offered it to their strange gods as a sacrifice. The act of giving up a part of the male reproductive parts would be the highest gift a male could give. Just my theory, but it would have been a good way to count trophies back then...

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