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Jul-24-2007 13:45printcomments

Op Ed: Deafening Silence
Denotes Well-Departed,
Still-Defeated Legislature

70-Year “$10 Minimum Corporate Tax” Overshadows All Else, Enables Continuing Corporate Piracy to Negate Needed Developments.

Oregon State Capitol
Oregon State Capitol
Photo by: Tim King

(BEND, Ore.) - Despite diffident denials now seen in-print and heard on-air, detailing distinct if stuttering forward-steps, this departed Legislature muffed, mishandled and manipulated the most promising prosperity-building opportunity to rebuild and rejuvenate our Oregon way of life in at least thirty years.

Oregon print-and-tv media at first made it seem like those small “make-it-better” moves the legislators did manage will heal and nurture-again Oregon programs-and-plans we know are desperately deprived and deficient.

Even those media-gurus enthusiastic before-and-during the past deplorable session are now wiser with exploration of actual results.

Recent review of “expected-action” made clear by “the media” itself --done for this Op Ed-- show clearly that “our” Legislature surely had a heavy-negative public-opinion image to overcome” from the get-go.

That image came from juvenile “party-built plans for opposition and confrontation”, demonstrated in “repeated ‘dirty-work’” over decades, clearly driven from the ongoing D.C. warplace.

Those sessions proved so debilitating the whole state knew inescapable truth: “Corporate campaign contributions ruled this roost for sure”, devastating undeniable public responsibilities.

That brought on broad, sharp, repeated demands for rapid return to political decency --with democratic accountabilities-- IF it was still "our” Legislature.

Public demand was mirrored in widely-published promises --finally, if reluctantly, elicited under some duress-- for “cooperation and NOT more confrontation this time around”, from ostensibly-responsible party “leaders”.

But the real truth must be seen, heard, and understood as it happened in rough reactions during this session; IF we are to stand any chance at all to return Oregon to great and equal opportunities for all citizens, restoring essential services pledged in our Constitution.

We’ve irresponsibly allowed most State programs to reach that peculiar state of decrepitude where “even small-blessings are loudly welcomed” with praise and prompt declarations of “good job” when we really know better.

Nobody can deny, with decency, that “they” do NOT really KNOW, too -in BOTH “the media” AND the Legislature.

To accept that as an excuse is to deny obvious truths over which both institutions have been stumbling for decades now.

Each has its own peculiar predominant reasons not to openly, publicly acknowledge ongoing, unavoidable, inevitable rapidly mounting necessities of both scale and subject.

BUT the Oregon public, in continuing wit, wisdom and will, now understands now, more precisely than ever, what is being done TO them, BY whom, FOR what reasons --and what must be done to prevent still further ongoing abuse of democratic commonweal principles.

What was done this time for education K-12; for com/college and university support and strengthened facilities; for fulsome promises and some slight forward-looking changes in agency and institutional ethics; and a short list of other longtime dollar-denied areas; is mostly simple essential survival-provisions demanded for transition from “get-by somehow” to “must-DO NOW” -irrevocably recognized.

The “big ones” --issues prepared-in-depth by dedicated citizen groups working over the years-- were desperately denied hearings or public consideration in effective depth; substituting “behind-closed-doors manipulation” by many to others whose “political-cliched closed-minds” simply precluded any progress.

That was true, insiders will tell you, even in deeply-demanded discussions leading to that desperately-achieved “rainy day fund”, contrived from the become-disreputable tax-“kicker”.

That “kicker”-presence, along with that chimera of open corporate piracy --the 70-year-old $10 minimum corporate tax-- prevented any concentration on corporate-tax reform by rational means.

Which may be one main reason for that obvious final-stage rush to begin next campaign moves as early as possible, with vengeance well in mind.

Even healthcare was “Commissioned” vs concentrated attention-now on the Kitzhaber ARCHIMEDES approach, broadly recognized as well worth patterning for the nation.

Instead another peculiarly-parallel program-plan was rapidly and ruthlessly substituted; in what may be “a telling political-action repayable over the longer haul.”

We now must go another year (or two, or three, or more) before reasonable/rational rearrangement of the dying Oregon health-programs can be brought into practical being.

“Big Tobacco” prevented practical action for further rational, reasonable reduction of devastating lack of healthcare for kids, “their future hook-ees”; by making those death-sticks cost more, thus less easily-accessed by their “current hook-ees” already addicted and ill, many already at public cost.

It is truly wondrous what “corporate personhood -- allowing ‘political speech’ as corporate campaign contributions”-- is still permitted to purchase in our entertainment-prone society, where most are now so “turned off” they don’t even vote any more !!

But “the big one”, Depression-generated SEVENTY YEARS AGO, !s that “$10 minimum corporate tax”-joke drawing cynical reactions across this nation.

Its continued existence inevitably forces serious reconsideration of Oregon as a State really under control of a responsible and realistic citizenry:

“How can that be, if this is permitted to go on and on and on for decades on end ?” is the usual question-now when one seeks comment.

Even the most cynical scene-observer, for any serious corporate consideration of conscience-driven community responsibilities, will now agree that --in this the 21st Century !-- the realities of modern business life require “something far beyond that single oversimplified search for only and always the pursuit of profit” --however defined.

“Corporate Social Responsibility” and “the triple bottom-line” management approach is sweeping the world; as continuing developments in every major business-training situation worldwide now demonstrate.

Economically-rational and politically-reasonable return to real sharing with the State and its citizens of those dollars decently derived from Oregon-headquartered lawful-activity business activities has become the goal --and the goad, too-- for the good of the Oregon commonweal.

Most Oregon corporations know that fact-of-life; they remain ready and willing to accede to any fair, rational and reasonable return-of-sharing.

Somehow, some way, that point and perspective need to be hammered home for all to understand; as this Legislature returns for what may well be the first --and the most essentially important-- of its now-demanded annual confluence, inevitably demanding action; NOT “further Commissions” --no matter what cost now-- as simple political and social commonsense.

The right place to start with that action is corporate tax reform. It will demand diligence, determination and decent decision, rationally and reasonably determined right out in public full-vision, by “our” responsible and accountable “elected representative assembly”.

What must be prevented is “more silent avoidance and return to-the-closet” on this essential issue, surely further demonstrating concealed and overweening contempt for every citizen-voter in our beloved State if it is allowed to recur.

Much more now hangs on this “next-step” for the Legislature than simply a trial run for annual sessions. Reputation and credibilities of our truly representative State government are “on display and in the balance” here and now.

Reader’s Note:
Quotations herein are verbatim, shortened, summarized from originals; all sources available on request.See also recent stories and editorials in Oregon media; list on request; and ongoing Op Eds over the past year, in our Archives.

Full documentation for all statements available on request; the number precludes listing here for space reasons.

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Henry Ruark July 26, 2007 8:25 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Ironic fact found in OCPP report today on Congressional failure to act re food for the hungry. Contrasts sharply re "$10 minimum corporate tax" still allowed in Oregon after 70 years, "saving" corporations millions over that period. Both Congress and "our" Legislature need to wake out of lethargy and neglect to act rapidly on reality and our real needs. Let your voice be heard to both "institutions" now... "The $10 food stamp minimum benefit has not been adjusted for inflation in 30 years. Two thirds of the value of the minimum benefit has been eroded by inflation during this time."

Henry Ruark July 26, 2007 1:10 pm (Pacific time)

Can we use those added corporate dollars ? U-Betcha ! Here's one sure way: (Big-O Edit today): "The kids left strapped in Oregon's back seat. Kody and Dakota aren't alone: Take a long look at the photographs of Kody and Dakota Danley. Then imagine another 12,000 faces just like theirs, full of anger, confusion, fear, pain. That's how many Oregon kids are neglected and abused every year. Kody and Dakota were alone in the back seat of a car left at a stranger's house at 1 a.m. Tuesday, but the boys have lots of company in a growing family of mistreated Oregon kids." They were found in Salem, which should bring the point home to you very nicely.

Henry Ruark July 26, 2007 7:51 am (Pacific time)

OCPP testimony March 22, 07 to House Revenue Committee: Adjusted for inflation, '29 minimum tax of $25 would be $300; ;'31 $10 minimum would be $135. Multiply $135 by 22,000 to get total: $2,970,000. Multiply $300 by 22,000 to get total: $6,600,000. That's fair-deal since ONLY allows for inflation ! (Does NOT cover all those prior years, 'way back to Depression days, ONLY a single one of those 70 years...) What-if properly-determined tax rate properly applied for all Oregon profit-producing corporations enjoying Oregon's fine operational situation ? Testimony on legal, open public record, thus known to both Legislators and Oregon media. "Stay tuned", moretocome.

Henry Ruark July 25, 2007 5:32 pm (Pacific time)

Neal, Lee et al: Additional facts "just in" from authoritative source show that SIXTY-SEVEN PERCENT. over TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND Oregon corporations paid that $10 minimum "tax" on 2004, last year for which figures now available... That's simple-enough stat for all to understand !!!!!!

Neal Feldman July 25, 2007 3:16 pm (Pacific time)

What gets me is all the time they had to waste on where their dogs could go, state dirt, denying concealed gun permits to those who can't legally own a gun anyway etc but yet from the start of the session I was hounding Brian Clem to do something for the seniors and disabled who are still in their own homes and trying to stay there instead of going on the govt's dime to $7000 a month nursing homes by adjusting the draconian pay-in system on the in home services from the ridiculous SSI level of $600 a month up to at least the federal poverty line of $850 per month for a single person. That $250 a month may not sound like a lot but it is enough for those on fixed incomes to forgo services they qualify for and need to remain independent and instead end up costing the govt far more and ruining the standard of living for those folks in the bargain. But they 'didn't have time' to be bothered with such irrelevancies as the issues of importance to the senior and disabled communities. Oh but the Governor at on an alleged food stamp budget for a week... whoopee doo. Lets see him live on it all the time, same with all the legislators. Make it a job requirement that they live like the lowest of the low under them. You would see them work REAL hard to raise the level then, wouldn't you?

Henry Ruark July 25, 2007 12:08 pm (Pacific time)

Lee: Here's simplified rewrite for anyone needing help: YOU are being cheated big- time by corporate tax losses, long allowed to continue by your elected representatives. BOTH media and legislators know truth of situation. Neither does anything to set it straight, for their own reasons It is time for citizens to demand action NOW to save the State from continuation of 70-year longtime damage. The second session-coming is the right time to BEGIN !

Lee July 25, 2007 8:41 am (Pacific time)

Putting aside the content of the editorial, this has to be the most difficult to read editorial I've ever seen. Couldn't the point be made much more succinctly, and without paragraph breaks between every sentence?

Henry Ruark July 25, 2007 8:31 am (Pacific time)

S.L.M et al: Campaign confrontation must inescapably stress "WHO is right ?" vs "WHAT is rational, reasonable and thus right-to do for the commonweal now ?". That's why democratic action must absolutely focus on the latter determinant. The Founders learned fast and furiously from head-on confrontation with that early malign corporation: East India Tea Company, strong enough even then to distort British rule, with profits to Crown as major reason.

S.LaMarche; July 24, 2007 6:17 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, they lied to us and continue to stiff arm the people who voted them in. I get angry just seeing their photo's touting the public image. The are useless, bought aand paid for. A microcosim of the senate and house of rips in D.C.

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