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Jul-10-2010 12:08printcomments

Breaking Taboos

“Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy” - Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg


(LONDON) - Any observer following current publications can notice the exponential multiplication of articles, videos, blogs, websites, and dubious "studies" which boast of the allegedly exceptional and superior Jewish IQ.

This proliferation is arguably linked to the fact that the massive over-representation of Jewish zionists in sensitive position in politics, media, and banking, is no longer taboo, and can not be denied any more.

Thus the Judeo-Zionist Perception Management gurus have designed this new communication trick: not to deny it any more, but to brag about it by offering an inane explanation for their “exceptional achievements”, namely a "superior genetic Jewish intelligence”!

The come-back of such 19th Century supremacist pseudo-science is a farcical nonsense, especially in light of the fact that firstly there is no scientific ground to assert that one human race would have superior intelligence, and secondly and foremost, Judaism is a religion, and not a race.

It is important to notice that “scientists” in Nazi Germany have produced similar “scientific studies” and arguments to "prove" that blacks and Jews have inferior IQ to the Aryan German Race.

Such line of research and investigations have absolutely no weight amongst the respectable academic community, because of the intrinsic nature of such studies, that can be politically manipulated to justify crimes such as slavery, racism, colonization and holocausts.

“intelligence testing became a new source for comparisons between races. Poorly designed studies appeared to justify the claim that "Negroes," as well as Eastern Europeans and Jews, were physically and mentally inferior to whites from Northern Europe.”

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail" Rabbi Yaacov Perrin

The race inferiority card was used against Blacks during slavery, then against Jews in Nazi Germany, and now it is against Arabs and Muslims.

Those of us who reject the supremacist doctrine of “intellectual superiority” and “exceptional suffering” of the Jews and their claim to be “Chosen by God”, are labeled “anti-Semites” by the Judeo-Zionists, such as Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and their hatred inciting ilk.

According to ADL's own website, their criterion for defining someone as an Anti-Semite racist, is when someone rejects the claim that the Jewish people are “Chosen by God”!

The ADL racism is so blatant, that they feel compelled to refer to African-Americans as “Anti-Semites”: quote: “Furthermore, they have supported theories espoused by other anti-Semites: Jews are not the "chosen people" described in the Bible”.

These dangerous positions have first been consolidated by decades of legal harassment by the ADL, and then propagated ad nauseam into the main stream news flow, hence are quite easily accepted now by the population.

The concept of a peaceful, safe and harmonious society is incompatible with these ideologies and claims, hence it is essential to challenge and radically reject such dangerous fascist regression.

Examples of articles, blogs and “studies” which spreads the myth of the distinctiveness and superiority of Jewish IQ:

· As for freedom of speech

The New Ten Commandments:

1) Thou shall believe that “they” are the “Chosen”

2) If you see their numbers extremely overrepresented in high positions of power and control thou shall not mention, except if it was to praise their “superior” IQ

3) If you become aware that they are “running the show” in the media thou shall only glorify “their talents”

4) If you come to notice their grip in the world of finance thou shall be in awe of their “outstanding aptitude”

5) If you detect their attempted steering of social progress or revolutionary movements, thou shall only explain it with their “admirable righteousness, evolved integrity and exceptional morality”

6) Thou shall not compare their unique suffering with any other

7) Thou shall revere the holocaust –faithfully, as narrated by their gurus, with all thy heart

8) Thou shall have no doubt in your heart of the number 6 million

9) Thou shall not criticize “Israel” the “light unto nations”, and thou shall honour it’s eternal right to exist as a “Jewish state”

10) Thou shall sacrifice as many "goyim" humans as possible (especially those who dare to say NO) on the altar of their conquest, greed, arrogance, and supremacy.

I for one, fully reject the concept of “Chosen-ness” , fully reject the concept of "superior Jewish intelligence", and I fully reject the concept of "superior Jewish morality", i.e. that Jews have always been at the "helm of social progress".
Will that make me a racist anti-Semite?

Who is the RACIST?

If believing that: Jews and non-Jews are equal in intellect, morality, spirituality and in their responsibility for their own actions; if believing that is a crime, then I am the first to be called a criminal.

If believing that the statement: “Jews are unique and special beings, with unique Divine souls” is a racist, chauvinistic and supremacist statement; then I plead guilty of racism.

If believing that “ALL mankind, Jews and non-Jews alike, are equal in humanity and in their accountability before the law”, is anti-Semitic, then call me anti-Semite.

If believing that no man is superior to another in intellect by the virtue of race or religion, is considered supremacy, in this Orwellian world, then call me supremacist.

If we choose not to actively expose and challenge such bizarre myths, and instead opt to turn a blind eye to such outlandish racism embedded in the doctrine of some orthodox Judaic sects, if we don't break the taboo about the ugly ideology that motivates and animates the zionist's fascism, then undoubtedly we would be sharing the guilt of complicity, active alliance and passive complacency, by our sheer silence.

We, the people concerned must make an unambiguous stance: the choice has to be made between supporting humanity, justice and equality or supporting racism, dominance and supremacy.


zionists ‘get the hell out of Palestine’ 
~ Helen Thomas

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.
 ~ Ludwig von Mises

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says . . .  I'll try again tomorrow.      
 ~ Anne Henninghake

فليتكَ تحلو والحياةُ مريرة

وليتكَ ترضى والأنامُ غضابُ

ألا ليتَ الذي بيني وبينكَ عامرٌ

وبيني وبينَ العالمينَ خرابُ

إذا صحَّ منكَ الودُ فالكلُ هينٌ

وكلُ الذي فوقَ  الترابِ ترابُ

يارب علمني ان احب الناس كما احب نفسي

وعلمني ان احاسب نفسي كما احاسب الناس

وعلمني ان التسامح هو اكبرمراتب القوة وان

حب الانتقام هو اول مظاهر الضعف

يارب اذا أسأت الى الناس فأعطني شجاعة الإعتذار

وإذا أساء لي الناس فأعطني شجاعة العفو


Nahida Izzat is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee who has lived in exile for over forty two years, after being forced to leave her homeland at the tender age of seven in 1967, during the six-day war. She has a degree in mathematics, but art is one of her favorite pastimes. She loves hand-made things and so makes dolls, cards, and most of her own clothes. She also writes poetry, participates in written dialogues and believes in building bridges, not walls.

She started writing when her friends insisted she should write about her memories, experiences and feelings as a Palestinian.When she did it all came out sounding—she was told—like poetry! So she self-published two books: I Believe in Miracles and Palestine, The True Story.

Her dream is to return back home to a free and liberated Palestine.

If you like poetry and are intrigued by the notion of helping the Palestinian people and learning more, you can purchase Nahida's books, I Believe in Miracles and Palestine, The True Story by visiting:

I Believe in Miracles: a Collection of Palestinian Poems

ISBN 13: 9780954839109 | ISBN 10: 0954839102

£12.99 paperback Nahida Izzat (2004)

You can write to Nahida :

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IMTI July 14, 2010 12:11 am (Pacific time)

I read the whole article and some replies but let me tell you the jews control all our finance institutions so definately if i have an idae for example want to convert it to reality i definately need money to convert which no one will give until i am affiliated to a jew who has definately the resolve to finance and i believe one more thing many discoveries are made but it is only a white mans name comes as a discoverer but behind him or her are many technicians who are not jews or whites look at history the Egyptian greeks the romans and arabs were ahead of whole human races in their time why suddenly jews now have become supreme ask yourselves that ? jews are good in teachery arm twisting and black mail that is so far i can say

Jeebus Goy July 13, 2010 11:27 pm (Pacific time)

The fact that after thousands of years jews cannot see through their old testament parables of deceit, treachery, violence, greed, ethnic cleansing, insecurity, and immoral human behavior - for what these stories actually represent ie: "how not to be" - and instead read the allegories as examples of "how to be" or "yesterday's heros" ...could very well put them in contention for the *stupidest* people on the planet, not the smartest. I could only hope my blood is different than theirs....

Common Sense trumps "chosen" BS July 13, 2010 10:48 pm (Pacific time)

I didn't see the jewish "god" lift a finger to help the supposed 6 million of these "chosen" people exterminated in WWII. Believe what you will, but that is more than enough evidence for me that their "religion" and "god" is at best a delusion and at worst - total fraud.

Natalie July 11, 2010 4:56 pm (Pacific time)

Here's my dilemma: this article was supposed to prove that Jewish people only think that they are smarter. Sorry, Nahida, your own words play for the other team, so to speak. According to the article, Jews hold high positions, control media, banks, all finances..well, basically control the world. Since Jewish kids attend, more or less, the same schools as the rest of us, you're the first one to agree that they advance further in life under the same circumstances. Arguments about Israel's free education are not valid. In every country ed. system is different, still the results are the same. Smart Jewish kids get to the top. Why? Because we say to our kids 'let's play boom-boom and see whose head gonna crack first', Jewish parents buy a violin for a 3 y. old or some other toy tools and say 'nice job, you'll be a successful doctor'. And then we see the results- boom-boom-empty-head at 25 and a well-paid doctor on the other hand. Words of encouragement play a big role. Just my humble opinion.

Editor: Natalie, the Bible says we aren't supposed to charge interest, the Jews were the first to do it.  If I am willing to break the most supreme rules of the world I too would be far ahead, but that isn't what life is about, in my opinion.  Capitalism is the opposite of what God wanted for us.  If it is all about 'he who dies with the most toys wins' then Jewish people do win, hands down, but a lot of people died along the way for that to happen, and I think that is wrong.  Our only purpose on earth is to be kind and take care of others.  People in the U.S. by and large don't know that.  I love the Arab people because they are not selfish.  I know you are the same way.  I know Nahida is the same way.   

Vic July 11, 2010 6:44 am (Pacific time)

If American high school graduates could go to college absolutely free, no matter what they wanted to study, courtesy of the US taxpayers as Israeli students can, wouldnt WE have many more doctors, scientists and award winning researchers? Israelis have free college, free medical services (the best in the world)..and us peon Americans are paying for it. So if you cannot afford to send your child to college, at least you can take comfort in the fact that your tax dollars are enabling Israeli kids to go to college....My daughter starts OSHU dental school this fall..her first year's expenses are nearly $60,000. She will be paying her student loan back for some time. Too bad we do not have the benefits we provide without question for Israelis. But if college was free, we would not have so many youth joining the military out of economic desperation...that is the plan and America's role, I guess...provide the money, weapons and bodies to fight for "Greater Israel". Maybe the "Jews-Are-Smarter" folks are right...they have managed to get the alleged World's Only Superpower" to grovel before them, send millions every day to them, send our kids to fight and die for them so that their kids do not have to, and we are providing a standard of living for Israelis that we can only dream of. This is all for a country ONE ELEVENTH the size of Oregon. (Oregon -97,000 sq miles...Israel - 8000 sq. miles)

P Smith July 11, 2010 4:17 am (Pacific time)

Let's see if I got this right: If you're not a jew and say jews are untermenschen, you're a Nazi. If you ARE a jews and say non-jews are untermenschen, you're not a Nazi. See? The first time the jews were in danger of eradication, they were innocent victims. This time around, they've brought it on themselves with their own actions and attitudes.

Luke Easter July 10, 2010 8:03 pm (Pacific time)

I'm sure in a life and death case where a blood transfusion is the difference it would be impossible if the donor was Gentile or Jewish. As for smarter, more Jews believe God is with them in all they do as His children through their faith. Yes or no? Well?

Editor: I'm just going to jump in for a second.  The Chosen People aspect isn't helping the world, true?  If it was a peaceful plan- that would, I believe, be another story, but it isn't.  Do we really believe that God loves a particular group more?  Does that really make sense?  As far as devotion to religion, no group comes close to the Muslims, right or wrong.  That is interesting in my book.  I wish the Christians of America were more resolved to follow the real teachings of Christ; the world would be an entirely different place.

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