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Jan-22-2007 09:15 ![]() ![]() Hillary Clinton Begins Live Internet Chats TonightSalem-News.comBeginning tonight at 7:00 PM EST, Senator Clinton will be hosting a series of live chats on her website.
(NEW YORK) - Twenty-four hours after Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) announced her intent to establish a presidential exploratory committee, the announcement is garnering rave reviews. Pundits from major news outlets and both parties hailed the announcement as "brilliant" and "bold," with bloggers calling it "exciting," "handled perfectly," and "profoundly moving." Senator Clinton will begin a series of live discussion about the future of the country. The chats will begin at 7:00 PM EST, tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday night. You can begin submitting questions on her website at 5:00 PM EST. You can ask the former first lady questions and watch her answers during the live webcast. Pundits Across The Spectrum NPR'S MARA LIASSON -- 'VERY EFFECTIVE...CAME ACROSS AS VERY WARM AND ENGAGING': "I think in Mrs. Clinton's case, it allowed her to do something very effective. It was an extremely cozy setting. It looked like her living room in Chappaqua, and she came across as very warm and engaging. She was sitting on this big comfy sofa talking in a very conversational tone, and this is the way her supporters always say she is in smaller groups." POLITICAL CONSULTANT PETER FENN -- THE 'KIND OF A BEGINNING' THAT WILL 'CONVINCE DEMOCRATS...SHE CAN WIN': "One of the things, by starting now, with this kind of a beginning is that it may do a lot to convince Democrats initially that she can win and then you move on to the Republicans. Look, she's got to do this in stages. She knows that. She is very smart. People around her are very smart. I think right now this puts her now more in the driver's seat than folks would have anticipated." [MSNBC, 1/20/07] ANALYST CHARLIE COOK -- 'AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT'S TO COME...NOTHING LEFT TO CHANCE': "In addition to the video clip, the site includes a political analysis of recent polls suggesting she can win, as well as invitations to contribute and sponsor local events to support her. 'This is an example of what's to come,' Cook said. 'It has lots of bells and whistle. There's nothing left to chance.'" [LA Times, 1/20/07] FOX NEWS' CARL CAMERON -- SUCCESS OF ANNOUNCEMENT SHOWS 'WHY TO SO MANY SHE WAS ALWAYS THE 800-LB GORILLA IN THE RACE': "Hillary Rodham Clinton is showing why to so many she was always the 800-pound gorilla in the race. She has dominated political news all week...her web site today was getting as many as 100 hits a minute." [Fox News, 1/20/07] ABC'S MARK HALPERIN (co-author of THE WAY TO WIN)--'BOLD...MAKING IT CLEAR SHE IS READY FOR BATTLE': "The bold decision by Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., to launch her presidential campaign days before President Bush's State of the Union address on Tuesday is the kind of aggressive move that she has normally shied way from during her political career....With this first move, she is making it clear she is ready for the battle." [ABC News, 1/20/07] TIME MAGAZINE'S MIKE ALLEN -- ANNOUNCEMENT DEMONSTRATES A 'REAL PLAN,' REPUBLICANS SHOULD 'BE CAREFUL WHAT TO WISH FOR': "Alex, you saw from the very beginning that Senator Clinton wants to make it clear that she is going to talk to people about this as opposed to try to go out there as some inevitable machine. The emails popped up on our blackberries and the emails of her supporters sometime between 9:00 and 9:25 this morning and it said the words everybody has been waiting for, Clinton campaign, let the conversation begin. Alex, Republicans now are getting what they've been wishing for, they've been blowing out their birthday cakes for years and years. The question is, did it get a little smoky because of that. We all know to be careful what to wish for. We have with this announcement the real plan that Senator Clinton has. [MSNBC, 1/20/07] MSNBC MEDIA ANALYST STEVE ABUDATO -- 'HILLARY MADE A BETTER CONNECTION, MORE POWER, MORE PERSONAL CONNECTION THAT SHE EVER MADE BEFORE...I'M BLOWN AWAY': "Hillary made a better connection, a more powerful, more personal connection than she has ever made before. I have to tell you, I'm blown away by the fact that she comes across as softer, kinder, more accessible, more likable than I have ever seen before...My mother text messaged me and she said, son, this is big for women." [MSNBC, 1/20/07] PAT BUCHANAN -- 'A BRILLIANT MOVE,' HILLARY 'AT HER BEST': "I find this a brilliant move this morning. I listened to twice to Hillary Clinton make that statement. She is at her best in that format. It is soft, it is feminine, it is conversational. That is where she is really at her best. I think this is going to run not only on the Internet --- we've run it a number of times today -- every other cable network will. It will be lead story on all the front pages tomorrow. Both Russert and Stephanopoulos and Schieffer will deal with it. I think the suddenness of the move, the surprise of it, the way she is going to come out next week and start having a daily conversation, this is Hillary's format." [MSNBC, 1/20/07 ] LA TIMES -- ANNOUNCEMENT 'UNDERSCORES THE WELL-ORGANIZED NATURE OF HER BID': "Analysts said Clinton's announcement and the accompanying roll-out of her campaign Web site underscores the well-organized nature of her bid." [LA Times, 1/20/07] POLITICAL CONSULTANT BOB SHRUM -- A 'BRILLIANT ANNOUNCEMENT...IT HAS REACHED EVERY DEMOCRATIC ACTIVIST IN THE COUNTRY': "Let me say in some ways I think this was a brilliant announcement. What better day could there be, than two days -- two years - before thank heaven we inaugurate a new president. She is going to dominate the Sunday talk shows. This is going to dominate the Sunday papers, and it has reached every democratic activist in the country." [MSNBC, 1/20/07] Bloggers LEFT COASTER (Steve Soto): "One piece of conventional political wisdom about a Hillary candidacy is that she cannot win a national election because women voters will not support her in enough numbers to offset the men who will vote against her automatically. Maybe this piece of CW is no longer operative. Hillary's support among women has gone up in the last twelve months, and especially amongst younger and older women." DAILY KOS (Devilstower) -- "I'm overjoyed to see a woman running. I'd be happier if women candidates made up half the options (or heck, let's have all women for a season, just to help even things out), but right now I'm happy enough that a woman is running, and that she's considered a serious, first-tier candidate." MYDD (Matt Stoller) - "Here's my sense of where the campaigns are. I'm no fan, but Hillary Clinton's announcement has been handled perfectly. The blog outreach was well-done, and it seems that calls went out to the right people at the right time.... Clinton is a very strong candidate and no one has the chops to take her down right now." SEEING THE FOREST (Dave Johnson) - "People say Hillary Clinton has "baggage" and is "divisive." Actually she has been investigated more thoroughly than almost anyone in the country's history and they found nothing at all. It isn't Hillary who is divisive, it's the people making all the accusations." THE CARPETBAGGER REPORT - "Clinton enters the race, without a doubt, at the top of the top tier. I've heard all the various concerns about her candidacy, but I don't have any doubt that she has what it takes to win. Indeed, Clinton brings an enormous amount of talent, experience, and intelligence to the table." DAILY KOS DIARY (nyceve) - "I'm an open and honest person, and I'm profoundly moved by her announcement. What was unimaginable just a few decades ago, is now something we can almost touch." TAYLOR MARSH - "Sitting in a living room setting, Senator Hillary Clinton made one simple statement that changed the landscape of the '08 presidential tournament to come. (To add, I got an email about this event this morning just after 6:00 a.m.) Because when the first woman to run for president, with an actual chance of winning, puts her name and reputation on the line, it becomes news of the day, week, even a generation." TALK LEFT - It is exciting to have a serious female candidate for President. MYDD (Jerome Armstrong) - "And as blogger savvy as John Edwards was in outreach, Clinton internet team had the emails of bloggers to notify them separate from the press (no such outreach from the Obama camp). The website has the clean, Kerry-2004 look about it. A smart "write our first post" call to action on the website. The announcement of "an unprecedented series of video webcasts beginning Monday, January 22nd at 7pm EST for three nights" creates a quick narrative of interaction and response around Bush's SOTU address." OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY - After nearly eight years of speculation, Hillary Clinton has announced her candidacy for president.... she has done a remarkable job these past several years getting out of her husband's shadow, positioning herself as more moderate than previously thought, and garnering bipartisan praise for collegiality and hard work in the Senate. DAILY KOS DIARY (Yellow Dog Blue) - "How has she survived and thrived? Not by heavying up her armor. Not by engaging and overwhelming her opponents. Not even by appealing for public sympathy. Instead Hillary has just gone her business being a Senator, building personal relationships and support, getting and using power. And I really admire that." 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marti May 17, 2007 3:31 pm (Pacific time)
this is in regards to the campaign song ... there is only one choice... I AM WOMAN!!!
Helen Ng February 27, 2007 8:25 pm (Pacific time)
Hope you could win the election and do led the World of without War.
None of Your Business January 29, 2007 8:09 pm (Pacific time)
This is ridiculous! Hilary Clinton has NEVER done a noteworthy thing for New York. What makes you people think she'll do anything noteworthy for our ENTIRE country?? Her popularity is based SOLEY on her excessive media coverage! Wake up people! Hilary Clinton is just an over the hill Paris Hilton!
Al Gates January 28, 2007 6:50 pm (Pacific time)
Hillary will work hard, but is the leading contender. She is poised, politically confident(not to mention well-seasoned) and is garnering a huge war chest. I was the spokesman for her husband's radio/TV ads, and in the re-election campaign with Al Gore, for Bob Squire and Ron Knapp. This spot has been brewing since Bill Clinton was at the reins. You can't beat her, with any combination. I hope I can participate in her winning campaign.
Officer Robert W Mc Cann January 28, 2007 8:14 am (Pacific time)
I have been looking all over for a site that a e maail can be sent to her. I do not understand how any of them that are senators can go around the country for a year when they are getting paid to be in Washington do a job that they asked us to vote for them in the first place.
astonished January 23, 2007 10:57 pm (Pacific time)
Yale University gave him a "C"., today he acknowledged that "global warming is probable".,which was quite apparrent to quite a few people over twenty years ago. Does he even remember New Orleans? I dropped out of high school, I didn't even wait for a "C"., I guess I should have stayed in school and learned something.
Wahoo news: January 23, 2007 10:39 pm (Pacific time)
Flash!.after prayerful consideration president Bush breaks the news with proposal to allocate funds to develop agricultural waste! Citizen's in Crawford purportedly knocked to their knees though whether in grattitude to a higher power or out of the staggering logic of the pesidents timing has yet to be determined., more later I'm pretty sure. This is wahoo!, out
Osotan January 23, 2007 7:54 pm (Pacific time)
Am I missing something here? .,what's wrong with Pelosi-Obama? She didn't play their game today and my nmoney would ride on her logic any day over Mrs. Clinton's. The vote is ours to change what we can., Dylan's "The Times They Are A' Changin'" is taking place before our very eyes and lives are in the balance..,Vote for a real change!
Hans H. Scheibe January 23, 2007 2:29 pm (Pacific time)
Hillary I hope you would just support our Commander In Chief with as much vigor as you oppose him.If the democrats would have stood behind him like the republicans did with President Harry Truman this war would be over.You see as a Vietnam Vet,I witnessed what your party's idea of running the Vietnam War from congress instead of letting our commanders run it in the field. I wish you no harm,but would you please open your eyes and realize that your party has not supported our troops,but have made them pawns.Yes,there has been over 3000 of our troops killed,however the total number of HOMICIDES in this country was 70,000 in 2001.Here we are supposed to be civil,but we kill more of our neighbors than the real enemy of the United States.It's amazing how we have not been attacked since.We live in the greatest country in the world,but our bickering and attack on each other is going to destroy us.I wish you peace,love, and happiness.
Albert Marnell January 23, 2007 2:06 pm (Pacific time)
Jennifer, You are getting there. I see you like to learn. Who has more power; a man who controls a multinational or global bank who does not want to be visible because he is worth billions and wants to control from behind the curtain or Hillary with her show biz visibility. I know that you know the answer. She must answer to him because he has the power to squash her like a bug. Read about the Democratic Leadership Council in which she participates. They are big on welfare reform (euphemism for getting rid of public assistance). Read about the Bilderberg and its sister gang the Council on Foreign Relations. The more you read, the more you will want to pick up a gun rather than a pencil. And never be tricked by nice sounding euphemisms. Find out what they really do. I wish you well.
Henry Ruark January 23, 2007 10:47 am (Pacific time)
Al: Sorry, but I flunked mine only shot at languages: German by volunteer tutor, who gave up rapidly with me. But then there was Latin, thrice-weekly, on which I thrived...basis for English.
Jennifer Reding January 23, 2007 10:44 am (Pacific time)
I am not looking for a "savior" by any means. I am, however, looking for a candidate who can get us out of great big hole that G.W. Bush dug with his solid gold shovel. I am a teacher and I am ready for someone to research key issues and stop blaming teachers and spouting rhetoric of which they know not a thing! Also, let's take care of our own poverty levels in America instead of trying to "fix" other countries' problems. We have hungry children and homeless families. Single parents (like me) are having a hard time making ends meet because of taxes, health insurance, etc. Go Hillary!
Albert Marnell January 23, 2007 10:26 am (Pacific time)
Henry I am not sure if you are referring to the old probably Prussian, probably pre-Otto von Bismarck military song, "Wenn Die Soldaten....durch die Stadt marschieren?"
Henry Ruark January 23, 2007 9:18 am (Pacific time)
Can't help but wonder how she will do in ratings, vs "Truth and Consequence" or similar...
Henry Ruark January 23, 2007 3:14 am (Pacific time)
Does that make it the "Marcheing Party" ? Sounds good to me, and millions of others are ready to march, too, I do believe...
alan January 23, 2007 1:16 am (Pacific time)
Hillary for President!
Albert Marnell January 23, 2007 12:34 am (Pacific time)
Americans, always looking for a Savior in bad times....hmmmm.....sounds like the people that were attracted to Hitler.
LABIB ISMAIL January 22, 2007 10:47 pm (Pacific time)
HILLARY , YOU ARE THE hope of the people .
one more item; January 22, 2007 9:06 pm (Pacific time)
hers was one of the flesh hued blobs in the thirty six one liter jars in Rubberface University's stem cell research laboritory.,secretly located for easy denial. Leonardo Knows!
S.LaMarche January 22, 2007 8:42 pm (Pacific time)
I can hear the Isely brothers song "who's that lady?"., I just found out she will not accept public campaign funds, altruisticly choosing to rely on her 14,000,000,(as in Million) bucks in her private account. Money she was given for her recent senatorial campaign.This public campaign fund is now up to 200,000,000,(as in Million)bucks and it's purported that G.W.B. And Kerry accepted 74,000,000 (as in Million) bucks from this same fund, collected from special interest groups and brainwashed constituants (speaking for myself of course)to run their last mockery! We are paying them to smile and make us feel good and they have Millions already! The homeless are still homeless.,the shipyards are closed and Radio Shack's been coming from China for years! I myself am running my own party, and I don't want your money.,and I promise you nothing!,and expect all of you to behave yourselves and stop effing around in other peoples buisness.,and if you are in a jam and I can help you out.,I will. The other candidates are too busy with speaking engagements.I'm expecting Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan to announce their entry into the tar pit soon!
Albert Marnell January 22, 2007 6:45 pm (Pacific time)
Sorry osotan, but Rochester is one of the few areas in the Northeast with significant price appreciation expected to be somewhere in the vicinity of 8% for the two year period of 2007 and 2008. And stay away from the uv-rays. I used to be such a lover of the sun until I got one of those God awful basil cell carcinomas. They are usually not immediately lethal like a malignant melanoma but if you let it go too long you are going to have trouble. The sun is very bad for you and tanning parlors are even worse. CNN Money.com is where I found the real-estate information. It is cold as hell up there and alot of snow too such I do not care how well the real estate does. I do not want to live there and deal with more of a winter than I already have to.
osotan January 22, 2007 5:22 pm (Pacific time)
she hasn't anywhere else to go.
Matthew E. Crowely January 22, 2007 3:24 pm (Pacific time)
you are my hope to win in 08 and get this country back on track I still went to set up a Rochester NY office for you
Albert Marnell January 22, 2007 2:50 pm (Pacific time)
Idealistic fools, save yourselves. Hillary does not know you or give a crap about you. Keep dreaming that things will change. Take care of yourselves anyway you know how and stop looking for a mommy or daddy to protect you from reality.
xiara January 22, 2007 1:05 pm (Pacific time)
she is going to be the special one
DON RUSTON January 22, 2007 12:10 pm (Pacific time)
All Very Good , I Have No Idea Who Could Stop Her From Becommong The Next President , She It Not Likely To Make Any Big Mistakes , She Is To Smart For That Plus She Has The Most Experience , No Doubt She Is Extremly Qualified For The Presidents Job
robert smith January 22, 2007 11:54 am (Pacific time)
you will make a great president
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