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Jan-21-2010 20:44printcomments

Obama, Obama, Obama
Is Republican Prejudice Congenital or Acquired?

To have a Black Republican National Chairman berate Senator Harry Reid for his remarks is the worst form of hypocrisy.

70,000 white people marched on Washington D.C. in a Fox News-promoted event
70,000 white people marched on Washington D.C. in a Fox News-promoted event to mark the day after the 9/11 with angry protests against the Obama Administration.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - This article is about the President but it is also about Harry Reid, Democratic Majority Leader, Michael Steele, Republican National Chairman, a whole herd of Republican Congressmen and a few Congressional Democrats.

Obama started out with a double dose of Chutzpah and a triple dose of Harambee and was obviously successful up till now.

First of all I must say that this is about DISCRIMINATION, PREJUDICE and DIFFERENCES written by a Flaming Liberal with very few prejudices. I don’t know if my personal experiences are unique but they are unusual! I have heard the President use the term BLACK for his race and I will use that. I am a redhead and in a grade school of 200 kids I was the only redhead. The blondies and brunets thought it was a wig and repeatedly tested it by pulling. I fought every bigger kid in my class. Was this prejudice? My classmates were of every race and eventually things settled down. My first girlfriend was Japanese.

In the Army my section mates thought I was queer (because I didn’t smoke), I got along with them also. My grandmother was Castillian Spanish Mexican, no problem there. My first real job was in Georgia. I made the “mistake” of shaking hands with the Black animal keeper. The white secretary never forgave me for that.

I’m not finished. Harry Reid said Obama was elected because he was light skinned and didn’t have a black speech pattern. These observations are obvious and blacks do sometimes bleach their skin (Michael Jackson) and someone who is “high yaller” is considered better off than somebody blacker. It is known lighter skins sometimes “cross” and say they are Cubans, etc.

Regarding Obama’s speech, I doubt if he could speak Gullah, Geech or Ebonics. Hawaii where he was brought up was a polyglot place but the main language is/was American English with a few Hawaiian words thrown in.

Obama started out with a double dose of Chutzpah and a triple dose of Harambee and was obviously successful up till now.

It’s my observation that the President is one of the intellectually brightest and best speaker/orators to come along in years. It appears to me that his Republican “peers” are envious or jealous of his success and tend to consider him “the Chattanooga Shoeshine Boy”. They certainly haven’t shown him much bipartisian help. Even some Democrats seem tainted.

Getting back to my own prejudices. I was invited by The University of London to train the first doctors in Tanzania and I taught there and in Uganda in ALL BLACK colleges. NO, I’m not prejudiced. I got along well and was invited back anytime.

I was a doctor in the Portland Indian Health Clinic. I had the best record, most patients, of any doctor. If anybody called me a racist or sexist, I would be very insulted. We redheads learned long ago to get along with everybody.

To have a Black Republican National Chairman berate Senator Harry Reid for his remarks is the worst form of Hypocrisy.

Mr. Steele is very light complexioned and DOES NOT TALK BLACK.

For the rest of Republicans with their good health plans:


Dr. Phillip Leveque has degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and minors in physiology and biochemistry. He was a Professor of Pharmacology, employed by the University of London for 2 years, during which time he trained the first doctors in Tanzania. After training doctors, he became an Osteopathic Physician, as well as a Forensic Toxicologist.

Before any of that, Phil Leveque was a Combat Infantryman in the U.S. Army in WWII. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder more than 60 years after the war, and specialized in treating Veterans with PTSD during his years as a doctor in Molalla, Oregon. Do you have a question, comment or story to share with Dr. Leveque?
Email him:
More information on the history of Dr. Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of WWII about his own experiences "from a foxhole". Order the book by mail by following this link: DOGFACE SOLDIER OF WWII If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

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Dan February 15, 2010 4:23 pm (Pacific time)

History shows that the Democratic Party through its racist agenda and "States' Rights" claim to own slaves, sought to protect and preserve the institution of slavery from 1792 to 1865, thus enslaving millions of African Americans, while the Republican Party was started in 1854 as the anti-slavery party, fought to free blacks from slavery and championed civil rights for blacks,

Anonymous January 25, 2010 6:03 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: Al Marnelli is done here, snivly little POS. 

Anonymous January 25, 2010 2:55 pm (Pacific time)

The Democratic Party has always been known as the slave party. You familiar with current Sen. Byrd's background? How come so many democrats voted against civil rights legislation back in the 60's? Before your time huh kid? Including Sen. Al Gore SR. It appears you have no background in American history Mr. Editor, or you just think the rubes will always fall for another rube's ignorance?!

Editor: I'm not even worried about anyone believing your level of historical understanding, Mr. Nobody.  You are only about 100 years off, pathetic.

Dr. Leveque January 25, 2010 1:30 pm (Pacific time)

To Michelle January 22, 2010 1235am: Vitiligo is blotchy not great areas. Michael wasn't blotchy. Brunets use peroxide to become blonde. Dark skins use Hydroquinone, Arbutin, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Gluta Thione plus Vitamin C. Whatever he was using is a trade secret. Search Vitiligo. P. Leveque

JB January 24, 2010 1:55 pm (Pacific time)

Lincoln was a Rebublican and he freed the slaves.

Fred Johnson January 24, 2010 12:32 pm (Pacific time)

I don't understand why republicans are being singled out as racist. Recall that childhood saying: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." So who has been doing most of the bone breaking out there? Also would last Tuesdays Massachussetts' vote, which was a complete refutation of Obama's agenda, make those voters racist because they supported the republican? So as good of a speaker some think Obama is, he has failed to pass his signature campaign issue, nationalized health care, even though he has an unstoppable congressional majority. This was not racism, but the majority informing their employees to start listening to them. Racism is a tricky word to use, for when it's used for agenda purposes it quickly loses it's original intent.

Editor: Are you completely serious?  Republicans represent the vast majority of American racists, you can play the ignorance card if you want to, but nobody else is wondering about this.  I will say that there are plenty of Republicans who are not racist, but your party has more than earned the title.

Hank Ruark January 23, 2010 6:33 pm (Pacific time)

Doc, thanks for telling it right smack as it really is... We Americans need to be well aware and perhaps even shamed by the obvious obstructionism from both party-sides, a form of conscious or unconscious racism. We need to be historically aware that racism itself, for its centuries-long life, was and remains a myth, created as a refuge and resort for those who could do no better when bested in whatever way...often in close connection with another very human function. You well know and the rest of us ought to realize that we all breath, bleed and perform other body functions in very close to the same is the mental aberrations that make the difference, and I use the word precisely and purposely here. Thank you for your long and shining med/career and for no problem in declaring yourself another one of those flaming liberals... !!

michelle January 22, 2010 12:35 am (Pacific time)

michael jackson had vitiligo, a skin disorder

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