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Jan-10-2012 11:52printcommentsVideo

What an Attack in Iran Could Mean for America

An attack on Iran will be the real and true launch for World War Three, which Americans seem to actually want.

(SALEM) - Americans are slow at the draw, really painfully slow, and our inability to remember is a central theme when politicians decide which move to make next; especially when determining which country and people will be the next to "deserve" one of America's mighty military attacks.

There was a time when people were a little less fat and sassy; they used to have a better fix on the impact of what it means to be poor, sick, and for God's sake to wage war on another country... We're low on sympathy, have zero empathy, and totally lack any ability to "feel" the pain we inflict on others; Americans are so sheltered from violence their forces inflict, that they actually stopped caring about it, after all what doesn't affect you....

However somewhere along the line something else happened. American interests failed to be the main interest of U.S. politicians and for many years now, the U.S. government has remained dedicated to protecting its political ally Israel, and also to the pursuit of oil and other business in far away countries.

Somehow, the U.S. drifted away from being a country that supported its own people and others who suffered, to becoming a nation of pure military aggression, a "you're with us or you're against us" kind of place, and if don't think America scares the hell out of people all over the world, you are sadly mistaken.

Wars used to be something fought out of necessity and when they were over, life returned to a non-war status, but that isn't the case any longer, obviously the U.S. takes war to be a far more serious business today and views the monetary gains above all else. This means it isn't about freeing the slaves, or freeing the Jews; this is about war for profit and it could not be more wrong.

Think about it... China and Russia on our doorstep because we couldn't resist the pressure to attack Iran...

An attack on Iran will certainly represent many things. How Americans can be so easily convinced that a country should be a military target is beyond me, but then those Americans who call for war are already dead inside.

I believe an attack on Iran will bring not just a strong and unrestrained multifaceted military reprisal from that country, which is highly underestimated; but that it will also be the real and true launch for World War Three which Americans seem to actually want. Think about it... China and Russia on our doorstep because we couldn't resist the pressure to attack Iran.

Americans after all, have heads so big they sometimes can't enter a room. They're brash and condescending and see themselves as ultimately superior. Yet in the heat of combat, none of that means anything.

When the bullets start flying in Afghanistan and young Americans are having their guts shot out, there are no trumpets, there is no pride, there are no warm fuzzies. There is just death and loss and blood and sometimes screams for a young soldier's mother.

Warmongers are dogs and snakes and I smile when considering how hot the fires of hell must be for people like this, I really do. We're talking about Americans everywhere, on the construction site, on Wall Street, at your local supermarket; they've just been programmed straight of the sanity zone, and each who calls for war deserves to experience war, and if they stick around for a couple of more years they will probably get their chance. We all make mistakes in life but those who root for war are just simply damned and they deserve it.

Of course large numbers of Americans today lack even basic educations. Large numbers of U.S. citizens are dumb as dirt, and with the propaganda shoved down their throat every day by the western media agencies the way it is, they will very likely get the chance to find out about war very soon, very soon...

And when the day comes that the United States enters a war of aggression against Iran, which seems inevitable, then all Americans will likely be able to experience war, because war will come here, and such hard work it will have been for the warmongers to finally achieve this.

They like to use the line about how Americans should kill people in the Middle east so they don't bring "terror" (sorry- what a f*cking joke) to the U.S., but you don't need to worry, the people who run this nation who want to attack Iran (Iran- which has done nothing negative to the U.S. in all time) will just push and push until there is military action, it will likely begin with naval warfare and the United States is the country to blame, along with Great Britain, the worst colonization nation in all time.

Then, you get to the subject of the video below, just a sample of the real full-scale military forces that Americans face for their continual mad-dogging of Iran. China has more women in their army than the total number of Americans alive.

324,701,244 women serve in the Chinese Army, the total population of the United States is 298,444,215. They are highly trained, they are well funded, and there are endless numbers of them. Then consider how China owns such a large percentage of American properties, businesses, etc.

Then think about Russia, they are sick of the United States also, however they used to respect us for maintaining our opposing ideology, now that too is history.


Tim King, summer 2008, covering the Iraq War

Tim King: Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Silver Spoke Award by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (2011), Excellence in Journalism Award by the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (2010), Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), First-place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Tim has several years of experience in network affiliate news TV stations, having worked as a reporter and photographer at NBC, ABC and FOX stations in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon. Tim was a member of the National Press Photographer's Association for several years and is a current member of the Orange County Press Club.

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End Israeli apartheid

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Ralph E. Stone January 11, 2012 7:33 am (Pacific time)

Tim, an interesting article. However, I am not convinced that the U.S. will attack Iran. We just don't have the stomach for another war. And we can't afford it what with the recently announced cutbacks in our military and possibly more cuts to reach the mandated 10 percent across the board cuts in the military. Secretary of Defense Panetta is now on record as saying Iran does not as yet have nuclear weapons. In addition, Iran's nuclear facilities are so well defended, it will take more than bombing to take them out. Now the events developing in the Strait of Hormuz could prove interesting. If the U.S. tries to close the Stait and calls Iran's bluff by entering the Strait with warships, then who knows what will happen.

Tim King: I hope so Ralph, I just fear that the naval incursions will lead to an irreversible situation, thanks for a great comment, I hope you're right.

TheGrandChessboard January 11, 2012 4:46 am (Pacific time)

Have you forgot about MAD it still applies so who gives a shit about how many women the Chinese have. Would Russia and china really support Iran. I doubt that very much consider both Russia and china have ultimately backed sanctions against Iran. Russia still has not given Iran the S300, China still has not admitted Iran as a full member in the SCO. Hell China has actually now reducded its oil from Iran Now you seem to think that war with Iran is inevitable. Well not so, we have been able to stop the neo-cons for the past 8+ fucking years ( I have been doing my part from the peanut gallery). Israel has had the bunker busters since 09 and arch neocon bolton has called on Israel to attack 2 times - first time before Obama was elected the second time was before in 10 before they activated the Busher reactor. Israel blinked both times, they are too chicken shit to do it. Hell even dumbo Bush told the kikesters no dice on attacking on Iran

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