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Jan-07-2013 11:37 ![]() ![]() Veterans are Bound to Fail in Political Activities Which Civilians Can Also DoHem Raj Jain for Salem-News.comIndian Veterans joined civilian political parties, and are still there in both houses of Parliament, but did nothing worthwhile for the martial interests of India.
(BANGALURO, India) - The entire world is in the grip of a number of crises which the civilian leadership of powerful democracies of the world (including West, the USA & Allies) are unable to solve for the simple reason that martial elements in these democracies have not been able to define their role in this changed democratic world. But fortunately the entire world can get the solution to these seemingly intractable problems, if India (the largest functioning democracy) gives the lead and its distinguished Veteran ex Army Chief General VK Singh (VKS) stop engaging further in unbecoming civilian activities and remain in martial pursuits by seeing the things in a proper and global perspective as given below: Before democracies (‘Prajatantra’) in monarchies (‘Rajtantra’) the State was established on the strength of swords / guns hence martial element was important and was the ultimate arbiter of the matters of State. The modern democracies with universal adult franchise is mainly the result of advance in modern Science & Technology (S & T) which has made every human being (the potential and actual contributor to S & T) important and powerful and has made these democracies (especially its originator West, the USA & Allies) so powerful that now martial element can’t even think of bringing monarchies back by their sword / guns through coup etc even in developing countries where people are not so economically powerful (Pakistan is an example where despite number of military coups democracy is going to survive). But this frustration of martial element of democracy is not due to changed form of governments in democracies but due to inability of martial element of States to see the opportunity in a changed situation. Martial element has failed to understand that still the martial forces are the ultimate arbiter of State matters in every country including in democracies. Martial element failed to understand that in present world the old concept of absolute sovereignty of countries is no more valid (because most of them are not established on the strength of native sword including in SARRC Countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc) and Human Rights has precedence over sovereignty (Pakistan again is an example where despite repeated complaints from Pakistan the Drone attacks are still going on in the name of post 9/11 ‘global war against terrorism’). Due to this failure to know their still predominant position in State matters, the martial element have faced may dilemmas, moral crises etc starting from Vietnam war, on-going gory ‘Arab Spring’, post 9/11 Afghanistan / Iraq war etc - where after shedding so much blood the martial element of West (USA & Allies) do not know for what purpose they have been shedding so much blood all over the world and despite moralistic pretensions behind these blood spilling the martial elements of Western world do not know - why 60,000 people have been killed and millions have been displaced in Syria (including in refugee camps in this chilling cold with no proper facilities worth the name) and despite so much blood shed Afghanistan and Iraq still do not have functioning democracy without repeated terrorist attacks. The martial element of powerful West is also disturbed that this is not the age where they used to get the booty of gold etc for spilling blood but now they are spilling blood all over the world for a fixed salary (which is hardly enough for majority to see them through their and their family’s old age). Whereas civilian leadership of democracies engage in open loot / robbery by creating easy / fake money of trillions of dollars through fiscal deficit, ‘Quantitative Easing' etc under the influence of unbridled usurers (banking & financial institutions) to the extent Public Debt in most of democracies have gone beyond 60 % up to 200 % of GDP which has hardly left any money with these governments (after servicing these public debts) to spend on public cause (including on sovereign acts & responsibilities of State). This prevalence of fake money is the main reason that so far 'global currency' (with asset back up of whether precious metal under physical possession or land / landed properties etc under constructive possession of money issuing authority) has not been introduced though every body knows that without ‘global currency’ the ‘economic globalization’ (which is again inevitable due to advance in S & T especially in IT Sector) is impossible. Add to these woes created by civilian leadership of democracies, the corruption of mind blowing proportion in democracies and huge black money doing round across the world has made a mockery of financial and fiscal systems of all the democracies of the world. In a nutshell not withstanding false promises of civilian leadership of powerful West the 'global economic crises' going-on since 2007 will simply not go-away unless monetary and fiscal discipline is restored and here again only the martial element of the world can solve this global problem. For this to happen, the martial element of the world (through Veterans) will have to start Human Rights NGO in all their democratic countries. Its Constitution can be some what similar to the Constitution of 'Veterans of India' (VOI) which I have submitted to the Veterans for their consideration with important provisions of (i)- Membership shall be 55 % to martial element (Veterans and representative of serving members of military and para - military forces of India) (ii)- The VOI will work for Human Rights of life, properties, and honor (including by rehabilitating hundreds of thousands of 'Displaced Kashmiri Pundits' who left the valley in the face of terrorism) , economic freedom (through job guarantee program) with which VOI will tackle Naxalite problem (terrorism) in one third of territory of India (iii)- VOI will Support candidates in election (from itself or from other political parties or independents) who will enact (A)- Anti - corruption bill ( for 'Lok Pal' and 'Lokayukta') where investing agency including concerned wing of CBI will be under 'Lok Pal' and 'Lokayukta' and there will be fast track courts for trying all public servants in corruption cases and people's representatives in other criminal cases and 'citizen charter' for public services of the governments and (B)- Proper laws and will try to bring black money back to India and for preventing further generation of black money (iv)- VOI will form alliance or international forums with such HR NGOs of other countries. In India, in the past, number of Veterans joined political parties of civilians and have gone to and are still there in both the houses of Parliament but could not do any thing worthwhile for the martial interests of India. Even some Veterans started their own political parties and are still trying to do it like ex - Army Chief General VK Singh without realizing that by starting social / political organizations of the type they are doing, will take them no where for the simple common sense reason that they are trying to do which any civilian can do. When you enter some body Else's (civilian) territory then naturally you (martial) have inherent disadvantage. These veterans should understand that they should start an organization which only martial element can do and not the civilians. They should launch VOI that will take care of Human Rights which is a martial affair. Because for the enforcement of Human Rights even so-called absolute sovereignty of the member countries can be overlooked and through military intervention Human Rights can be restored under OP – 1 of ICCPR at UN [In view of fast emerging 'Democratic Secular Republic Global Order' the VOI should work also for (A)- Replacement of OP – 1 with mandatory Protocol MP – 1 at UN (B)- For UN approved 4 - 5 models of democratic constitutions from which emerging democracies may choose so that problem being faced by post 'Arab Spring' Egypt is not faced by other emerging democracies of the world (C)- For the inclusion of sanctity of currency in fundamental Human Rights at UN m(D)- Replacement of Veto with voting rights to all as per formula based on contribution of men (including martial), money and other resources]. It is hoped that VKS will appeal to all the Veterans in India (i)- To leave the parties of civilians (including their membership of Parliament and Legislative Assembles etc) (ii)- To wind up their all the political parties which they have launched so far and (iii)- To join VKS in launching VOI. - So that the members of VOI in addition to accomplishing the above mentioned martial objectives of VOI, can help India in offering a model to the Veterans of rest of the world and especially, to start with, to the Veterans of SAARC countries so that with the alliance of such HR NGOs of Veterans of other SAARC countries the following festering and chronic problems of SAARC Region, which are affecting India deeply and adversely, can be solved by the VOI - (i)- Kashmir problem in which ~ one hundred thousand have already lost their lives and has caused terrorism across India (ii)- problem of terrorism being faced by Pakistan and Afghanistan (iii)- Problem of millions of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India which has created gory problems especially in North - East of India (iv)- Problem of Sri Lankan Tamils where IPKF shed its blood in Sri Lanka but still there is no solution to this problem etc. etc. Of-course if VKS has some problem with the name ‘Veterans of India’ then he can choose a different name. Yours truly Hem Raj Jain (Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’) ______________________________________________________
Hem was also a member and senior office bearer (State Secretary) of a national political party and contested election for member of parliament in 1998 on behalf of this national political party. Hem also did some research on economics with especial interest in monetary economics. As a politician, Hem braved persecution in order to protect the majesty of law and preferred to go to jail in 2006 for 2 months for contempt of court for making a written complaint (without publishing it any where) with documentary proof to various constitutional authorities (of executive ,legislative and higher judiciary) against judicial corruption & highhandedness. Hem was also the editor of a weekly Hindi news paper (a mouth piece of his political party) and still writes letters on politico - economical issues, which have been published for the last 6 years in national and international media too. Hem is interested in the matters of USA because his children live here. "Betrayal of Americanism" is Hem's first book.
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