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Feb-04-2009 10:13printcomments

Nests in Hell

This article from the Pakistan Daily is your glimpse into how the world sees U.S. politics.

U.S. soldiers in Iraq
Image of U.S. soldiers in Iraq by Tim King

(ISLAMABAD) - 'American Leadership is good for America and for the World'

So reads the introduction to the Project For The New American Century (PNAC), perhaps the most important document ever ignored by so many impacted millions—the neocon blueprint for American "full-spectrum domination" of the world. "Benign global hegemony" is their tender euphemism for it, and the hegemony business is not going as planned.

American leadership for America hasn't been so good, either.

Commonly accepted accounting principles show America bankrupt, our federal government's net worth at negative $60 trillion, roughly. American leadership has turned our government into a special-interest Hydra owned and ruled by financial gangsters, the industrial military complex, and the American Israeli Public Awareness Committee (AIPAC).

Foreign creditors are about all that's keeping American government from insolvency. But the global financial contagion effectively spawned by American leadership threatens that funding; alternatives promise hyperinflation, collapse of the dollar.... Americans are accelerating toward surpassing even the Great Depression in terms of sheer misery and decay and loss. Right now we seem to be running on fumes of hope.

Obama's masterful engagement of hope in Americans, that's the easier part. It's change where inertia takes over—the tendency for a body in motion to remain in motion, a body at rest to remain at rest. Besides being the place where principles go to die, Washington is the world's center of inertia.

Obama's friendly and sincere face backed up by apparent compassion and intelligence, those moving speeches, and massive corporate funding power a beacon of hope after our dark eight-year BushCo nightmare. But the big corporate bucks cement elite ownership and control architecture, and inertial guidance, wrapping Obama in a sinister bind. Anything he does for the common good—any significant change, will compromise elite interests. For instance, one of the greatest improvements possible for the people would be whittling down the 737 military bases we've planted around the world, and withdrawing from wars of aggression.

Iraq and Afghanistan alone have cost about $4 trillion so far. And of our thousands of domestic military bases, 120 of them are more than two miles underground...totally self-contained elite nests as it were, endgame oases, safe havens for when the people wise up.

Imagine even a fraction of our military spending, and black op insurance against the people wising up—imagine it applied to the common good. American military spending exceeds that of the rest of the world combined, and much of the rest of the world pays attention.

When bringing freedom and democracy really means murder and plunder, no amount of PR can hide the blood and oil, except from Americans.

Spokescreature for the elite and legendary ghoul Henry Kissinger wrote recently, "The extraordinary impact of the President-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order. But it defines an opportunity, not a policy. The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution."

Fear, terrorism, economic crisis, proliferation...fear and fear and more fear—don't think when it's so easy just to fear and obey authority. Henry, you're hot. And how exquisitely that heat dovetails with statements of record from fellow inhumanist David Rockefeller, including:

"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

Also, "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." (emphasis added)

And, "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

David and Henry might as well admit that the "economic crisis" has been engineered for much the same reason as the Great Depression: massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the elite. The Federal Reserve confessed to engineering the Great Depression, apologized, said they'd never do it again. This time around there are more "engineers", plus enhancement of the baleful dimension of getting the world to "...march toward a world government".

So what might the New World Order show us? Simply, absolute control of land, sea, space, cyberspace, resources and people by the same elite now grappling with messiness of such as sovereign nations and human rights. They smell the goal line—those who profit from all dimensions of war and destruction; who profit from mangling the biosphere with fossil fuels; who profit from cashing out any hope of a non-reptilian future for humanity; who profit on extinction...those to whom profit, power and control are what life is about. Humanity slashed and burned down to under a billion slaves lorded over by a crust of reptilian supremacy....

Obama is shackled by the same power system that purchased his ascendance. No president dare work outside of the system, cannot effect significant improvement to that enemy of the elite, the common good. But Obama has a gift for inspiring hope. Could his resonance with the people go beyond simple hope, into actual change—in the people? When enough people finally realize that the change they have so hoped for can't happen in this system regardless of who is president, will the collapse of hope create enough energy to leverage people into wising up? Will enough people finally be motivated into recognizing the lies and distractions, indirection and manipulation of the elite's media for what they are? Can Americans learn to ignore what essentially the enemy tells them in favor of what they see, and learn to think for themselves?

That's the sum of any legitimate hope we have of not being herded into oblivion. Can we still rally our minds? That should quickly lead to greater understanding of what is really going on—to what David Rockefeller smugly termed "the bright lights of publicity." That in turn is bound to dish up some serious shock and awe—first, and then, renaissance of intelligence? If we didn't genuinely have the power, why would the elite still be so obsessed with perception management this late in the end game? How much taxpayer money goes toward protecting the elite from the people—just how much of our sweat and blood is used against us, that should send the thoughts flying. All those nests in hell are hideously expensive, would sure buy a lot of health care, and....

Unfortunately, getting Americans to coordinate their collective intelligence into focused power presents a daunting challenge. There have been many factors in the atrophy of independent and penetrating thinking in America. At or near the top...that most successful of federal programs, the intentional dumbing down of Americans—quest for a nation of sheep. Sheer scope of the endeavor is mind numbing.

Inanity and lies, indirection and omission and overt brainwashing of mainstream corporate media—that's just the frosting. The cake is full of lead and mercury, two of the most dangerous neurotoxins around; thanks to coal-fired power plants and many decades of leaded gasoline, both neurotoxins are ALL around. Our foods are spiked with brain-damaging excitotoxins such as aspartame and especially monosodium glutamate (MSG)—which hides under many different names.

It's been revealed that high fructose corn syrup, that ubiquitous sweetener that has largely replaced sugar in the sweetening of America, contains mercury. Nine out of twenty commercial samples tested positive this week.

There's also classified and unpublicized programs the U.S. military is using in its openly-stated goal to "Own the weather by 2025". You know, the "spray boys" and their chemtrails crisscrossing the sky...seeding the atmosphere with particles of metal oxides (aluminum, barium, strontium...). It's just one more soldier in the undeclared War On Thinking, the elite versus everyone else. If there is any way Obama can directly or indirectly inspire Americans to think their way out of the New World Order trap, all the hope we've been seeing could be absolutely justified by Americans themselves being the change.


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Awaken08 February 28, 2009 1:03 pm (Pacific time)

I really hope more people begin to look into this important topic. The majority have absolutely no idea on what is really going on, and when an idea is offered to them they pick it apart and only take in what they beieve might be true even if you've devoted much time into research. No-one can swallow the whole story!! Anyways thankyou for the post!

RGC February 5, 2009 12:27 pm (Pacific time)

RGC: Thanks for pointing out the author's name. We receive numerous submissions from World View News Service and they are not specific: As RGC cited, the original article is posted here:

ChrisJones February 4, 2009 11:18 am (Pacific time)

Wow I bet obama just added another target for the hellfire missiles after this haha.. Very comprehensive inclusive article, I coulda lived without reptilian line though lol. "When enough people finally realize that the change they have so hoped for can't happen in this system regardless of who is president, will the collapse of hope create enough energy to leverage people into wising up? Will enough people finally be motivated into recognizing the lies and distractions, indirection and manipulation of the elite's media for what they are? Can Americans learn to ignore what essentially the enemy tells them in favor of what they see, and learn to think for themselves?" 100% TRUTH right there. AMEN

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