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Dec-17-2008 20:15printcomments

Op Ed: 'Pragmatic Action'
On Education System
Demands Internet Access

"Knowledge Superhighway" is 21st Century necessity.
"Internet Super Highway"

(EUGENE, Ore.) - History records few more “formative moments” than Ike Eisenhower’s most shaping/directing decision to seek for us all benefits of a then-awesome, now nation-spanning superhighway system.

American life has never been the same since that prescient action.

We in America need to guarantee our own formative moment --Obama’s potent opportunity-- will include economical Internet access for all Americans, regardless of geography.

Fast, efficient connection soon, for every/home, every/school, every/child is fundamental in the 21st Century. Phenomenal internationalized learning opportunities never available before are within our ready grasp.

Too many American homes, many classrooms at all levels, are isolated: UN-connected. Others are under-served for rapid access/easy manipulation demanded for modern learning methods.

President-elect Obama recognizes this pragmatic moment for our education system and dangers of too-slow growth in broadband access.

His appointment of Education Secretary Arne Duncan demonstrates deep concern for rapid action, given Congressional support.

Duncan is a veteran of big-city confrontation-and-struggle in Chicago.

He is the ONLY big-city school superintendent to straddle strongly competing educational manifestos from two basic groups, each politically-potent, each seeking attention to THEIR specific views. (For details see Reader’s Note.)

He shares Obama’s understanding that “we must learn from all ardent supporters of widely-varying educational reforms, and build solutions cooperatively.” (Read: “pragmatically”.)

Obama has long been on public record in support of rational, reasonable, rapid development of the greatest modern tool for stronger communications: the Internet. He knows from experience what deprivation of realistic learning resources means in both large-city and isolated rural settings.

Rational rapid funding for education and extended learning resources is among the best investments this nation will ever make.

That’s how to best serve and strengthen our long-recognized most essential “infrastructure”: Learning-youth readying for modern life, for college preparation, for competitive working opportunities --in the 21st Century.

Extended/strengthened learning is the modern superhighway for that new Century; the common-school experience has proven best when well-supported. Learning at that level is now essential for continuing self-empowerment in modern life. Today they are being digitally/delivered in overwhelming volume.

Digital communications has become the area for innovation and impact for action in every entrepreneurial endeavor. Most personal, professional and business actions -- even decision-making-- are now managed via multiplying systems-broad applications.

Education, heart of all forward progress and key to creation of wealth at every level, is no exception. Transformative change must come to learning-plant, process, personnel and product, rapidly.

Many thousands of learning media productions are already in conversion to digital delivery for education; many, many more throng source-lists, from business standards in wide use.

Business and corporate-training media, once heavily a/v-oriented for proven effectiveness and cost-efficiency, have rapidly shifted to digital-delivery.

More new-production and many old-favorites are on the way.

What’s delaying rapid reaction --rational and reasonable after decades of proven values in every other societal area-- across the broad spectrum of education?

It’s the same decades-deep hampering reef of failures by the general public: To understand education needs and methods; the reluctance for costly innovation; ideological distrust from politicians with “economically-conservative” constituents.

That’s the WHY illuminating “high-cost, too-low educational achievement” image in this nation.

Yet we throw massive monies madly at every other less momentous issue, event, and problem; we let ourselves be scammed into repeated wasteful wars. Reality keeps rearing its rough resonances of every kind, at every level, in every way despite outmoded, unworkable views and changing values.

Misinformation by “political noise machine is the foundation for futile fundamental demands on teachers, school boards, state legislatures, even Congress. What is sought is always “More for Less”: Lower funding/costs; fewer teachers;more students per classroom --and always “no frills or fancies”.

“Run education like a business”, they demand. BUT education is NOT assembly-line/production of a standard product, but MUST deal with each learner, each life, as needed and essential. Fail to do so, and see what happens to you as teacher, principal or administrator.

Too frequently, learning media resources, sometimes even textbook/count, is seen as frill or fancy, rather than fundamental to effective teacher/learner interaction.

Most damaging is lack of understanding of WHAT skilled teachers REALLY DO, and HOW they accomplish the feat of group control, while providing individual understandings and attention. Those personal/touches, we know, are what ignite each learner’s full-drive desire-to-learn. (Ask your own kids about their favorite teacher !)

Misunderstandings are really WHY there is constant confrontation between teacher groups and many others eager to support education but basically --and harmfully-- unaware of the many factors involved and unavoidable.

Wherever strong education is found, there those same misunderstandings have been banished --and vanished.

That is WHY teacher effectiveness is the chief bone of contention nationally. New methods, approaches, techniques for assessing teacher achievement is part of the digital decades we cannot avoid. But it is basically misunderstood as “struggle over tenure” rather than “for ecumenical understandings”.

Methods depend on probing examination of real teaching moments to qualify/quantify what skilled teachers achieve every day. (For details see Reader’s Note.)

Then comes the pragmatic test: practice of what we know so well from decades of previous experience. How do people learn, what’s essential to make that possible, and how to put the two together --using all those resources finally consolidated and concentrated and ready to focus on the kids and the classrooms?

Education is a unique enterprise involving so many --and so complex-- human relationships that it can never, ever, become a business operation comparable to most others with which we must deal.

Despite its desperate need for organization and effective operations, what drives the entire unique enterprise is the value-added in the relationship of the teacher to the learner” -- to every learner, each a separate complex personality with unique needs.

“Value-added” is far more than a new buzz-word in educational circles; it is tested research defining teacher effectiveness. A much more prescient approach to the entire problem, based on deeper understandings o learning process and what it demands.

Its success in education, as proven elsewhere in the working world is, please note, innovative digital analysis and management.

So must be what we now do with the inestimable tools, technique,s and total-involvement learning weapons we have in hand with wide, innovative, skillful Internet access to the whole world, for each learner, with the essential guidance of innovative teachers.

We are about to find ourselves returning to rational, reasonable financial operations, under Obama. We have no choice, after current crushing collapse of our fiscal and banking systems, threatening our economy.

We must put an end to “wasting wars”. There MUST come, with probing surveillance, an inevitable “peace dividend”, ending unsustainable cost-levels.

What we do with that huge cost-savings from horrendous wastes of capital and catastrophic losses of our finest and bravest youth is a formative decision.

We cannot neglect to make choices that will mean the most to the nation, now and in the future. The sure and sensible provision of extremely potent educational opportunity for all lies within our grasp now --if we have the wit, wisdom and will to seize it.

-------------- Reader’s Note:
For detailed examination of “value-added” to assess teacher achievement, see The New Yorker (12/15/08): “Most Likely to Succeed” (Annals of Education); Malcolm Gladwell; pp. 36/42. For perspective on broad digital a-v everywhere, see any issue of SOUND & COMMUNICATION magazine, leading industry journal. For background on Arne Duncan, here’s “see with own eyes” link: More background on President Obama’s Internet agenda is Online at the NY Times. Other references from writer’s files; quotes summarized, shortened, condensed; verbatim and list of sources with ID and request to Editor.


Henry Clay Ruark is the one of, if not the most experienced, working reporter in the state of Oregon, and possibly the entire Northwest. Hank has been at it since the 1930's, working as a newspaper staff writer, reporter and photographer for organizations on the east coast like the Bangor Maine Daily News.
Today he writes Op-Ed's for with words that deliver his message with much consideration for the youngest, underprivileged and otherwise unrepresented people.

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Critic December 20, 2008 12:54 pm (Pacific time)

The poster who referenced MSNBC Olberman's opinion should review the below ratings and see just how many people watch him compared to FOX, who regularly have Mr. Bozzel on as a guest. This is a clear example that shows money and ratings are not behind MSNBC's programming agenda, but something else. Ergo, the capitalist system does work for objective reporting and that's why the public votes not only with their dollars, but also their most valuable commodity, their time. Propaganda is easily rooted out, eventually. "In primetime, Fox News was up 41% in total viewers, averaging just over 2 million viewers. In news’ target demographic of 25- to 54-year-olds, the network averaged 502,000 viewers, a gain of 43%. Fox News will finish the year as the most-watched cable news network—for the seventh consecutive year. The network is the No. 3 ranked basic-cable network in primetime, behind USA and ESPN. CNN is ranked 10th and MSNBC is ranked 22nd."

Henry Ruark December 20, 2008 12:05 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Mine 12:26 pm on 18th referred to Bozell reputation re factual treatment of news. Here's "see with own eyes" bit from multi-page Wikipedia rundown used to document that statement: "In his MSNBC news program Countdown with Keith Olbermann, as Olbermann named Bozell the "Worst Person in the World" several times in 2006 and 2007.[12][13][14][15] In response, Bozell posted a press release on the MRC site claiming that Countdown "Preaches Hate Speech".[16]" ----------------- Check WPedia to evaluate with own mind which you will trust: Olberman OR Bozell. Don't miss the Bozell-site declaration it exists to correct (read: control if possible) media reporting on "conservative" political philosophy. That surely makes it one-sided as NON-partisan ref. here.

Henry Ruark December 20, 2008 10:26 am (Pacific time)

To all: Editor Tim reports: "... less than 1% of our comments fail to be approved." Given huge job of review on Comment heavy-traffic here, that compares extremely well with the record of many other national blogs, now noted for UN-civil and very damaging response by too many --and thereby becoming recognized as laughing-stock. It also points up factual characteristic of "good faith" civil response by very large majority of our readership. IF you find yourself on the outside of that fact, perhaps the time has come to take hard look at yourself in the mirror of good-faith conscience. It IS Tim's business, there ARE legal responsibilities, we DO present open, honest and very democratic channel for good faith dialog. Do NOT abuse that privilege, protecting your First/rights, but protect both the channel AND your rights by common sense (read: "responsibility")

new2site December 19, 2008 4:55 pm (Pacific time)

everything I mentioned in the post that was not accepted is true. If you turn off your tv and investigate you will see that every word I wrote comes from even gosh darn mainstream media. I made sure of it before putting in the letters and numbers to prove I am real. This is truly censorship. It would have taken 2 seconds to copy and paste half my comments and make two posts. I am computer literate, and you cant fool me. Too much truth tho huh? Yes it hurts me too.

Editor:  I'm really not sure what you are specifically referring to; please try not to assume too much.  As far as censorship, that's not even a topic here. is a business and we will decide what appears in our pages.  We offer no apology for the comments that do not make the mix.  All comments that pass the initial spam filters are approved by live people.  Having said that, it is important that people are able to express their views and less than 1% of our comments fail to be approved.   

Henry Ruark December 19, 2008 4:08 pm (Pacific time)

PS: You wrote:"That pretty well ackowledges what a national educational systems scientific assessmet purports and what your private assessment is." Right on: Nothing in error there from my side, only from yours. Even if stats accepted as accurate, anyone knowlegeable in education knows enough to interpret them in light of the larger picture of the district and the inevitable situations accompanying activity there. That is precisely what I did, supplemented with check to other sources than yours, on my personal experience there in similar root-circumstances causing current situation. Have you ever done similar, in any situation ? If so, where published, under what name and authority, for what purpose ? Yr credibility hanging in very small remnants, sir, since by your own words you disclose yr own incredible gall in writing as you do, for p/p (forgive !) purposes, but understood.

Henry Ruark December 19, 2008 1:34 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Writing "sandbagging" re Bush impeachment, with implied blame to Demo-side, is again obvious distortion. Major opposition, often concealed and hidden by processes-used, has succeeded in making Demo forced-delays seem most-hampering. Realities in some select sources provide much more accurate picture including then-good reasons for Pelosi "off/table" status-decision. Situation now further complicated due to necessity for national attention on emergency repairs to economy near-fatally damaged by neocon policies since Reagan and the fast approaching national unity demanded always for the arrival of a new President. DO NOT for even a moment think these desperate perpetrators will be allowed to ride off quietly into the sunset, with saddlebags stuffed from book signing...none could ever do saleable book personally ! But that's precisely what this distortion meant-to-do, with some consequences later on the impeachment itself, as well as supplying distorted public record, as in this channel content now on record.

Henry Ruark December 19, 2008 1:09 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Small error changes significant reality: Op Ed runs 150 lines, not 10-as shown. Attack-point re EdSupt. occupies ONLY EIGHT out of 150 lines. Nothing stated is relevant to Op Ed except thin-strained attention-seeking obvious-fact stuff re Chicago education, open to vulnerabilities far beyond what supt. alone can ever conquer, many due to both state and national requirements in both curriculum and funding. That is how distortion is made to work, killing off clear understandings by citizens. This continued tirade is good example, being cited in other national blogs as distortion at work--again !! Wonder who's paying for such national distribution ???

Henry Ruark December 19, 2008 12:26 pm (Pacific time)

PS.: Check of your link for stats shows source surely not impartial, with site-stated objectves classifying its purpose and naming strong advocate for political religion. Bozell rep. repeals any trust in treatment of facts re very complex situation vulnerable, as in any large city, to wide interpretation, simple distortion by choice of points covered and reported. Chicago definitely desperate educationally, but so are all other large cites for same reasons, including DC, where conflict and confusion coming from Supt. superficial action re teacher assessment. Per previous, this not free-fire zone for political pandering. Never note from you national sources bound by journalistic reputations and professional principles, to which we try haard to turn here, with "See with own eyes" link leading to evaluate with own mind. Yrs repeat from source with added hamper of yr formation, with no proven qualifications. Yrs re 8-lines from 10-line Op Ed, shows choice of point,does nothing re content of Op Ed, which is reinforced by other national sources, and others reporting on O'statements re early childhood education, with those advocates endorsing choice of Secty. Yr words carry little weight without credibility data re from whence you cometh, but use of link reveals that main point, once again. You carefully avoid fact of overall Bush-control for last eight years, and preceding since Reagan, when damage done far exceeded any Congressional controls. Example: Over 1,000 "signing statements" obliterating Congress-enacted laws, to provide direct defiance to act he had just signed. You sedulously avoid any direct contact on thin excuse of ID-preference, which proves you need mask for some reason. SO why not start your own channel, set your own rules, subtract anyone rebutting your points, and thus prosper ? That's what you attempting to do here, with "see with own eyes", evaluate with own mind, and on-record qualifications ignored, denigrated and denied as part of your attack. So stick it, sir, you know where...Op Ed and record will stand, regardless.

PS December 19, 2008 11:21 am (Pacific time)

HR you wrote "Re Palast, have found him, to be impeccable journalist. But here have to differ from his assessment, knowing both Chicago, and hopefully, education, too." HR in my below 12:41 PM post I wrote "Department stats 8th graders testing at or above grade level in reading was 17%, while the national average was 29%. In fact the ED. Dept. stats showed that Chicago schools consistently performed "BELOW" the national average in reading, writing and math. 8th grade stats were used above because they best show the kids who had been in school beginning with Duncan's tenure. Expect this data to be used during confirmation hearings, as it should be." That pretty well ackowledges what a national educational systems scientific assessmet purports and what your private assessment is. Respectivly sir, you wrote that "after 40 years of failed neocom policy" that we are what, in this current poor public education situation? I would like to remind you that for 28 years of the last 40, it was a democratic congress that was in the majority, controlling the educational (federal) purse strings. Just like they are now, and what's your take on them sandbagging a Bush impeachment? Thanks for your civil responses, especially to the poster Glen, who certainly shares a similar evaluation of Duncan, as do most informed citizens.

Henry Ruark December 19, 2008 7:48 am (Pacific time)

Glen et al: S-N OP Eds were among first and strongest showing NCLB for what it really is --Bush/cabal move to capture education. Happens that, despite smear-work re Arne, NCLB will be (already is !) target for very heavy rework re your point, while still retaining "accountability" demanded generally. Happens "accountability" is pragmatic tool for tight/work with Congress and opponents. Heavy reliance on standardized tests will give way to much more flexible, rational methods, with "value-added" the major new pattern for teacher achievement --based on full digital-data management after skilled observations --no other way possible,proven method widely in world. Write this on wall, and you can strike me with whole wall if it does not occur, after desperate struggle by those we know who hate learning-psych approach, far beyond their understanding since built on cooperative, affective basic relationship of teacher to any learner. Best of season to you, sir.

Glen December 18, 2008 9:45 pm (Pacific time)

You don't fire teachers because their kids (who happen to live in poverty) don't get high test scores and expect any respect from me. Obama blundered on Duncan. I'll give Obama points for heavily investing in ECE, but still am subtracting points for Arne.

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 8:29 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Didn't mean to sound as if NDEA were my concept and creation. I was first information director for NAVA; Don White, of U/Ga. AV Center, was head man, we had more than 50 others from that many groups. What I did was 12-pp. list of what could be legally bought, tough since ten times that many sources...but we did get the damned law passed, 1st of its kind, and it did change much educational practice. Also brought me back to Oregon, good or bad !!

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 7:17 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Jeez...!! The man ain't even in the WH yet, and here we are, or at least some of us, "all over him and his gang" already !! But his approach encouraging even with allathe static re appts. and "scandals" and et al, et al. For all, suggest take deep breath, but don't hold it...simply sit back, wait a while, and keep fingers fully crossed. Works for most stress situations, can't hurt here. IF failure finally falls on him, it will fall heavily also on US...and we need to do all we can to cut off and clamp down on those whose malign mission now is clearly to deny, defy, delay all possible in Congress, and defeat this chance to advance if we allow it to happen. WE control what WE DO, and we can cut off or control much of what THEY DO, TOO...but not if we squelch and skevtch all even before he gets through that WH-door. Where's allathat "American exceptionalism" we hear about, with its strong, dedicated combined-action, and steady mutual support ??

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 6:14 pm (Pacific time)

n2s: Hope absence has worked its magic, but must note you wrote: "The free internet, and giving it to all, will be an internet that controls their thoughts. Just as TV does now.: THAT works as you suggest only when person chooses channel by own finger-action --so we have strong chance to help him/her learn what and why to watch...if we have wit, wisdom and will to use it. Very strong channels now exist for precisely that effort, on both tv and radion, under weak but working public control now. We need to build further, faster, more furiously, and make sure they work for US, as they were set up to do. That means we need to help control FCC, still working if spasmodically, and the side channels (print and Internet) which can shape, solidify and bring transformative change there, too. SO stop kvetching and get started on your part of that job. You have the insights and the intensity; put it to work now !!

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 6:00 pm (Pacific time)

n2s et al:
Internet, despite alla noise re commercial action to slice and sell, will stay safe due to heavy impact of reforms already under way nationally.
Sorry to disappoint you, friend n2s, but it ain't up to appointees to make change you fear, along with millions of others.
That comes only through hard process with very large impact from many involved interests, already impacting --which is why I make that brave future prediction.
May fall flat on face, but do not doubt it will not be from lack of information, but from interpretation overly shaped by fears expressed by many others.
(Yes, face might be improved by that kind of fall...)
Reporters live/die by what they write --and I'mm still here, so far, this week.
Will bet strengthing action to preserve and protect happens before eroding/damaging impact can crack past interests.
But then "wheels can fall off" at any time, on that or...

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 5:48 pm (Pacific time)

Glen et al: "Rest of story": DC-time came when I joined NAVA from IU, to pursue quest for heavy fed/funds for av. NAVA was commercial av-dealer association, NEA head/editor warned me NOT to "leave education." Happens that Newton Minow, later head of FCC, was then counsel (read: "lawyer") for Encyclopedia Brittannica Films. Another lawyer, named Wayne Morse, was in Senate from Oregon, very cooperative. Minow worked with us, took draft for NDEA av acquisitions to Sen. Morse, who inserted it word for word in the new law. Pragmatic means practical,is sometimes only way to work in politics. National Defense Education Act brought billions in learning media to thousands of schools,with first math, f/lang. and science consultants funded at state level,with av built in. That's true story--may take curse off O's lawyer selection winning high praise from many educators and others. Take heart, friends, and bite hard on patience for now...any formative change takes time and must be, yes, "pragmatic", per heads on Op Ed.

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 5:02 pm (Pacific time)

Glen et al: Checked your Palast link. Did you read the Comments ? If not, suggest you do so. Re Palast, have found him, to be impeccable journalist. But here have to differ from his assessment, knowing both Chicago, and hopefully, education, too. Happens he is critical in some odd spots, not so-much in others, about which I happen to be informed. SO do feel we must be watchful and highly insistent about what is actually done. But do NOT overlook fact that Op Ed has ONLY eight lines re Sec'ty, and that Congress sets up program, shapes and builds it, and funds it, so that is still where the power lies, to which we can address proper action. DO believe Palast et al also heavily hit by interests who want to delay, deny, defeat if possible what Obama is trying to do; don't question his integrity, only his wisdom, which ain't the same thing, and depends, as you know, very heavily on life experience and special training. SO patience, kids...let's be very watchful, then very vocal and impactful. But Internet remains huge potential as Op Ed surely makes clear, not dependent on politics if we do not let it be lost entirely. Given current demands we can expect heavy support for real formative change in education, impossible without Internet developments;moresoon on that. See also Obama-watch on early childhood education, NyT piece shows strong progressive plan. Total picture does not depend on national level nearly so much as on state understanding and determined action there.

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 3:38 pm (Pacific time)

P.S.: Your entire set of malign diatribes refers to ONLY EIGHT lines in my Op Ed running just over 150. SO it can only be nasty neocon copycat comment from national Far Right source for purpose of poltical pander pointedly purporting possible future harm within and because of the Obama administration. Is that not a very peculiar stance for an admitted onetime military officer, with pledged loyalty to the President of this nation ? Have you shifted loyalties elsewhere now ? Do you really now contend you are in support and working to make sure that transformative change is successful, as for sure millions of others will do and are doing ? It seems to me you might well go gaze into the mirror and ask yourself WHY ? That surely is occurring with many readers, and rightfully so in relation to yours fully continuing for some time now in any possible thread where pander-puffability is seen by you to exist. Thank you for participation, sir, but what do you get for your nickel except perhaps malignly-colored/concentrated satisfactions ? B/b-massage may be meaningful to you but waste of time and space for most others.

Glen December 18, 2008 2:32 pm (Pacific time)

Greg Palast, reporter for BBC, has been someone who I've followed closely over the past five or so years. Greg calls 'em like he sees 'em. His take on Duncan: "Today, President-elect Barack Obama stuck it to you. He's chosen Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education. Who? Duncan is most decidedly NOT an educator. He's a lawyer. But Duncan has this extraordinary qualification: He's Obama's pick-up basketball buddy from Hyde Park." Read Greg's complete article at

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 2:07 pm (Pacific time)

P.S.: You may read at 8th grade and above, but miss point entirely here. Op Ed points out what Obama plans to do with Internet, with Secty/ of Ed experienced in Chicago confrontations. That experience is main point, NOT who hates him for what personal reasons, nor even what he did faced with strong ongoing attack which your stuff makes quite clear. Butcher can hardly advise doctor re operation; nor can neocon dedicated to delay, deny, defeat progressive gain of any kind at any level and anywhere ever accept any proof whatsoever of transformative change-coming, esp. after 40 years of failed neocom policy forcing world finance to edge of abyss. SO who says what to whom, from what basis of feeling and understanding, with what real understanding of key issues, is still relevant and even controlling. So again, what bgrnd do you have in learning/teaching ? Mine on record; also did ten years of comparative analysis survey, published in leading media journal; helped write NDEA bringing billions to nationwide school usage in learning media;and had ten years in Oregon Ed. Dept. handling several thousand matching-dollar school projects for learning media. That's after teaching time, with more later taking me to whole spectrum from grades througe college to corporate and agency, and consultant in world's toughest city:Chicago. What's problem with your ID, to make it so sensitive you cannot share ? Shooting off mouth easy to do, but all we know of what you claim comes from that, not on record, not checkable, and surely not helpful for any trusting acceptance here. Esp, when you choose to miss the point entirely for purpose of political pandering. Repeat: S-N channel is not a free-fire zone for that stuff.

new2site December 18, 2008 2:06 pm (Pacific time)

Sometimes, its good for friends to part ways for awhile. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. After this article, I cant even speak anymore for awhile. Obama's picks are ALL for censoring the internet. So, the best way to do this, yeesh, do I even have to continue writing? If you dont get it now, you wont ever. The free internet, and giving it to all, will be an internet that controls their thoughts. Just as TV does now. It is UNBELIEVABLE to me that you dont see this. Perfection from the Hitler/Stalin era. Free internet, but it will be free and only what they allow you to view. I need to go, I am about ready to puke. I was thinking tho today. I have one last question for Henry before I make my exit from responding to OP-ED. When/if, the economic crisis comes, and possible riots etc. Are you going to keep following obama with his fascist agenda, because he is here to SAVE us, and because we NEED it for our safety an security? Just the way George used the 9/11 attacks to put us into tyranny? Or will you, finally THEN, stand up?

PS December 18, 2008 12:41 pm (Pacific time)

Obama's choice for Education Secretary has a poor record in Chicago. For example as per a review of Education Department stats 8th graders testing at or above grade level in reading was 17%, while the national average was 29%. In fact the ED. Dept. stats showed that Chicago schools consistently performed "BELOW" the national average in reading, writing and math. 8th grade stats were used above because they best show the kids who had been in school beginning with Duncan's tenure. Expect this data to be used during confirmation hearings, as it should be. Note: My background in pedagogical adventures is not only extensive but also quite successful. It is not my success that is the issue, but the lack of success by Obama's Education Sec. pick. Please note it does not require a teaching degree coupled with extensive experience to evaluate the above data, just the ability to read at the 8th grade level, which the vast majority of Chicago public school students cannot.

Henry Ruark December 18, 2008 10:44 am (Pacific time)

To all: Same stuff heard for decades re educational organization, operation, and always costs, behind ostensible reasons given. Always from those who have never spent a day, much less a school year, face/face with kids in classroom. D.C. and voucher examples are simple way to move costs for private-profit operations to backs of school patrons. D.C. salaries offered via plan there far above current levels,based on controversial measures of "teacher quality." Teacher struggles via unions propagandized here via solely personal interpretation, so must ask PS: Did you READ the New Yorker ref. ? If so, report why it is you disagree. If you cannot, you distort anyhow. If you did NOT, you then intentionally distort via UNinformation, with no proof except your own words, and without educational experience, I will guarantee. Actions taken under Illinois laws binding superintendent; tenure protects teachers from political attack as here. They sure as hell don't "do it for the money", as in finance, business, corporate. Which are YOU, PS ? Union strength preserves what little left of decent approach to all kids, in commonschool setting promoted by Founders, vs same-interests as in this one and similar. What's YOUR face/face time with kids ? What ed. degree(s) do you hold ? What degree of ANY kind ? Open to check with granting institution(s) ? Why masked-man approach except to hide revealing data sure to unveil motives ? Judgment under exam here after that killing remark re fate of 3 MILLION workers in auto industry: "Can't bail some since can't bail all" -but business/corporate colleagues got billions...

PS December 18, 2008 9:11 am (Pacific time)

Obama's pick is coming under considerable ctiticism, that will unfold early next year. One should remember if this guy is so good, how come Obama's kids were in private schools there? How many of the so-called Chicago political elite have/had their children in public schools? How does Chicago compare to the rest of the nation in terms of performance standards? True this guy closed down low performing schools, but he simply spread the teachers in these failed schools out into other schools. In due time the public will see that this individual has been painfully subordinate to teacher unions, and they have been the chief defenders of incompetent teachers and poor teaching policies. What the public needs is the availability of "vouchers" (Note: Washington DC has been doing this in small increments with superior results), until the public school system can retool, just like our auto manufacturers. This will be a heated debate, but the evidence is beyond any reasonable doubt that we need new leadership in the educational arena. I suggest going to sites that offer a comprehensive comparison of our nations schools, which would include their test results, financial expenditures, student-teacher ratio's, etc. . What you will see is that when you minimize teacher union influence, the students do better, and with far less resources. Please be aware that there is a big difference between "equal opprotunity" and "equal results." The latter approach is what promulgates both lower standards and inculcation that reinforces those lower standards.

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