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Dec-01-2011 17:57printcomments

American Doctors Imprisoned in the Conventional Medical System

The pharmaceutical industry controlled research and medical journals, to the point that the Lancet reported that in 40% of articles on cancer researchers are funded by pharma, the AMA and other groups.

Prison bars
A public outcry is growing louder by the day.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Doctors were once independent practitioners who could get their medical education from a range of medical schools and who attended at homeopathic or other kinds of hospitals.

At the turn of the 20th century, the robber baron Rockefellers got rid of homeopathic hospitals.  This occurred just after the millions of deaths during 1918-19 proved conclusively that homeopathy was curative and safe and the new synthetic drugs like aspirin were a medical disaster.  The Rockefellers used their self-aggrandizing "philanthropy" to take control of medical schools, medical education and medical research from which no word about effective natural cures escaped because organic cures utterly threatened the new investment industry of synthetic drugs and vaccines.

The millions of 1918-19 deaths were triggered by militarily mandated vaccines, and a commercial, government, and medically instigated terror which led to the medical use of and the public purchase of highly toxic aspirin, but those deaths were laid at the door of a non-existent "virulent Spanish flu" to cover up a pharmaceutical industry catastrophe that would have warned the world away from the new synthetics.

Only 25 years later, the Rockefellers bought half interest in IG Farben which put Hitler into office and ran the concentration camps.

"...In Europe at the present time (1943, it is). A crime punishable by death to spread information in regard to nutrition in Norway, Belgium, Holland, and all other conquered countries." 
(D.T. Quigley, MD, Fellow American College of Surgeons, in The National Malnutrition)

Doctors could not get medical training or be licensed without going through the Rockefeller-system of medicine - which meant they were all trained only in drugs. Synthetic drugs/vaccines and conventional medicine became synonymous.  There was no study of nutrition - of the effectiveness of vitamins and minerals and enzymes and herbs to actually cure diseases.  Doctors are left ignorant of cures and how they operate.  Instead, big claims were made for each new drug but unlike with natural remedies which did not harm, synthetic drugs themselves (looking only at anti-depressants) become sources of disease, of spread of disease, of deformities, and even of deaths.  

Thalidamide stands out.  It was a drug for pregnant women that caused horrific birth defects.  After it, laws were put into effect to ensure drugs were tested as safe for humans

The pharmaceutical industry, however, rid itself of that bump in the road by taking control of the FDA itself, and paying for its drug approval process.  The FDA now had a vested financial interest in drug and vaccine approval, and shares patents with the drug companies.  

The US Government gets Kickbacks on ... Vaccine[s] and other Drugs 

The U.S. Government then passes laws to Prevent Lawsuits from the Public

1) The U.S. Government gives tax money to Researchers who can develop a  
   profitable drug or vaccine technology.
The U.S. Government then patents the technology, drug, or vaccine.
3) The U.S. Government then licenses the patent to Pharmaceutical Companies.
4) The U.S. Government then declares the product is "Safe and Effective." 
The U.S. Government then gets a cut of the profits from the drug or vaccine. 
6) The U.S. Government then passes laws that protects these companies from lawsuits. 
7) The U.S. Government then uses TAX DOLLARS to buy drugs for free distribution to
   increase profits for drug company stockholders like John McCain ($25,000,000.00),
   George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld (former Board of Directors for Gilead Sciences
   (TAMIFLU)), ........
8) The U.S Government is involved in RACKETEERING, at the expense of human life, and
   should be treated as any other street corner drug peddler.

The pharmaceutical industry also controlled research and medical journals, to the point that the Lancet reported that in 40% of articles on cancer researchers are funded by pharma, and heavily funded the AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Institute of Medicine.  

It is in this informationally and financially corrupted "medical system," that doctors are trapped and have become the unwitting agents of the pharmaceutical industry, pushing drugs that sicken and kill.  The list is long of drugs and vaccines that doctors, based on news releases from the corrupted AMA, the AAP, and the IOM, have encouraged patients to take that subsequently killed or maimed.  HRT that causes cancer, statins that kill, diabetes meds that cause heart attacks and strokes, bone density drugs that destroy bone density, antidepressants that cause diabetes, adhd (huffington?) drugs that ....  aspirin (and the other NSAIDS like ibuprofen) that routinely kill.  Doctor's prescribing drugs have turned medicine into one of the leading causes of death. Medicine, claiming to heal, has become a leading cause of death.

Meanwhile, natural medicine is healing - now with proof of curing AIDS, cancer, polio, hepatitis, meningitis, diabetes, heart disease, cystic fibrosis, all viruses, toxins, radiation poisoning, pesticide exposure, and more ....  But doctors don't even know about it.

And if a patient brings up natural cures, doctors have been trained in medical school and by press releases from medical associations, to pooh pooh this reality, to even warn patients away, saying such things are a threat to their lives.  For the pharmaceutical industry has insured that false information abounds on the danger of natural cures.  Linus Pauling is a quack!  (The only man ever to win two independent Nobel prizes, with his work showing that vitamin C can cure cancer now known to be true).  Vitamin C is toxic!  (There is no known toxic level for vitamin C - water is more toxic.)  Vitamin E can kill you!  (Only the pharmaceutical industry's synthetic version; the natural version lowers death risk.)  Too many vitamins can kill you!  (The more vitamins you take, the greater your health.)  Sunlight will give you melanoma!  (There is more melanoma in those who do not get a lot of sun exposure.)

The anti-vitamin, anti-natural health messages keep being pumped out, with doctors who know nothing about what is actually curing - it having been thoroughly denied them - becoming the final voice to their patients and the conduit between pharma and patients' wallets.  And as patients get sick from the drugs, the cycle intensifies.  More drugs are prescribed.  And oncologists, the deciding voice about what patients will receive in the most lucrative business on earth, the cancer industry, even profit directly from chemotherapy drugs.

For a doctor who somehow manages to get information beyond the House of Drugs and Mirrors that medicine is now, he or she is still trapped.  The AMA has ensured that there is not even any medical coding for natural treatments.  How can a doctor legally order a treatment that can't be coded?  And in attempting to juggle coding that is there so it might fit, the doctor faces criminal fraud charges.

In some states, a doctor faces losing his license for not giving the enormous load of vaccines now mandated to children, even if the doctor is professionally concerned children could be harmed by them.

According to Barbara Loe Fisher at the National Vaccine Information Center, an organization that does not oppose vaccination, "The death certificates of many babies, who die shortly after vaccination, list Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS as the cause of death, which means that no specific symptoms or other reason for death could be found.11 ....  but most babies dying after DPT shots were not found dead in their cribs without any symptoms before they died. They were dying after suffering plenty of vaccine reaction symptoms within days of their DPT shot, symptoms like high fever; sudden collapse; hours of persistent crying or high pitched screaming with arching of the back that can be a sign of brain inflammation; severe diarrhea; redness, swelling and pain at the injection site and signs of seizures that too many pediatricians were blowing off as unimportant. Other babies, who received several DPT shots, were described by their mothers as suffering a progressive mental and physical deterioration that got worse after each shot before the baby was found dead in the crib."  She says the "inconvenient truth" is that "more full term babies are dying in America." and "[s]everal studies in the 1980s showed an association between infant death and DPT vaccinations.14 15

And there are other reasons for concern.

- Around 1872, with 98% of the population between ages 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, England experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak, with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. (The Hadwen Documents)

- In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940. By 1945, diphtheria cases were

- In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940. By 1945, diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don`t Get Stuck, Hannah Allen)

- In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus, which causes cancer in animals, as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had received these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)

- In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)

- In the UK, between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)

- In the 1970`s a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)

- In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts")

- In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People`s Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn)

- In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)

-The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.

- In the USA, the cost of a single DPT shot had risen from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987. The manufacturers of the vaccine were putting aside $8 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they were paying out to parents of brain damaged children and children who died after vaccination. (The Vine, Issue 7, January 1994, Nambour, Qld)

- In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. (The Lancet, 21/9/91)

- In 1990, a UK survey involving 598 doctors revealed that over 50% of them refused to have the Hepatitis B vaccine despite belonging to the high risk group urged to be vaccinated. (British Med Jnl, 27/1/1990)

- In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus, which causes cancer in animals, as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had received these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)

- In 1967, Ghana was declared measles free by the World Health Organisation after 96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr H Albonico, MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)

- In the UK, between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre, UK)

- In the 1970`s a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. (The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)

- In 1977, Dr Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts")

- In 1978, a survey of 30 States in the US revealed that more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (The People`s Doctor, Dr R Mendelsohn)

- In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)

-The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine.

- In the USA, the cost of a single DPT shot had risen from 11 cents in 1982 to $11.40 in 1987. The manufacturers of the vaccine were putting aside $8 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they were paying out to parents of brain damaged children and children who died after vaccination. (The Vine, Issue 7, January 1994, Nambour, Qld)

- In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage. (The Lancet, 21/9/91)

- In 1990, a UK survey involving 598 doctors revealed that over 50% of them refused to have the Hepatitis B vaccine despite belonging to the high risk group urged to be vaccinated. (British Med Jnl, 27/1/1990)

- In the November 1990 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, an article on measles stated: "Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children." (JAMA, 21/11/90)

- In the USA, from July 1990 to November 1993, the US Food and Drug Administration counted a total of 54,072 adverse reactions following vaccination. The FDA admitted that this number represented only 10% of the real total, because most doctors were refusing to report vaccine injuries. In other words, adverse reactions for this period exceeded half a million! (National Vaccine Information Centre, March 2, 1994)

- In the New England Journal of Medicine, July 1994 issue, a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough, had been fully vaccinated.

- On November 2nd, 2000, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) announced that its members voted at their 57th annual meeting in St Louis to pass a resolution calling for an end to mandatory childhood vaccines. The resolution passed without a single "no" vote. (Report by Michael Devitt)

All this while there is evidence that unvaccinated children are vastly healthier and all the vaccines are contaminated and react in the body as cluster bombs.  And vitamin C is an absolutely viricide so vaccines are essentially obsolete.   After this miraculous IV vitamin C cure (for two diseases, one being cancer) as documented by 60 Minutes in New Zealand, the FDA just banned the manufacturer of IV vitamin C in the US?

An American doctor would be in trouble if they follow their hippocratic oath of "First, do no harm,"  The doctor is forced to do what may in fact be harmful and also may not do what is known to be safe and effective, or they could cease to be allowed to practice.

"Few people realize that in Kentucky, doctors cannot discuss chelation therapy [for heavy metals from the body - "There has never been a scientific study of EDTA chelation that did not show effectiveness"] procedure that ] with their patients or else they are subject to revocation of their license. Indeed, almost all Kentucky physicians who use alternative therapies have been either forced out of state or forced to desist from using alternative therapies, especially chelation therapy, because it “departs from prevailing practice in the State of Kentucky.”

"In other states, pediatricians face the loss of their insurance reimbursements if they fail to vaccinate all their patients" though the US mandates 2-3 times more vaccines than other countries, the US infant mortality has fallen from an embarrassing 12th in the world to 33rd.

A doctor can face jail for offering cancer treatments that are outside of the only cancer regimen allowed in the US - Cut, Poison, Burn, while a doctor with a stunningly effect, gentle natural cure for "incurable" children's brain cancer has faced years of medical authority abuse and FDA efforts to imprison him.  

This is the "medical" prison our doctors are now in, with a medical education that omits what cures, with false information flooding in from corrupt medical associations, with no means to even code for safe, effective natural treatments, with threats of losing their licenses or insurance if they act based on their own considered medical opinion and knowledge of their patients, and even with threats of prison.

"I've heard of cancer politics, but I've never seen anything like this in my entire life.  In fact, I wouldn't believe it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."
"...Everybody's afraid.  Fear is overriding scientific inquiry and the ability to let the audience to make up its mind."
"The whole set-up (NCI-ACS) is a farce and a fraud." - Joseph Gold, MD, Director, Syracuse Cancer Research Institute, March 1981.

"...students were learn about an interminable number of drugs, many...valueless, ...useless, some...harmful."
"...there is less intellectual freedom in the medical course than in almost any other form of professional education in this country." - Harvard Medical School Dean, Dr. David Edsall.

"On April 17, 1952 the Dickinson County, Iowa chapter of the ACS ran a full page ad in ...'The Spirit Lake Beacon', asking society to enter the new field of investigating cancer cure claims.  They cited 4 such 'cures'.  The chapter was expelled from the ACS.  Its chair(woman), Mrs. Roy Tatman, felt compelled to declare: 'We were asked to help conquer cancer.  We tried to do just that.  Has the society (ACS) another motive?'" - Arlin Brown, March of Truth on Cancer.

"The California cancer law places the burden of proof of efficacy and safety of a cancer agent on the proponent...In Sept, 1974, the State of California enacted new legislation which makes a conviction of a 'quackery' charge a felony..., with jail terms of 5 years and fines as high as $10,000." - ACS, Unproven Methods of Cancer Management. - 1976.

Bush, closely tied to the Rockefellers and Pharma, introduced Pandemic laws at the same time he introduced the Patriot Act - both arranging massive violations of Constitutional and human rights, and the pandemic laws creating the structure for forced medical experiments for which the Nazis where infamous.  All the current mandated vaccines contain Polysorbate 80, a sterilizing agent, so a means to covertly sterilize, something the Nazis had experimented on Jewish prisoners to develop at Auschwitz.  The H1N1 Pandemic was fake and the CDC which gets funding from Pharma put out data that was as much as 98% false, put pregnant women first in line for vaccines that caused an extraordinarily high number of miscarriages.  Now the federal government is going to start experimenting on anthrax vaccines for babies and children.

Do American doctors even know what is going on?  

If our doctors do know what is going on, are they able to break free?  Do they have the courage to say no to dangerous drugs and vaccines and to demand the right to treat their patients as they think best for their health?

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