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Aug-08-2011 23:47printcomments

They Want Us to Stop Advocating for Palestine

Sumud - be steadfast, trust your instincts and follow your heart when attacks from within take place[1] .
Israeli soldier stands over a person injured by their weapons, a western person, protected by others. Photo:

(SALEM, Ore.) - No required amount of brain energy is needed to reach this conclusion; that Israel wants all of us who write about their apartheid politics to go away, dry up, disappear. They fear our gritty reports about Palestine that slice right up the middle and expose the guts of the Israeli operation to ethnically cleanse land they have taken and claimed as their own for 63 years.

What government already well known for state terrorism would sit around with its thumb up its back side while brave human beings expose their human rights violations - without doing something about it? Israel has endless resources both governmental and financial and is well known for exploiting those assets in bloody and regrettable ways.

American taxpayers fund Israel to the tune of $4 million a day, while their own economically unravels, but that money doesn't change that fact that there is a stark cultural breakdown between Israel and the U.S. It doesn't matter how many Americans move back and forth between the two places; Israelis have their way and Americans have theirs and when Israel sets out to dazzle us with what they believe is brilliant bullshit, we with our eyes open see through it at light speed. Israel has agents and representatives all over the globe, and they are well entrenched in the so-called Palestinian Liberation movement.

Nobody should be surprised by that, but who are they?

Of course in a game of outright deception, it is very hard to know for sure. Actions speak louder than words, even if the 'actions' are only words.

The first thing to look at is who inside the movement is problematic, and then determine why they have priorities that outweigh the liberation of Palestine. It seems fair to conclude that there are a limited number of reasons.

Certainly many are egomaniacs and that is bad almost always, because everyone in life can't be in charge; each person who wishes to control a situation can not in fact do that. In a successful venture some are leaders and some are followers and in the middle are many individual roles, mostly for the journalists, not so much for the activists aboard a ship headed for Gaza with the clear hope of defeating Israeli military policy for the betterment of their fellow human beings. This is where things get serious.

Israel maintains an illegal blockade or 'siege' of all of Palestine and they have no intention of changing this 'prison policy' for the coastal Gaza Strip.

Some seem to believe that the answer is to simply get in a boat, head for Gaza, and when Israel attacks, killing innocent people who are unarmed, to wait for your bullet. The sad truth is that if no TV cameras record it, and no broadcasters and/or Internet groups carry it, then nobody really even knows about it. Therefore it is key to align these brave acts with media attention or all is in vain, since this a movement that seeks to move small mountains.

Others know media coverage is paramount and history shows time and time again, that TV cameras lead to political change. This group also believes it is correct to approach the situation non-violently, but that anyone in this spot has a right to defend their person and property if Israeli soldiers come storming aboard like pirates, before the ship has even entered Gaza's territorial waters.

It is a bad joke that this should become a centerpiece of division within the movement.

The Gaza 'Freedom Flotilla' ship Mavi Marmara

Many reading this know the particular case at hand; the ship was the Mavi Marmara and the reporter/activist in this movement who defended that ship from Israeli commandos is Ken O'Keefe. In the U.S., he has had more success getting this in front of people than anyone alive except perhaps for Alison Weir, who is a tireless advocate for Palestine. Each of these extremely talented activists has a knack for public exposure and helping people comprehend the intense violence that their tax dollars fund in Israel. A little exposure to a person like Ken O'Keefe can quickly help an American understand that "supporting Israel" is wrong by every possible account.

My message is this: if it walks like a duck....

And there is even a dose of irony in that, because one thing we are unhappy with Ken O'Keefe about, is his reluctance to duck when the Israel soldiers start firing at him. There is a hint of Duvall on a Vietnam beach calling for his 9'6" Yater Spoon (surfboard from scene in film Apocalypse Now) in this person who totally disregards (Not really but so it seems) his own personal safety to bring a light to those who would be hard pressed to define the word, and those are the people of Gaza, eternally shelled and attacked by Israel, every day, while western media only mentions the occasional Gaza 'rocket attack' - which all told have claimed a total of 28 Israeli lives in all history. Some place the number at 14 - you get the point.

Ken O'Keefe before & after Mavi Marmara incident - 9
unarmed activists were killed & many injured by Israeli
soldiers - the UN concluded Israel's acts were war crimes.

Those who attack Ken O'Keefe only hurt Palestine - the people of Gaza specifically; it is a direct connection, and their long hours spent in slander attacks on activists for Palestine like Ken, aid Israel. Ken's indisputable record makes their point a little like saying Gandhi only wanted a following, or Mandela only cared about getting a personal reward...

The slander teams went right to work when Vik Arrigoni was murdered in Gaza last April, spinning all kinds of nefarious lies that belittled this great man and made a mockery of his heroic accomplishments. It was about his sex life, his integrity, his 'real' motives - same as Ken. Not a word of that garbage was true and the people who wrote that terrible drivel about Vik need to be slapped for their arrogant lies that benefit no entity but the Zionist state. I see a pattern.

Dr. M. Dennis Paul has been writing about the attacks on Ken with a degree of refinement that you won't see with me, and I am glad he has that side of it, because the quest is supposed to be in solidarity, united for a common goal of humanity.

I lose track of that, because I see the effectiveness of the slander and note a scattering of belief systems. We all know from George W. Bush and the war on Iraq that if a lie is stated often enough...

Instead of solidarity, I feel increasing anger toward those who seek to deface the character of the world's most articulate, finely tuned freedom fighter.

Ken O'Keefe & Vittorio 'Vik' Arrigoni in Gaza

And I hope all of you Facebook addicts eventually figure out what a negative day that really has led to for all of us. Facebook is a slander machine and it is friendly toward Israeli policy also, do we forget this? So is YouTube, so is Google. They are not against ethnic cleansing, apartheid and Genocide, but we clearly are. Follow your heart, follow the work of movement leaders with integrity like Ken O'Keefe, and when the slander campaigns are raging, remember his concept of TJP, 'Truth Justice Peace' because that is the order it goes in. Let's get the spies out of this movement.

Anna O'Leary in Ireland and others are engaged in gathering more details and it is building a clearer picture of what is taking place. While we can't be sure, we know a few names of those who have led this campaign against Ken and they are well known in the community. I have no idea why I am reluctant to list them, it seems counterproductive, but those who choose to publish the names in comments are welcome to do so. Stay Human - Restiamo Umani.

- Zindabad

[1] 'Could Arab (Palestinian) Staying Power Ultimately Defeat Zionism?' - Alan Hart

Tim King: Editor and Writer Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor. Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines. Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Silver Spoke Award by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (2011), Excellence in Journalism Award by the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (2010), Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), First-place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Tim has several years of experience in network affiliate news TV stations, having worked as a reporter and photographer at NBC, ABC and FOX stations in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon. Tim was a member of the National Press Photographer's Association for several years and is a current member of the Orange County Press Club. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. As News Editor, Tim among other things, is responsible for publishing the original content of 82 writers. He reminds viewers that emails are easily missed and urges those trying to reach him, to please send a second email if the first goes unanswered. You can write to Tim at this address:

Americans for a Stronger Israel

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Anna O'Leary. Ireland. August 15, 2011 6:08 am (Pacific time)

What are Saeb Shaath and Catherine Myles doing with the Convoy ''IN STORAGE'' ? HERE to read allby Anna O'Leary on Saturday, 06 August 2011 at 03:21
Catherine Myles contacted Ken O’Keefe while he was away in Gaza. She, an unemployed barrister, offered to do the things he could not easily accomplish while spending 6 months in Gaza. She proceeded to ''help'' Ken and soon assumed the role of PA (personal assistant) and book-keeper.

During the time Ken O’Keefe was away in Gaza he allowed her to deal with the accounts in the bank and instructed her to pay for the vehicles and register them to Aloha-Palestine, as unlike the contents loaded on the vehicles, these vehicles were to make numerous trips in and out of Gaza. They would take in raw materials so the Palestinians could start manufacturing and exporting their produce. The vehicles were to make many journeys in and out of Gaza, importing and exporting. It was called Trade Not Aid. It was to kick start for their economy which the Israelis killed off by closing all the crossings. The people are forced to depend on donations, but would like to earn their living obviously.

Ken, busy doing what he does best, and trusting Catherine, did not suspect that she had not followed instructions given directly by him. She also ignored express directions from xxx, another fundraiser. Cate Myles fraudulently registered the vehicles to herself.

Catherine Myles and Saeb Shaath went on a fundraiser with Ken O’Keefe around England to collect the items donated for the Samouni family project. They collected all the aid items and then Catherine Myles and Saeb Shaath ( by now working as a team) struck. Myles called the police to arrest Ken for stealing ''her trucks.''

Ken, unaware that the vehicles had not been registered to Aloha Palestine, discovered, only when the police were called by Catherine Myles, that the trucks were registered by Catherine Myles to herself. Ken O’Keefe was not arrested, but Myles and Shaath later issued a joint statement saying he was ''nearly arrested.'' Their statement did not appease the donors, now worried about their donations of monies and aid items for the Samouini family project.

The vehicles are ''in storage'' according to Saeb Shaath and Catherine Myles. They say the convoy will go ''to Gaza.'' Those that donated are anxious and want their monies and items returned because they trusted Ken to get the aid to the correct beneficiaries.. For those that fraudently took the convoy there is little trust, It is easy to sell off the goods or even the vehicles. The purpose was no doubt to sabotage the start of industry/manufacturing in Gaza. It serves only Israel’s interests.

I am not privy to much insider information as Ken was obviously told to say nothing and pursue the legal route. He has made statements but the convoy is no longer in his possession. Unfortunately the Israeli supporters are telling much lies. Lies and misinformation is the Zionist tactic.

When people asked Catherine Myles for their donations to be returned she blocked them on FB so they couldn't ask her again. Those that she did answer she gave vague replies like ''all will go to Gaza’’ and ''everything is in storage.''

I trust Ken O'Keefe, Infiltration by the workers of Zionist ISRAEL is normal.....their purpose is to sabotage the convoy. They have managed it so far as the contents are ''in storage'' while in Gaza the children whose classroom fixtures and teaching equipment is on it suffer huge disappointment ....and they love Ken.

Israel hires people to present the Israeli viewpoint, and your FB friend JAWS (Wescott) was but the warm up act to pave the way for this take over and the character assassination of a dedicated humanitarian aid worker, Ken O'Keefe.

All I tell you I truthfully understand to be the case. I continue to inform those that donated and want to help Gaza. I live in Ireland and my country has had a shared history with Palestine. We want to see Gaza Free and its people treated with respect and taking their rightful place amongst the nations of the Earth.

If America did not fund Israel, and lean on the United Nations, and if true democracy and humanitarian ethics were applied, we'd have Israel at a Hague tribunal for war crimes.

Catherine Myles and Saeb Shaath are still keeping the monies and the vehicles ''in storage''. It will be very interesting to see what they will have to say....for their actions speak louder than words.

COLLI August 10, 2011 5:21 am (Pacific time)

To be as supportive of Israel as our government is, even in light of what they do and have done, should be telling us something. It should be screaming that the World banks that own the politicians who currently run our government are controlled by Israel or by key individuals residing there. A very tight weave exists with more corrupt strands than we can count. No people with a shred of humanity left in them would support what goes on daily between Israel and Palestine. Too many U.S. citizens resist leaving La-La land and the brain constipation it creates! When La-La land dissipates in a puff of smoke, as it someday must, the streets will be full of fools wandering around asking “What happened?”

Manny T August 9, 2011 12:06 pm (Pacific time)

No doubt, keep Ken's reality in front of people, what a stupid suggestion, that he is anything less than dedicated, what is wrong with people?  Oh right, Israel is wrong with people.

JohnWV August 9, 2011 1:32 am (Pacific time)

As did the Jews in 1920s Weimar Germany, Israel and its AIPAC minions have garnered disproportionate media, financial and political control right here in United States. Seems our country, not just Palestine, has been occupied. At horrific cost, Palestine justly and honorably resists, whereas we, like donkeys, serve the Israeli herdsmen. Justice demands resolution just as involuntary, disruptive and humiliating to Israel as Israel has wreaked upon Palestine for generations. Maybe something like UN imposed and enforced return of twice the land seized, including and centered on the actual land seized, eviction of settlers, contiguity and autonomy plus debilitating PUNITIVE REPARATIONS.

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