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Aug-07-2010 02:47printcomments

Grisly Photos Reveal Genocide by Sri Lankan Government Against Tamil People

Peviously banned photos from May 2009 published with this report: they are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, not appropriate for kids.

Photos provided by Muthamizh Vendhan for<br><b>PARENTAL DISCRETION SUGGESTED</B></br>
Photos provided by Muthamizh Vendhan for

(NEW DEHLI) - People from across the globe are condemning the Human Rights violations of the Sri Lankan government, and civilized society is fighting hard to establish a level of justice for the Tamils.

At hand, the killing of too many innocents; war crimes, the ongoing slaughter of journalists, moderates, reformists, artists and others. Having the opposition leader behind bars makes Sri Lanka a criminal and a failed state.

An effort to raise awareness is underway, targeting the President of the United States, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. It is important that this horrible treatment of people is brought to the world's attention.

List of Evidence:

  • People's Permanent Tribunal found Sri Lanka GUILTY of war crimes and Genocide.
  • UN's Human Rights Chief is critical of Lankan government Human Rights records.
  • U.S. Human Rights report accused Lankan rulers for the Human Rights violations.
  • For your reference, I am attaching the supporting evidence of war crimes and Genocide

Peviously banned photos from May 2009 published with this report: they are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, not appropriate for kids.

Hot links:

Banned Chemical Bombs used against Tamils in Sri Lanka:

Colombo's cluster bomb attack on civilians in Vanni challenges international norms:

Rape of Tamil Women: Sri Lankan Army's Weapon of War:

Sri Lanka video 'appears authentic' By Jonathan Miller - Channel 4 News


Petition Text

If this isn't Genocide, War Crime, Then What on Earth is?


Hey everyone,

I wanted to see if I could get your quick help. I just started a petition on titled Srilanka: If this isn't Genocide, War Crime, Then What on Earth is?, and I'd love your support. You can sign the petition in less than 30 seconds by clicking the link below:

People from across the globe are condemning the Human rights violations of Srilankan government. And civilized society is fighting hard to establish the justice to the tamils. Killing of nearly 140,000 innocents, war crimes, ongoing slaughter on the journalists, moderates, reformists, artists and having opposition leader behind the bars make the Srilanka as a criminal and a failed state.

We ask People to sign here to save Human Rights & Justice in Srilanka.

Also Indian Government & Media's Hide this Genocide in India.

Please Forward to your Friends & Relatives.

Top campaigns on get sent out to their entire membership, so together we can really make a difference.

Thanks so much for the help!

Thanks & Regards,

Muthamizh Chennai (India)

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LTTE June 2, 2014 5:29 am (Pacific time)

Check the history of LTTE killings and their crimes. At the end they got the return.that's it. All thanks to Mr.Rajapakse He did the right thing to end the war.

Vishva Kumar March 16, 2014 10:40 pm (Pacific time)

Those are LTTE war crimes. LTTE was who killed Tamil civilians. SL army was targeting LTTE, not Tamil people. It was LTTE who took Tamil people as a human shield, not SL army.

These photos only proves the brutality of LTTE, nothing else..

You wish...

Anonymous April 11, 2013 7:02 am (Pacific time)

Whoever posted these posts is RETARTED!! someone who needs to speak positive things about LTTE why dont u post photos on what Prabakharan did!!! ????? Hw can u say these are done by our government!! why were u there hah? For sure this is done by LTTE i f u dont know about something clearly then stop talking about it!!!!! dONT THINK OTHER PEOPLE ARE bloody stupid crazy people to believe wht ure saying!!!!!!!!!! Weall know evryone is jelous on sri lanka because we totally evaded LTTE and terrosits!! we are the only country who did it successfully~!! so shut ur mouth other people are not dat stupid to believe u!!!1

Anonymous March 16, 2013 1:44 am (Pacific time)

அன்புள்ள தாய் தமிழகத்து உறவுகளுக்கு, எமக்காய் உணவு தவிர்ப்பு போராட்டம் நடத்தும் தாய்த்தமிழகத்து மாணவத்தோழர்களே! இன்று ஈழம் இன அழிப்பின் உச்சக்கட்ட கொடுமைகளை அனுபவித்து வருகிறது ஐந்து நபர்களுக்கு ஒரு இராணுவம் என்ற ரீதியில் ஈழம் முற்றுமுழுதாக சிங்கள இராணுவத்தால் சூழப்பட்டுள்ளது நேர்த்தியாக முறைப்படுத்தப்பட்ட இன அழிப்பு வல்லரசுகளின் வழிகாட்டலில் முழுமையாக நடைபெறுகிறது "நான் அடிக்கிறது போல் அடிக்கிறேன், நீ அழுவது போல் அழு" என்பது போல் சர்வதேசமும் சிங்கள அரசுடன் மறைமுகமாக கைகோர்க்கிறது, இங்கு தினம் தினம் பல இசைப்பிரியாக்களும் பாலச்சந்திரன்களும் சிங்கள இராணுவத்தால் புதைக்கப்படுகிறார்கள் இந்நிலையில் எம்மக்களுக்கு நீதி சொல்ல தமிழகத்தை விட்டால் யாருமில்லை போராட இடம் கூட மறுக்கப்பட்ட நிலையில் எமக்காய் போராடும் எம் இரத்த உறவுகளே லோயலா கல்லூரியில் எழுந்துள்ள இத்தீப்பொறியை தமிழக கல்லூரியில் அனைத்துனுள்ளும் பரப்புங்கள் அன்று முத்துக்கமாரன் எழுப்பிய தீயை அரசியல் அணைத்தது போல் இன்று உங்களுடைய போராட்டத்தை அணைய விடாதீக்கள் சமரங்கள் பல வடிவில் வரும் சோர்ந்து போய் விடாதீர்கள் ஏமாந்து போய் விடாதீர்கள்

SILAMBARASAN March 13, 2013 12:53 pm (Pacific time)

none of the country will be worst like humanity...

SILAMBARASAN March 13, 2013 12:52 pm (Pacific time)

The first Culprit is INDIA.No words ,nothing is tolerable.Very worst hectic issue.Politics wont do anything.They not even honouring their election commitments.No country ll be worst like india.Very worst bad,

d February 4, 2013 3:49 pm (Pacific time)

f***king rajapackes

balaji February 2, 2013 2:44 am (Pacific time)


jana June 15, 2012 9:36 pm (Pacific time)

Watch carefully those pic,if those are because of a bombs, some sort of a dame need to happen to the surroundings of the site as well. pay attention to the ground next to bodies. There is no damaged to even grace on the ground and bunch of bodies on top of another one. Can this happen in a open area, except in side of a bus??. those are pic of innocent tamil civilians, who tried to escape to government controlled areas. They were shoot for dead and burned in public by LTTE to spread fear among the other civilians and use them as a human shield. Escaped innocent tamil civilians confirmed those incidents and pic on many occasions through local media..

Andreea June 8, 2012 3:39 am (Pacific time)

You should not shock to hear that LTTE as a troerrist group because they are troerrist. I want to say that you are covered with a myth. They are not reprsentatives off tamil people. LTTE is destroying all young life and young tamil generation by doing this war. They force children to join this war(I have practical experiences). All people suffer not because of government but of LLTE. Because of this troerrist, lost so many valuable tamil and sinhala life. Prebakaran only think about his power. Can you guarante if prebakaran win this he won,t use his wepons to dominate people. At north east more than 300 000 sinhala and muslim people were displaced and their lands are occupied by LTTE. They have killed so many innocent sinhala and muslim people. Onnce near welikanda, LTTE killed all villagers in a sinhal village. They have killed prengant women and a 2 months child not even shooting but using axes(CUTING). More than 10 000 sinhala people have killed by LTTE. They do not want anything else but ruling power of north.(They already lost east) LTTEs first attack was dore appa one great tamil leader. They not only killed sinhala leaders but so many tamil leaders too. They killed any person who talk against them. People in north fear to talk aginst LTTE if they do so their families and life will go to heven as standing for truth. LTTE and their suppoters lie whloe world. They took advantages of some misleading politicain to gain their power.It doesn't mean all them are same. Solution for this problem is finsh all troerrist and give political solution to tamil people(not to LTTE). I can remember once they kill about 60 buddhist monks at aranthalawa while traveling on a bus. I am dissapointing to mention them as rebels they are truely troerrist,creatures. LTTE must wipe out from sri lanka. All foreign nation should help sri lankan army to finish this war. Any tamil people can go any where of country but not sinhala and muslim people. They can even set foot northen people. LTTE killed so many sinhala people while occuping norhern area.Still they are doing so by bomb blasting at other areas of the country. Tamil people at north suffer o poverty because of LTTE as they don't let goverment to devolop this areas. If they let they surely know not a single people stay with them. what they want is to let people to suffer and take advantage to join troerrist.All must get together to wipe out LTTE and let all inocent tamil people to live free.Proud to be a sri lankan.Yours,Niranjan,(Totaly Sri lankan)

black tiger April 28, 2012 2:29 pm (Pacific time)

rajepaksa dont think too much you will get heart attack your victory shameful we are Tamil will claim victory that will respectful victory. if iwant to kill you i can kill you but yours and your brothers death not that easy you neet to know the need to suffer like tamils because of that you need to be alive when my time come i will rape your son your son wiil enjoy the torture. you mother f*cking rajapakse we dont forget you wait and i am the first LTTE member come to kill you where ever you go i will chase you and f*ck like your friend Gaddafi.

Editor: If you can do it without direct death threats and lessen the number of 'f' words, I would strongly consider publishing an article from you that reveals the way Tamil freedom fighters see this., I want to know the view of the Black Tiger.  Thank you,

bikram goswami. April 27, 2012 12:01 am (Pacific time)

is this the peace process of the government.

tamizhan March 25, 2012 1:41 am (Pacific time)

adingada antha rajabakshey thevudiyaluku porantha thevudiya pulla ipadi thamizh makkala saaga adikuran india ku vandha itha vida kodurama saaga adipom.........mukiyama thamizh naatu pakam vara veanam its warning

Purushotham March 10, 2012 10:09 pm (Pacific time)

Mahinda and wife and Doughter and his told family has to be fucked out form srilank once for ever and they should be brought to KSA and should be anged in Public places .

siva February 22, 2012 1:17 am (Pacific time)

pls think who are we, in the eyes of our creator. try to love each other

Ramdasan January 30, 2012 10:02 am (Pacific time)

What about the pictures of bombs attacts made by tigers. much better u include pictures how innocent children killed those attacks

Editor: Have some?  You seem to think that we do not deplore these acts, we do, there are reasons that have nothing to do with Lanka that this is taking place, they are 'U' and 'K' and please always remember this.

xxx December 19, 2011 7:26 am (Pacific time)

Terrible sinhalise

moohamed ali jinna July 20, 2011 3:21 am (Pacific time)


fern&o,Tuticorin,LionsTown July 18, 2011 11:18 am (Pacific time)

butcher Mahinda to be punished. Independent Tamil Elam to be recognised by all.

Nesen June 24, 2011 2:21 am (Pacific time)

There were a lot small children in that killing field of Sri Lankan-enough proof

jai June 11, 2011 12:11 am (Pacific time)

You , I am pretty sure that defnitly god will punish you for what u have done! for sure each and everyone will pay for it beware!!

kumarmargandeyan May 22, 2011 8:38 pm (Pacific time)


Raja May 21, 2011 5:28 am (Pacific time)

Whole World should punish srilanka and Mahinda for this. BOYCOTT SRILANKA

h.virumandi May 19, 2011 10:01 am (Pacific time)

We have to be united to punish the Srilankan Government.

V ignesh May 1, 2011 1:19 am (Pacific time)

Why do not let international investigation to find who are and who has done this. It is definitely a war crime. Please let the international investigation.

James Ratna. April 29, 2011 8:30 am (Pacific time)

I call upon the Singapore Govt. to hang Rohan Gunaratna for publishing blunt lies about Tamils.He is doing a false propaganda against Tamils all over the world.All lies is acceptabl to Russia and China.The sioialism they propagate is helping the muders to escape and support them for their gains.Srilanka is known for bribing by every means all of them are bribed to speak for Mahinda and his group of liers wrong doders.

Kunam April 29, 2011 4:57 pm (Pacific time)

I have showed the pictures to my 86 years old dad who worked in south part of Srilanka during previous ethnic violence time. He said that he showed more than this pictures by eye when some bad Sinhalese killed Tamils in 1956. It may be true that part of the sin-gale society developed with that mind.We don't have cell phone cameras and internet to see the true pictures in 1956. Only way to find out that from old Tamils who witness 1956 and 1983 riots.

Doraisamy April 29, 2011 7:00 am (Pacific time)

This should not have to mankind.

ketha April 29, 2011 6:03 am (Pacific time)


eelavan April 29, 2011 5:19 am (Pacific time)

these all images are showing the real genocide and war crime done by the bloody srilankan government. UNITED NATION why are u so silent. should do the independant war crime investigation on srilanka, and give justice to Tamils. bloody srilankan government

abraham April 28, 2011 1:35 am (Pacific time)

hi this is entirely genocide

Anonymous April 27, 2011 9:08 am (Pacific time)

Sri Lanka cant hide behind the word terrorist anymore. The world has begun to see the true definition of barbarism. You may even wonder some Sri Lankan will ask how do you proof this happened in Sri Lanka why cant it be Europe or USA. This is their familiar line. We call this Lanka Talk - which is non sense.

raj April 27, 2011 6:11 am (Pacific time)

Final day Nobody can't take even dust from earth. God made World for all must be enjoy nobody own it. Please dont kill even ant also. Fell Everybody god.

Thaya, T April 26, 2011 7:08 pm (Pacific time)

If these are not human rights abuse, then what we call these in this world? What tamils want is an impartial inquiry by an independnet international organization to bring the truth out. Will UN do that?

Nathan April 25, 2011 2:09 pm (Pacific time)

this shows how people get killed and suffer under srilankan terrorist government regime.

kalaivanan killivalavan April 25, 2011 1:22 am (Pacific time)

"I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man."

Carl Marx April 24, 2011 9:29 pm (Pacific time)

Where are you engels?. we should have work for this..what our german people are doing for this?..i can say "this is the war committed by both labour and owner, against the labour and there is absolutely genocide against tamilians". so, the srilankan government should have to give great compensation and the world must give the nation for tamil people immediately..

Karthikeyan April 23, 2011 9:47 pm (Pacific time)

Oh,, God What is this ??? No human can do such kind of activities,, Whom so ever it may be, They should be punished for commiting such a mistake !

win tamil April 23, 2011 3:50 pm (Pacific time)

tamil has to be united in canada and i other western country to to give rajajapakse death sentance

Sam Jabez April 23, 2011 12:39 pm (Pacific time)

srilanka is acting for china and srilankans are going to be looted by chinese

Perumal Thevan April 23, 2011 6:46 am (Pacific time)

I believe these picture can open international community's eye and provide justice to the innocent people's lives.

உணர்வாளன் April 23, 2011 3:47 am (Pacific time)

போர் குற்றங்களில் ஈடுபட்ட சிங்கள ராணுவத்தினரை தூக்கிலிட வேண்டும்..... Blood Sucker Rajapakshe SHUOLD BE HANGED

உணர்வாளன் April 23, 2011 3:45 am (Pacific time)

எங்கள் தமிழனை கொன்றொழித்த சிங்கள காடையர்களை போர் குற்றவாளியாக அறிவித்து தூக்கிலிட வேண்டும்.....

vizhithezhu srithar April 23, 2011 1:00 am (Pacific time)

I declarec srilanka as a genocide country.............

Anil February 23, 2011 9:02 am (Pacific time)

voilance has been the order of the all over the world especially in the undeveloped countries. This is something like a cancer to human body, almost uncurable.

shashank February 19, 2011 12:36 am (Pacific time)

hindus in pakistan,bangladesh,srilanka,malaysia and indonesia and gulf natios are deing killes and harrased..its because we are not united..wefigt amongst ourselves on language and culture..if we get united and throw that italian slut out of centre we will b the strongest power in whole of the region with a hindu nation!!!

carol February 4, 2011 2:28 am (Pacific time)

Criminals not only Srilanka in All over world including india

sarvanan January 27, 2011 6:05 pm (Pacific time)

Atrocious, no Buddhist will do such killings.

Nadarajah Balasubramaniam January 26, 2011 10:54 am (Pacific time)

Before war criminals from Sri lanka, The Three Rajapqakse brothers, Sarath Fonseka and Palitha Kohuhana, the Indian war criminals, Pranab Mukergee, M.K Narayanan, Shiv Shanker Menon and UN Nambier should be marched to the independant war trial. The whole world saw the video on the morning of 19th May, 2009 when the four, MK. Nar., Menon, Mahinda & Gotha were doing genocide victory dance in Colombo."Get set,ready and go for the Vanni Tamils genocide was decided in the UK, when Mahinda met Iraq war criminal Tony Blair in his holiday-home, Chester on 31st Aug,2006, just 14 days after the Chencholai air-bombing, 63 children Tamil girls died.The children wre undergoing first-aid training to save lives from indiscriminate air bombing by the Sri Lanka air force. Victims mostly die of scrapnals entering the bodies and causing bleeding. So lives could be saved by promt first aid of stopping bleeding. This key training was given to those great young ladies.Alegded Criminal Tony Blair wanted to please the dirty Indian govt. and pushed USA also to fall in line and did the genocide.When Chris Patten visited Vanni, the IC  was ready to creat Eelam state and were talking of aid and sea control. So Indian diplomats did the genocide and the benefitiary the Sinhala Budhist Chauvenist Sinhalese. Disgrace to the UK. The birth of Eelam nation will undo the damage done to humanity to a good extent.

Nadarajah Balasubramaniam January 26, 2011 10:15 am (Pacific time)

Before war criminals from Sri lanka, The Three Rajapqakse brothers, Sarath Fonseka and Palitha Kohuhana, the Indian war criminals, Pranab Mukergee, M.K Narayanan, Shiv Shanker Menon and UN Nambier should be marched to the independant war trial. The whole world saw the video on the morning of 19th May, 2009 when the four, MK. Nar., Menon, Mahinda and Gotha were doing genocide victory dance in Colombo."Get set,ready and go for the Vanni Tamils genocide was decided in the UK, when Mahinda met Iraq war criminal Tony Blair in his holiday-home, Chester on 31st Aug,2006, just 14 days after the Chencholai air-bombing, 63 children Tamil girls died.The children wre undergoing first-aid training to save lives from indiscriminate air bombing by the Sri Lanka air force. Victims mostly die of scrapnals entering the bodies and causing bleeding. So lives could be saved by promt first aid of stopping bleeding. This key training was given to those great young ladies.Alegded Criminal Tony Blair wanted to please the dirty Indian govt. and pushed USA also to fall in line and did the genocide.When Chris Patten visited Vanni, the IC was ready to creat Eelam state and were talking of aid and sea control. So Indian diplomats did the genocide and the benefitiary the Sinhala Budhist Chauvenist Sinhalese. Disgrace to the UK. The birth of Eelam nation will undo the damage done to humanity to a good extent. extent

palanikumar January 26, 2011 9:45 am (Pacific time)

criminals not only in srilanka , india , china, ...... t.palanikumar madurai, tamilnadu, india

palanikumar January 26, 2011 9:42 am (Pacific time)

its the truth about genocide and racism in srilankan gov and rajapajja

Chozha Rajan December 11, 2010 5:39 am (Pacific time)

Hello All World. This is right time to divide the Srilanka and give Tamil areas a freedom.

Vincent December 6, 2010 10:17 pm (Pacific time)

God Give to the proper justice to srilanka,

Kannan November 15, 2010 5:11 am (Pacific time)

Hello Manoj what is relation between you and srilanka...Manoj name shows you are north indian...when your country name change as srilanka

manoj November 12, 2010 6:57 am (Pacific time)

We Sri Lankans wanted a country without Terrorists

shahmureed shahwani October 28, 2010 7:38 am (Pacific time)

srilankan and pakistan iran the world bigest terirest pakistan killing baloch and pashtun,iran killing the baloch and kurd peoples srilanka army killing the tamil people the world why silent

sibichander CHENNAI October 25, 2010 5:39 am (Pacific time)


October 25, 2010 5:34 am (Pacific time)


Balasingam October 19, 2010 8:17 pm (Pacific time)

It's goes to both M.Singh and Karunanithi, ballest bastards.

Shreedhar October 13, 2010 11:37 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Singh: I do know you are resilient and a peace loving person. Let me list some of the stuff here. 1. I don't quite understand on point, What do you mean by this: "Dont think you are a Tamil, Muslim or Sinhalese. Think you are just another human being." Let me ask u, where were you when Siks were killed in the streets of delhi, and yet after 2 decades, no one is arrested. I am sorry, we can't be that resilient. Jaagte raho bhai, Chini aaraha hai Arunachal Pradesh thak - on rail. usse yeh sab baat kar le. idhar mat aana saheb. Yeh humare jung hai. Tarn Taran mein kuch panga hai, woh jaake solve kariyo bhaiyya. Secondly, why are you not practicing this with Pakistani fauj / aathankwadis in Kashmir? dartha kyun hai bhai?

Selvaraj Murugaiyan October 13, 2010 10:54 pm (Pacific time)

I was going thro the comments on the following link:

There were horrible pictures of the srilankan genocide of Tamils, posted by Muthamizh vendhan.. Majority of the commenters were Sad, Stunned and Angry...

I found four interesting comments and personalities there - Singh, Dr.Senewiratne, Mohd Niza, Anwerjan and Karma.

Singh and Karma should be from Delhi. Senewiratne from Srilanka and Mohd and Anwerjan probably tamils.

I am reproducing those comments here, and add my comments at the bottom.

Singh August 7, 2010 7:21 pm (Pacific time)

How funny, we received these pics while the war was going. This fellow says these were banned. Ridiculous. These were done by the LTTE itself of their own Tamil people at the final of the war for the people who talked against to them. These were shown in the television of Sri Lanka also. Publisher, how you are going to prove these were done by the government? Now the LTTE residues trying their best to take the revenge. What will you get I ask? At last what will you get? Are you going to live immortal? Don't be stupid, we are not going to live for 1000's of years. Dont think you are a Tamil, Muslim or Sinhalese. Think you are just another human being. Bakavas band kana please! Love peace always!

Though Singh was an "Indian" his comment shows that he was least bothered about a fellow indian's feelings. He went on lashing LTTE and says we are stupids if we mourn for those innocent Tamils or raise our voice against a human disaster. On the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's assasination we in our state are protecting Punjabi's from Congress massacres. Are we stupids??

Dr Brian Senewiratne August 8, 2010 4:10 am (Pacific time)

there seems to be some confusion as to whether what has been going on in the NandE is Genocide of the Tamil people. As I have set out in the dozen dvds I have recorded and distributed, this is not an opinion to be debated. Genocide is defined in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as an "Act committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group". the "part" as far as the Tamil people are concerned, is the part that lives in the North and East. as Ive pointed out in my dvds, the NUMBER of people killed is NOT relevant. it can be 50,500 or as Mr Hitler decided, 6.5 million. It really does not make a damn of difference. If the INTENTION is there backed by ACTS to take this intention to fruition, it is Genocide (by definition). I expalined this carefully to the UN Genocide section in New York when I was last there. There was no argument or dissent from them. just for the record, I am a Sinhalese. my cousin was the last President Chandrika Kumaratunga. None of this matters. The issue is whether or not this is Genocide, which it most certainly is. The fact that the Genocide was not completed and there are still some Tamils left there in the NandE is also irrelevant. That Hitler committed Genocide is beyond doubt, despita the fact that there were quite a few Jews left. Brian Senewiratne Brisbane, Australia

Dr.Senewiratne seems to be a humanitarian and has portrayed the scene in lanka though he was a sinhalese. He is able to understand the whole history, as he must have lived through it, but the above Singh and below Mohammed have no clue on the history and coming out blaming LTTE. Do they understand that the armed struggle of Tamils is an outcome of the srilankan discrimination and oppression and is not a reason for this war??

Mohammed Nizam August 11, 2010 6:25 am (Pacific time)

In my personal opinion, both the sides of the war committed atrocities in equal measure on civil society. But, these should be investigated genuinely by the independent groups with clear and open mind without any prejudice. There should be a punishment mechanism for both parties. Since, one of the party to the crimes has already been eliminated, the judicial process will not bear fruit at the end. So, we identify the crimes in equal terms and let the world know the true picture. Forget about the past although it is very difficult task from the outset. My deepest sympathies to the victims families and friends. Lets, move forward and make bridges of friendship. But try to eliminate the forces which are still trying to subjugate the sri lankans on their ethnicity together. If that does not happen now, the future will be very bleak. September 19, 2010 2:00 pm (Pacific time)

where are you before? sleeping. when ltte killed so many muslims while praying in mosque during night prayer in kattanguddi.ltte vacate thousands of muslims from yazpaanam still they are living as refuge (homeless) did you relay the picture that time no then why know?. the real fact is ltte specially prabakaran the terrorist killed our prime minister (rajiv ghandi with so many innocent people) is dead so you people started to raise your voice. what prabakan was done killing innocent people by bombing the path is following by srilankan. so its just tit for tat. keep all this photo in your album dont relay again

Karma, Delhi, India August 17, 2010 5:15 am (Pacific time)

I thought LTTE is bad..But now i come to know the truth why they raised weapon in their hands...TO SAVE PEOPLE....

Thanks Karma.. Not only karma, many in this United States of India are still thinking that LTTE is very bad, because of the biased media and Rajiv's assasination. But only if we go deep in the history, we will come to know many attrocities being committed by the upper hand to suppress raising dissents.

I always had a good opinion on Muslims, and my many friends are. I always treat them as fellow Tamils now, and earlier fellow Indians, and always fellow human beings. But i doubt if they are reciprocating the same. They are putting their "faith" in the first place to anything and everything. Which means if their god says Jihad, then there is a good chance that i must be converted or eliminated. They are trying to go behind the veil of their "religion" to unite which is very dangerous.

The history in Srilanka is that "Muslims" always stayed as a third force, first and second being the Sinhalese and Tamils. Muslim leaders in Colombo never supported Tamils, though the ordinary people in East and North did speak Tamil and engaged with freedom fighters.

I am not justifying the killings of Muslims too. You have all the rights to go behind the perpetrators and assasinate all those involved. But when srilanka forces are coming in, Raping and Burning, Mutilating and Killing, is it the time to talk about your fucking Mosque??

Today a Tamil Muslim MP from srilanka Khader Ali says that Rajapakse is a very nice man working hard for the Tamil welfare and rehabilitation. He says the "barbed wire fences" are to prevent animals from outside attacking the innocent tamils. So he says Rajapakse is the saviour of Tamils, using "barbed wired fences".

Looking at all these, i am getting very weary. Tamils might get a genaralized opinion against "Muslims" and there is a good chance that Muslims be labelled and kept out of Tamil community.

Is that what you want Anwerjan and Mohammed Nizam and Srilanka MP khader Ali??

dondinesh September 27, 2010 7:41 pm (Pacific time)


shagishna September 21, 2010 7:32 am (Pacific time)

The brutal sinhalese will face the consequences soon.....tamils are suffering so much under the sinhala rule... oh god please save tamils from genocide.

sang lee September 21, 2010 7:25 am (Pacific time)

These pictures show how cruel the sinhalese are.The banned heavy wepons like cluster bombs are used against the innocent tamil civilians by the lankan army.It is very cruel.The tamils are burnt alive.Oh lord save the tamils.

Raju September 21, 2010 6:02 am (Pacific time)

Hello,'t speak about Rajiv Gandhi. He sent Peace Keeping Force to srilanka and played double game in tamils issue. What peace keeping force did. More than 1000 tamil womens rapped. More than 10000 tamils killed by indian peace keeping force. What is answer about this question?...if your mother, sister, wife rapped what will you do? tell me honest answer from heart?...First Study History of Srilanka. Then come to speak with tamils issue. September 19, 2010 2:00 pm (Pacific time)

where are you before? sleeping. when ltte killed so many muslims while praying in mosque during night prayer in kattanguddi.ltte vacate thousands of muslims from yazpaanam still they are living as refuge (homeless) did you relay the picture that time no then why know?. the real fact is ltte specially prabakaran the terrorist killed our prime minister (rajiv ghandi with so many innocent people) is dead so you people started to raise your voice. what prabakan was done killing innocent people by bombing the path is following by srilankan. so its just tit for tat. keep all this photo in your album dont relay again

Ayyadurai September 8, 2010 5:30 am (Pacific time)

Dai Singala stop we are waiting for time...time will change then we will show who is tamilan...

Arun September 8, 2010 5:28 am (Pacific time)

yes Srilanka stop you are not even rights to speak about tamils...We know who is LTTE...they are fighting for Freedom tell me how many tamils in srilankan Army, how many peoples in government job...tell me da...rascal...viewers he say idiots...HRW, International Crisis Group, UN, Amnesty are also idiot?...they are having all evidences about srilankan government and army...

Manoharan September 8, 2010 5:24 am (Pacific time)

Hello SRILANKA Mind your words. even we know to speak Stop your tactable speech. we know who is singalan and srilankan government...Wait for few years you are playing game with day your country destroyed..

SRI LANKA September 8, 2010 1:32 am (Pacific time)

Dear Idiots, this is bulsh*ts, all these pictures showing dead bodies of Genoside LTTE carders who were doing brutel attack to sri lankan innocen people,LTTE has collected thier bodies and burnt together so that they can pictures to cheat the world, thats how they collect money from the world

Editor: Why do people who support genocidal politics, regardless of where on earth they are, almost always attack with foul words?  It is because right leaning money-related crusades are all the same, and they never benefit the common man.  Good luck selling this one, those photographs are legitimate.   

n shankar September 3, 2010 4:06 am (Pacific time)

Srilankan Airforce did this attact by using CHEMICAL, ARTILLERY and CLUSTER Bombs Which are banned through all over world to use. 20 countries (China, india, russia, pakistan. etc) support srilanka to defeat LTTE. Because Srilankan Army and Government don't have Guts to fight single with LTTE..Idiots..Prabha live with polite , deeply confident, knowledgeable and diplomatic. If he live for 24 like Singala arogon government they will trash hole singala people...but not like to do that

Maria August 31, 2010 5:12 am (Pacific time)


SL August 29, 2010 6:34 pm (Pacific time)

PLS do not defend sam. This proofs how Sri Lankan Sinhalese Butchers Kill Tamils Several Times in the past.

Anonymous August 25, 2010 12:57 am (Pacific time)

even single girl ran without dress on road to save her life while viatnam war it was stopped bcause of her run.but nothing has done for our died people while war and also now in ealam.usa and europe done much criminal mistake while war against our tamil people. for keep usa, europe business market in india they made mistake against human rights.

Bala August 24, 2010 2:02 am (Pacific time)

They are Tmil civilians in their home land. SL lives with lies, deceptions and bullies. The tiny Island in Indian Ocean is acting like a Supper Power trying to bully the whole World. It is trying to teach or export inhumane lessons to others.

Krish August 24, 2010 1:55 am (Pacific time)

Tamils are not racist. They didn’t dream of taking arms in their hand, until they were forced to protect their own Tamil civilians from the chauvinist state(after SL govts failing all previous negotiations, agreements, peace protests- in democratic path and imposing systematic genocide against innocent Tamil civilians only because they belong to Tamil race).Tamils thought they can live with the Sinhalese side by side. Fault is Tamil didn’t realised and read the majority Sinhalese mind. From the start the subsequent SL govts’ plotted and worked in every way against the Tamil community. After years of massacres, losses and sufferings, it was known and determined that they can’t live with theSinhalese any more under one Nation.

Christina August 17, 2010 5:27 am (Pacific time)

Srilankans are Human being or what?

Karma, Delhi, India August 17, 2010 5:15 am (Pacific time)

I thought LTTE is bad..But now i come to know the truth why they raised weapon in their hands...TO SAVE PEOPLE....

jenny August 14, 2010 10:59 am (Pacific time)

i hate the srilankan government they r so horrible i fell sorry fo the people

c.parameswaran August 14, 2010 1:49 am (Pacific time)


Guru August 13, 2010 5:43 pm (Pacific time)

Hello Joe Lad - This attack done by air attact, they put cluster bomb, artillery bomb and chemical bomb...that's why no sivilians this was srilankan genocide government used AIR FORCE used and SATELLITE INFORMATION getting from india, china, and other countries....Everyone know...We have proof for AIR ATTACT VIDEO...Srilankan Genocide Govt. and "CHEMICAL Rajapakse killed own country people because they speak tamil langugage

Joe Lad August 13, 2010 2:59 pm (Pacific time)

The absence of a single Sri Lankan soldier or vehicle and the presence of Tamil civilians, shows that this was not Sri Lankan Govt held territory at the time.- The most erudite intelligence baffles me. If these pictures were taken in the presence of any security personnel then the photo catcher would be dead meat. That is why on the government side, there was a no-go zone for international media unlike in similar war situation.

Joe Lad August 13, 2010 2:48 pm (Pacific time)

How do you know if these were not terrorists who died during the war? Good question. That is why the world wants to find out but the govt. flatly refuses because it wants to hide something nobody knew at that time because of news black out but evidence of skeletons in the cupboard are slowly but surely emerging.

Sivabalan August 13, 2010 6:59 am (Pacific time)

Hello singala's here after your tricks, magic, statesmanship won't get succeed... Wait and see

Ruben.. August 13, 2010 5:40 am (Pacific time)

These are horrible pictures... No matter who these are, this shows the failure of humanity. The victims deserve justice and we must ensure that.

Ravi Singapore August 12, 2010 10:27 pm (Pacific time)

The serious violation of human rights leading to killings of thousands of Tamils in Sri Lanka was not confined to the actions of the Sri Lankan security forces above. While the direct perpetrators were the decision makers in the government and military circles, however, such an untold violence would not have taken place without the concurrence of the political leaders in India.

Ravi Singapore August 12, 2010 10:25 pm (Pacific time)

As Prof Ramasamy said There is an urgent need to investigate the role of India’s Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, the leader of the present ruling Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi, the Minister of Home Affaris, Chidambaram and not the least the dubious role of the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidhi. According to some eyewitnesses, large-scale massacre took place after Karunanidhi had duped the Tamils to come out of their hiding by asserting that the Sri Lanka Army would not fire at them.

Kathirava August 12, 2010 5:32 am (Pacific time)

Great Gandhi Country, Democracy Country, Non-violence congress leaders are why in silence?.....

Kathirava August 12, 2010 5:24 am (Pacific time)

Great Gandhi Country, Democracy Country, Non-violence congress leaders are why in silence?.....

Indian August 11, 2010 8:27 pm (Pacific time)

War crime investigation should start from India...they are the one hiding under the table.

Lokku Banda August 11, 2010 9:23 am (Pacific time)

I thing these are the pictures of Sinhalase girls who were forcibly smuggled and raped and killed by Sri Lankan Army and thrown in Anuradhapura.... because the pictures shows obviously it is in Sri Lankas North and the bodies confirm most of them are girls. Sri Lanka supplying thousands of young Girls from Sinhala and Tamil communities to use for sexual appettite of Sri Lankan Army.....

Emily Weerakoon August 11, 2010 9:16 am (Pacific time)

Sri Lankans under bad leadership like Rajapakshe did a unforgettable mistake to Tamils killing thousands of innocent People and forcibly took Thousands of young Sinhalase boys in the war to use against LTTE. Sri Lankan governmenr did two crimes at a time. First it killed thousands of Tamils in Wanni by bombing from air, no one in the worl would use Aerial bombing for a civil war in a tiny territory and it forcibly took innocent village Sinhalase boys in its army and killed them during the war. We Sri Lankans wont forgive a man like him... Their family can't rule like dictatorship ever and their family cannot smuggle our money and create more problem between Tamil brothers and Sinhalase.

Mohammed Nizam August 11, 2010 6:25 am (Pacific time)

In my personal opinion, both the sides of the war committed atrocities in equal measure on civil society. But, these should be investigated genuinely by the independent groups with clear and open mind without any prejudice. There should be a punishment mechanism for both parties. Since, one of the party to the crimes has already been eliminated, the judicial process will not bear fruit at the end. So, we identify the crimes in equal terms and let the world know the true picture. Forget about the past although it is very difficult task from the outset. My deepest sympathies to the victims families and friends. Lets, move forward and make bridges of friendship. But try to eliminate the forces which are still trying to subjugate the sri lankans on their ethnicity together. If that does not happen now, the future will be very bleak.

Rajan August 11, 2010 2:59 am (Pacific time)

Horrible, atrocious! still some cracks ask for proof for this if the SL forces committed these warcrimes. What proof do the need for these atrocities. If their wife or mother or daughter is raped or mutilated, will they ask for proof? idiots.

Ramesh August 11, 2010 12:36 am (Pacific time)

Srilankan Airforce did this attact by using CHEMICAL, ARTILLERY and CLUSTER Bombs Which are banned through all over world to use. 20 countries (China, india, russia, pakistan. etc) support srilanka to defeat LTTE. Because Srilankan Army and Government don't have Guts to fight single with LTTE..Idiots..Prabha live with polite , deeply confident, knowledgeable and diplomatic. If he live for 24 like Singala arogon government they will trash hole singala people...but not like to do that...

Geetha August 11, 2010 12:18 am (Pacific time)

Hello True comment...Mind your word..idiot..Srilankan "GENOCIDE" Government and "CHEMICAL" Rajapakse and Co. destroyed big ethnic tamil community...***If they taken step to destroy the singala people that's it...But they like to live singala people with FREEDOM and DIGNITY...That is their only Aim...I am asking you one thing. How many Tamils in Srilankan Army...None..How many tamils in Government Job in %...Can you show atleast one singala women has rapped or misbehaviour by LTTE or Tamils. Did they killed singala innocent people?..They fight against with only Srilankan Army and Government..

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka August 10, 2010 9:28 pm (Pacific time)

THINK, folks! The absence of a single Sri Lankan soldier or vehicle and the presence of Tamil civilians, shows that this was not Sri Lankan Govt held territory at the time.

Trucomment August 10, 2010 8:08 pm (Pacific time)

LTTE's atrocities against civilians, including, the Muslims of Jaffna have been well documented. The pictures could be the victims of the LTTE. Strangely, there isn't even a single image of a member of the SL armed forces in any of the pictures.

Siva August 10, 2010 11:24 am (Pacific time)

The government will say these bodies are casualties of war. the pictures on their own don't prove a genocide. How to PROVE there is 'intention' - that is the problem.The govt banned international aid organisations from the are before bombing the people. International idiots gave them arms and ammunitions to do it. How can anyone get any justice from the 'international idiots'? Tamil people never thought, outside world would watch silently while, not 20, not 200, not 2000, but 20,000 people being bombed to their death within two months! It has happened before in Germany Rwanda, Bosnia, etc. It will happen again. Idiots will still support the governmaent and write comments like 'what is the proof?' sitting in their comfort zones. This is the real world disgusting side of human beings.

oregon girl August 9, 2010 2:39 pm (Pacific time)


Karuppen August 9, 2010 7:55 am (Pacific time)

Contours of peace and its deceptive shadow of self-delusion in Sri Lanka Holistic approach to our perception ________________________________________ What we see in life depends on where we are. Our angular position is changed; we experience something different from the pervious perception. The position we are in decides what we see and experience in life. Everything we experience in life is not static. Our experience in relation to our perception of ideas about the outside world is fluid and mutable. Mutability is deceptive and it deceives both our intellect and wisdom. Nothing is static in the cosmic world. The laws of Chaos rule the cosmic world. It is our independent intellect gathered from absolute wisdom that helps us seek harmony in the challenging waters of politics. It is true in politics too. In politics there are no permanent friends or enemies. It is only the situation that creates this illusory perception. Nomenclature of tertiary experience _________________________________________ A crime is a commission of act that deviates from the established norms of statutes of peace, harmony and good relationship between individuals or societies in a country or global politics. The island nation Sri Lanka, under the rule of President Mahinda Rajapakse, has painfully gone astray from the established norms of national and international laws that guarantee the security of human rights and decent living of citizens of Sri Lanka. A power cartel called Sri Lankan government comprising hardcore criminals in power today, the country Sri Lanka has topped the list of unlawful, undemocratic and anarchic countries in the world. In the absence of the law and order in the national politics to protect the citizens, Sri Lanka witnesses today cruel murders of the unwanted, abduction of suspect Tamils and minorities for ransom money, increased raping of the Tamil women by the armed forces and Sinhalese gangs, issuance of threat orders to politicians and journalists for their voice over independent views, suppression and gradual elimination of time-honoured ethnic Tamil culture and language, forceful eviction of Tamil property owners and the ensuing encroachment of their lands by Sinhalese in previously Tamil occupied properties and wanton vandalism of Tamil cultural monuments in Tamil provinces. Holy religion Buddhism and its role in society ____________________________________________________ Today in Sri Lanka the poison that saps the vitality of the nation is the religion Buddhism. Religion is never a problem to the society in which it is practised. But one’s own idea about religion creates problems in a society. Today in Sri Lanka a religious elite called Mahasanga, comprising hardcore Buddhists bent on recalcitrance towards the minorities, churn out racial political views to ripple social unrest and distrust of the minorities. This capsule of violence called Buddhism in Sri Lanka, in sharp difference to peace-loving Buddhism practised around the world, is the source of racial animosity between the two major societies, the Sinhalese and the Tamils. Unless the induction of religion into politics is discouraged and totally banned from politics, Sri Lankan politics is going to see more and more racial violence in the national politics. The Lord Buddha was lucky enough in a sense even not to witness the shame his religious ideas are misused to create social unrest and the Buddhist followers are misled to believe in the idea of secularism and violence. It is a shame to admit here that Buddhism is exploited beyond its relief to the very marrow of its existence by the Sinhalese power hungry politicians whose minds are festooned with ideas of corruption, violence, vendetta, and all sorts of social stigmata. One of the six holy religions of the world, Buddhism has lost its glamour and gravity of spirituality in Sri Lanka. Will it ever assert its path of righteousness in future to the social harmony and its true purpose of enlightenment? Buddhism is undoubtedly a hold religion that practises non-violence and social harmony with others. Power bodies in Sri Lanka ______________________________ The Legislative body in Sri Lanka has superseded the functions of the Executive and the Judiciary. With a total dysfunction of the both, the barren land called Sri Lanka has become a killing field of its citizens fostering ideas of independent homeland for them. Blood-thirsty criminals in positions of power today in Sri Lanka seek ways and means to quench their thirst for revenge and vendetta. Dysfunctional UN ____________________ With UN independent war crime panel already in place and the inquiry still to be initiated, Sri Lanka now orchestrates soft music with its war time abettors India, China, Russia and Pakistan to muffle the outcry for UN war crime inquiry. Anathema to UN politics in the past, the UN today under the helm of the UN Secretary General Mr Ban ki Moon has experienced a total collapse of administrative abilities and competitive exhibition of UN power vested in its power body under the UN Constitution. The UN Secretary General Mr Ban ki Moon failed to implement measures in time to prevent the massacre of more than 40,000 innocent Tamils before the war on terrorism in 2009. Strictly speaking in terms of legality and its endowment in the application to nomenclature, Mr Ban ki Moon is a collaborator in the war crime committed by the Sri Lankan government. He should stand trial for his tacit approval of massacre of innocent Tamils. Will the collective democratic nations in power today adopt a feasible political map for indicting the UN Secretary General Mr Ban ki Moon for his failure of not having been in the front to deter Tamil massacre by the Sri Lankan army in the war waged by the Sri Lankan government in 2009? The UN, formed immediately after the Second World War, can not sit there to witness political cruelties committed by a power bloc against the unarmed and innocent civilians of a country by its own government. Commission of a forbidden act or failure of performance of a necessary act required maintaining of social and international peace and order is a serious crime. It constitutes a culpable crime. It is time democratically powerful western nations adopt measures comparable to the birth of Kosovo in the case of Sri Lanka. Without hiding their hypostatic faces behind their ‘you first’ politics, the western democratic nations should come forward to install the pillars of democracy and independent functions of the law and order in Sri Lanka. Role of KP, former hardcore LTTE arms procurer ________________________________________________________ With KP, a hardcore LTTE arms procurer now in Sri Lankan custody, news is around the world that he has already been groomed to work with the Sri Lankan government to explore ways of reconciliation with the government to install peace in Sri Lanka. A question often asked by Tamil Diaspora is whether he is going to actively engage himself to disband LTTE hardcore Diaspora and deplete the funds so far saved in numerous unidentified numbered foreign accounts. The veracity of the news is still to be confirmed because Sri Lankan government is deeply engaged in hi-tech propaganda. Taking everything at its face value will blind one’s curiosity of seeking truth in life. Here one should guard oneself against wilful thinking. Hardcore criminals in power today in Sri Lanka _______________________________________________________ One has at this stage separate two issues about Sri Lankan politics. There are two categories to identify in relation to the present dysfunctional political situation in Sri Lanka. The first is the hardcore criminals in power today in Sri Lankan politics. Their motive is to bring the country into deep racial and economic disasters by churning out extreme racial violence against the minorities. The other issue is all about the peace-loving Sinhalese. Whatever the situations the hardcore criminals in power create, the peace-loving Sinhalese in Sri Lanka and abroad deserve our respect and friendship. These peace-loving Sinhalese have nothing to do with the callous selective policy of hardcore criminals in power today in Sri Lanka. Independent democratic voice ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________ Sri Lanka needs now an independent voice to install democracy on its soil without the war collusion countries India, China, Russia and Pakistan. India, always a major block to any peace moves in Sri Lanka, has to distance itself from Sri Lankan politics. Already blood-tainted in the massacre of over 40.000 innocent Tamils by an indirect support of the war on terrorism, as depicted, India has not only marred its grand stature of one of the greatest democratic countries in the world but also crawls under the spell of its sins committed by its war time collusion with the Sri Lankan government. Unlike other war time abettors Russia, China, Pakistan and minor countries, India caves in under a shameful blame because it betrayed its indigenous 70,000,000 million Tamils. How would have the father of Indian non-violence Mahatma Gandhi assimilated India’s hypocrisy if he had lived today? There is no answer to this question. Independent homeland for Tamils in Sri Lanka ______________________________________________________ Any idea in the mind remains as an idea unless the person who fosters the idea gives it the life energy to mobilize it. What is today not possible may prove possible and in simple terms a reality tomorrow if we learn the disciplines of pushing the barriers we have erected for ourselves. We all live under the same sky, but our horizon is different. There is a possibility that the UN independent inquiry into the final stages of Sri Lankan war on unarmed and innocent Tamils could pave the way for the UN referendum to the birth of a piece of land with sovereignty for Sri Lankan Tamils. If it is not possible today, it may not be impossible tomorrow. Justice for war crimes _________________________ The UN independent inquiry should be initiated without any further delay. The findings in the inquiry should bring the hardcore criminals in power today in Sri Lankan politics before the Independent War Crime Court to face charges. The verdict on Sri Lanka should be deterrence to state terrorism in other war monger nations. Human life is very precious and the tenets of its holiness are enshrined in the way it is lived through.

David Joseph August 9, 2010 6:33 am (Pacific time)

Your comment is ridiculous. In the court of law the burden of proof is on the accuser (The State) and not on the accused. In this case people in their tens of thousands have been killed indiscriminately in cold blood, without any charge or trial. Now Sam wants the rest of the world to proof that those killed were not armed insurgents. That full-pregnant mother must also be a terrorist. The baby, killed in the womb, must also be a terrorist - by association. You, sir, are ignorant by choice, to what you are saying, in terms of law. You are pathetically desperate attempt to defend the indefensible.

antony joseph August 9, 2010 1:59 am (Pacific time)

I believe in retribution. Surely the perpetrators will experience it in their lifetime.

Thiru August 9, 2010 12:26 am (Pacific time)

Julie August 8, 2010 11:45 pm (Pacific time)

Horrible Where is world leaders and United Nations. What Gandhi country is doing?

Geetha August 8, 2010 11:38 pm (Pacific time)

Hello Singala Peoples "Truth" is like "Oil" definetly it will come up...LTTE never raped singala women...World accept LTTE's Character and Attitude is good. But still Srilankan Army is using rape as weapon of war. Even they saved and treat good singala soldiers. Mind it

annoj August 8, 2010 6:22 pm (Pacific time)

terrible what humans can do to eachother. i hope the tamils of sri lanka get justice

Dr Brian Senewiratne August 8, 2010 4:10 am (Pacific time)

there seems to be some confusion as to whether what has been going on in the NandE is Genocide of the Tamil people. As I have set out in the dozen dvds I have recorded and distributed, this is not an opinion to be debated. Genocide is defined in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as an "Act committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group". the "part" as far as the Tamil people are concerned, is the part that lives in the North and East. as Ive pointed out in my dvds, the NUMBER of people killed is NOT relevant. it can be 50,500 or as Mr Hitler decided, 6.5 million. It really does not make a damn of difference. If the INTENTION is there backed by ACTS to take this intention to fruition, it is Genocide (by definition). I expalined this carefully to the UN Genocide section in New York when I was last there. There was no argument or dissent from them. just for the record, I am a Sinhalese. my cousin was the last President Chandrika Kumaratunga. None of this matters. The issue is whether or not this is Genocide, which it most certainly is. The fact that the Genocide was not completed and there are still some Tamils left there in the NandE is also irrelevant. That Hitler committed Genocide is beyond doubt, despita the fact that there were quite a few Jews left. Brian Senewiratne Brisbane, Australia

Mereno August 8, 2010 3:37 am (Pacific time)

So much of incriminating evidence and the world leaders are fools to believe what the prezsident od the genocidal regime is saying that he did not hurt even one civilian. The Tamils will never forgive the Sinhalese and will also not forget the international community for turning a blind eye on our people. Shame on the leaders of USA also for being the president of US during this point of time.

vssubramaniam August 8, 2010 3:07 am (Pacific time)

The Elders and others have spoken and the response as customary is Sri Lankan sub-human abuse that would also not spare even the most respected Desmond Tutu. How would this crowd respond to the equally frank and courageous words (‘So what Asia saw was ethnic cleansing’ in Tom Plates - Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew)’ of another distinguished elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew. For readers wearied by much of the recycled stuff written on the Sri Lankan Tamil issue the media release of ‘The Elders’ of 3 August 2010 is most refreshing. The media release invited deep appreciation and heaps of these would have reached 'the Elders' by now. Humanity has to ignore the customary SL abuse and stand up for justice for victims anywhere and everywhere in the world. Genocide and ethnic cleansing on SL's scale is unprecedented though it produced spectacular results most pleasing to the base Buddhist Sinhala instincts. Over 50 per cent of the Tamils ethnic cleansed out of Sri Lanka over six decades as refugees, war casualties and in extra judicial killings in post Tamil militancy SL are now witnessing the last phase of SL's ethnic cleansing in the active building of permanent military bases for the SL armed forces evicting Tamil owners from their Tamil homes in the North leaving them to languish in the notorious Vanni camps where the liberated (!) Tamils SL were herded into for long term detention behind barb wire fences and squalid conditions. Only the voices of a Desmond Tutu or a Lee Kuan Yew would provide the stimulus for the international community to act and for the UN to hold SL accountable for these 'crimes' and for justice to be done to the Tamils globally.

Truth August 8, 2010 1:19 am (Pacific time)

Another pathetic attempt by the Tamil Tiger remnants to distor the facts. These photos were published on the following webpage over a year ago: They were no doubt copied from there and supplemented by fabricated background information on this page.

Natalie August 7, 2010 10:32 pm (Pacific time)

Pics are really sending chills down my spine, whether those are Shri Lankan or Tamil people. But why do those bystanders look unmoved? Looks like it's just another road attraction for them. I don't mean to be insensitive, but is it cultural or something?

Raj August 7, 2010 9:33 pm (Pacific time)

Allow International Monitors and UN FORCES in TAMIL AREAS> Then all the Truth will come out from the FEARFUL Civilians under Sinhala Army Control The Tamil people have suffered a lot. It is right time UN divide the Island and give Tamil areas a freedom

Osotan; August 7, 2010 8:35 pm (Pacific time)

God Damn it!! People Damn it!!
Has the f*cking world learned nothing? A friend told me once that it took two million years of eveloution for man to learn to make tools from stone. I believe him now. The entire show is being run by madness. I heard rumors about this just due proximety in my travels.,but now the photo's speak for themselves."the heart of man is wicked above all things".

Singh August 7, 2010 7:21 pm (Pacific time)

How funny, we received these pics while the war was going. This fellow says these were banned. Ridiculous. These were done by the LTTE itself of their own Tamil people at the final of the war for the people who talked against to them. These were shown in the television of Sri Lanka also. Publisher, how you are going to prove these were done by the government? Now the LTTE residues trying their best to take the revenge. What will you get I ask? At last what will you get? Are you going to live immortal? Don't be stupid, we are not going to live for 1000's of years. Dont think you are a Tamil, Muslim or Sinhalese. Think you are just another human being. Bakavas band kana please! Love peace always!

JK August 7, 2010 2:47 pm (Pacific time)

Horrible. No matter who these are, this shows the failure of humanity. The victims deserve justice and we must ensure that.

SHAN August 7, 2010 2:31 pm (Pacific time)


shan nalliah August 7, 2010 2:28 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for telling the truth about genocide and racism!

Wilson Thilakaratna August 7, 2010 1:36 pm (Pacific time)

How does the publisher prove that these photos are from Sri Lanka and genocide of the government of Sri Lanka.Rubbish!

raj August 7, 2010 9:11 am (Pacific time)

criminals not only in srilanka , india , china, ......

Sam Lank August 7, 2010 6:28 am (Pacific time)

How do you know if these were not terrorists who died during the war? As UN, US and FBI reported, LTTE thugs were forcibly arming kids and civilians and sent to war front. Where is the evidence that these were 100% innocent civilans who did not carry arms willingly or unwillingly?

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley