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Aug-01-2011 14:40printcommentsVideo

Drugged up on Milk

If you love your milk, you don't have to give it up -- just make a permanent switch to farm-fresh organic raw milk.


(SEATTLE) - If there's anything more tainted than a glass of water, it's store-bought milk.

The pasteurization process that's supposed to make milk "safe" robs it of all nutrition while doing zilch to break down all the drugs, hormones and other chemicals secretly (and illegally) given to dairy cows.

And believe me, those things are in your milk -- the only reason it's not common knowledge is that we don't actually test for most of them.

Researchers in Europe stepped in where governments have failed and ran their own tests on samples of goat, cow and even human breast milk -- and of the three, they found that "wholesome" moo juice was packed with the most drugs and hormones.

They found painkillers, antibiotics, steroids, sex hormones, anti-malaria meds and more, and wrote in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that up to 20 different contaminants can be floating around inside a single glass of milk.

Think that can't possibly be true here, in the good old U.S. of dAiry? Think again: The FDA tried to pull some very limited milk samples for extra tests earlier this year, and the dairy industry practically started a riot.

You've got to wonder what they're so afraid of.

Needless to say, no milk was tested -- and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

But I don't need a test result to know our milk is filthy. Just look at the facts: Dairy cows eventually become hamburger... and drugs banned from milk have been turning up in that dairy hamburger.

How'd they get in there? Give you one guess -- but since farmers know that milk isn't actually tested for those banned drugs, they're confident they can break a few rules along the way and no one will ever know.

But now you know.

If you love your milk, you don't have to give it up -- just make a permanent switch to farm-fresh organic raw milk. Search online or call a local dairy farm to find out how.

Milking this for all it's worth.

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Jan Steinman November 27, 2011 3:44 pm (Pacific time)

Adrien wrote: "Humans are the only animal that drinks the milk of another species. There is nothing natural about that." Okay, humans are the only animal that writes poetry, listens to voices of dead people or people thousands of miles away, drives cars, or flies planes. Truth is, we do all these things -- including drink milk from dairy ruminants -- because we're smart enough to figure out how! Most omnivores go crazy over the milk from another species. Or have you never seen a house cat lap up cow milk? They just aren't SMART enough to assure themselves a steady supply -- or to write poetry, listen to the radio, or drive or fly. So what's your point? I'll listen to you when you give up all the other things that humans do that no other animal does.

A/V Club August 9, 2011 10:03 am (Pacific time)

Brilliant writing - Blast an industry giving absolutely no hard facts or references to trustworthy studies and/or sources anywhere in the article. You sound as credible as the tabloids at the checkout line and you boast with the same unfounded enthusiasm. If you want to make a case, you'll need more than 'Dr.' in your title to be taken seriously. Furthermore, simply calling out anyone who challenges you as part of the government does nothing to back your case. Try supporting it the same way you supposedly got ‘M.D.’ in your title: by doing some research, citing sources and step away from your sensationalist tactics …or maybe I’m out of line and this was this originally written for The Onion. If that’s the case then HILARIOUS! Keep up the good work.

Melody D. August 8, 2011 3:55 pm (Pacific time)

Alicia, I've been to a number of family dairies here in Indiana and I've found exactly what you've described. Happy clean cows, hard working farmers using local grains, hay and silage to feed their cows. I do believe that most FAMILY farms do a great job keeping the junk out of their milking ladies. I think there is a distinct difference between a big CAFO style corporate dairy and family run dairies. Most likely the details from this editorial come from that. EDITOR- seriously, there are a lot of hard working forks in the dairy biz doing the right thing by their consumers and their cows. The bad thing is that anyone going into the dairy biz has two choices- sell to the big companies like Dean Foods or stay small and sell raw by whatever legal or sometimes gray area loophole allows them. The bad thing is that the good and the bad milks all go to the same processing center (dairies here that sell to Dean have the milk transported to KY) and its all mixed. You'd never know which farm produced the milk or how that farm treated their cows because that gallon of milk might contain traces of milk from thousands of cows. I keep a dairy goat, she's as sweet as can be and I know exactly what milk I'm getting because I take the evening milking and see it from teat to mouth (usually my son's first) I don't think you'd really want big ag to supply the country with raw milk. Think about it. Their track record with pasteurized milk is pretty bad, imagine what it would be if it wasn't? It be similar to the NY still dairies from way back that killed so many children. Sorry to ramble on but pasteurization came from a consumer demand for safer milk. It has done just that. I think if someone wants to drink raw they should be able to without it being illegal but with proper warning and testing of the herd. btw...I'm not a dairy ploy...I have a blog- If you look through you can find pictures of our sweet goat and all kinds of proof of my existence. Peace

Adrien August 4, 2011 6:28 pm (Pacific time)

Alicia, think about it. Humans are the only animal that drinks the milk of another species. There is nothing natural about that. I haven't had a drop of milk in over 10 years and my health has improved dramatically. This article is not attacking your husband. Look at the science and stop taking things so personally.

Artisancheesemaker August 4, 2011 5:28 pm (Pacific time)

I was raised on a dairy. I am now an award winning cheesemaker and work with both raw and pasteurized milk. The Dr has not done his homework...shame! All cheese is good for you if it is made right. We are in a free country and can choose, your welcome over 20 yrs of military service. Cheesemakers/foodmakers must follow guidlines to protect the public. Internal inpsections, external inspections and GMPs will keep you safe and in bussiness. Maybe the Dr and these cheesemakers need to go back to school and get educated and learn how to wash their hands better. Old cheesemakers can learn new tricts and share their craft with the next generation. Nobody is above the law just because they have done it forever, there is no exemption in the regulation. Just because they say they are organic, are they, who says, who verifies? Feed your own family what you want. When we buy from a farmer or store we all trust what is in it. Trust only goes so far. Reglatory inpectors only inpection minimun standards "C". Your cheesemaker should strive for a "A" everyday. If you get busted...fix it, dont cry and blame others. Dirty cheese comes from dirty cheesemakers, period!

Editor: Don't 'cry'?  You really go on like that and then ask somebody else not to cry?  You obviously are another industry shill, and regardless of  how you may vehemently deny it, your point here is to stick up for these odd moves from the Feds that benefit Monsanto by hurting organic operations.  This is one example, I heard of a new one yesterday in LA.  You obviously are a 100% believe in your government aren't you?

Natalie August 2, 2011 8:32 pm (Pacific time)

If your milk after a few days at room temperature doesn’t smell like eating-out-eyes ammonia, but rather starts turning into something that looks like buttermilk with slightly sour taste, stick with that dairy and let me know what brand you’re buying.

Just Me August 2, 2011 6:46 pm (Pacific time)

To Alicia, YES, I have worked on a big dairy farm. And YES I can attest to the fact that all they are interested in is profit, even if the milk is contaminated by the growth hormones and painkillers given to the cows. You missed the point of the entire article, though. It wasn't saying that ALL dairy farms are this way. (I haven't drank a glass of pasteurised milk in over 40 years because it's not good for you)

Alicia Temple August 2, 2011 11:07 am (Pacific time)

This article is pure garbage! Have any of you actually worked on a Dairy for a day to see what goes on? Go find yourselves a hard working physical job from 4am to 6pm, like Dairyfarmers and stop bitching about what real hard working Men do. I'm from the city, my husband is a Dairyfarmer. I always thought milk was tainted with drugs and antibiotics too when I lived outside of a rual area, but guess what. I asked; I watched; I joined in for a few days of hard ass work, and married an honest man that makes his living caring for, and working with Holsteins; and I'll tell you what. There is nothing like the Truth, to make you realize that you have been putting your foot in your mouth. Our Dairy is absolutely free of drugs/antibiotics, and our milk is tested clean, and guess what? We drink our own milk!! Milk is healthy. Milk is not evil, it is not filled with garbage. Do your homework please, and stop ripping on the hard working men and women who are the backbone of America!!!

Editor: So you are saying your milk isn't packed with preservatives and items to maximize profits?  What is the argument then?  Surely you support this family tryin to make organic products?  Or is this a thinly veiled comment from the milk industry?  Read the story, it is not garbage, however half the food product we are handed these days well might be. 

DM August 2, 2011 5:34 am (Pacific time)

The Estrellas had their business shut down because they couldn't produce a safe product.

This article is absolute nonsense. No real science behind it.

Editor: No, that is not correct.  From all appearances, this family is being victimized and Monsanto is the master, more power to the organic farmer!

Anonymous August 2, 2011 4:08 am (Pacific time)

I commented before viewing the video...this is what I am talking about...the FDA is doing this all over the country..This is an outrage.

Anonymous August 2, 2011 3:39 am (Pacific time)

I have goats...goat milk is is the meat. I totally agree with this article. Raw milk farmers are being targeted by the feds. Swat teams etc. You should research it.

Dick August 2, 2011 2:01 am (Pacific time)

ALL milk is gross. ALL. Cow milk is good for one thing. Making baby cows big, quickly. It is not for humans.

April Scott August 1, 2011 3:26 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you for this wonderful article!

Agron Belica August 1, 2011 3:13 pm (Pacific time)

Excellent work!!!!

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