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Apr-28-2007 11:25printcomments

Op Ed: Big Bacco Muscle
Still Manages to Manipulate
Oregon Legislative Session

Logical decisions for Oregonians denied as heavy-duty corporate dollars blatantly wields their power.

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(SALEM) - No matter how you slice it, the Friday-furor at this session of our ostensibly “mucked-out and modernized” Legislature, the “inside-story” comes out the same: Heavy-duty dollars still outweigh the balance of informed, responsible and conscience-driven electoral choices.

Some are there who still do not, even yet, understand that “this house belongs to the people” -- not to the corporations contending to control their costs, no matter what the consequences to the commonwealth.

Given the chance to respond reasonably, in full rational-and-informed fashion, to what is absolutely, irrevocably and immediately demanded for the welfare of Oregon’s children, an undisciplined group of electees chose to continue the path of corporate control - and the heavily-damaging consequence.

The consequence, unfortunately, involves much more than the small --and probably temporary-- “win” for that bottom-line cost of any pack of cigs. That small-cost, so consequently now opposed in its imposition is mostly a mirror for the much larger image of control-where-it-counts.

It’s a simple system: You pay for what you want, and then you get it --or “all hell breaks loose” -- legislatively-speaking, you understand.

Immediate-action is never, ever, mentioned nor does it even matter: the inevitable and costly personal-political consequence is so clearly evident language is simply not required, either spoken-or-otherwise noted.

Does anyone honestly question this situation, seen by so many now in Oregon as the actual and very threatening status-in-place in our key state-governing mechanism?

The bill-at-hand, additional tax on cigarettes-sold with monies generated mostly going to solid prevention-action, is merely a mechanism for proving up the power of concentrated corporate control.

That’s when you get threatened and some actual walkaway(s) from the Legislative action-floor: Usually complete with locked-door “persuasion” perpetrated to prevent precisely that very revealing reflection of realities.

And that’s when you (always!) get those self-serving “action-attitude” statement(s) invariably immediately rushed to the public record by both parties: That’s a peculiar part to the still-permeating political-game/playing, even though it never really succeeds in fooling even the most-dense among voters.

It is widely and wisely declared that this is the fatal circumstance for the current key session of the Oregon Legislature: Precisely what all-concerned long ago promised “the people” would “never, no-how, NOT AGAIN!” happen in this key mechanism for any State progress:
“Your fully-functioning --and now fully-funded-- Legislature is now, finally, looking to cooperate closely and in clean operation for the ultimate commonweal” has such a potentially soothing impact, on so many, for so strong a set of reasons/rationally, that it will never be abandoned even when so cruelly revealed as-now.

But that cannot --and, eventually, will never-- prevent the extremely high prevalence of strong correction, remedial, and preventive action-by-voters.

Not even the most-removed, partially-focused, and potentially non-active groups within Oregon voting populations can overlook and ignore what is now, again, obviously disrupting and despoiling the long-recognized potential party-cooperation demanded for desperate remedial actions-now, on so many crucial-issue and circumstantial matters.

IF this is what we get for ongoing close-attention and continued full-communication with elected representatives, ostensibly chosen for their pledged-and legal responsibilities, then again establishing renewed credibilities by their open and oft-repeated promises of cooperation, the answer returns rapidly and with strong insistence:
“Clean house or commit to continued deprivation for what Oregon must now have, if the State is ever-again to Fly With Her Own Wings!”

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Hank Ruark April 30, 2007 8:02 am (Pacific time)

To all: "See also" AP-wire/report re who is hurting, delaying, frustrating own pledges re real cooperation on education issues in session-now. "Chalkboard Project gets an education" by Julia Silverman mirrors old-and-work method of political sabotage: "We agree with their points, but now how to do it." "See-with-own eyes" to make more sense of this Op Ed, too. It solidly documents demise of any trust-left for saboteurs still at work in this session.

Albert Marnell April 29, 2007 11:18 pm (Pacific time)

Hank, There is so much more paid in total by the sheeple in taxes and really taxes were to be paid by corporations not on labor. Everthing is a lie...unemployment does not count the people that have dropped off of the roles after 6 months. Inflation was reported at about 4.5 percent when it is really 10 or higher. It is all part of the need to go back to abolishing, the Federal Reserve and have our government issue money backed by something. I am sure that you know that since Wilson gave J.P., Rock, Warburg etc. the power to control the money supply a dollar saved in 1913 is worth about 3 cents. That is the stealing power of the Federal Reserve among other corrupt activities. Everything is so messed up and corrupt and I see how badly informed amd apathetic people are, I often do not want to bother to even go outside.

Hank Ruark April 29, 2007 11:57 am (Pacific time)

To all: Elemental research here now shows clearly that initiative built by Mannix to kill off Legislative action on strong progressive corporate tax, thus protecting $10-minimum then, was also responsible for early-death of a cigarette tax measure included then, too. SO here you clearly have "double-dip duplicity" at work again to protect death-stick dollar interests. Check yr legislative history for full details sure to build still more intense demand for control on BOTH corporate tax AND 'bacco-deaths by VOTERS, not "campaign contributions".

Sophia D. April 28, 2007 10:48 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for pointing out that nothing is getting any better. And we had such high hopes!

Hank Ruark April 28, 2007 6:23 pm (Pacific time)

To all" Early worktime prevented Note referring to previous Op Eds with strong background for the current one. "See also": U.S. Supremes Blew Another: Defy Historic Impact to Save Philip Morris Billions. (Feb. 11, 2007) and Cigarette Tax Buys Back A Healthy Future for Oregon Kids, Eases Pain For Those-Addicted (Feb. 15, 2007) available at STAFF, HCR-section, click on "Written by...", go to date-shown.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.