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Apr-26-2012 04:53
Blasting Through Pages of News: What Side of the Mailbox Do I Work Tonight?
Poetry by Tim King
It isn't a privilege to spend a lifetime revealing tragedy, or is it? photo by Tim King
(SALEM) - The day in the life of a seven day a week electronic journalist is an ever-repetitive act to witness. The news each day may be brand new but the motions we go through to publish that news seldom change.
I wanted to blast out this thought about how it feels sometimes to be confronted with pages of email and to try to decide, where to begin, the latest, or the oldest?
Blasting Through Pages of News: What Side of the Mailbox Do I Work Tonight?Poem by Tim King
It's a colossal amount of information Filling the mailbox of this online news station Pages and pages, unopened, in bold Always so many important stories to be told
A few hours of sleep are there for the taking But news piles up; sometimes its breaking Contacts expect the information to be relayed Sleep is important, but news can't be delayed
 One more innocent child, slaughtered in Gaza Another white van abduction in Sri Lanka These stories make us want to scream out Yet deadlines are missed if our resort is to shout
Now confronted with the current situation More email than a big market TV station The amount of material so often astounding Hours away it is always compounding
Five hours off means five pages of electronic mail Where to begin; 'Rwanda Strife', or 'Killer Gets Bail'? The sad truth is that news can quickly go stale When we fall short of our mark, each time, we fail
Time to dig in, preparing new pages Articles about torture, people living in cages 20 browser tabs open: poverty, politics, human activism War crimes, Genocide: tragic staples of our electronic journalism
Incoming Skype, a dreaded email Israeli soldiers took one of our reporters to jail
Mazin's wife says he was in a peaceful demonstration Now brutal arrest, handcuffs, jail, and frustration No treatment for this writer in a first-aid station Just abusive treatment by an apartheid nation
And I really have to be the confessor Even I thought Israel would extend humanity to an esteemed professor
Then that day Franklin, Salem writer and human rights lawyer Was shot by 'rebels' in bushes - a courage of voyeurs Those bastards in Tripoli - the hounds of the west Funded by EU and US interests, will now never let peace rest
Truth is, the duty of relating otherwise untold news Falls on our shoulders, and some pay the dues Sometimes we cover combat without fear Like Ken O'Keefe as bullets fly near
We watch these things with our heart in our throat Knowing the chances of the networks covering it, at best highly remote
Other times the results are grim Vik was murdered on his way to a gym To the hateful cowards who cut journalists down You really are nothing, you know nothing of bounds
State terrorism governments are morally ill That's required for a country to slaughter journalists at will We'd like to see you in world court getting grilled Tyrants and thugs locked forever in prison, all violence stilled
Your guns make you weak even as you kill Shove down your throat, that bitter pill Every journalist victim had more courage than you You're lower than pigs and dogs, the scum on shoes
Locked in a pursuit of justice for voiceless, we refuse to apologize for reporting the truth. - Tim King, news editor
 Tim King in 2008, covering the Iraq War | Tim King: Editor and Writer
Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Tim is's Executive News Editor. His background includes covering the war in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, and reporting from the Iraq war in 2008. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.
Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing from The Associated Press the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, Electronic Media Association and The Red Cross In a personal capacity, Tim has written 2,026 articles as of March 2012 for since the new format designed by Matt Lintz was launched in December, 2005.
Serving readers with news from all over the globe, Tim's life is literally encircled by the endless news flow published by, where more than 100 writers contribute stories from 20+ countries and regions.
Tim specializes in writing about political and military developments worldwide with an emphasis on Palestine and Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the U.S. Marines. You can write to Tim at this address: Visit Tim's Facebook page (
View articles written by Tim King
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Autentico June 8, 2012 1:22 pm (Pacific time)
to be barren [Lk 1.5, 36]. Elizabeth, a dsecendant of Aaron, is the relative of Mary. In addition to this, both of Mary's parents in tradition, Joachim and Anna, even as read of in the Protevangelium Iacobi, were of priestly heritage. Throughout the patristic writings the connection was made that this is representative of Mary's bearing a priestly heritage, and therefore Jesus bearing it too. The traditional explanation is that the genealogies of Matthew and Luke relate only to Joseph, and their differences describe two different lines which came together in a levirate marriage (note the letter by Africanus to Aristides, the core of which he gained directly from the Desposynoi, the Lord's relatives). Seeing Melchizedek only as a pointer toward a non-Levitical priesthood is only one part of the story, and doesn't in itself sufficiently explain much of the imagery used even in the apostolic writings, much less the patristic. Likewise, of the two anointed roles in ancient Israel, the Son of David King and the Son of Aaron (or Levi or Zadok) Priest, both were later to find expression as eschatological messiahs (anointed ones), indeed separately named as such in the Qumran scrolls. That these (the Kingly and the Priestly lines) were viewed as combined in Jesus by early Christians is not controversial at all. He is the unexpected Anointed One par excellence in that sense: a confounding surprise to those who were expecting separate messiahs, and further confounding by his nature, which was not the political figure expected, but a prophetic and, as we believe, a theophanic one.
gp April 28, 2012 6:31 pm (Pacific time)
Bravo! Thanks for your work and your sacrifices.
Tim King: Thanks so much GP
Anonymous April 26, 2012 4:43 pm (Pacific time)
give me two weeks Tim..I will put your poem to music..I will write the music myself and record it. I have been a bit in a writers block lately, so this is good. i will send it when done.
Tim King: Thanks Stephen
nickie99 April 26, 2012 4:25 pm (Pacific time)
Appreciate all your hard work and endless dedication. You guys do an amazing job.....was in court in Clackamas County, hoping you were there to see the disgrace of the "powers that be" destroy just another piece of one of our good friends life......
Amanda Black April 26, 2012 2:13 pm (Pacific time)
Yes, you have reported on the defenseless - you reported the truth, but I got caught up for reporting the story and lost all I own to the perpetrators, who not only stole my assets, but defiled the Appellate court, as well as the Clackmas County Circuit Court with deceit and fraud.
Editor: We hate the fact that we are in a corrupt state and that this happened, we thought truth would work in your favor.
COLLI April 26, 2012 1:56 pm (Pacific time)
Nicely done Sir! I'm tired just reading that poem. I can't imagine actually living it.
Toni April 26, 2012 12:06 pm (Pacific time)
Tim, you, your family and your crew up there in Salem have sacrificed a lot to help humanity. Thank you for all you do.
Anonymous April 26, 2012 11:05 am (Pacific time)
Tim: I love your heart and your efforts..But allow me to share my concerns. Informing people, the atrocities in the world is a good thing. People need to know this stuff, and you are one of the best exposing it. But, and excuse me for being blunt, but I dont want to write a novel here. Exposing the atrocities, is somewhat like exposing the cancer rate is going up, or autism is going up etc. Then, people will support some "bike ride", or a "walkathon" to find a cure. Why not have a bike ride and walkathon to find WHAT IS CAUSING IT?? I could go back 6 thousand years with info, but it really comes down to the "so called" "elite/globalists/bankers" whatever ya want to call them. Here is what they do. 1. They took over our health and education system back in 1901, and they took over our financial system in 1913. 2. They are setting up an extreme police state in the U.S. using foreign troops. (research it: foreign troops training in the U.S. polish, china and russia etc) 3. They are taking over our food system ie: monsanto 4. The globalits control the media, which in turn, lets them control who gets elected in offices. 5. Well, I have 100 more, but going to end here. I dont think we can stop this, its too embedded in our society and the rest of the world. I have to ask myself many times why I even try, or why I post on salem-news.. I think I might know why. If we are going down, would it be interesting to know WHY? So that each individual could understand? Thanks for your efforts, and great poem ya wrote.
Agron Belica April 26, 2012 10:59 am (Pacific time)
Anonymous April 26, 2012 7:39 am (Pacific time)
Great job Tim..I'm impressed!
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