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Apr-18-2010 13:50 ![]() ![]() ![]() U.S. Defenders Take Oregon Motorcycle Rights to the StreetsTim King and Bonnie King Salem-News.comThe majority of the bikers are American military veterans.
(SALEM, Ore.) - Police cars shadowed Oregon motorcyclists Saturday who rode together as part of a program called U.S. Defenders, designed to help establish the rights of motorcycle riding club members in the United States. They rode in solidarity - to protest local businesses that deny club members service. Numerous clubs were represented. The group of approximately sixty bikers from a number of different clubs, members of Free Souls MC, Gypsy Joker MC, In Country Vietnam MC, Sons of God MC, Road Brother MC, The Outsiders MC, Wildish MC, Wind & Fire MC, Christ's Disciples MC, Northwest Veterans MC, and possibly others. M. Christian Bottoms is a member of the Outsiders MC and also an Oregon attorney. With his help, the riders are taking a political approach to the matter and will consider taking legal action against establishments that violate their legal rights. One establishment known for turning away club members, the Fifty Club in West Salem, Oregon, served one club member, Tattoo Mike of the Gypsy Joker MC Club, but refused to serve others who entered afterward.
The riders left a copy of the U.S. Constitution at each business they visited, making the day politically educational for a number of employees, who work for business that restrict bikers for wearing colors, the way the old south used to restrict people for being of color. The next stop for the riders was the Front Street Inn in Salem, where things went a little smoother. There was a bit of an old west showdown before it was over, and a lot of police presence. In fact, even though the bikers said they were doing everything possible to ride legally and simply assert their rights as Americans, police cars literally rolled onto the scene with the motorcycles. The Front Street bar posts a sign outside stating they do not allow club members, including Oregon firefighters on this ride, who wear patches and ride Harleys. Local bar patrons exchanged greetings with the bikers and took in the sights, American motorcycles that each in their own way, helped the U.S. economy and workers when it was manufactured in Milwaukie, Wisconsin. The patrons I spoke to had no problem with the riders. One man said his wife was a bartender for thirty years, and she never had big problems with bikers. Rednecks, he said - from what his wife told him over the years - are a far bigger problem than bikers in bars. Being able to buy soft drinks in The Front Street Inn was a victory for these riders. The bartender, Suzie, told me that there were no problems. Some toasted soft drinks, nearly all of them paid five dollars for each one, reminding the establishment that bikers mean money in their cash registers. But outside, all the good camaraderie wasn't helping the growing police presence. Four cars were parked around the bar, and one was in the parking lot. That officer left after a few minutes because he received another call. Soon one officer known for sporting gloves and paying a lot of attention to local bikers, broke out his video camera, and stepped into an open square, the video shootout was on. The officer was faced by a member of the Sons of God Christian Motorcycle Club. Who would hold the shot longer? You'll have to watch the video to learn the surprise conclusion, just think OK Corral.
================================================= Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. ================================================
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Kim December 1, 2019 2:49 pm (Pacific time)
I appreciate the information you just provided the public. The waitress who said the guys were respectful today is congratulated. However, she added there are those who are NOT respectful. In every basket of apples, there some that don't quite make the grade. One must judge for themselves. Thank you
donny October 11, 2012 8:44 pm (Pacific time)
I love this country, because even though they refused to serve some of the riders; the riders still rode, even though the cops were there, the riders still rode; Even though we cant go into those establishments there are ones we can go into and we can still ride... The bottom line is to get media attention form grass roots movemnets to change the laws anbd to limit the cops powers. personal story and show forming relationships with other organizations giving us voting power and becoming a voice in what happens, we can't hold ourselves apart(separate ourselves) from society for years and then get mad when they start to hold us apart to. Great Job in unity hear but its a small step lets organize a ride on the capitol of America. A million strong on the capitol lawn. Make them nervous hell, make them realize we vote too!!!
combat VET November 8, 2010 5:31 pm (Pacific time)
Yes these bikers talk of constitutional RIGHTS! well they should remeber those rights next time one of you tell a biker to take his vest off because you dont approve of his three piece patch or threaten violence t a VETs assoc. for having a patch....maybe I should bring legal action against MC's for not violating others rights..telling them what they can and can not wear...
TATTOOUSA July 25, 2010 5:52 pm (Pacific time)
THIS YEAR I HAVE MULTI CAMS ON BIKES AND CARS MONTANA HERE WE COME,i will take photos of any thing i want,...cops
Anonymous July 19, 2010 12:54 pm (Pacific time)
You "Heroes" might also wanna think twice about holding up anything and pointing it at the cops. They could easily "mistake" a small camera for a weapon and start shooting. At least use it as an excuse to enter and search. Be smart.
Editor: Where does the "hero" line fit with you being a biker and vet. You think these club members are a bunch of dentists? Hopefully I misunderstood that, 'cause otherwise you need to have your head examined. There is a lawyer among them, because bikers are often professional people, but dentists? Anyway, I think your little advice here is a ploy and you're one more cop who didn't like this piece, but it was a simple flash look at one day in the life of these guys. And if your little cop 'glove boy' points a camera in my face you can bet your ass I'll put mine right in his face. Obviously I wasn't impressed, based on how I edited this piece. Maybe you need to move to some eastern European nation where cops are really respected, and get away with abusing people and making fools of themselves all the time. Thankfully most local cops are better than that guy. There were by the way a dozen other cameras getting that action.
superbombastik July 19, 2010 12:51 pm (Pacific time)
All you retired rich dentists and veterans who ride with your wives wearing 1200 dollar matching fringed Harley leathers can say all you want about "rights" and "freedom" and "no problems" and badmouthing cops. The FACT is there are a handful of really bad clubs out there that house felons and traffic much of the dope into our state from Mexico. That touches our families and kids. If you go out of your way to look like them and wear matching "colors" your gonna get attention. Deal with it. And yeah, I'm a life long biker and a Vet.
Matt B June 28, 2010 7:00 am (Pacific time)
Sounds typical of the Salem PD with their reaction to anyone who rides something with 2 wheels. Which means a complete over reaction. Although, even though I do not agree with the business pracitice, I also believe a business should have the right to deny service to anyone they see fit.
Bob Long April 29, 2010 11:32 pm (Pacific time)
So who is that chistian Bottoms? Is he really an attorney?
Bonnie and Dave Stephens, Previous O April 28, 2010 3:04 pm (Pacific time)
We had the pleasure of owning our biker-friendly bar for two years. During that time we welcomed every patch holder in the area and NEVER experienced a problem between the patch holders. Everyone got along and treated customers, the bar and employees with total respect and support. Our bartenders loved the tips they received. Talk about profiling!!! Ride a bike or wear a patch. Arizona has the right idea. If you're legal why worry about it???? Illegals who don't contribute to our nation and suck us dry in areas such as health care, schools, retirement benefits, food stamps, over populate our jails and put a burden on our local and national enforcement agencies need profiling!!! They don't respect the United States and need to go home. If they care enough to go through the channels to become citizens of the USA and contribute as most of the patch-holding bikers do, then by all means come on in and keep US money in the US!!!!!
TC April 24, 2010 10:54 am (Pacific time)
Editor you wrote: "It all comes down to the role of police. I have real concerns about criminal profiling in this case, and police as I understand, are supposed to be reactive, rather than preemptive in nature, in America, and that is to say that they are only supposed to respond to crime, and not continually try to anticipate it. When they take the second route, they are violating our rights, are they not?" Experienced law enforcement are pro-active, and can often see down the road a bit when certain situations materialize. I certainly would refuse entry to anyone who presents a potential safety situation to my business and customers, and have done it in the past. If I ran a biker bar and people who came into the business who could potentially rile that customer base, then I would refuse them service also. It may not sound fair, but past experience is what makes for good business decisions. Deal with a lawsuit at a later date if need be, then let the jury hear why you made your decision. Police, experienced police, know how to read situations far better than the inexperienced no-nothings.
Editor: You need to try to conquer your fears in life, that is the best advice I can give you. What you are dealing with is probably not your own fault, prejudice is something people have to get past, learn to master. Start by engaging people in conversation, be a decent person and have respect, you will be surprised what you will gain.
Wheeler April 22, 2010 4:45 pm (Pacific time)
To all the clubs that participated in the event, WELL DONE!! Yes we have long been subjected to discrimination. Sometimes because we wear colors, and sometimes just because we ride a bike. I can remember being turned away from motels and restaurants, just because I arrived in a motorcycle. If the problem is just that you ride a motorcycle, THAt is unconstitutional. It goes the same for wearing colors. Although I can recall many a bar with a NO COLORS rule, mostly because of possible trouble between the clubs, back in the day. I am very glad to say that for the most part, those days are long gone. And as a Patch Holder, please give us all a chance. You might even find a friend and profit in it.
redrider April 22, 2010 2:40 pm (Pacific time)
If I may offer a story: Years ago I was being aggressively harassed by a state cop in my driveway. At the sight of my 140 lb giant schnauzer jumping over the 5' fence in full on attack mode the officer did what any reasonable person would do, he ran and hid. A few months later I was awakened at 2:30 a.m. by the sounds of scratching and barking at my front door. That same giant dog had jumped the same fence and was leading a very fragile, petite elderly woman, who had just totaled her car,to the safety of my home. Considering the reputation, both of these folks saw a different side of the same dog. The fairly obvious parallel is that, considering our reputation, we're pretty easy dogs to hunt with and met with aggression would it be out of the question to react in kind? Just a thought. On to the lighter side...I AM one of those longhaired, bearded biker types and I have no fear of business or cops and don't want anything from them. Their fears, distrust, and downright disgust can't hold a candle to the look of awe on a child's face as I swing into a mall parking lot ease off my big red Harley and take off my helmet. Ya see, I'm 62 with long white hair, long white beard and kind of fat and the looks of awe aren't because I'm a biker it's 'cause I look like the guy who drives a sleigh and interacting with those kids and their parents means more to me than any petty attitudes that I'll get from anyone. Oh, Yeah, by the way I'll spend my dollars where I'm accepted and I DO spend alot!
liljohnmisfitsmc April 22, 2010 10:28 am (Pacific time)
You would think with so many people riding bikes these days that cops would have something better to do like gettind those little gang bangers out of oregon but I guess that would take some real work to do.I guess its a lot easyer to hasle law biding people just riding down the road. Its just like back in the 70st. you could not go by a cop with out getting pulled over and hear it is 2010 and there still at it.COME ON COPS get the gang bangers out of hear.
Ang~Wildish MC April 21, 2010 3:29 pm (Pacific time)
The Biker
When you see us moving past you quickly:
Don't take offense or think we're trying to "show off". Ninety five percent of the time, we're trying to get out of your blind spot or taking ourselves out of a potential dangerous situation that has evolved around us. Distancing ourselves from you does not mean we want to race, but that we're giving ourselves the edge we need at the moment.
When you hear our horn:
Don't take offense or think we're trying to aggravate you. All we're doing is letting you know where we are in relation to you on the road, and we're more than likely aware of your inattentiveness to us while you're talking on a cell phone, eating, reading or involved in some other distracting aspect to your driving. It's important to us, and you, that you know we're there.
When you hear our loud pipes:
Don't become angry and hostile toward us. Yes, some are quite loud, but for some, there's a purpose behind being loud. It's about letting you know we're close by and we're constantly hoping that our investment in this accessory will help save our lives. Our pipes are really not about our's a pride and personalization to our form of transportation.
When you see us in our clothes:
Don't become fearful of us or think us weird. Our leather jackets, chaps, gloves and boots are the barriers between loosing massive amounts of flesh should something cause us to go down...nothing more, nothing less. Safety gear is paramount to our riding. We wear patches on our jackets, and pins on our vests. These are symbols of pride and honor within our group(s), individuals giving back to those who gave. These things bond us as a brotherhood/sisterhood among bikers. Not that we're better than anyone else, but that we have the same kind of nobility and pride in our accomplishments as you may have in the various aspects of your life. I guess one could say; our patches and pins are the decals and the bumper stickers of our involvement with society and the general public, of which we are very pleased to be a part of in our own little way.
When you see us in a restaurant:
You don't have to shield your child or feel intimidated. We have family, wives, husbands, children and loved ones too, just like you. We smile; we laugh and enjoy the moments we have. We are approachable, and would befriend you, if given the opportunity.
When you see us in a parking lot:
Don't convince yourself that we're there to "get you". More than likely, we just finished a long ride and are taking a break. Or, we may be meeting up with other riders for a charity run for young children, or another very worthy cause. We may just be admiring one another's bikes, sharing our pride with other brothers and sisters, just like you do with your personal vehicle. It's what we's a part of our lives, and we'd be more than welcome to share with you what riding a bike is all about...if you'd only ask.
When you see aggressive riding bikers:
Don't put us all in the same stereotypical category as those whose behavior and actions would cause you to react in disgust and intolerance. Many of us do not agree with this style of riding either, and we know and understand that human nature tends to blend us all together as the "same group". Most of us don't want that title...and don't deserve it.
When you see a group of bikers on the roadways:
Give us the courtesy of sharing the road with you. Please don't "move in" between several bikers in formation. This gets us very excited and nervous, especially when it's done with no due regard for our safety. Provide us with your awareness of the fact that we are much more vulnerable than you. We don't want to challenge you, for all of us are wise enough to know...we'd lose that battle.
When you are turning left or entering a roadway/highway:
Look, then look again...and then one more time. For we can be easily hidden, and appear to be invisible by such things as a telephone pole, another vehicle, bright lights or the glare of the sun...or possibly, the beads hanging from your rearview mirror, among numerous other items that are displayed there. If you see us flashing our lights at you or blowing our horn, we're only trying to ensure that you will see us before tragedy changes both our lives.
When you are behind us:
Please give us the room we need and don't tailgate us. If you hit us, we're going down...HARD! We don't want to play games with you, we just want to enjoy the ride and the fresh air, and experience that which many of you have never lived for. If we accelerate away from you, don't interpret this action as though we want to drag race you. We're only trying to take ourselves out of a bad situation if you insist on being too close.
When, and if, you experience road rage:
Don't take it out on us just because we're smaller than you and more vulnerable. Think about what you're doing and the end result that may become a reality. The consequences of your actions and choices could be very detrimental to our well being, our families, our children and our loved ones. Yes, there are those that can tend to piss you off, however, rage towards them will not solve the issues, but accentuate them. Nine out of ten bikers will do everything they can to take themselves out of that situation without causing you or them harm.
When you have an opportunity to talk to us:
You'll discover, outside any influenced or stereotypical mindset you may have, that we are just as human as you are, just with different interests and toys. Many of us would give you the shirt off our back if it would tend to brighten your day or console you in some way. We're really no different... and we drive cars, trucks and vans too. So, meet us and greet us...I think you'll be pleasantly surprised that you'll be met with open arms.
Thank You for attempting to understand!
Guitar slinger April 21, 2010 2:25 pm (Pacific time)
Its The Police In Canada That Coerce Bar Owners To Refuse Service to bikers.. Its Called Descrimination And it is Against the LAW!!
demoman3955 April 21, 2010 1:49 pm (Pacific time)
good work everyone. the cops messing with bikers and clubs is nothing new for sure. being from nor cal, i know all about that. it seems that lately we (my club) cant even party at our own private clubhouse without gang task force hanging out across the street taking pictures. I just wish they would share them with me, im sure there equipment is better and they have a few i would like to get. there was the same type of ride here as well, but no media, only cops showed up. you would think the gang in blue would have better things to worry about.
MonkeyButt April 20, 2010 12:29 pm (Pacific time)
Hey Mongols: Weren't the Mongols 'harassed' by the feds not too long ago?
stilweezy April 20, 2010 10:27 am (Pacific time)
What "right" was being excercised, I have never heard of the right to impose yourself on someones business, Is that in the constitution that was handed out? didn't think so. As far as bringing up the Black folks, didn't we run their lives for years? what did we learn from that? I guess some people feel the need to run business owners lives. do what you want just don't say you have a right to tell someone else how to act. you don't
Editor: Maybe you should read the story before making a comment, what do you think?
BoomLover April 20, 2010 9:59 am (Pacific time)
I used to live in Salem many moons ago, even went to school with one of Salem's "finest" ...hard to believe this city has such a problem with it's police force harassing law abiding citizens the way they do. Used to love Salem, not any more!
Mongols MC- Oregon April 20, 2010 8:02 am (Pacific time)
If we were talking about African Americans, or Hispanics being refused entry to several bars because of race there would be a lawsuit, a protest, and major media coverage. That fact that we ride motorcycles should not change the issue. All of you people saying "private" "private" try that excuse during the anti-segregation times. Business' should be open to anyone who has not caused problems at that particular establishment. This is a very simple issue, but everyone is letting stereo types cloud their point of view. Nice work Tim, another great article
$10 Dave SOGMC April 20, 2010 7:52 am (Pacific time)
I am a proud participant of Saturdays Ride and support the US DEFENDERS and what it stands for. I am a Vet and joined to serve my country. this was the unpopular War. Just as what we did may have been unpopular to some "we have the right to do so" As the Gov and Big Brother find reasons to allow discrimination and profiling they get away with it with one group they will do it to all. I believe if the Founding Fathers were alive on Saturday they would have been active participants, I also beleive that anyone could have participated on Saturday. I know that a scooter group in the parking lot was asked to join. And one more point all though I do have a sgraggally beard and long hair, not all who were there did. to all keep up the good work and I will be at the next one.
Questioning April 19, 2010 4:51 pm (Pacific time)
To the Editor: I am not scared to death of Bikers. In fact, I ride as well. I specifically did NOT mention the attorney that rides with them (was he there for this event...your story is unclear about that). I am not an 'officer' so YOUR perception of my comments is prejudicial as well. My point is that everyone has the same rights whether you are a biker, a citizen or a police officer. The Salem PD was over-reacting to presence, I will give you that much. However, when a large group of bikers drive down the street, I would hope that the Police are aware of what they are doing so that the citizens will know that the group is not acting as a single traffic unit (which would require a parade permit). What they were served is not relevant. Soda, Water, or whatever. The fact is, that the business owner has the right to serve who the desire to serve. If a person walks in with leathers on that cause the business owner to become concerned, that is their right to ask those patrons to leave. NOT leaving when asked IS a violation not only of rights, but the law as well. You could just as easily be refused service at K-Mart where you gathered. That business manager could have asked you NOT to assemble there, they allowed you to do so, but they had the right to ask you to leave. The only place you have the RIGHT to operate your motorcycles is on the public streets, not parking lots, which are extensions of the businesses. Ignorance of the law, or your perception of the law, is far different from what the law actually is. Anyone who reads your site on a regular basis knows that you are pro-biker, which is your prerogative....but just because some one disagrees with you doesn't make them bad either. A wise philosopher once said that perception is reality. Which reality do you perceive?
Editor: Fair enough, businesses do have a right to refuse service. Of course these guys did leave the first place, which the video shows. They also apologized for any hassle they caused, which is in the video. Law enforcement believes it has to weigh the public's safety against the rights of the motorcycle riders, and that is the part I question. It all comes down to the role of police. I have real concerns about criminal profiling in this case, and police as I understand, are supposed to be reactive, rather than preemptive in nature, in America, and that is to say that they are only supposed to respond to crime, and not continually try to anticipate it. When they take the second route, they are violating our rights, are they not? This is a really interesting subject, and for the record, I in no way believe you or any other party who disagrees with me is specifically 'bad' for doing so, and I appreciate your professional manner here. I hope you can begin to imagine the stuff that passes my desk in a 24-hour period. Telling honest news that doesn't always meet the mainstream media sheep test is our specialty, and it brings plenty of contempt from all over the world every day. As to being pro-biker, if that is true, you have to attach a whole lot of other things to it if you seek a complete list. I believe that every group has a percentage of good and bad people among them; be they a club, an employer, a military service, family, etc., and the more respect they are given, the more they tend to show you their good side. Thanks.
Vic April 19, 2010 4:36 pm (Pacific time)
The idea that a group of people dressed similarly is threatening is ignorant. What about a football team? Shriners? I wonder how many Oregon bars or restaraunts have been trashedby bikers in say...the last thirty years? I would speculate that it may have happened, but rarely. Ignorance and belief in stereotypes is the driving factor here. Boycott these businesses, but let them know that they are being boycotted and why, ot it does no good. I used to enjoy going to The Ranch in Salem back in the 80s. Many times I rode my bike there. Then about 89, they came up with a no leather jackets even if I was riding my motorcycle and it was cold, if I was going to the Ranch, I had to leave my jacket at home or check it. This was a plain Langlitz Leather patches or colors. I quit going to The Ranch..period. Between my friends and I, we easily spent $100- $200 a night there...they never got that again from us. I was surprised to read that in 2010, there are still business that discriminate against people baed on their clothing and mode of transportation. Bluegirl is right..any private business has the right to refuse service to and be rude to anyone they choose, but we also have the right to refuse to spend a dime there, and also to spread the word.
juls aka April 19, 2010 4:18 pm (Pacific time)
Just another comment: Wildish MC is a group of professional women who ride. We have families, pay taxes, vote, work for a living and are committed to our MC and to riding as a way of life. I am a wife, RN, mother, grandmother, and WMC President. We are part of the Oregon Confederation of Clubs and are active in the US Defender’s Program. We say the Pledge of Allegiance at the OR COC meetings. We pray for our country, our freedom and safety, our soldier’s and our families and have many benefit runs for several charities. My motto: “ Work to Ride and Ride to Work”. Many people don’t even know I do have a car. My uniform at work is my leathers for protection against “road rash“. My patients have life threatening chronic diseases and they love to hear the bike pull up in their driveway’s for home visits. The Oregon Confederation of Clubs is comprised of MC’s throughout Oregon. We may have different patches yet we work together to secure our Freedom. This ride on Saturday was not ridden by “bullies” or “gang members”. It was ridden in a peaceful way by US Citizens carrying our Constitution and a means of showing other’s we are just people wearing clothing appropriate for our interests as do sports groups, social clubs, or any other affiliation with anyone’s personal interests and tastes. Respectfully,
Editor: Juls, thanks for taking the time to explain, I think that if people actually knew any of you, that they would be changed in their perceptions. There are bad people in all walks of life, but one bad biker doesn't make them all bad. One bad police officer doesn't make them all bad. One bad soldier doesn't make them all bad.
Questioning April 19, 2010 2:55 pm (Pacific time)
Hey LOGIC: What part of "private" is confusing to you? An establishment, any establishment, needs no specific reason to refuse service. By showing up as a large group, you presented an intimidation factor (which I am sure was the intention; 'look at us, we are big bad bikers and if you refuse to serve us, you are taking away our rights'.) Maybe you should have thought it through more and gone as groups of three or less to all the bars in town at the same time to educate the owners, rather than trying to intimidate them into serving you. Bullies are bullies regardless of the age. This protest was juvenile.
Editor: Officer, these guys can enter one or two or three at a time and they are refused service based on their appearance, so this time they tried it as a group. I understand you are scared to death of them, but you shouldn't be, they are actually very polite and intelligent and they all have their own unique take on what all of this means. Somebody told them this story once about America being a free country. I have always sort of doubted it. My dad, who was extremely conservative and a "Member of the Establishment" based on the license plate frame on his antique car, would have hated what happened this weekend. He was a straight arrow but he loved bikers because he grew up riding Harley Davidson's like a lot of Americans. We're talking Normal Rockwell period stuff. These people are being pre judged, that is prejudice. There is not a law against riding motorcycles in number, is there? Is there a law against having a patch? The officers had patches, and they are tax payer supported. Is there something I am missing here other than mass fear and paranoia? As for bullies, just how did the bikers appear as bullies? Or is it the officer with the video camera that you mentioned? Then there is the clear retaliatory traffic stop of Tattoo Mike after the event. Is there a law against police taking personal revenge officer? I am curious, I look forward to your reply. Vroom vroom. Oh, and don't mention that the bikers have a patch wearing attorney, that would not support the anti-biker cause. By the way, as far as dress codes go, I have a very interesting story about that. The U.S. government supports the Israeli government, right? Well here is what Israel does when a Palestinian tries to have a dress code:
Mar-10-2010: The Heart and Soul of Israel: Sad Saga of Azad Restaurant - Tim King
BlueGirl April 19, 2010 1:37 pm (Pacific time)
I have to say, I believe that a business has the right to deny service to anyone that they see fit. Someone may not like it, but that's the way it is. Keep in mind as well, that there is a history of "issues" with motorcycle "gangs". The thing I have always heard is that where there are biker gangs, there are drugs, weapons and alcohol. (I know, there are exceptions to this, but it is the commonplace view)
As a side note.. why is it that just because you are a "biker" you all of a sudden have long scraggly hair and a beard? LOL... justaskin!
Editor: Well I have a goatee and long hair, so you probably wouldn't like me too much, but I think it is funny that somebody did take the time to write such stereotypical thoughts. If you look at the video you will see that even that stereotype is off track, as plenty of bikers on this run had short hair and no beards at all. Recently some clubs were pulled over in Idaho. There were federal authorities with AR-15's and not one biker possessed drugs, except for one medical marijuana patient, and that was not a crime. I think the Idaho cops said they ran a light or something like that, requiring a full scale federal pullover. Don't think people aren't watching and paying attention, they are and the feedback we have received via email on this story has been very positive, and it isn't all from bikers either. So for your information, your thoughts about these riders are completely off track and not true. Maybe you didn't watch the video, but they were all drinking soda pop. I hope that makes you feel a little better about it.
Logic April 19, 2010 12:15 pm (Pacific time)
hey "Questioning": This is about not being served when there has been no cause to be refused. If any of these people had created a problem or had a history of problems at these bars, this protest wouldn't have taken place. A bar may be privately owned, but they're open to the public. Compared with a "club"? You can't even walk into Costco without a club card, so no, I doubt you could go into the Jokers clubhouse without an invitation.
Windy Joe April 19, 2010 11:12 am (Pacific time)
Congrats for coming out an stepping up on this one to all my great Oregon friends up there. Well done. WJ California Undersecretary COIR
Ricky April 19, 2010 10:16 am (Pacific time)
Carefull with the camera guys ,seen too many brothers in court with a picture found in thier home or at the clubhouse with big brother claiming for it to be "an Identifing picture or "Target picture" for doing harm to the person in the long run"basically they can take your pic but you cant take thiers
Questioning April 19, 2010 8:56 am (Pacific time)
So...let me get this want a private establishment to give up THEIR right to refuse service to ANYONE because you are motorcycle riders? if I go to the Gypsy Jokers Clubhouse, can I just walk in? Freedom works both ways....bars, stores, restaurants are all PRIVATE establishments. Rights for all or RIGHTS for can't choose the rights you choose to obey.
les lowen April 19, 2010 7:04 am (Pacific time)
nice job salem P.D. you look like a bunch of class A fools. you should call yourselves the keystone cops. kudos to the brothers involved in bringing this truth to the media. BTW, I am an independent rider, no club involvement. i still stand for their right to wear their colors.
Wizard April 19, 2010 3:56 am (Pacific time)
Was really cool that you all were able to pull this off. Pissed that I could not of been along for the ride.
Zip April 18, 2010 9:56 pm (Pacific time)
Hats off to ya'll who participated in this peaceful assembly. Much to be said for the media support... A+ Respects Zip
juls aka "boots"Pres~ Wildish MC April 18, 2010 9:20 pm (Pacific time)
The US Defenders Program is here to make a difference, here to protect our rights and our freedom as a MC community. Wildish MC is proud to be a part of this community. We are family, friends, Veterans, working people, professionals…. We choose to ride. We wear leather. We wear our patches proudly. This is a part of who we are and for that, we can’t enter certain establishments? Tim and Bonnie King, you again have done a fantastic job in helping the public to understand who and what we as a MC community stand for. Respectfully, juls and Wildish MC
TATTOOGJMCUSA April 18, 2010 7:55 pm (Pacific time)
well,later, i was going to the clubhouse,there was salem sgt.mark leader pulled me over for 45 mpg in 35(and i jest put on the speedo)and improper exhaust(same cop, same charge ,same bike, same exhaust,...same judge? same dismissed? will see.and same cop that was at the front st inn. $350.00 cheap for that shoot out footage.what a waste of my tax $$$$ but it only took an hour three cars and gang task force April 18, 2010 4:04 pm (Pacific time)
respects to all clubs involved with working against this un-constitutional action by these public establishments,,,fine job indeed... and great work to Tim King and Bonnie King for a great piece,,,and an excellent video... I will do my best to spread it far and wide...
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