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Salem-News.com (Aug-19-2012 14:41)

Pakistan Jails Christian Teenager over Blasphemy

William Nicholas Gomes focuses on the case against a little Christian girl who allegedly burned pages of the Qur'an.

(SALEM) - Inside of a Pakistani jail All Hell is breaking loose in Pakistan where extremist Muslims are losing their minds over another burning of the Holy Qur'an.

This time the offender isn't in a member of the U.S. military, in fact she couldn't be much different. The book burning suspect in this case is a young girl from a Christian family who is described as mentally retarded.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-19-2012 13:02)

Child Sex Tourism: Nepal Focus

In the majority of cases child sex abuse go unreported.

(LONDON) - Nepal child sex There are many things that push people into doing things that they do not necessarily want to do. One of those things is poverty. And worst still, is if it is children who find themselves in this setting.

Tragically, “poverty is well recognised as a factor that increases children’s vulnerability to trafficking,” says Lena Karlsson – UNICEF child trafficking specialist.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-14-2012 13:15)

When Talmudic Law is Put into Practice

Israeli soldier who killed mother and daughter is sentenced to 45 days...

(LONDON) - Palestinians killed by IDF "A gentile who slays any soul, even a fetus in its mother's womb, should be executed in retribution for its death. Similarly, if he slew a person who would have otherwise died in the near future, placed a person before a lion, or starved a person to death, executed for through one manner or other, he killed.

Similarly, one should be executed if he killed a pursuer when he could have saved the latter's potential victim by maiming one of the pursuer's limbs. These laws do not apply with regard to Jews." ~~ Mishneh Torah, Chapter 9, Halacha 4

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Salem-News.com (Jul-23-2012 09:50)

What if My Child Gets Caught in a Social Network?

The public now has all the power through social networks.

(MADRID, Spain) - Youths and social networks The International Communication for Children Festival 'The Pacifier' was born to channel communication that targets children and improve the quality of the information that is transmitted.

It awards the best works of communication for children.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-21-2012 16:25)

The Tirgan Festival and the Waters We Sprinkle on Each Other

The festival of Tirgan or Āb-Pāshān enjoys close links with the developments of nature, religious beliefs, historical events and the myths of Persia.

(TEHRAN) - Chidren enjoying the Tirgan festival in Iran Imagine that in one of the hot days of summer, you're invited to a "water-sprinkling" festival along with happy people and children gathered to celebrate a joyous day.

It can be easily visualized that playing with water in a hot summer day in a beautiful city park together with a host of delighted citizens can be quite blissful and fantastic.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-21-2012 11:55)

Desensitizing the System... How To Inoculate The Courts Against Anti-Government Lawsuits

Courts everywhere reject amateur actions on a daily basis as having no merit.

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Judge's gavel The difference between the American and Canadian governments in their treatment of indigenous people is – as Helen Keller might have said – the difference between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum.

There are subtle differences, which perhaps only a Philadelphia lawyer could detect, but they share the central characteristics of hypocrisy and denial.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-16-2012 20:49)

CIRCUMCISION: Captivity of a Sacrificial Caste

Ultimately, we’ve got to ask ourselves as a society if there’s still nothing sacred. And if the answer is yes, then I hope the lives of innocent children are always on the top of the list. John Douglas, FBI.[1]

(MONTEREY, CA) - CIRCUMCISION: Captivity of a Sacrificial Caste Circumcision’s main sacrificial caste is the child. Socially males are more sacrificial than females, though females are not exempt. With Cultural Imperialism spreading into non-circumcising societies the sacrificial caste becomes non-circumcised individuals within the host society.

Matriarchal and patriarchal functions cannot exist without the other.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-16-2012 11:19)

`Cost 2 Be the Boss` - Musical Tribute to Fighting Journalists

Human rights reporting can be a thankless job...

(BOSTON / SALEM) - Human Rights reporters It is amazing each time a new tribute is created to acknowledge the acts of those willing to risk it all to bring about change for downtrodden people.

The new song, TJP Collective Consciousness: Cost 2 Be The Boss/Aldin Entertainment Release-JB, both captures and celebrates the meaning of the struggle.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-05-2012 00:13)

Class Action Lawsuit against Church, State and Big Pharma is given Green Light

Breaking News Report from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP)

(TORONTO, Canada) -  Jason Bowman (holding papers), Federal Court of Canada, July 4 History was made yesterday when the Association of Citizen prosecutors (ACP) headed by Jason Bowman, took the first step towards in exposing Vatican, Crown of England and other parties, and in holding these cartels to account in the Federal Court of Canada.

A Federal Court in Toronto examined Bowman's materials and essentially outlined the framework by which this unprecedented undertaking shall now proceed in Federal Court.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-02-2012 20:33)

Vitamin C Mops Up the Nuclear Age

Vitamin C mops up free radicals from radiation and repairs DNA.

(WASHINGTON DC Food Freedom) - This is perhaps the most important information since US dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those bombs opened the terror of the nuclear age and its looming threat of mankind one day being exterminated by radioactive fallout.

That threat is over.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley