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Military Suicides Continued: Critique of the Time Article: One Suicide a Day

The military wrongly claims that marital relationship issues cause suicides. What causes the issues? PTSD = Marital Discord.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Soldier in war I wrote, Military Suicides: Are they Killing the Best Fighters? about 2 weeks before the TIME issue came out. I have some real issues with TIME.

TIMES author, Mark Thompson and Nancy Gibbs got it mostly correct with some serious errors or near errors. I will try to correct the worst.

Read Full Article (Jul-26-2012 18:57)

Dow Chemical: a Stain on the Olympics?

In the run up to the Olympics, criticism is mounting of Dow Chemicals' status as a corporate sponsor. Activists claim that victims of chemicals produced by the company span multiple countries and encompass millions.

(MOSCOW) - Dow Chemical Olympic Boycott As the Olympics draw nearer, calls have been voiced for Dow Chemical to withdraw from being a corporate sponsor of the event.

Members of the Vietnam Women’s Union and the Bhopal Medical Appeal have both submitted requests to the Olympics’ Committee.

Read Full Article (Jul-26-2012 11:41)

Steinbeck`s Dispatches from Vietnam

"They make me sick with envy. They ride their vehicles the way a man controls a fine, well-trained quarter horse - Steinbeck referring to Huey helicopter pilots with the 10th Cavalry.

(WASHINGTON DC Air & Space Mag) - The great American author John Steibeck, in Vietnam. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson asked John Steinbeck to visit South Vietnam and report to him personally on U.S. operations. (The Steinbeck’s were frequent visitors to the White House.)

Steinbeck was reluctant to go to Vietnam on behalf of the president, but when the Long Island daily
Newsday suggested that he travel throughout Southeast Asia as a roving reporter, he accepted.

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 13:25)

Blair, Olympic Deals and Why Another World is Possible

The criminality of Tony Blair, rehabilitated by Ed Miliband, remains unmentionable.

(SYDNEY) - Tony Blair This is a story of two letters and two Britains. The first letter was written by Sebastian Coe, the former athlete who chairs the London Olympics organising committee.

There is an urgent appeal to Coe by the Vietnam Women’s Union that he and the International Olympic Committee reconsider their decision to accept sponsorship from Dow Chemical, one of the companies that manufactured dioxin, a poison used against the population of Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2012 17:38)

Mending Fences in Laos

More than 20,000 people have been killed by the bomblets and more than 98 percent of known cluster bomb victims are civilians with 40 percent of these children.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Hillary Clinton and America's gift to Laos. Earlier this month U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the first high level U.S. official to visit Laos since the Vietnam War.

Although not touted as such, the visit was an effort to mend fences with Laos, the most heavily bombed nation per capita in history.

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2012 13:41)

Israeli Women: Don`t be Suckers

The protest's female voice is not being heard.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Ultra-Orthodox Jews just staged a mass anti-draft rally August 1 is approaching, and once again the argument over "sharing the burden" is taking center stage. Granting exemptions from military service and the implications for integrating those exempted into the workforce is a very weighty issue.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2012 20:00)

Reunion at Site of My Lai Massacre: Survivor Duc Tran Van and Photographer Ron Haeberle

Survivor of mass murder in Vietnamese village unites with soldier who photographed the carnage.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ron Haeberle and Tran Van Duc in My Lai EDITOR: (3/16/2018) We are re-releasing this important story, first published in 2012. 50 years has not reduced the horror of what happened that shameful day in Vietnam. The eye-witness account below is mandatory reading for anyone that wants to know the whole truth of the My Lai massacre.

It was an emotional experience to watch my friend Tran Van Duc of Germany, revisit his native village My Lai, Vietnam, with Ronald Haeberle, shocked photographer of the epic My Lai massacre.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2012 21:13)

Ray `Bubba` Sorenson & `The Freedom Rock`

Veterans and their families have a friend in Iowa.

(CINCINNATI) - 'The Freedom Rock' Desecration of the American flag is always a 'hot' news story, particularly when flames are used to ignite a symbol of national pride... for which so many have died. But what happens when the exact opposite takes place? Without question, media attention is scarce.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2012 21:22)

Remnant of War: Vietnam, 37 Years Later

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King Jr.
US civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)

(DA NANG, Viet Nam AOAG) - Vietnam and Monsanto It’s been 37 years since the end of the Vietnam War. The war was senseless. War is wrong. No question. As a veteran, I can attest to its nonsensical virtues.

One ongoing legacy of that war, Agent Orange, continues to destroy the lives of millions of Vietnamese.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2012 15:37)

US Project to Clean up Dioxin Contamination in Danang

US project to clean up dioxin contamination in Danang.

(DA NANG, Viet Nam VietNamNet Bridge) - Dioxins in Da Nang, Vietnam Two US companies have won two contracts as part of the Environmental Remediation of Dioxin Contamination at Danang Airport project.

It is a joint venture between the US and Vietnamese Government.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
