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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-22-2013 14:57)

New Congressional Bill For Navy Vietnam War Veterans

We veterans need help from the American people. We need public support for action. We ask you to urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Bill. Without public support, nothing happens.

(MEDIA, PA) - U.S. sailor in the Vietnam War The 112th Congress failed to pass law for Vietnam War veterans. The law would have afforded all U.S. Navy Vietnam vets VA benefits.

New House Bill HR-543, The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act. This Bill was introduced to the 113th Congress by Congressman Gibson (NY). The Bill if passed will afford VA benefits to all U.S. Naval personnel engaged in the Vietnam war who served at sea never having boots on ground for Agent Orange exposure.

Read Full Article (Feb-12-2013 22:47)

Agent Orange Campaign --- Experiences from Vietnam and Australia

Meet delegation from Vietnam Association for the Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) - Hear from campaigns in Tasmania, Victoria & New South Wales.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - Agent Orange Dear friends of AOJ, you are warmly invited to a meeting on Monday March 4 to meet with a high level delegation from the Hanoi-based non-government organisation Vietnam Association for the Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) that will be headed by its president Nguyen Van Rinh, and director of external relations Nguyen Minh Y.

The delegation is visiting Australia March 3-10 to help raise awareness on the plight of the millions of victims/survivors of Agent Orange in Vietnam...

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2013 18:46)

Kadena Kept Agent Orange: `71 Army Paper

The U.S. government already admits that it stored military herbicides in Thailand during the Vietnam War but it denies their presence in Okinawa.

(WASHINGTON DC Japan Times) - 1971 document recently released by the Pentagon has a single sentence saying the U.S. military stored toxic herbicides, including Agent Orange, in Okinawa A single sentence buried among 7,000 pages of documents recently released by the Pentagon might well be the needle in the haystack that conclusively proves the U.S. military stored toxic herbicides, including Agent Orange, in Okinawa during the Vietnam War.

American veterans have long claimed that large volumes of these chemicals were present on Okinawa Island and hundreds of them are suffering serious illnesses they believe were triggered by their exposure. But the U.S. government has repeatedly denied the allegations by insisting it has no records related to the issue.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2013 10:53)

Sergeant Charles Hagel for Secretary of Defense

A fighting soldier for fighting soldiers.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Chuck Hagel served with honor in the Vietnam War. I had heard that Charles Hagel was a Purple Heart Veteran of Vietnam, but it wasn't until I heard of his current nomination to the Secretary of Defense, at the Pentagon, that I really paid attention.

I honestly believe that this is a good idea about fighting a war. This article will explain why I feel this way.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2013 12:30)

US Used Agent Orange Against Environment, Humanity in Vietnam

The remnants of Agent Orange from the US war against Vietnam continue the legacy of death by defoliant.

(DENVER) - Vietnamese victims of toxic herbicide Agent Orange used by the US during the Vietnam War During its war against Vietnam, the US sprayed the countryside with herbicides containing carcinogenic chemicals to destroy tropical forest foliage and agricultural crops.

The objectives of this diabolical program, which perhaps should be called “death by defoliant,” were threefold...

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2012 22:12)

Who Really Spat on Veterans During the Vietnam War?

"Nixon used hippies as political footballs. Every time there was a rally, orders were given to bust heads"
- Redford Givens, San Francisco War Protester

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - war protester shot down during a demonstration at Kent State University Americans overwhelmingly believe that U.S. combat veterans returning from Vietnam were spit on by anti-war protesters in airports.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2012 17:39)

SPECIAL REPORT: Agent Orange Tragedy Haunts Vietnam War Veterans

Victims say the US should accept responsibility for the war and fully support Agent Orange victims

(DaNang, Viet Nam ANN) - Agent Orange The forest was as silent as the dead. Everywhere he turned, Doan Hong Chuong saw rot and decay. Trees were lifeless, jungle birds decayed on the ground, and fish floated in dead ponds.

He and other soldiers from his platoon would walk through defoliated zones in central Vietnam, drink water from ponds and bomb craters and ate bananas that littered the ground.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2012 17:13)

SPECIAL REPORT: Agent Orange: A Toxic Disaster

Authorities estimate that 4.8 million were exposed to Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam, with more than 3 million victims, including children of the second and third generations.

(DaNang, Viet Nam ANN) - Agent Orange contamination The boy is five, but he looks like he's only two years old. "Ta, ta, ta!", cries the boy as he rolls over onto his mother's lap, and points to a cup of water.

Read Full Article (Nov-11-2012 02:54)

Follow the Ho Chi Minh Trail...

Incredible photo essay on a famous route in Vietnam.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Ho Chi Minh trail “You’ve got to ride a dirt bike like you’ve stolen it,” as we accelerated through a particularly gnarly section, the wheels weaving between rocks, mud spraying up from the bike in all directions.

All around us was deep Southeast Asian jungle, with no form of civilization for miles. If anything happened to us out here [...]

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2012 21:48)

AO Victims Grateful to British PM

Gifts comprised a selection of beautiful hand-embroidered linen and colourful hand-painted pictures made by the AO child victims.

(LONDON VNS) - British Prime Minister David Cameron (right), Secretary of the Britain-Viet Nam Friendship Society, Len Aldis (left) The British Prime Minster David Cameron yesterday received touching hand-made gifts from Vietnamese Agent Orange victims as thanks for supporting their fundraiser.

The appreciative tokens, described by Cameron as "beautiful", were presented to the PM in his office by the Secretary of the Britain-Viet Nam Friendship Society, Len Aldis.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
