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Scientific Studies Reveal Brutal Truth of Bear Farming Industry SHOCKING VIDEO

“Though tortured by human beings for many years, they always express a kind and forgiving nature...” - Rocky Shi, Animals Asia’s China bear sanctuary

(SAN FRANCISCO / BEIJING) - Solitary bear rescued in Vietnam Scientific research into bears previously farmed using the “free drip” method of bile extraction was revealed today at an Animals Asia press conference in Beijing.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2012 15:30)

VA Publishes Retro. Benefit Rules for AO Claims Required by Nehmer

Good news for Vietnam Vets and their families.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Vietnam Veteran in Albany, Oregon Since 1991, the VA has been required to follow special retroactive benefit rules whenever it grants a disability compensation claim or a claim for death benefits under the VA’s Agent Orange rules.

These rules are very favorable to Vietnam veterans and survivors of Vietnam veterans...

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2012 20:40)

Vietnam Revisited

The Vietnamese suspect the toxin is responsible for cancers, deformities and disabilities.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Vietnam Reporting Project fellow Thuy Vu, an Emmy award-winning anchor and reporter for CBS5, recently returned to her homeland of Vietnam to take an in-depth look at the impact of Agent Orange.

This CBS5 Special Report explores the on-going health impact of Agent Orange, the toxin used by the US military to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2012 19:49)

White House, US Courts & EPA Shaft Veterans to Protect Monsanto

Monsanto was not only aware in 1950 that dioxin was a health danger, but they also created a fraudulent health study.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Agent Orange American veterans and the entire country of Viet Nam affected by Agent Orange have been shafted beyond imagination due to corruption within the US government and US courts.

US courts have protected Monsanto and Dow Chemical from liability and criminal prosecution.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2012 23:05)

The Downing of an American Ace

Randy Cunningham's story may be closer to home than we all realize.

(SALEM) - Congressman Randy Randy 'Duke' Cunningham's story runs a parallel course with this nation.

The first pilot to earn the distinction of 'Ace' in the Vietnam War, Cunnkngham became a politician and this U.S. Naval war hero went down in flames on bribery charges.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2012 14:30)

Information on Obtaining Benefits for PTSD

The nitty gritty details that a veteran needs to know...

(CHAMPAIGN, Ill) - PTSD According to one of my experts... there is much more to consider than what is listed here, especially when trying to get the earliest effective date possible for the PTSD grant, but what is here doesn't appear to be wrong.

There are two basic steps to receive a disability from the Veterans Administration for PTSD. The first step is filing a claim with the VA for PTSD.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2012 13:32)

Agent Orange Maker Monsanto Back in Vietnam

Keeping Monsanto out of Vietnam already appears to be an uphill fight.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Agent Orange in Vietnam Monsanto, the U.S. corporation controlling an estimated 90 percent of the world’s seed genetics, is gearing up for a return to Vietnam.

Monsanto isn’t a household name in Vietnam. But one of it’s former products, the killer Vietnam War-era military defoliant Agent Orange, remains infamous.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2012 02:22)

Bizarre, Unexplained Marine Colonel `Suicides`
What the Hell`s Going on?

A highly decorated Vietnam War pilot and one of the highest ranking officers to be killed in the Iraq War...

(SALEM) - Marine Colonel Suicides? What explains the tendency of 'full-bird' colonels in the Marine Corps to commit suicide when they are at the pinnacle of a spotless career?

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2012 21:53)

Vietnam War Veterans: Burden of Proof

The reality is, we were there and we were poisoned.

(MEDIA, Pa.) - Agent Orange Vietnam veterans who never had boots-on-ground Vietnam, who are sick from presumptive exposure to agent orange dioxin poisoning are tied up in paperwork.

The burden of proof is placed solely upon the veteran. Burden of proof is mainly directed to those service members who never had boots-on-ground.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2012 17:13)

Hypocrisy and Intransigence- Mainstays of the Agent Orange Controversy

Suspicions continue to exist between the US and Viet Nam, although the deep freeze appears to be thawing...

(BRITISH COLUMBIA) - Agent Orange Over 77 million litres of herbicide were dispensed over southern Viet Nam by the US military through the code-named ‘Operation Ranch Hand’.

The Vietnamese reported early in operation that human health was being adversely affected by widespread dispersal of defoliants. Agent Orange.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
