March 15, 2025
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Closing Gitmo in the American Heart

If you want to be a great national leader, this is step one: Create an enemy.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - prison generic Gitmo, of course!! It’s the freest place “we” have – by which I mean the American government, a.k.a. Donald Trump. No rules apply there, be they international humanitarian law or the U.S. Constitution.

It’s a dumping ground, a black hole.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2024 09:57)

The Ugly Origins of Trump`s America First Policy

The racist roots and anti-Semitic foundations of Trump's rhetoric.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Trump When Trump revived the “America First” slogan, the Anti-Defamation League urged him to reconsider, pointing to the slogan’s bigoted and pro-Nazi history.

But Trump has continued to invoke “America First” in his statements.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2024 16:20)

Learning to Live With COVID-19

Due to our inadequate early response to the pandemic, COVID-19 is here to stay.

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA.) - covid-19 The COVID-19 virus continues to claim at least 1,200 lives each week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show the latest surge continued nationally through the final week of 2023.

Read Full Article (Oct-07-2023 17:45)

A Story Told: Benefits or a Curse at Thacker Pass

"We can protect the Trout and the Sage Grouse, there's more protection for those than there is for Native people." –Shelley Harjo

(LOS ANGELES, Calif.) - painting horse Shelley Harjo takes us behind the scenes to reveal the pressure her community is feeling to accept the terms of agreement handed to them by the company, requiring non-disclosure (Gag Order) in exchange for community “benefits” that may be a blessing or a curse.

It is here, a story told.

Read Full Article (Sep-20-2023 13:39)

Vile. The Unthinkable is Happening Before Our Eyes.

Will we halt this drift toward political violence?

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Jan 6 insurrection Great going, sorest of losers Trump. Some 2,000 of your MAGA devotees invaded the US Capitol in your attempt to prevent the normal transfer of power to the winner of the election.

Five officers died, some 140 Capitol police and other officers were injured.

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2023 03:10)

Dorece Sam: SLAPP Suits and Dirty Deals

Continued Series on mining of Lithium and other metals needed to create and upgrade "new technology" energy systems.... but at what cost?

(LOS ANGELES, Calif.) - Dorece Sam When you look at a gleaming new electric vehicle what do you see? We love our cars, that is not in question, and our new technologies- and lithium mining for batteries for these vehicles is where it all begins.

There are problems of policy, of the enforcement of laws, and of environmental inequality and landscape destruction.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2023 18:08)

Vax-Unvaxed - Let the Science Speak
Written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Brian Hooker, PhD

Book Review by Marianne Perez for "unscientific readers"

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - RFK Jr. In preparing the review on "Vax-Unvax - Let the Science Speak", it was important to me for people to understand -- in layman's terms -- if they were being coerced by government with "fear over facts" regarding a virus that denied our health decisions and our liberties.

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2023 18:29)

A Labor Day Message for 2023

"Workplace improvements contribute substantially to middle-class financial stability and worker well-being." -2023 Treasury Department report

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA.) - labor day Why do we need unions, anyway?

Because they are essential for America. Unions are the only large-scale movement left in America that serve as a countervailing balance against corporate power, acting in the economic interest of the middle class.

Read Full Article (Jul-26-2023 18:18)

Regrettably, U.S. Provided Cluster Munitions To Ukraine

One third of all recorded cluster munitions casualties are children.

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA.) - cluster bombs I served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. After the war, I returned to Vietnam with my wife as a tourist. We visited North and South Vietnam and then went on to Cambodia and Laos.

It was a fascinating but sobering visit.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2023 16:30)

Who Needs Chinese Scientists? America Does.

Unfair and Dysfunctional

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Chinese scientist Xie Xiaoliang is one of Harvard’s premier scientists, a biophysical chemist known for his work on DNA.

He’s leaving Harvard to take an academic position in his home country, China, one of about 1400 top Chinese scientists who in recent years have given up their US positions and returned to China.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
