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A Panel Discussion on Creating Social Justice Through Boycotts, Divestment, and Public Banking


(PORTLAND, OR) - SUPER allies are invited to a significant Panel Discussion on Creating Social Justice Through Boycotts, Divestment, and Public Banking, which will be taking place on Tuesday, March 13th, at PSU in Room 333 of the Smith Memorial Student Union.

We need as many allies as we can get in the struggle for justice in Palestine, the Middle East, and around the world.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2012 12:28)

Congress without Conscience and The Broken Safety Net: Part Two in a Series

Part One: Days of Awareness and About The Money: Part 1

(CLERMONT, FL) - AIPAC is the Israeli lobby in America. This week in D.C. thousands of Jewish and Christian AIPAC lobbyists have inundated the Capitol to push Congress to vote YES on Senate Resolution 380, introduced by Zionist Senators Lieberman, Casey and Graham, who call for a military attack on Iran.

War is the ultimate failure of intelligence and so far 44 members of Congress have co-sponsored this AIPAC bill.

Read Full Article (Feb-29-2012 04:20)

SRI LANKA: Former Soldier Arrested and Arbitrarily Detained Eye on the World Report.

(SAYDABAD, Bangladesh) - Sri Lanka flag A former Sri Lankan Army soldier who left the military at the urging of his family, is taken by police in a white van, questioned and severely tortured on a regular basis by police for over a year.

Enduring being hung from the ceiling, the man was covered with an empty petrol bag and severely beaten.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2012 17:23)

Why the Endless GOP Primary Stories on TV News?

Meaningless... and it won't matter at the end of the day

(SALEM) - Republican podium Why are the mainstream media airwaves clogged all day long with information about Republican Presidential contenders who have absolutely not a ghost's chance in hell of being elected?

Why do the TV networks believe this GOP primary should dominate the news?

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2012 13:10)

What Nasty Surprises Await Our Warmongers in the Gulf?

"... Unlike Iraq, which the warmonger neoconservatives told us would be a ‘cakewalk’ — easily conquered in six weeks — Iran is unlikely to offer its American and Israeli antagonists easy opportunities..." Dr Lasha Darkmoon

(LONDON) - Iraq/Iran war The most important thing I've read these last few days is the excellent article 'Armageddon Approaches' by Dr Lasha Darkmoon, a cautionary piece highlighting very scary background information.

For example, Iran’s Sunburn missiles, have the capability of creating "a world of hurt" for the US Navy’s 5th Fleet.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2012 12:33)

Two People, One Hummus

A talk given in Toronto at The Islamic Society of York, Canada 24.2.12

(LOS ANGELES) - Atzmon poster for California appearance I was asked to talk to you today about the on-going dispute within our ranks between those who support the One State Solution for the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and those who advocate Two States.

Interestingly enough, this is a topic I hardly comment on, and not because I am short of vision, opinion or ideas...

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2012 18:00)

No-Fly List Used as Extrajudicial Punishment for Muslims

Earlier this month the Associated Press reported that the number on the no-fly list has jumped from 10,000 to more than 21,000 people who now cannot fly over United States airspace.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Airline flight listings What if you left the United States for a short trip abroad, but when you tried to come home to your job, family and life in America, your government would not let you on the plane? What if, when you asked when you could fly home, you were told "never"?

For some American Muslims, this is not a hypothetical scenario but a brutal reality that destroys families, finances and careers.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 23:24)

Pakistan Frees US Embassy Employee After Bullets Found in Luggage

Is US Foreign Policy that hard to sell that their “diplomats” need weapons to persuade or enforce it?

(MELBOURNE) - Consulate car leaves a Peshawar police station carrying the US embassy employee. Photograph: Mohammmad Sajjad/AP The CIA has a multitude of Ray Davises on the books and in the closets, and as long as they are not caught with smoking guns in hand and dead Pakistanis at their feet, they are impervious to and immune from Law of any sort except their own.

Just what kind of “diplomacy” it is that the USA is engaging in which requires that US Diplomatic Officers, those who qualify for “Diplomatic Immunity,” to carry arms

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2012 18:42)

Gilad Atzmon in Oakland Tonight!!!

Gilad is in Oakland tonight!

(OAKLAND) - Gilad Atzmon In spite of the relentless attempts of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Alan Derschowitz to cancel this crucial meeting, the event is going ahead!!! If you happen to be in the Bay area, please come and stand with us.

Gilad Atzmon, one of the world's top jazz saxophonists, is also a prolific activist writer and he concentrates on the crimes of his home country, Israel.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2012 18:37)

INDIA: Police Connive with Child Traffickers Eye on the World Report.

(SAYDABAD, Bangladesh) - Child trafficking in India A girl in India is kidnapped a second time by the child trafficking criminal syndicate in Munshipura.

The girl, who was once rescued by human rights activists from the clutches of child traffickers has been threatened, kidnapped, raped and forced to file false statements in the local court.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
