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``US seeks to destabilize Muslim nations`` (VIDEO)

Press TV has interviewed Tim King, editor of to discuss the situation of Iraq since the US-led invasion of the country in 2003.

(TEHRAN / SALEM) - Tim King of Press TV: Now, we are seeing a lot of bloodshed. This month alone, over 500 casualties, deaths that is, as a result of terrorist attacks on Iraqi soil. How do you see terrorism basically, impeding Iraq’s progress towards democracy?

King: Well, I don’t think we even really know what the source of this terrorism is. You know, the new movie by Jeremy Scahill called Dirty Wars that details the US Joint Special Operation Command’s (JSOC) ventures all over the world over the last few years makes me wonder if this is even a Sunni versus Shia matter.

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2014 14:39)

The Death of Yarmouk Palestinian Camp

Yarmouk is a symbol of Palestinian insistence—insistence that the right of return be addressed, insistence that their narrative be recognized, that their need for safety be respected, that their rights be upheld, that they live in dignity.

(YARMOUK PALESTINIAN CAMP, Damascus) - Franklin Lamb with Ziad el Shayer (Abu-Hazem) Sec-Gen of Fateh Intifada This observer does not write these words casually.

And he is no huge fan of some of the intellectually lazy quick spun internet conspiracy theories, too many of which appear given to flights from reality when facts get complicated and dispositive information is obscure.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2014 19:00)

Sanctification of the 9/11 Narrative

In our generation, it is the pious sanctification of the 9/11 who dunnit narrative now in brazen progress.

(LOS ANGELES) - Barack Obama "Holocaust denial is illegal in only 17 countries, most of which are in Europe ... So though the actual number of countries that have criminalized revisionist history isn’t overwhelming by any means, the importance of the outlawing is. Because of it, history is still held hostage to power."

The last sentence in the statement above by American rebel extraordinaire of Indian origin, Lila Rajiva.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2014 12:04)

Sri Lanka: Terrorism Label on Peaceful Advocacy for Independent State is a Denial of Freedom of Speech TGTE

Giving meaning to the measures the TGTE is taking forward at this critical hour will be a sacred and appropriate tribute to the Tamils who perished in Mullivaikaal.

(NEW YORK) - Mullivaikal Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)’s Parliament & Cabinet have taken decisions to respond to Sri Lanka's listing of Tamil groups as terrorists.

TGTE will argue its clear position that labeling the peaceful advocacy for an independent and sovereign state of Tamil Eelam, which is based on the remedial right to self-determination, as terrorism is a denial of the freedom of speech.

Read Full Article (Apr-05-2014 17:05)

911 Family Victim Wants Answers, Runs Brighton Marathon

Matt Campbell is running the Brighton marathon tomorrow with a high profile T Shirt with the logo "911: Inside Job?" to draw attention to his questions.

(LONDON) - Brighton Marathon Matt Campbell lost his brother in the 911 attacks and as a family member was briefly feted in New York in the aftermath.

Bur since then doubts have circulated ever more widely about the official 911 story and Matt has some questions he would like the authorities to answer.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2014 17:24)

Counter-Terrorism Team Leader Rocks Radio Audiences

Learn how your city fathers force feed the FBI false crime figures.

(SAN DIEGO) - Poor Man Prepper When seconds count, the first responders won’t be coming. Coppers, firefighters and EMTs are being laid off from sea to shining sea. Already short-staffed public safety officers are being let go in a communistic manner right out of a Marxist management manual.

The city fathers fire one copper, one librarian. One firefighter, one streets worker. One medic, one parks clerk. You get the idea.

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2014 01:14)

Torture and Death Threats Against School Principal and Two Women Rights Defenders in Pakistan

"We condemn this attack and the threats made against staff members of LEAD which are directly related to the organisation’s work in the defence of human rights, particularly Christian and women's rights." - LEAD

(PUNJAB) - School children in Pakistan A local Muslim cleric began campaigning last week against the Christian 'Saint Paul High School', which has been serving both Christian and Muslim children for the last 20 years.

LEAD (Legal Evangelical Association Development) has taken the Catholic School on rental contract from the Catholic Board of Education. Mr. Zulifqar Masih, a Human Rights Defender and Field Coordinator Of LEAD, is serving as the Principal of this school.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2014 12:37)

Friday March 28, 2014 Will be POW Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl`s Twenty Eighth Birthday

Never forget America's POW held by Taliban militants.

(WASHINGTON DC) - POW Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl Friday March 28, 2014 will be POW Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl's twenty eighth birthday. This will be his Fifth UN-Happy Birthday away from his family and friends.

We are planning an Un-Happy Birthday awareness demonstration for POW Sgt. Bowe R. Bergdahl in New York City outside of the Good Morning America studios located in Times Square on the southeast corner of 44th Street and Broadway.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2014 12:28)

US Commander Urges Patience With Afghanistan

Committee chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.), said Americans are largely unaware of the coalition accomplishments in Afghanistan that would be squandered by a hasty withdrawal.

(CAPITOL HILL VOA News) - Afghanistan: US forces at air facility near Mazur-e-Sharif The commander of U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan says maintaining a residual military presence in the country is desirable and feasible even if Kabul continues to delay signing a bilateral security agreement with the United States.

Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, General Joseph Dunford revealed sharp differences among lawmakers on the wisdom of continued U.S. military investment in the country.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2014 20:52)

Pakistani Taliban Kills Christian Girl

The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’ government is looking for a "negotiated solution" after years of conflict...

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistan Taliban A young Christian girl was killed by the Pakistani Taliban in the northern region of Pakistan. The girl had spent a few months on the run and in hiding with her cousin, a Muslim who converted to Christianity a few years ago.

Since the conversion, the man is considered an "apostate" and since then he has been the target of the Taliban. In past days, some militants discovered where the two were hiding: the girl in the escape was reached by a bullet and was killed, while the man managed to escape.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin