Stayton, Oregon news - Weather forecast for Stayton (Oct-04-2010 10:14)
Hud Approves $27.1 Million Financing for Major Construction at Acute Care Hospital in Stayton
HUD estimates the Santiam Memorial Hospital construction project will support 394 full-time jobs
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced a commitment to insure a mortgage loan to Santiam Memorial Hospital in Stayton, Oregon. The $27.1 million loan is made possible through the Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) Section 242 Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program.
Santiam Memorial Hospital operates a 40-bed facility and three on-campus clinics, as well as off-site clinics in the nearby towns of Mill City, Sublimity, and Aumsville. The FHA-insured mortgage loan will be used to construct a four-story patient tower with private beds adjacent to the existing hospital building. This new tower will replace the outdated facility that was constructed in 1963. It will house medical/surgical units, an intensive care unit, surgical services, and obstetrics. The existing building will be refurbished and used as a chapel and to increase outpatient activity space.
Read Full Article (Sep-29-2010 11:21)
Perscription Drug Turn In Results
In less than four hours, Marion County residents turned in approximately one half ton of pharmaceuticals
(KEIZER, Ore.) -
The Prescription Drug Turn-in event was held on Saturday at six sites throughout Marion County in Keizer, south Salem, northeast Salem, Silverton, Stayton and Turner.
Over 1,000 pounds of drugs from nearly 600 households were collected at the various sites. The Community Action Drug Prevention Network and the hosting law enforcement agencies wish to thank everyone who came out to properly dispose of their unused medications to keep them out of the environment and out of the wrong hands.
Read Full Article (Oct-21-2009 22:10)
Community Radio Station Manager Marries On The Air
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
On October 18, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. hundreds of listeners heard Ken Cartwright and Jan Castillo exchange vows and become husband and wife on local community radio station AM 1620 KENC.
As Ken and Jan considered how they were going to get their family and friends to their wedding conveniently and because they were scattered all over the United States, Ken jokingly suggested they send out invitations to have them tune into his radio station that they stream.
Read Full Article (Oct-20-2009 03:55)
Burning Car Rescue: Just in a Nick of Time
Tim King and Bonnie King
Timing and courage intersect with lifesaving results.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Sometimes life prevails even among the poorest odds; in the worst case scenario. It happened Saturday at 2:42 a.m. when Nick Edwards of Salem, rounded a corner on a rural highway and spotted a fire.
Read Full Article (Aug-20-2009 01:33)
METH-BUSTERS Strike Again in Stayton
Ken Cartwright
Group gains victories by taking their complaints about meth supplies right to the source.
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
Two convenience stores owned by Johal Sarbjit in Stayton, have been selling bongs, Hookahs, screens for pipes as well as pipes, scales and plastic bags which have been known to store, sell and distribute meth.
This is the second time METH-BUSTERS, a group of concerned citizens has confronted one of the stores.
Read Full Article (Jul-22-2009 01:30)
Stayton`s Urban Renewal Plan On Hold
Ken Cartwright- AM 1620 KENC for
Councilors present: James Loftus, Catherine Hemshorn, Mayor Gerry Aboud, Don Walters, Scott Vigil and Steve Frank.
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
The council chambers were quite full in anticipation of the public hearing on the city's proposed Urban Renewal Plan. The Mayor first asked city planner Dan Flieschman to give a complete presentation on the plan.
Flieschman then did a power point presentation showing the expanded boundaries and talked about the funding mechanisms and the projected time frame as well as projects to be accomplished with the creation and development of the Urban Renewal district.
Read Full Article (Feb-10-2009 22:49)
School Library Accomodates Stayton Town Hall Meeting
Ken Cartwright KENC Radio News Special to
A small Oregon town moves forward with business.
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
The Stayton High School library was more than a room full of books, computers and teenagers looking for a place to study and meet friends Tuesday night.
The meeting got underway at 6:30 PM and by then, the only persons in the library were Mayor Gerry Aboud and city councilors Catherine Hemshorne, Don Walters, James Loftus, Scott Vigil and Steve Frank, and they presided over the first of two town hall meetings, this being the first.
Read Full Article (Dec-05-2008 09:03)
Rural Towns East of Salem See Spike in Break Ins
Ken Cartwright KENC Radio News for
The owner of the cafe that was broken into, just gave the community a free Thanksgiving dinner just last week.
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
Employees discovered a break in this morning at 5:25 AM at the Covered Bridge Cafe at 505 N. 3rd Avenue in downtown Stayton, as they arrived for work to open the cafe.
Police discovered that the front door windows had been broken and a steel grate from a street drain weighing about 75 pounds was laying just inside the door on the floor.
Stayton Police on the scene taking fingerprints think this was the method used to gain entry into the cafe. Investigators say the cash register was open and most of the change left for the morning shift was taken. It is not known at this time if anything else was taken.
Read Full Article (Jun-03-2008 21:03)
New City Council Member for Stayton- Maybe!
By Ken Cartwright-KENC news for
Councilors present: Scott Vigil, Steve Frank, Mayor Virginia Honeywell, Don Walters and Tim Grimes.
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
The first order of business at this week's Stayton City Council meeting was the appointment of Jack Fiske to the vacant city council seat. This seat became available last month when Don Koenig resigned for health reasons.
Other items of discussion included a proposed community cable television station and questions over why a television camera was brought to the meeting.
Read Full Article (May-16-2008 12:44)
Flare Up at Stayton City Council Meeting
Ken Cartwright / KENC Radio for
Politics in a small Oregon community get heated, but end in resolve.
(STAYTON, Ore.) -
People arriving at a Stayton City Council work session last night found that the air conditioning was not working, so with 88 degree temperature outside and inside, the meeting was moved to the air conditioned city hall.
The heat of the day carried over as the mayor and councilors went over 21 applications for their city administrator position, but the discussion led to the meeting getting out of control and the question came up about who was running it.
Read Full Article